Tomorrow feb 12 is birthday of our most famous white supremacist

You're actually dumb enough to believe because slavery wasn't a strong enough issue in the border states to compel them to secede, then the same must be true for the southern states -- even though the primary reason the southern states gave for seceding was slavery.

If the war was about freeing slaves, why did lincoln let the slave-owning border states stay in the union?. Why didn't he tell them "abolish slavery or go with the confederacy?" THINK
I thought this was gonna be a thread about Democratic Senator Robert Byrd.
I can believe you're stupid enough to think Robert Byrd's birthday is February 12th. :cuckoo:
And I notice it took you all day to come up with that brilliant response. :lol:
Fucking retard .... it took less than 3 seconds. You may have posted that earlier but I just saw it. <smh>
Yeah, sure, you fucking moron. It took you half the night to think up one juvenile comeback and you know it, retard. :lol:
You're a special kind of stupid. :cuckoo: I didn't even see this thread until minutes before I responded to your idiocy. You're actually retarded to think everyone reads your ramblings the instant you post them. :cuckoo:
You're actually dumb enough to believe because slavery wasn't a strong enough issue in the border states to compel them to secede, then the same must be true for the southern states -- even though the primary reason the southern states gave for seceding was slavery.

If the war was about freeing slaves, why did lincoln let the slave-owning border states stay in the union?. Why didn't he tell them "abolish slavery or go with the confederacy?" THINK

Because Lincoln was trying to preserve the union

The reason the union broke up was because southern states wanted to create a nation that would forever protect the right to own other human beings
You're actually dumb enough to believe because slavery wasn't a strong enough issue in the border states to compel them to secede, then the same must be true for the southern states -- even though the primary reason the southern states gave for seceding was slavery.

If the war was about freeing slaves, why did lincoln let the slave-owning border states stay in the union?. Why didn't he tell them "abolish slavery or go with the confederacy?" THINK
Too bad you can't think. Had Lincoln done that, he would have risked them joining the confederacy . Even worse for your ignorance is that while the south seceded largely due to slavery, the north did not fight the war to end slavery. They fought to save the country. Ending slavery in the south was an effective tool to help them win.
I thought this was gonna be a thread about Democratic Senator Robert Byrd.
I can believe you're stupid enough to think Robert Byrd's birthday is February 12th. :cuckoo:
And I notice it took you all day to come up with that brilliant response. :lol:
Fucking retard .... it took less than 3 seconds. You may have posted that earlier but I just saw it. <smh>
Yeah, sure, you fucking moron. It took you half the night to think up one juvenile comeback and you know it, retard. :lol:
Hey look, you agree with stupid. :lmao:
You cannot easily impugn Lincoln for his points of view in that time of history, IMO. Nor can all these righteous opponents place 21st century morals or understandings upon centuries past an pass moral judgments so easily. Even NPR, no friend of mine, gives a far more understanding portrayal of Lincoln and his positions on slavery. The whole article is a more fair perspective than extracting 10 quotes, IMO. Below is just a portion of it.

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Lincoln's Evolving Thoughts On Slavery, And Freedom

…Abraham Lincoln, was enraged by Stephen Douglas’s bill. He scheduled three public speeches in the fall of 1854, in response. The longest of those speeches — known as the Peoria Speech — took three hours to deliver. In it, Lincoln aired his grievances over Douglas' bill and outlined his moral, economic, political and legal arguments against slavery.

But like many Americans, Lincoln was unsure what to do once slavery ended.

"Lincoln said during the Civil War that he had always seen slavery as unjust. He said he couldn't remember when he didn't think that way — and there's no reason to doubt the accuracy or sincerity of that statement," explains historian Eric Foner. "The problem arises with the next question: What do you do with slavery, given that it's unjust? Lincoln took a very long time to try to figure out exactly what steps ought to be taken."

Foner traces the evolution of Lincoln's thoughts on slavery in The Fiery Trial: Abraham Lincoln and American Slavery. He explains how Lincoln's changing thoughts about slavery — and the role of freed slaves — mirrored America's own transformation.

In the Peoria speech, Lincoln said that slavery was wrong, Foner says, and then admitted that he didn't know what should be done about it, even contemplating "free[ing] all the slaves, and send[ing] them to Liberia — to their own native land."

"Lincoln is thinking through his own position on slavery," says Foner. "[This speech] really epitomizes his views into the Civil War. Slavery ought to be abolished — but he doesn't really know how to do it. He's not an abolitionist who criticizes Southerners. At this point, Lincoln does not really see black people as an intrinsic part of American society. They are kind of an alien group who have been uprooted from their own society and unjustly brought across the ocean. 'Send them back to Africa,' he says. And this was not an unusual position at this time."

Foner traces how Lincoln first supported this kind of colonization — the idea that slaves should be freed and then encouraged or required to leave the United States — for well over a decade. Like Henry Clay, Lincoln also supported repealing slavery gradually — and possibly compensating slave owners for their losses after slaves were freed.

It was not until the Emancipation Proclamation, which declared the freedom of all slaves and then named 10 specific states where the law would take affect, that Lincoln publicly rejected his earlier views.
Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri And Delaware all kept their slaves until December 1865.

Yup - those 4 UNION states had around 400,000 slaves throughout the civil war. How could the war have been about freeing the slaves when both sides practiced slavery?? Libs can't answer that.

That's right and the Federal government didn't do a damn thing to free them until after the war.
Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri And Delaware all kept their slaves until December 1865.

Yup - those 4 UNION states had around 400,000 slaves throughout the civil war. How could the war have been about freeing the slaves when both sides practiced slavery?? Libs can't answer that.

That's right and the Federal government didn't do a damn thing to free them until after the war.
Correct Bill, the federal govt. didn`t free them until AFTER the war. When would the confederate govt. have freed them?
White Europeans took advantage of and enslaved ignorant primitive black African natives for the better part of four hundred years when they weren't busy enslaving the Irish or the Spanish or any other culture that seemed weak. The flag that flew off the stern of slave ships in the New World for two hundred years wasn't the Confederate stars and bars, it was the Union Jack and the French and Spanish flags and later the Stars and Stripes. The point is that you can't selectively judge 18th century or 19th century racism by 21st century standards.

But we can certainly condemn the institution of slavery as it existed in the United States- and applaud Abraham Lincoln for his role in ending the vile institution.
The problem is that the vile institution was doomed by the industrial revolution and enlightened views about enslaving humans. Lincoln killed half of the bravest and the best of American men because he wouldn't bow out of a presidential race and he was so stupid that he thought the war would be over in a month. Lincoln should have lied and compromised and even kissed the ass of every hot blooded Southern politician to keep the Union intact but he failed miserably. If he hadn't been assassinated historians could judge him better but we are stuck with the legend rather than the man.

Oh I love it when the Slave Fan boys pipe in.

  • Slavery not only was not doomed, it was a thriving industry- and the Rebel States rebelled in order to protect their largest source of Capital- enslaved human beings.
  • As Bowie pointed out, the Southern slave states were not only not having more 'enlightened views' about slavery- they were passing harsher laws to protect the institution
  • Lincoln was not responsible for the Southern Slave states decision to rebel- They made the decision to rebel- and the decision to start firing on American troops on their own- and they are responsible for the death that followed.
  • Why would Lincoln refuse to be elected by American voters? Essentially you are arguing that our entire Constitutional process should have been ignored just because the South threatened to secede if he was elected- why should any states be allowed to blackmail our election process?
  • Both sides thought the war would be over quickly- both sides were too eager to go to war.
  • Lincoln did more than any Southern politician to keep the Union intact.
  • Lincoln was assassinated- and there are people like yourself who keep assassinating him over and over.
The bottom line is that Slavery was a vile institution- that the rebel states rebelled to protect that institution and because of Abraham Lincoln that vile institution ended.

And there are still racists who are pissed off that he did end slavery.
White Europeans took advantage of and enslaved ignorant primitive black African natives for the better part of four hundred years when they weren't busy enslaving the Irish or the Spanish or any other culture that seemed weak. The flag that flew off the stern of slave ships in the New World for two hundred years wasn't the Confederate stars and bars, it was the Union Jack and the French and Spanish flags and later the Stars and Stripes. The point is that you can't selectively judge 18th century or 19th century racism by 21st century standards.

But we can certainly condemn the institution of slavery as it existed in the United States- and applaud Abraham Lincoln for his role in ending the vile institution.
The problem is that the vile institution was doomed by the industrial revolution and enlightened views about enslaving humans. Lincoln killed half of the bravest and the best of American men because he wouldn't bow out of a presidential race and he was so stupid that he thought the war would be over in a month. Lincoln should have lied and compromised and even kissed the ass of every hot blooded Southern politician to keep the Union intact but he failed miserably. If he hadn't been assassinated historians could judge him better but we are stuck with the legend rather than the man.
What concessions was the South to give to the US showing that slavery would be abolished? The issue of slavery was a hot button issue decades before Lincoln was elected.he was merely the representation of the desire of the people of the US to hire an abolitionist to abolish slavery..The Civil War was a moral crisis of the USA.One the founders put off till hundreds of thousands had to die to finalize the true meaning and spirit of the Declaration of Independence...Which free and slave black men fought in on the side of the US..

Hell Lincoln wasn't even an abolitionist- he was a compromise between the various more extreme factions of the Republican Party- the rebels feared that his stance on ending the expansion of slave states would result in slave states not being represented equally in Congress.
Even your own source shows you're full of shit...

In a single stroke, it changed the federal legal status of more than 3 millionenslaved persons in the designated areas of the South from "slave" to "free".

Notice it doesn't say a damn thing about The United States.

When do you think Georgia became part of the United States? What year specifically? Or do you believe Georgia is not part of the United States?

The Emancipation Proclamation was a presidential proclamation and executive order issued by President Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863. In a single stroke, it changed the federal legal status of more than 3 million enslaved persons in the designated areas of the South from "slave" to "free". It had the practical effect that as soon as a slave escaped the control of the Confederate government, by running away or through advances of federal troops, the slave became legally free. Eventually it reached and liberated all of the designated slaves. It was issued as a war measure during the American Civil War, directed to all of the areas in rebellion and all segments of the executive branch (including the Army and Navy) of the United States.[1]
It proclaimed the freedom of slaves in ten states (excluding Tennessee).[2] Because it was issued under the President's war powers, it necessarily excluded areas not in rebellion - it applied to more than 3 million of the 4 million slaves at the time. The Proclamation was based on the president's constitutional authority as commander in chief of the armed forces;[3] it was not a law passed by Congress. The Proclamation also ordered that suitable persons among those freed could be enrolled into the paid service of United States' forces, and ordered the Union Army (and all segments of the Executive branch) to "recognize and maintain the freedom of" the ex-slaves. The Proclamation did not compensate the owners, did not outlaw slavery, and did not grant citizenship to the ex-slaves (called freedmen). It made the eradication of slavery an explicit war goal, in addition to the goal of reuniting the Union.[4]
Around 20,000 to 50,000 slaves in regions where rebellion had already been subdued were immediately emancipated. It could not be enforced in areas still under rebellion, but as the Union army took control of Confederate regions, the Proclamation provided the legal framework for freeing more than 3 million slaves in those regions.

Right! Ten of the Confederate States...LMAO

Ever wonder why Tennessee was exempted?

Read the Emancipation Proclamation- it was very specific on who it covered.
you're funny.

if only you knew anything about your government.

so when ronnie reagan issued hundreds of executive orders it was advisory. there are things that can be done by executive order and things that can't.

Executive Orders

and you still have zero understanding of what our laws and our court can do.

And you call me

    • Executive Orders (EOs) are legally binding orders given by the President, acting as the head of the ExecutiveBranch, to Federal Administrative Agencies. Executive Orders are generally used to direct federal agencies and officials in their execution of congressionally established laws or policies.
The Emancipation Proclamation was a presidential proclamation and executive order issued by President Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863. In a single stroke, it changed the federal legal status of more than 3 million enslaved persons in the designated areas of the South from "slave" to "free". It had the practical effect that as soon as a slave escaped the control of the Confederate government, by running away or through advances of federal troops, the slave became legally free. Eventually it reached and liberated all of the designated slaves. It was issued as a war measure during the American Civil War, directed to all of the areas in rebellion and all segments of the executive branch (including the Army and Navy) of the United States.[1]
It proclaimed the freedom of slaves in ten states (excluding Tennessee).[2] Because it was issued under the President's war powers, it necessarily excluded areas not in rebellion - it applied to more than 3 million of the 4 million slaves at the time. The Proclamation was based on the president's constitutional authority as commander in chief of the armed forces;[3] it was not a law passed by Congress. The Proclamation also ordered that suitable persons among those freed could be enrolled into the paid service of United States' forces, and ordered the Union Army (and all segments of the Executive branch) to "recognize and maintain the freedom of" the ex-slaves. The Proclamation did not compensate the owners, did not outlaw slavery, and did not grant citizenship to the ex-slaves (called freedmen). It made the eradication of slavery an explicit war goal, in addition to the goal of reuniting the Union.[4]
Around 20,000 to 50,000 slaves in regions where rebellion had already been subdued were immediately emancipated. It could not be enforced in areas still under rebellion, but as the Union army took control of Confederate regions, the Proclamation provided the legal framework for freeing more than 3 million slaves in those regions.

The Executive Branch can't change, nor create Federal law.

And the Emancipation Proclamation didn't change or create any Federal law.

But it did free the majority of the slaves in the United States- the remaining slaves were freed under the 13th Amendment. Now tell us how you think that all of the slaves in the rebel slaves were freed prior to the 13th Amendment?

Not one slave, in The United States was freed by The Emancipation Proclamation. Your own sources specifically state that.

The Supreme Court has already ruled that African slaves weren't citizens. The Executive Branch doesn't have the authority to naturalize a foreign alien.
Again- you are just in denial- btw- citizenship has nothing to do with Emancipation.

Around 20,000 to 50,000 slaves in regions where rebellion had already been subdued were immediately emancipated. It could not be enforced in areas still under rebellion, but as the Union army took control of Confederate regions, the Proclamation provided the legal framework for freeing more than 3 million slaves in those regions.
White Europeans took advantage of and enslaved ignorant primitive black African natives for the better part of four hundred years when they weren't busy enslaving the Irish or the Spanish or any other culture that seemed weak. The flag that flew off the stern of slave ships in the New World for two hundred years wasn't the Confederate stars and bars, it was the Union Jack and the French and Spanish flags and later the Stars and Stripes. The point is that you can't selectively judge 18th century or 19th century racism by 21st century standards.

But we can certainly condemn the institution of slavery as it existed in the United States- and applaud Abraham Lincoln for his role in ending the vile institution.
The problem is that the vile institution was doomed by the industrial revolution and enlightened views about enslaving humans. Lincoln killed half of the bravest and the best of American men because he wouldn't bow out of a presidential race and he was so stupid that he thought the war would be over in a month. Lincoln should have lied and compromised and even kissed the ass of every hot blooded Southern politician to keep the Union intact but he failed miserably. If he hadn't been assassinated historians could judge him better but we are stuck with the legend rather than the man.
What concessions was the South to give to the US showing that slavery would be abolished? The issue of slavery was a hot button issue decades before Lincoln was elected.he was merely the representation of the desire of the people of the US to hire an abolitionist to abolish slavery..The Civil War was a moral crisis of the USA.One the founders put off till hundreds of thousands had to die to finalize the true meaning and spirit of the Declaration of Independence...Which free and slave black men fought in on the side of the US..
The Civil War could have and should have been avoided at any cost even if it meant giving temporary concessions to the slave states but Lincoln showed his profound ignorance by taking a hard line in the face of secession. It was an insane stance by a poorly informed president who had serious issues in his family that might have distracted him. After he was assassinated a freaking hoard of (pop culture at the time) authors came to the rescue of his legacy after his profoundly stupid and negligent administration and we are stuck historically with the fake legacy created by slobbering sycophants.

What concessions?

The rebel states rebelled before Lincoln was even inaugerated.

Yes Lincoln took a hard line about states seceding from the Union- which is why there is only the United States of America- not the USA and the Confederate States of America.

And the Civil War could have been avoided by the Rebel states a) not rebelling and b) not firing on American troops.
FUCK Lincoln
two words? You're improving :thup:

As to Lincoln he wanted to keep the Union together at any costs & the johnny rebs pushed it.

The South really screwed themselves in their attempt to create a Slave Nation

If they had allowed events to play themselves out, they might have kept slavery another 20 years and would have received some compensation for freed slaves. Instead, it was over in 4 years and they got nothing

Longer, perhaps. Lincoln expressed support for an amendment that would have extended slavery in perpetuity.
Do tell

It was called the Corwin Amendment.

"No amendment shall be made to the Constitution which will authorize or give to Congress the power to abolish or interfere, within any State, with the domestic institutions thereof, including that of persons held to labor or service by the laws of said State."

If the South hadn't utterly overreacted, doubled down on conspiracy batshit and collectively shit their probably would have been the 13th amendment.

Lincoln despised slavery. But his priority was keeping the union together. He indicated he would probably support the amendment.

From Lincoln's First Inaugural Address said:
I understand a proposed amendment to the Constitution—which amendment, however, I have not seen—has passed Congress, to the effect that the Federal Government shall never interfere with the domestic institutions of the States, including that of persons held to service....holding such a provision to now be implied constitutional law, I have no objection to its being made express and irrevocable.

The south soiled themselves none the less. Its one of those points in history where hysteria overtook reason on the part of the South.

Sort of like the invention of chitlins.

Exactly- even after Lincoln was elected, if the Rebel states had not rebelled- in 1866 slavery would still have been legal in every Confederate State- Lincoln had no intention of trying to end slavery- the rebel states were directly responsible for the early demise of their cherished institution that they thought they were protecting.
White Europeans took advantage of and enslaved ignorant primitive black African natives for the better part of four hundred years when they weren't busy enslaving the Irish or the Spanish or any other culture that seemed weak. The flag that flew off the stern of slave ships in the New World for two hundred years wasn't the Confederate stars and bars, it was the Union Jack and the French and Spanish flags and later the Stars and Stripes. The point is that you can't selectively judge 18th century or 19th century racism by 21st century standards.

But we can certainly condemn the institution of slavery as it existed in the United States- and applaud Abraham Lincoln for his role in ending the vile institution.
The problem is that the vile institution was doomed by the industrial revolution and enlightened views about enslaving humans. Lincoln killed half of the bravest and the best of American men because he wouldn't bow out of a presidential race and he was so stupid that he thought the war would be over in a month. Lincoln should have lied and compromised and even kissed the ass of every hot blooded Southern politician to keep the Union intact but he failed miserably. If he hadn't been assassinated historians could judge him better but we are stuck with the legend rather than the man.
What concessions was the South to give to the US showing that slavery would be abolished? The issue of slavery was a hot button issue decades before Lincoln was elected.he was merely the representation of the desire of the people of the US to hire an abolitionist to abolish slavery..The Civil War was a moral crisis of the USA.One the founders put off till hundreds of thousands had to die to finalize the true meaning and spirit of the Declaration of Independence...Which free and slave black men fought in on the side of the US..
The Civil War could have and should have been avoided at any cost even if it meant giving temporary concessions to the slave states but Lincoln showed his profound ignorance by taking a hard line in the face of secession. It was an insane stance by a poorly informed president who had serious issues in his family that might have distracted him. After he was assassinated a freaking hoard of (pop culture at the time) authors came to the rescue of his legacy after his profoundly stupid and negligent administration and we are stuck historically with the fake legacy created by slobbering sycophants.

What concessions?

The rebel states rebelled before Lincoln was even inaugerated.

Yes Lincoln took a hard line about states seceding from the Union- which is why there is only the United States of America- not the USA and the Confederate States of America.

And the Civil War could have been avoided by the Rebel states a) not rebelling and b) not firing on American troops.

The Civil War could have been avoided if the rebel states had realized that their "peculiar institution" of slavery was a thing of the past and not something to fight and die over
two words? You're improving :thup:

As to Lincoln he wanted to keep the Union together at any costs & the johnny rebs pushed it.

The South really screwed themselves in their attempt to create a Slave Nation

If they had allowed events to play themselves out, they might have kept slavery another 20 years and would have received some compensation for freed slaves. Instead, it was over in 4 years and they got nothing

Longer, perhaps. Lincoln expressed support for an amendment that would have extended slavery in perpetuity.
Do tell

It was called the Corwin Amendment.

"No amendment shall be made to the Constitution which will authorize or give to Congress the power to abolish or interfere, within any State, with the domestic institutions thereof, including that of persons held to labor or service by the laws of said State."

If the South hadn't utterly overreacted, doubled down on conspiracy batshit and collectively shit their probably would have been the 13th amendment.

Lincoln despised slavery. But his priority was keeping the union together. He indicated he would probably support the amendment.

From Lincoln's First Inaugural Address said:
I understand a proposed amendment to the Constitution—which amendment, however, I have not seen—has passed Congress, to the effect that the Federal Government shall never interfere with the domestic institutions of the States, including that of persons held to service....holding such a provision to now be implied constitutional law, I have no objection to its being made express and irrevocable.

The south soiled themselves none the less. Its one of those points in history where hysteria overtook reason on the part of the South.

Sort of like the invention of chitlins.

Exactly- even after Lincoln was elected, if the Rebel states had not rebelled- in 1866 slavery would still have been legal in every Confederate State- Lincoln had no intention of trying to end slavery- the rebel states were directly responsible for the early demise of their cherished institution that they thought they were protecting.


Even under ideal conditions, Lincoln could not have ended slavery. He could have halted its expansion and stopped requiring that runaway slaves be returned......he could not have banned it

Slavery would have eventually ended, it was not supportable. But it probably would have lasted 20-40 years in some form. Slave owners would have probably gotten some compensation for freeing their slaves and we would not have killed 600,000 Americans
Not the Great Emancipator: 10 Racist Quotes Abraham Lincoln Said About Black People - Page 3 of 5 - Atlanta Black Star

Lincoln was, indeed, a white supremacist. In his 1858 debate with Sen. Steven Douglas, Lincoln maintained, “And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.”

All real history books carry that quote but history TEXTBOOKS used in schools never do.

Still pissed off with Lincoln for the Emancipation Proclamation and instigating the 13th Amendment eh?

You do know that Lincoln didn't free the slaves, in The United States, right? And that he wanted the blacks all shipped back to Africa?

You should be thanking John Wilkes Booth for mixing Lincoln's plan. Look at that big ass voting block Booth have
Lincoln did not want all slaves shipped back to Africa. He considered it as an option and found it unworkable

Not only did he want it, he did it. In 1862, American slaves were deported to Haiti. Later, slaves were being sent to Belize, then a British colony. England stopped the resettlement, because of legal uncertainties.

No American slaves were deported to Haiti. Around 400 ex-slaves were resettled in Haiti- but it was a huge failure and the survivors were brought back to the United States
Civil War contraband slaves

None were sent to Belize.
Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri And Delaware all kept their slaves until December 1865.

Yup - those 4 UNION states had around 400,000 slaves throughout the civil war. How could the war have been about freeing the slaves when both sides practiced slavery?? Libs can't answer that.

That's right and the Federal government didn't do a damn thing to free them until after the war.

The Federal government had no authority to end slavery in states not in rebellion until the 13th Amendment was passed. However Lincoln did work with Delaware and tried to get Delaware to enact a program of compensated emancipation.

Delaware refused- and therefore Delaware slave owners got no compensation when the 13th Amendment passed.
Last edited:
Lincoln didn't save the Union. His ineptness caused a crisis that split the Union and killed most of the best and bravest of a generation. Any president in modern times would be impeached and imprisoned for sanctioning a drunk who said he would cause a crow to pack a lunch before flying over the Shenandoah Valley when he intended to make war on innocent farmers or a clinically insane general who thought he was "God's terrible swift sword" and burned a Southern city or a incompetent idiot like Beast Butler who was appointed as king of New Orleans and treated Southern women like whores.

Yet we have an intact United States.

Lincoln didn't cause any crisis- the rebel states caused the crisis- and when it was over, the United States was still one country.

Something the Confederate fan-boys regret to this day.
Do you have to use the Washington Times?
Why not use the National Enquirer and be done with it

It is more of the same Lincoln investigating options of what to do with freed slaves......none of which proved workable

It's a book review. I'm sorry if it destroys your argument that, "Lincoln never wanted to deport freed slaves" (your words).

Workable, or not, Lincoln wanted to deport the freed slaves.

We are looking at 1860s sociology.....not the best our country had to offer

We were a country that thought human bondage was a good idea. A country for slaves to go to seemed like a good idea. Not too different from Israel.
The idea proved unworkable

None of which changes the fact that Lincoln wanted to deport the slaves.

Lincoln believed in voluntary resettlement of ex-slaves- until he found out that it wasn't workable.

He never wanted to 'deport' them.

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