Tone deaf Joy Behar does it again: "East Palestine got what they voted for".

We have no control over what happens in Germany

We do have control over our own crumbling rail infrastructure and our safety regulations
Yet we have had less train accidents than tiny Britain. Less than half.
Only 3 more in 10 years than Germany, about 1/10th the size of America.
If our train infrastructure is so bad... why do you think we have less accidents than other countries?
Like... a LOT less.
So, again, you are attempting to use a tragedy as a political football to...again... TRUUUMP!!!
Well isn't that interesting.. according to the FRA (Federal Rail Administration)
96% of train accidents/deaths are caused by what are called "trespassers".
Trespassers is anyone in the path of a train when they shouldn't be, or is in a train depo that shouldn't be, or is riding a train illegally.
Nearly every train accident for decades has been caused by someone getting hit by a train that should not be in the path of that train.
Well. Let's all be fair here.

How many people here see places like California get strangled by it's state government, see homelessness skyrocket, or see murders in Chicago and say "they asked for it when they voted democrat".

Her saying that is pretty much the same thing.

But yes, she is a shitty person to the bone in every aspect. Everyone on the view is. Her and poopi Goldberg tie for the worst daytime talk show people.

Everyone of you say that shit every day! I mean you just can't make this shit up!
Other good Socialists you mean
socialists by which you mean communists, brainwashed functional moron. Every socialist and every Socialist Party ever has Been 4 always democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net- like every developed country except us thanks to you idiots. So you are right technically but you have no clue what socialism means....
socialists by which you mean communists, brainwashed functional moron. Every socialist and every Socialist Party ever has Been 4 always democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net- like every developed country except us thanks to you idiots. So you are right technically but you have no clue what socialism means....
Socialism means the Government does not fear its people
I might look at links if you provide them but I see no reason you have provided to waste my time researching.

Your wonderful Joe Biden has resurrected inflation all by himself. It seems the Democrats are good at creating run away inflation. I lived through the Carter years.

every person in the world but you brainwashed functional idiots knows that inflation was caused by Putin attacking Ukraine and taking 15% of the world's oil and grain out of the equation, try reality. Every country in the world is dealing with it and Biden has dealt with it better than anyone else.
Socialism means the Government does not fear its people
that's communism, you incredible ignoramus. Every other developed country except the English speaking ones call themselves socialists already. Every socialist country has a living wage healthcare cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations, daycare and paid parental leave, and mainly taxing the rich. Obviously the United states under your lying scumbag greedy idiot heroes is the only country that doesn't fear its people. You ignorant asses actually support the rape of the middle and working classes the last 40 years because free stuff pedophilia and emails... Absolute idiocy
Ah, there it is. I thought for a moment you were going to forget to mention Murdoch again. You're really starting to slip recently, not getting it in there until several posts into the thread.
Murdoch and trump's BS is only the worst and most important thing that has happened to American politics ever. You in other words.... Everything you know is hateful and wrong.
As I said repeatedly, Republicans have consistently voted against federal regulations and against rail infrastructure

Trump specifically delayed an Obama regulation on brakes
Because it came from Obama
First, since that didn't cause this disaster, why are you in here going on about it? Second, if this was a terrible idea, why hasn't Quid Pro done anything about it? He's not said a word.
That's the giant elephant in the world; every demented communist revolution that happened in the 20th century REQUIRED MASS-MURDER to come to fruition, before ultimately FAILING.
How that factor will play out with these "American" neo Bolshevik retarded assholes remains to be seen.....
Nobody is for communism except with a gun to their head in China Vietnam and Cuba and North Korea, brainwashed functional moron. Socialism means fair capitalism with a good safety net, and we are the only developed country that doesn't have it thanks to you idiots. Oops brainwashed functional morons....
Nobody is for communism except with a gun to their head in China Vietnam and Cuba and North Korea, brainwashed functional moron. Socialism means fair capitalism with a good safety net, and we are the only developed country that doesn't have it thanks to you idiots. Oops brainwashed functional morons....
that's communism, you incredible ignoramus. Every other developed country except the English speaking ones call themselves socialists already. Every socialist country has a living wage healthcare cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations, daycare and paid parental leave, and mainly taxing the rich. Obviously the United states under your lying scumbag greedy idiot heroes is the only country that doesn't fear its people. You ignorant asses actually support the rape of the middle and working classes the last 40 years because free stuff pedophilia and emails... Absolute idiocy
And yet everyone wants to come here, not to your socialist utopias.
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every person in the world but you brainwashed functional idiots knows that inflation was caused by Putin attacking Ukraine and taking 15% of the world's oil and grain out of the equation, try reality. Every country in the world is dealing with it and Biden has dealt with it better than anyone else.
Good grief, you do believe some dumb stuff. Inflation was 7.9% BEFORE Putin's invasion. Change the channel.

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