Tomorrow Republicans will pretend to laugh and say it's not as bad as liberals thought!

Watergate was about a President using illegal and unconstitutional methods, indeed, criminal ones, to get dirt on perceived enemies. This is about treason to the United States of America.

You really are a blithering idiot, Old Fuck........"treason"? If we are going to go there wouldn't you say that the selling of uranium to an alleged enemy qualifies???? OH! Wait! Russia wasn't an enemy back then!!!! ROTFLMAO!!!!!

Selling uranium? You have to explain why this is a bad thing. And go!
As I read the reports it was weapon grade or could be made into weapon grade. The Russians are apparently now the arch enemies of the liberal left. So you don't see a problem selling Uranium to our enemies? Really?
But heres the thing you have to understand. The reports that said its weapon grade are wrong.

Anything else?
Credible link to any of those reports?

No Freewil said he saw the reports.

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