Tomorrow Republicans will pretend to laugh and say it's not as bad as liberals thought!

Low level like Trump's campaign chairman?
Not even low level in his administration, so I guess on that point I was wrong. But did I call it or what? I said that there would be indictments but no related to the Russians and I was exactly right. I think if anyone is investigated, costing millions, something is bound to turn up, and it did, Freewill scores again.
I said that there would be indictments but no related to the Russians and I was exactly right.

No, you weren't. You were completely wrong. All of the charges are based on their relationships with Russians. Are you high?
As I said, you left wing Trump haters would be saying this equals Watergate, it isn't even the smoking gun or the tip of the ice burg.

From the linked article:

The indictment accuses Mr. Manafort (and business partner Richard Gates ) of funneling money from a pro-Russia party in Ukraine into offshore shell companies and bank accounts. They then allegedly used these accounts to fund their spending habits, neglecting to declare the money to the IRS.

Now tell me what that has to do with the BS of Russia interference with the election.

The indictment also accuses Mr. Manafort of failing to register as an agent for a foreign government as required under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). This is news mainly because violations of that law haven’t been successfully prosecuted since 1966. The Russia probe has exposed the degree to which lobbyists ignore this statute that the Justice Department has failed to enforce. (Democrat Anthony Podesta announced Monday that he is leaving his lobbying firm amid the Mueller probe. He is the brother of John Podesta, who ran Hillary Clinton’s campaign.)

Also from the linked article:

The most striking news is that none of this involves the 2016 election campaign. The indictment makes clear that Mr. Manafort’s work for Ukraine and his money transfers ended in 2014. The 2016 charges are related to false statements Mr. Manafort made to the Justice Department.

So yeah they may be guilty, we have to wait to see, but as Whitewater lead to covictions of 15 on 40 crimes this is tangent to the what was supposedly the investigation. We may even have a case where Consitutional rights were violated. But of course the left only cares about rights when they make false claims of rights as in gay marriage and football players taking a knee.

The truth about Trump and the Manafort indictment

And before you puke on the source the source is actually a OP from the NYTs

So yeah I was exactly correct.

It is easy to predict left wing behavior.

You weren't correct at all because that's not what you stated. I quoted you.
Here it is again.
I said that there would be indictments but no related to the Russians and I was exactly right.

Mueller is building a conspiracy case. This is just the foundation. It certainly doesn't mean there won't be additional counts added to the indictments.
Gosh contradict yourself much? Maybe he is trying to build a case, which again is exactly what I said the indictments were all about, Freewill scores yet again. The investigation may turn into an indictment of Trump having secretly married Hillary. But for now it is nothing about Russian collusion in the election. Thanks for admitting it.

Whatever ,dude. I've quoted you twice already lying about what you said. It's a matter of record now.
Pretending to laugh is a liberal game. Anger is another liberal game. Republicans take disappointment in stride and move on. Liberals smash windows, torch cars and threaten the President with assault, arson and even murder. What's going to happen if the special council doesn't work out for the left, anarchy?
Laughing and anger, whitehall, are exactly what the Alt and Far Right have been doing in this thread.

Their puny anger and threats mean nothing. If and when Trump is removed from office against his will, any rising by his followers will be utterly and ruthlessly smashed to the point the far right won't have a presence for a generation.
Last edited:
Watch for it. Tomorrow no matter who is indicted and no matter for what reason Republicans will construct that tried and true strawman where they claim that liberals thought it would be much worse.

So an actual indictment isn't bad because liberals thought...blah blah you get the point.

While I have your attention isn't it funny how they seem to care more about how the indictment was leaked MORE than they care about someone within the Trump camp being indicted? And the total reason for the investigation is because Trump helped Russia fuck our democracy in the ass.

Oh but they want to tell you that what's really important is anything but Russia and Trump.

It's all fake news until someone gets indicted. Right?
You watch it, no matter what the left wing liberals on the board will compare the indictments to Watergate, you watch. The liberals are already foaming at the mouth waiting in grand expectation. Sad little people who won't accept the will of the people.

My opinion of what happens is exactly what you say because that is what is going to happen. The indictments are floated out there to try and pressure someone into admitting something about someone. They will be all indictments directed at low level flunkies in an attempt to get at Trump. Trump hasn't been even been questioned yet, so don't get your hopes up.
Watergate was about a President using illegal and unconstitutional methods, indeed, criminal ones, to get dirt on perceived enemies. This is about treason to the United States of America.
Pretending to laugh is a liberal game. Anger is another liberal game. Republicans take disappointment in stride and move on. Liberals smash windows, torch cars and threaten the President with assault, arson and even murder. What's going to happen if the special council doesn't work out for the left, anarchy?

Republicans take it in stride? According to Trump's twitter feed that is a lie lol
Watch for it. Tomorrow no matter who is indicted and no matter for what reason Republicans will construct that tried and true strawman where they claim that liberals thought it would be much worse.

So an actual indictment isn't bad because liberals thought...blah blah you get the point.

While I have your attention isn't it funny how they seem to care more about how the indictment was leaked MORE than they care about someone within the Trump camp being indicted? And the total reason for the investigation is because Trump helped Russia fuck our democracy in the ass.

Oh but they want to tell you that what's really important is anything but Russia and Trump.

It's all fake news until someone gets indicted. Right?
You watch it, no matter what the left wing liberals on the board will compare the indictments to Watergate, you watch. The liberals are already foaming at the mouth waiting in grand expectation. Sad little people who won't accept the will of the people.

My opinion of what happens is exactly what you say because that is what is going to happen. The indictments are floated out there to try and pressure someone into admitting something about someone. They will be all indictments directed at low level flunkies in an attempt to get at Trump. Trump hasn't been even been questioned yet, so don't get your hopes up.
Watergate was about a President using illegal and unconstitutional methods, indeed, criminal ones, to get dirt on perceived enemies. This is about treason to the United States of America.

You really are a blithering idiot, Old Fuck........"treason"? If we are going to go there wouldn't you say that the selling of uranium to an alleged enemy qualifies???? OH! Wait! Russia wasn't an enemy back then!!!! ROTFLMAO!!!!!
Watch for it. Tomorrow no matter who is indicted and no matter for what reason Republicans will construct that tried and true strawman where they claim that liberals thought it would be much worse.

So an actual indictment isn't bad because liberals thought...blah blah you get the point.

While I have your attention isn't it funny how they seem to care more about how the indictment was leaked MORE than they care about someone within the Trump camp being indicted? And the total reason for the investigation is because Trump helped Russia fuck our democracy in the ass.

Oh but they want to tell you that what's really important is anything but Russia and Trump.

It's all fake news until someone gets indicted. Right?
You watch it, no matter what the left wing liberals on the board will compare the indictments to Watergate, you watch. The liberals are already foaming at the mouth waiting in grand expectation. Sad little people who won't accept the will of the people.

My opinion of what happens is exactly what you say because that is what is going to happen. The indictments are floated out there to try and pressure someone into admitting something about someone. They will be all indictments directed at low level flunkies in an attempt to get at Trump. Trump hasn't been even been questioned yet, so don't get your hopes up.
Watergate was about a President using illegal and unconstitutional methods, indeed, criminal ones, to get dirt on perceived enemies. This is about treason to the United States of America.
That is what you want it to be about. Now tell use exactly what TRUMP did that was treason to the USA. Is one thing having dealing with the Russians? Hillary and Obama did also. The now found out fake dossier, is that your bases for making such a statement? Did Trump sell nuclear secrets? Did Trump pay the Russians to change one vote? Did Trump sit on a board that voted to give Russia uranium? So far all you and anyone else has are fantasy about Trump. I called It on Sunday, the indictments would have nothing to do with Russian collusion, and I was right.
You watch it, no matter what the left wing liberals on the board will compare the indictments to Watergate, you watch. The liberals are already foaming at the mouth waiting in grand expectation. Sad little people who won't accept the will of the people.

My opinion of what happens is exactly what you say because that is what is going to happen. The indictments are floated out there to try and pressure someone into admitting something about someone. They will be all indictments directed at low level flunkies in an attempt to get at Trump. Trump hasn't been even been questioned yet, so don't get your hopes up.
They will be all indictments directed at low level flunkies in an attempt to get at Trump.

Low level like Trump's campaign chairman?
Not even low level in his administration, so I guess on that point I was wrong. But did I call it or what? I said that there would be indictments but no related to the Russians and I was exactly right. I think if anyone is investigated, costing millions, something is bound to turn up, and it did, Freewill scores again.
I said that there would be indictments but no related to the Russians and I was exactly right.

No, you weren't. You were completely wrong. All of the charges are based on their relationships with Russians. Are you high?
As I said, you left wing Trump haters would be saying this equals Watergate, it isn't even the smoking gun or the tip of the ice burg.

From the linked article:

The indictment accuses Mr. Manafort (and business partner Richard Gates ) of funneling money from a pro-Russia party in Ukraine into offshore shell companies and bank accounts. They then allegedly used these accounts to fund their spending habits, neglecting to declare the money to the IRS.

Now tell me what that has to do with the BS of Russia interference with the election.

The indictment also accuses Mr. Manafort of failing to register as an agent for a foreign government as required under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). This is news mainly because violations of that law haven’t been successfully prosecuted since 1966. The Russia probe has exposed the degree to which lobbyists ignore this statute that the Justice Department has failed to enforce. (Democrat Anthony Podesta announced Monday that he is leaving his lobbying firm amid the Mueller probe. He is the brother of John Podesta, who ran Hillary Clinton’s campaign.)

Also from the linked article:

The most striking news is that none of this involves the 2016 election campaign. The indictment makes clear that Mr. Manafort’s work for Ukraine and his money transfers ended in 2014. The 2016 charges are related to false statements Mr. Manafort made to the Justice Department.

So yeah they may be guilty, we have to wait to see, but as Whitewater lead to covictions of 15 on 40 crimes this is tangent to the what was supposedly the investigation. We may even have a case where Consitutional rights were violated. But of course the left only cares about rights when they make false claims of rights as in gay marriage and football players taking a knee.

The truth about Trump and the Manafort indictment

And before you puke on the source the source is actually a OP from the NYTs

So yeah I was exactly correct.

It is easy to predict left wing behavior.
It was made clear by the Justice department that Mueller would not ignore criminal activity in the course of the investigation. Illegal activities uncovered would be prosecuted which is exactly what he is doing.
No one should over look crimes or illegal activity if found. But that isn't the point. I predicted that the indictments would have nothing to do with Russians collusion let alone the Russians effecting the elections and I was right.

Lord help us if millions of dollars are spent investigating our past lives. Who knows what might turn up.
Watch for it. Tomorrow no matter who is indicted and no matter for what reason Republicans will construct that tried and true strawman where they claim that liberals thought it would be much worse.

So an actual indictment isn't bad because liberals thought...blah blah you get the point.

While I have your attention isn't it funny how they seem to care more about how the indictment was leaked MORE than they care about someone within the Trump camp being indicted? And the total reason for the investigation is because Trump helped Russia fuck our democracy in the ass.

Oh but they want to tell you that what's really important is anything but Russia and Trump.

It's all fake news until someone gets indicted. Right?
You watch it, no matter what the left wing liberals on the board will compare the indictments to Watergate, you watch. The liberals are already foaming at the mouth waiting in grand expectation. Sad little people who won't accept the will of the people.

My opinion of what happens is exactly what you say because that is what is going to happen. The indictments are floated out there to try and pressure someone into admitting something about someone. They will be all indictments directed at low level flunkies in an attempt to get at Trump. Trump hasn't been even been questioned yet, so don't get your hopes up.
Watergate was about a President using illegal and unconstitutional methods, indeed, criminal ones, to get dirt on perceived enemies. This is about treason to the United States of America.

You really are a blithering idiot, Old Fuck........"treason"? If we are going to go there wouldn't you say that the selling of uranium to an alleged enemy qualifies???? OH! Wait! Russia wasn't an enemy back then!!!! ROTFLMAO!!!!!

Selling uranium? You have to explain why this is a bad thing. And go!
Watch for it. Tomorrow no matter who is indicted and no matter for what reason Republicans will construct that tried and true strawman where they claim that liberals thought it would be much worse.

So an actual indictment isn't bad because liberals thought...blah blah you get the point.

While I have your attention isn't it funny how they seem to care more about how the indictment was leaked MORE than they care about someone within the Trump camp being indicted? And the total reason for the investigation is because Trump helped Russia fuck our democracy in the ass.

Oh but they want to tell you that what's really important is anything but Russia and Trump.

It's all fake news until someone gets indicted. Right?
We knew that would be the case.
This case is a big nothing burger.

It was started under false pretenses because you have to state what the crime is before you appoint a special prosecutor.
There is no evidence of a crime.
Not even probable cause.
All you have is a setup hatched from the Hillary camp in a blatant attempt to get even for her loss in the election.
The guilty parties are running this fishing expedition.
Crimes that led up to this fishing expedition were swept under the rug and people's rights to due process and protections from illegal search and seizure were totally ignored.
Let me remind you, Mueller, a republican was hired by the Deputy AG, a republican, not a democrat to investigate any coordination between the 2016 Trump campaign and the Russian government as a part of the Russian interference in the presidential campaign and other related matters.

There is no requirement to state the specifically crime to start the investigation. The purpose of the investigation is to determines if there is a crime and if there is sufficient evidence to prosecute. The only requirement put on the special prosecutor is that the investigation focus on the purpose. However, wrong doing uncovered in the course of the investigation can not be ignored which is why Manafort has been indicted and arraigned. He may or may not be invoked in the Russian interference in the election but judging from the indictment, he is certainly guilty of violating the law.

The only reason a special prosecutor was appointed was because the idiot in the White House lost his temper and fired the FBI Director who was in charge of the investigation. Did Trump think the whole mess would just go away if he fired the guy running the investigation. Politically, firing Comey was huge mistake for Trump.
Watch for it. Tomorrow no matter who is indicted and no matter for what reason Republicans will construct that tried and true strawman where they claim that liberals thought it would be much worse.

So an actual indictment isn't bad because liberals thought...blah blah you get the point.

While I have your attention isn't it funny how they seem to care more about how the indictment was leaked MORE than they care about someone within the Trump camp being indicted? And the total reason for the investigation is because Trump helped Russia fuck our democracy in the ass.

Oh but they want to tell you that what's really important is anything but Russia and Trump.

It's all fake news until someone gets indicted. Right?
You watch it, no matter what the left wing liberals on the board will compare the indictments to Watergate, you watch. The liberals are already foaming at the mouth waiting in grand expectation. Sad little people who won't accept the will of the people.

My opinion of what happens is exactly what you say because that is what is going to happen. The indictments are floated out there to try and pressure someone into admitting something about someone. They will be all indictments directed at low level flunkies in an attempt to get at Trump. Trump hasn't been even been questioned yet, so don't get your hopes up.
Watergate was about a President using illegal and unconstitutional methods, indeed, criminal ones, to get dirt on perceived enemies. This is about treason to the United States of America.

You really are a blithering idiot, Old Fuck........"treason"? If we are going to go there wouldn't you say that the selling of uranium to an alleged enemy qualifies???? OH! Wait! Russia wasn't an enemy back then!!!! ROTFLMAO!!!!!
The approval to sell the Uranium was first made by the Canadian government, however it did require US approval. That approval came from the inter-agency, Committee on Foreign Investments in the United States composed of Dept. of Defense, Homeland Security, State, Commerce, and Treasury as well as the Office of the US Trade Representative. Their decision could have been overridden by the president, but he agree with the decision.

At the time, there was little controversy over the decision. Only when Clinton ran for president did the 2009 Uranium deal get in the headlines, that is in Breitbart News. Trump charged that Clinton sold Uranium to our enemies which of course was not true but it got lots of attention. First, Clinton did not have the authority to do it, and second the decision was made by CFIUS and approved by the president. The fact that several investors in Uranium One contributed to the Clinton Foundation over a period of years was construed as a payoff.
Watch for it. Tomorrow no matter who is indicted and no matter for what reason Republicans will construct that tried and true strawman where they claim that liberals thought it would be much worse.

So an actual indictment isn't bad because liberals thought...blah blah you get the point.

While I have your attention isn't it funny how they seem to care more about how the indictment was leaked MORE than they care about someone within the Trump camp being indicted? And the total reason for the investigation is because Trump helped Russia fuck our democracy in the ass.

Oh but they want to tell you that what's really important is anything but Russia and Trump.

It's all fake news until someone gets indicted. Right?
We knew that would be the case.
This case is a big nothing burger.

It was started under false pretenses because you have to state what the crime is before you appoint a special prosecutor.
There is no evidence of a crime.
Not even probable cause.
All you have is a setup hatched from the Hillary camp in a blatant attempt to get even for her loss in the election.
The guilty parties are running this fishing expedition.
Crimes that led up to this fishing expedition were swept under the rug and people's rights to due process and protections from illegal search and seizure were totally ignored.
Let me remind you, Mueller, a republican was hired by the Deputy AG, a republican, not a democrat to investigate any coordination between the 2016 Trump campaign and the Russian government as a part of the Russian interference in the presidential campaign and other related matters.

There is no requirement to state the specifically crime to start the investigation. The purpose of the investigation is to determines if there is a crime and if there is sufficient evidence to prosecute. The only requirement put on the special prosecutor is that the investigation focus on the purpose. However, wrong doing uncovered in the course of the investigation can not be ignored which is why Manafort has been indicted and arraigned. He may or may not be invoked in the Russian interference in the election but judging from the indictment, he is certainly guilty of violating the law.

The only reason a special prosecutor was appointed was because the idiot in the White House lost his temper and fired the FBI Director who was in charge of the investigation. Did Trump think the whole mess would just go away if he fired the guy running the investigation. Politically, firing Comey was huge mistake for Trump.
Dude, wake the fuck up.
This isn't about which political party you claim to be a member of. Everyone involved in this is suspect.
Watch for it. Tomorrow no matter who is indicted and no matter for what reason Republicans will construct that tried and true strawman where they claim that liberals thought it would be much worse.

So an actual indictment isn't bad because liberals thought...blah blah you get the point.

While I have your attention isn't it funny how they seem to care more about how the indictment was leaked MORE than they care about someone within the Trump camp being indicted? And the total reason for the investigation is because Trump helped Russia fuck our democracy in the ass.

Oh but they want to tell you that what's really important is anything but Russia and Trump.

It's all fake news until someone gets indicted. Right?
We knew that would be the case.
This case is a big nothing burger.

It was started under false pretenses because you have to state what the crime is before you appoint a special prosecutor.
There is no evidence of a crime.
Not even probable cause.
All you have is a setup hatched from the Hillary camp in a blatant attempt to get even for her loss in the election.
The guilty parties are running this fishing expedition.
Crimes that led up to this fishing expedition were swept under the rug and people's rights to due process and protections from illegal search and seizure were totally ignored.
Let me remind you, Mueller, a republican was hired by the Deputy AG, a republican, not a democrat to investigate any coordination between the 2016 Trump campaign and the Russian government as a part of the Russian interference in the presidential campaign and other related matters.

There is no requirement to state the specifically crime to start the investigation. The purpose of the investigation is to determines if there is a crime and if there is sufficient evidence to prosecute. The only requirement put on the special prosecutor is that the investigation focus on the purpose. However, wrong doing uncovered in the course of the investigation can not be ignored which is why Manafort has been indicted and arraigned. He may or may not be invoked in the Russian interference in the election but judging from the indictment, he is certainly guilty of violating the law.

The only reason a special prosecutor was appointed was because the idiot in the White House lost his temper and fired the FBI Director who was in charge of the investigation. Did Trump think the whole mess would just go away if he fired the guy running the investigation. Politically, firing Comey was huge mistake for Trump.
Dude, wake the fuck up.
This isn't about which political party you claim to be a member of. Everyone involved in this is suspect.

Everyone is suspect EXCEPT Russia and Trump who have a paper trail of lying. Gotcha! That same excuse worked when you were a kid and had all D's. "but Mom they all hate me!"

No, you're just a dumbass
Watch for it. Tomorrow no matter who is indicted and no matter for what reason Republicans will construct that tried and true strawman where they claim that liberals thought it would be much worse.

So an actual indictment isn't bad because liberals thought...blah blah you get the point.

While I have your attention isn't it funny how they seem to care more about how the indictment was leaked MORE than they care about someone within the Trump camp being indicted? And the total reason for the investigation is because Trump helped Russia fuck our democracy in the ass.

Oh but they want to tell you that what's really important is anything but Russia and Trump.

It's all fake news until someone gets indicted. Right?
We knew that would be the case.
This case is a big nothing burger.

It was started under false pretenses because you have to state what the crime is before you appoint a special prosecutor.
There is no evidence of a crime.
Not even probable cause.
All you have is a setup hatched from the Hillary camp in a blatant attempt to get even for her loss in the election.
The guilty parties are running this fishing expedition.
Crimes that led up to this fishing expedition were swept under the rug and people's rights to due process and protections from illegal search and seizure were totally ignored.
Let me remind you, Mueller, a republican was hired by the Deputy AG, a republican, not a democrat to investigate any coordination between the 2016 Trump campaign and the Russian government as a part of the Russian interference in the presidential campaign and other related matters.

There is no requirement to state the specifically crime to start the investigation. The purpose of the investigation is to determines if there is a crime and if there is sufficient evidence to prosecute. The only requirement put on the special prosecutor is that the investigation focus on the purpose. However, wrong doing uncovered in the course of the investigation can not be ignored which is why Manafort has been indicted and arraigned. He may or may not be invoked in the Russian interference in the election but judging from the indictment, he is certainly guilty of violating the law.

The only reason a special prosecutor was appointed was because the idiot in the White House lost his temper and fired the FBI Director who was in charge of the investigation. Did Trump think the whole mess would just go away if he fired the guy running the investigation. Politically, firing Comey was huge mistake for Trump.
Dude, wake the fuck up.
This isn't about which political party you claim to be a member of. Everyone involved in this is suspect.

Everyone is suspect EXCEPT Russia and Trump who have a paper trail of lying. Gotcha! That same excuse worked when you were a kid and had all D's. "but Mom they all hate me!"

No, you're just a dumbass
Hillary and Obama were colluding with Russia, shitforbrains.
'Fiasco' in false accusations of 'non-existent collusion', the witch hunt - yeah, it's 'going down' as in collapsing.
'non-existent collusion',

Just a guilty plea from a Trump adviser who lied to the FBI regarding the nature of his relationship with Russians promising to deliver hacked Clinton emails.
Not entirely. He lied about the meetings that he tried to set up. Thus far there is no indication that any of those meetings ever took place. That is an intrinsic requirement for proving collusion.

What remains to be seen is if Muller is keeping that information back to draw out more or not. Currently there is no sign if he is or is not.
All of the indictments move toward the Russians, particularly that of Papadapolous.

And Flynn has not been indicted. Yet.

I bet Flynn has already made a deal and is talking.
This I can believe. Hard evidence of illegal activity came out against Flynn before anyone else. I wonder if that is how they caught on to Manafort?
Watch for it. Tomorrow no matter who is indicted and no matter for what reason Republicans will construct that tried and true strawman where they claim that liberals thought it would be much worse.

So an actual indictment isn't bad because liberals thought...blah blah you get the point.

While I have your attention isn't it funny how they seem to care more about how the indictment was leaked MORE than they care about someone within the Trump camp being indicted? And the total reason for the investigation is because Trump helped Russia fuck our democracy in the ass.

Oh but they want to tell you that what's really important is anything but Russia and Trump.

It's all fake news until someone gets indicted. Right?
You watch it, no matter what the left wing liberals on the board will compare the indictments to Watergate, you watch. The liberals are already foaming at the mouth waiting in grand expectation. Sad little people who won't accept the will of the people.

My opinion of what happens is exactly what you say because that is what is going to happen. The indictments are floated out there to try and pressure someone into admitting something about someone. They will be all indictments directed at low level flunkies in an attempt to get at Trump. Trump hasn't been even been questioned yet, so don't get your hopes up.
Watergate was about a President using illegal and unconstitutional methods, indeed, criminal ones, to get dirt on perceived enemies. This is about treason to the United States of America.

You really are a blithering idiot, Old Fuck........"treason"? If we are going to go there wouldn't you say that the selling of uranium to an alleged enemy qualifies???? OH! Wait! Russia wasn't an enemy back then!!!! ROTFLMAO!!!!!

Selling uranium? You have to explain why this is a bad thing. And go!

Selling diplomacy is a crime, moron.......
Watch for it. Tomorrow no matter who is indicted and no matter for what reason Republicans will construct that tried and true strawman where they claim that liberals thought it would be much worse.

So an actual indictment isn't bad because liberals thought...blah blah you get the point.

While I have your attention isn't it funny how they seem to care more about how the indictment was leaked MORE than they care about someone within the Trump camp being indicted? And the total reason for the investigation is because Trump helped Russia fuck our democracy in the ass.

Oh but they want to tell you that what's really important is anything but Russia and Trump.

It's all fake news until someone gets indicted. Right?
That ham sandwich will be goin' away for years! ;)
Watch for it. Tomorrow no matter who is indicted and no matter for what reason Republicans will construct that tried and true strawman where they claim that liberals thought it would be much worse.

So an actual indictment isn't bad because liberals thought...blah blah you get the point.

While I have your attention isn't it funny how they seem to care more about how the indictment was leaked MORE than they care about someone within the Trump camp being indicted? And the total reason for the investigation is because Trump helped Russia fuck our democracy in the ass.

Oh but they want to tell you that what's really important is anything but Russia and Trump.

It's all fake news until someone gets indicted. Right?
We knew that would be the case.
This case is a big nothing burger.

It was started under false pretenses because you have to state what the crime is before you appoint a special prosecutor.
There is no evidence of a crime.
Not even probable cause.
All you have is a setup hatched from the Hillary camp in a blatant attempt to get even for her loss in the election.
The guilty parties are running this fishing expedition.
Crimes that led up to this fishing expedition were swept under the rug and people's rights to due process and protections from illegal search and seizure were totally ignored.
Let me remind you, Mueller, a republican was hired by the Deputy AG, a republican, not a democrat to investigate any coordination between the 2016 Trump campaign and the Russian government as a part of the Russian interference in the presidential campaign and other related matters.

There is no requirement to state the specifically crime to start the investigation. The purpose of the investigation is to determines if there is a crime and if there is sufficient evidence to prosecute. The only requirement put on the special prosecutor is that the investigation focus on the purpose. However, wrong doing uncovered in the course of the investigation can not be ignored which is why Manafort has been indicted and arraigned. He may or may not be invoked in the Russian interference in the election but judging from the indictment, he is certainly guilty of violating the law.

The only reason a special prosecutor was appointed was because the idiot in the White House lost his temper and fired the FBI Director who was in charge of the investigation. Did Trump think the whole mess would just go away if he fired the guy running the investigation. Politically, firing Comey was huge mistake for Trump.

Spare me, the GOP establishment is just as much against Trump as the DNC. Comey was compromised from the "git-go" and the fix was in to prevent the Hildebeast from being indicted that anyone else would have done hard time for.

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