Tomorrow feb 12 is birthday of our most famous white supremacist

Yes- you are right- there is 'enough time'- but I don't think that there is any need to prioritize rationalizing why slavery just wasn't that bad in the United States.

Just because you want to take the focus off of how bad slavery in the United States was.

'That bad' is a subjective squirrelly phrase meaning that it was as evil as you want it to be. More evil perhaps than Stalinism or communism or having your genitalia waxed.

It is morphable, ambiguous and meaningless.

No wonder you like it so much..

If we are trying to EDUCATE our children we should teach them FACTS, not your squirrelly ambiguous opinions of history.
Lincoln didn't save the Union. His ineptness caused a crisis that split the Union and killed most of the best and bravest of a generation. Any president in modern times would be impeached and imprisoned for sanctioning a drunk who said he would cause a crow to pack a lunch before flying over the Shenandoah Valley when he intended to make war on innocent farmers or a clinically insane general who thought he was "God's terrible swift sword" and burned a Southern city or a incompetent idiot like Beast Butler who was appointed as king of New Orleans and treated Southern women like whores.
Lincoln saved the union from the slave rapers

Not really. The Civil War created a South that would take generations to recover from the damage. The South's best and brightest died in the war.
While I have no particular concerns about Grant, I can only find records that he ever owned one slave- which he freed. I can't find any record that he had two slave servants during the Civil War- but perhaps you are talking about the slaves owned by his wife on their plantation?

Slaves owned by his wife are also owned by him as community property. Grant had use of them when his wife Julia visited. While it is known she had at least "Black Julia" with her, she likely had more. Her first visit caused something of a scandal but there is no record of her having stopped bringing them until they were finally sold, whenever that actually was.

Ulysses S. Grant States that the Grants Consider the Institution of Slavery Unjustifiable, In a Letter to a Young Boy

So your claim that Grant has two slave servants with him during the Civil War was a mistake?

Because your own citation doesn't mention Grant ever having 'two slave servants'- doesn't even mention any servants at all. What it does mention is that his wife had one slave accompanying her when she visited Grant.
Yes it did. I am not spoon feeding you, doofus.
one quick question, why don't whites live in black neighborhoods?

We have about eight white families that live in what was once considered a 'black neighborhood'.

Define what you consider a 'black neighborhood'.

I remember white men getting mad at the local newspaper for using the title 'Mister' in reference to a black man.

While times have changed it seems that many people are not aware of how much it has changed.
There are areas in Chicago, Detroit, Ferguson let's say and Baltimore. Businesses don't want to go in there, pizza delivery, mail delivery hesitate to go into certain neighborhoods, and the population is mostly made up of black americans. Now are there neighborhoods where whites and blacks live together? Sure, there's a black family down the street from my house, and there are black families in the local area. I've never as long as I've lived heard of an area that transitioned from white to black to have white folk go back. Sorry, just haven't.
Sure, then let me help you

Gentrification - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lincoln didn't save the Union. His ineptness caused a crisis that split the Union and killed most of the best and bravest of a generation. Any president in modern times would be impeached and imprisoned for sanctioning a drunk who said he would cause a crow to pack a lunch before flying over the Shenandoah Valley when he intended to make war on innocent farmers or a clinically insane general who thought he was "God's terrible swift sword" and burned a Southern city or a incompetent idiot like Beast Butler who was appointed as king of New Orleans and treated Southern women like whores.
Lincoln wasn't even sworn in yet when the south began seceding.

Do you have to use the Washington Times?
Why not use the National Enquirer and be done with it

It is more of the same Lincoln investigating options of what to do with freed slaves......none of which proved workable

It's a book review. I'm sorry if it destroys your argument that, "Lincoln never wanted to deport freed slaves" (your words).

Workable, or not, Lincoln wanted to deport the freed slaves.

We are looking at 1860s sociology.....not the best our country had to offer

We were a country that thought human bondage was a good idea. A country for slaves to go to seemed like a good idea. Not too different from Israel.
The idea proved unworkable

None of which changes the fact that Lincoln wanted to deport the slaves.

Lincoln listened to the greatest sociological minds of his day. None of which were outraged at the thought of freed slaves going to their own country
The president can change a law just like you or I can.By presenting legislation for consideration to abolish the law in question...Or, by lawsuit to nullify the law enacted..

Right...legislation...through Congress.

You people really don't know how our government works, so you?
Evidently ignorance is bliss to you...You can write a law and try to lobby it's direction just like the corporate hip to the trip on how shit works, takes away the frustration of stupidity..

Through Congress, sure. Not through the executive branch.

Soooo solly!

there are regulations promulgated by agencies. there are executive orders.

it's so sad that you never took basic civics.

Regulations, not laws. Only Congress can make laws.

right genius, but what is the actual difference between a reg and a "law". we are a common law country. our body of laws is made up of our constitution, the caselaw interpreting it, federal statutes, state statutes, state caselaw, federal caselaw, federal regulations and state and local regs.

an executive order is enforceable as law.

again, what is the specific difference? if you know.
Lincoln didn't save the Union. His ineptness caused a crisis that split the Union and killed most of the best and bravest of a generation. Any president in modern times would be impeached and imprisoned for sanctioning a drunk who said he would cause a crow to pack a lunch before flying over the Shenandoah Valley when he intended to make war on innocent farmers or a clinically insane general who thought he was "God's terrible swift sword" and burned a Southern city or a incompetent idiot like Beast Butler who was appointed as king of New Orleans and treated Southern women like whores.
Lincoln saved the union from the slave rapers
The "slave rapers" were the Yankee ships in Mass.and Ct. and the Northern coastal states who suplemented killing whales with a sideline of transporting humans. The winners write the history books and the poor Shenandoah farmers who were hanged for protecting their animals and property from Union looters will go unmourned.
Lincoln didn't save the Union. His ineptness caused a crisis that split the Union and killed most of the best and bravest of a generation. Any president in modern times would be impeached and imprisoned for sanctioning a drunk who said he would cause a crow to pack a lunch before flying over the Shenandoah Valley when he intended to make war on innocent farmers or a clinically insane general who thought he was "God's terrible swift sword" and burned a Southern city or a incompetent idiot like Beast Butler who was appointed as king of New Orleans and treated Southern women like whores.
Lincoln saved the union from the slave rapers

Not really. The Civil War created a South that would take generations to recover from the damage. The South's best and brightest died in the war.
They deserved to die for defending a country dedicated to slavery
Lincoln didn't save the Union. His ineptness caused a crisis that split the Union and killed most of the best and bravest of a generation. Any president in modern times would be impeached and imprisoned for sanctioning a drunk who said he would cause a crow to pack a lunch before flying over the Shenandoah Valley when he intended to make war on innocent farmers or a clinically insane general who thought he was "God's terrible swift sword" and burned a Southern city or a incompetent idiot like Beast Butler who was appointed as king of New Orleans and treated Southern women like whores.
Lincoln saved the union from the slave rapers
The "slave rapers" were the Yankee ships in Mass.and Ct. and the Northern coastal states who suplemented killing whales with a sideline of transporting humans. The winners write the history books and the poor Shenandoah farmers who were hanged for protecting their animals and property from Union looters will go unmourned.

No they weren't. By 1860, the importation of slaves had been banned for 40 years. The four million slaves were almost exclusively bred by the slave rapers for menial labor and rape
Lincoln saved the Union and freed the slaves.

Everything else he ever said or did was in accomplishment of those very important goals.
right genius, but what is the actual difference between a reg and a "law". we are a common law country. our body of laws is made up of our constitution, the caselaw interpreting it, federal statutes, state statutes, state caselaw, federal caselaw, federal regulations and state and local regs.

an executive order is enforceable as law.

again, what is the specific difference? if you know.

What you need some help with your civics paper?

United States Code - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Code of Federal Regulations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Right...legislation...through Congress.

You people really don't know how our government works, so you?
Evidently ignorance is bliss to you...You can write a law and try to lobby it's direction just like the corporate hip to the trip on how shit works, takes away the frustration of stupidity..

Through Congress, sure. Not through the executive branch.

Soooo solly!

there are regulations promulgated by agencies. there are executive orders.

it's so sad that you never took basic civics.

Regulations, not laws. Only Congress can make laws.

right genius, but what is the actual difference between a reg and a "law". we are a common law country. our body of laws is made up of our constitution, the caselaw interpreting it, federal statutes, state statutes, state caselaw, federal caselaw, federal regulations and state and local regs.

an executive order is enforceable as law.

again, what is the specific difference? if you know.

Not necessarily. I'm obviously the only one that DOES know the difference.

If it's that simple, why did the constitution have to be amended? I'll tell you why, because THE PRESIDENT COULDNT OUTLAW SLAVERY VIA EXECUTIVE ORDER!

Damn, but you people make this
Lincoln didn't save the Union. His ineptness caused a crisis that split the Union and killed most of the best and bravest of a generation. Any president in modern times would be impeached and imprisoned for sanctioning a drunk who said he would cause a crow to pack a lunch before flying over the Shenandoah Valley when he intended to make war on innocent farmers or a clinically insane general who thought he was "God's terrible swift sword" and burned a Southern city or a incompetent idiot like Beast Butler who was appointed as king of New Orleans and treated Southern women like whores.
Lincoln saved the union from the slave rapers

Not really. The Civil War created a South that would take generations to recover from the damage. The South's best and brightest died in the war.
They deserved to die for defending a country dedicated to slavery

There were four slave States in the union during the civil war. Did union soldiers deserve to die, too?
Evidently ignorance is bliss to you...You can write a law and try to lobby it's direction just like the corporate hip to the trip on how shit works, takes away the frustration of stupidity..

Through Congress, sure. Not through the executive branch.

Soooo solly!

there are regulations promulgated by agencies. there are executive orders.

it's so sad that you never took basic civics.

Regulations, not laws. Only Congress can make laws.

right genius, but what is the actual difference between a reg and a "law". we are a common law country. our body of laws is made up of our constitution, the caselaw interpreting it, federal statutes, state statutes, state caselaw, federal caselaw, federal regulations and state and local regs.

an executive order is enforceable as law.

again, what is the specific difference? if you know.

Not necessarily. I'm obviously the only one that DOES know the difference.

If it's that simple, why did the constitution have to be amended? I'll tell you why, because THE PRESIDENT COULDNT OUTLAW SLAVERY VIA EXECUTIVE ORDER!

Damn, but you people make this
What is really funny is that he did it as a punitive war measure against the rebelled states only. The slave states like Misery that remained in the Union kept their slaves till around 1865.
Lincoln didn't save the Union. His ineptness caused a crisis that split the Union and killed most of the best and bravest of a generation. Any president in modern times would be impeached and imprisoned for sanctioning a drunk who said he would cause a crow to pack a lunch before flying over the Shenandoah Valley when he intended to make war on innocent farmers or a clinically insane general who thought he was "God's terrible swift sword" and burned a Southern city or a incompetent idiot like Beast Butler who was appointed as king of New Orleans and treated Southern women like whores.
Lincoln wasn't even sworn in yet when the south began seceding.


Tell that to your Liberal buddies that think Lincoln offered the South compensated
Lincoln didn't save the Union. His ineptness caused a crisis that split the Union and killed most of the best and bravest of a generation. Any president in modern times would be impeached and imprisoned for sanctioning a drunk who said he would cause a crow to pack a lunch before flying over the Shenandoah Valley when he intended to make war on innocent farmers or a clinically insane general who thought he was "God's terrible swift sword" and burned a Southern city or a incompetent idiot like Beast Butler who was appointed as king of New Orleans and treated Southern women like whores.
Lincoln saved the union from the slave rapers

Not really. The Civil War created a South that would take generations to recover from the damage. The South's best and brightest died in the war.
They deserved to die for defending a country dedicated to slavery

There were four slave States in the union during the civil war. Did union soldiers deserve to die, too?

Almost two hundred thousand free black soldiers in the Union Army

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