Tomorrow Republicans will pretend to laugh and say it's not as bad as liberals thought!

'Fiasco' in false accusations of 'non-existent collusion', the witch hunt - yeah, it's 'going down' as in collapsing.
Honestly i don't give a crap what happens tomorrow.

Again. Why do so many here believe that caring has anything to do with reality?

Did you want to wait until we actually know what the indictments are for, CC? You don't seem to have ever heard the old expression that you could get a Grand Jury to indict a ham sandwich if that's what you wanted! The indictment is the easy part...actually proving guilt in a court of law is where Mueller needs to go next.
In highly charged political investigations, indictments are often a tool for getting cooperation. None of these people want to face a public trial and Mueller doesn't care about the little fish. He wants the big enchilada.
Unless the OP has his head firmly up Mueller's ass he knows:

- Mueller's indictment of Manafirt has nothing to do with Trump or 'Russian Collusion'...

- Mueller reportedly may have botched the Warrants - which means the entire case agsinst Manafort could be dropped and the evidence determined to be inadmissable

- Mueller's investigation / indictments track back all the way to 'Fat Tony P' who was known to be working for the KGB Bank - the primary financier of the Russian effort to purchase Uranium One - and the Russian Spy Agency
--- It has also been revealed the KGB Bank 'Fat Tony P' was working for, the one financing Russian One efforts, was the one funding Bill Clinton's half a million dollar speeches.

- Evidence was released last week revealing Mueller, Holder, and Obama hid the Russian scandal in 2009 until the Uranium One deal went through in 2010

- Mueller has reportedly been called to answer qyestions about his stacked Cpunsel and tbe evidence revealed against him last week...
Let me remind you, there are a dozen separate counts against Manafort in the indictment. Only if a mistake in the indictment substantially effects a count can it be thrown out. Since the grand jury is still in session and meets about 5 days a month any change or correction to the indictment can be made by the grand jury.
Watch for it. Tomorrow no matter who is indicted and no matter for what reason Republicans will construct that tried and true strawman where they claim that liberals thought it would be much worse.

So an actual indictment isn't bad because liberals thought...blah blah you get the point.

While I have your attention isn't it funny how they seem to care more about how the indictment was leaked MORE than they care about someone within the Trump camp being indicted? And the total reason for the investigation is because Trump helped Russia fuck our democracy in the ass.

Oh but they want to tell you that what's really important is anything but Russia and Trump.

It's all fake news until someone gets indicted. Right?

I’m not “pretending to laugh”, I’m really laughing.
Honestly i don't give a crap what happens tomorrow.

Again. Why do so many here believe that caring has anything to do with reality?

Did you want to wait until we actually know what the indictments are for, CC? You don't seem to have ever heard the old expression that you could get a Grand Jury to indict a ham sandwich if that's what you wanted! The indictment is the easy part...actually proving guilt in a court of law is where Mueller needs to go next.
In highly charged political investigations, indictments are often a tool for getting cooperation. None of these people want to face a public trial and Mueller doesn't care about the little fish. He wants the big enchilada.

That may be true, Flopper but indictments are also used to divert attention from something you don't want the public to fixate something you do! In this case it's a rather remarkable coincidence that the Mueller team has decided to issue indictments NOW just as the Clinton "dossier" narrative was getting a lot of coverage! I've been around long enough to know how the game is played. Quite frankly I wouldn't be surprised what so ever if the indictments just issued don't amount to much once they are argued in a court of law!
Unless the OP has his head firmly up Mueller's ass he knows:

- Mueller's indictment of Manafirt has nothing to do with Trump or 'Russian Collusion'...

- Mueller reportedly may have botched the Warrants - which means the entire case agsinst Manafort could be dropped and the evidence determined to be inadmissable

- Mueller's investigation / indictments track back all the way to 'Fat Tony P' who was known to be working for the KGB Bank - the primary financier of the Russian effort to purchase Uranium One - and the Russian Spy Agency
--- It has also been revealed the KGB Bank 'Fat Tony P' was working for, the one financing Russian One efforts, was the one funding Bill Clinton's half a million dollar speeches.

- Evidence was released last week revealing Mueller, Holder, and Obama hid the Russian scandal in 2009 until the Uranium One deal went through in 2010

- Mueller has reportedly been called to answer qyestions about his stacked Cpunsel and tbe evidence revealed against him last week...
Let me remind you, there are a dozen separate counts against Manafort in the indictment. Only if a mistake in the indictment substantially effects a count can it be thrown out. Since the grand jury is still in session and meets about 5 days a month any change or correction to the indictment can be made by the grand jury.

What's happening with Grand Jury indictments is supposed to be secret! Think about why those on the inside of this investigation felt the need to leak it early!
Watch for it. Tomorrow no matter who is indicted and no matter for what reason Republicans will construct that tried and true strawman where they claim that liberals thought it would be much worse.

So an actual indictment isn't bad because liberals thought...blah blah you get the point.

While I have your attention isn't it funny how they seem to care more about how the indictment was leaked MORE than they care about someone within the Trump camp being indicted? And the total reason for the investigation is because Trump helped Russia fuck our democracy in the ass.

Oh but they want to tell you that what's really important is anything but Russia and Trump.

It's all fake news until someone gets indicted. Right?

When have you Communists ever thought?

I'm not sure what you think the Manafort indictments gain you, but Tony Podesta is convinced he and his brother John are next.

{WASHINGTON — Tony Podesta, a prominent lobbyist and Democratic donor who has come under scrutiny from the escalating special counsel investigation, stepped down on Monday from the firm he co-founded, according to people familiar with the firm.}

Under Mueller Scrutiny, Democratic Donor Tony Podesta Resigns From Lobbying Firm

But by all means, hack on Comrade.
Honestly i don't give a crap what happens tomorrow.

Again. Why do so many here believe that caring has anything to do with reality?

Did you want to wait until we actually know what the indictments are for, CC? You don't seem to have ever heard the old expression that you could get a Grand Jury to indict a ham sandwich if that's what you wanted! The indictment is the easy part...actually proving guilt in a court of law is where Mueller needs to go next.

Now that you see what the indictments are for what's your next stalling tactic to avoid the first charge being conspiracy against the US?
"Tomorrow Republicans will pretend to laugh and say it's not as bad as liberals thought!"

And this has indeed turned out to be the case.

Most on the right are as dishonest as they are desperate.
Watch for it. Tomorrow no matter who is indicted and no matter for what reason Republicans will construct that tried and true strawman where they claim that liberals thought it would be much worse.

So an actual indictment isn't bad because liberals thought...blah blah you get the point.

While I have your attention isn't it funny how they seem to care more about how the indictment was leaked MORE than they care about someone within the Trump camp being indicted? And the total reason for the investigation is because Trump helped Russia fuck our democracy in the ass.

Oh but they want to tell you that what's really important is anything but Russia and Trump.

It's all fake news until someone gets indicted. Right?

When have you Communists ever thought?

I'm not sure what you think the Manafort indictments gain you, but Tony Podesta is convinced he and his brother John are next.

{WASHINGTON — Tony Podesta, a prominent lobbyist and Democratic donor who has come under scrutiny from the escalating special counsel investigation, stepped down on Monday from the firm he co-founded, according to people familiar with the firm.}

Under Mueller Scrutiny, Democratic Donor Tony Podesta Resigns From Lobbying Firm

But by all means, hack on Comrade.

How does that clear Trump?
Watch for it. Tomorrow no matter who is indicted and no matter for what reason Republicans will construct that tried and true strawman where they claim that liberals thought it would be much worse.

So an actual indictment isn't bad because liberals thought...blah blah you get the point.

While I have your attention isn't it funny how they seem to care more about how the indictment was leaked MORE than they care about someone within the Trump camp being indicted? And the total reason for the investigation is because Trump helped Russia fuck our democracy in the ass.

Oh but they want to tell you that what's really important is anything but Russia and Trump.

It's all fake news until someone gets indicted. Right?
You watch it, no matter what the left wing liberals on the board will compare the indictments to Watergate, you watch. The liberals are already foaming at the mouth waiting in grand expectation. Sad little people who won't accept the will of the people.

My opinion of what happens is exactly what you say because that is what is going to happen. The indictments are floated out there to try and pressure someone into admitting something about someone. They will be all indictments directed at low level flunkies in an attempt to get at Trump. Trump hasn't been even been questioned yet, so don't get your hopes up.
They will be all indictments directed at low level flunkies in an attempt to get at Trump.

Low level like Trump's campaign chairman?
Not even low level in his administration, so I guess on that point I was wrong. But did I call it or what? I said that there would be indictments but no related to the Russians and I was exactly right. I think if anyone is investigated, costing millions, something is bound to turn up, and it did, Freewill scores again.
I said that there would be indictments but no related to the Russians and I was exactly right.

No, you weren't. You were completely wrong. All of the charges are based on their relationships with Russians. Are you high?
Honestly i don't give a crap what happens tomorrow.

Again. Why do so many here believe that caring has anything to do with reality?

Did you want to wait until we actually know what the indictments are for, CC? You don't seem to have ever heard the old expression that you could get a Grand Jury to indict a ham sandwich if that's what you wanted! The indictment is the easy part...actually proving guilt in a court of law is where Mueller needs to go next.
In highly charged political investigations, indictments are often a tool for getting cooperation. None of these people want to face a public trial and Mueller doesn't care about the little fish. He wants the big enchilada.

That may be true, Flopper but indictments are also used to divert attention from something you don't want the public to fixate something you do! In this case it's a rather remarkable coincidence that the Mueller team has decided to issue indictments NOW just as the Clinton "dossier" narrative was getting a lot of coverage! I've been around long enough to know how the game is played. Quite frankly I wouldn't be surprised what so ever if the indictments just issued don't amount to much once they are argued in a court of law!

It far more likely that the 'Clinton dossier' story is the diversion from the indictments.
Mueller would not just slap an indictment together haphazardly in an effort to divert attention. This is the foundation of the entire case going foreward. I find it telling that count one is conspiracy against the US. This allows Mueller to build a case that shows the members of the Trump org as players in the larger conspiracy to work with the Russian govt.
All of the indictments move toward the Russians, particularly that of Papadapolous.

And Flynn has not been indicted. Yet.
Watch for it. Tomorrow no matter who is indicted and no matter for what reason Republicans will construct that tried and true strawman where they claim that liberals thought it would be much worse.

So an actual indictment isn't bad because liberals thought...blah blah you get the point.

While I have your attention isn't it funny how they seem to care more about how the indictment was leaked MORE than they care about someone within the Trump camp being indicted? And the total reason for the investigation is because Trump helped Russia fuck our democracy in the ass.

Oh but they want to tell you that what's really important is anything but Russia and Trump.

It's all fake news until someone gets indicted. Right?

When have you Communists ever thought?

I'm not sure what you think the Manafort indictments gain you, but Tony Podesta is convinced he and his brother John are next.

{WASHINGTON — Tony Podesta, a prominent lobbyist and Democratic donor who has come under scrutiny from the escalating special counsel investigation, stepped down on Monday from the firm he co-founded, according to people familiar with the firm.}

Under Mueller Scrutiny, Democratic Donor Tony Podesta Resigns From Lobbying Firm

But by all means, hack on Comrade.

How does that clear Trump?
Clear Trump of WHAT, NUMBNUTS?

He's not even listed in the indictment. In Fact, you cannot even find any mention of THE ELECTION.

So exactly why isn't Mueller investigating Russia's role in the Fusion GPS Fake Russian Dossier (which is an attack on our elections), which Clinton and Obama paid for, and why isn't Mueller investigating Russia's Attack on our Democracy by successfully launching a Bribery and Extortion scheme to get The Uranium One Deal approved in which they paid out nearly $200 Million in bribes to US Congressmen to have approved?
Unless the OP has his head firmly up Mueller's ass he knows:

- Mueller's indictment of Manafirt has nothing to do with Trump or 'Russian Collusion'...

- Mueller reportedly may have botched the Warrants - which means the entire case agsinst Manafort could be dropped and the evidence determined to be inadmissable

- Mueller's investigation / indictments track back all the way to 'Fat Tony P' who was known to be working for the KGB Bank - the primary financier of the Russian effort to purchase Uranium One - and the Russian Spy Agency
--- It has also been revealed the KGB Bank 'Fat Tony P' was working for, the one financing Russian One efforts, was the one funding Bill Clinton's half a million dollar speeches.

- Evidence was released last week revealing Mueller, Holder, and Obama hid the Russian scandal in 2009 until the Uranium One deal went through in 2010

- Mueller has reportedly been called to answer qyestions about his stacked Cpunsel and tbe evidence revealed against him last week...
Let me remind you, there are a dozen separate counts against Manafort in the indictment. Only if a mistake in the indictment substantially effects a count can it be thrown out. Since the grand jury is still in session and meets about 5 days a month any change or correction to the indictment can be made by the grand jury.
So wait a Grand Jury of Democrats, being lobbied by an All Star Storm Trooper unit of Clinton Donors and Clinton Ex Attorneys, found probable cause for Mueller (The Guy who ENFORCED OBAMA's GAG ORDER to stop THE URANIUM ONE INFORMANT TO TELL US WHAT HE KNOWS)to proceed with a court case? Grand Jury's are a joke. Completely violate the principle of DUE process. Indictments actually mean NOTHING.

There is no crime, it's not a trial, it is a BIASED review of THE Prosecutor's "hunches" that he thinks a crime was committed. The Defendant is not allowed to be present, nor his lawyers, nor are they allowed to dispute the facts or lack thereof or their accuracy or lack of accuracy.

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