Tone deaf Joy Behar does it again: "East Palestine got what they voted for".

Let's see...The mentally deranged LibTards you worship have been investigating Trump for at least 4 years and Trump's in Jail!
You LibTards can't get a guilty verdict on a non-LibTard after 4+ years and you're expecting a guilty verdict on one or more LibTards after 3 months?
You are mentally deranged.
actually, Democrats basically want him to go away, they don't want to divide the country any further over his stupid **** that has it has nothing to do with reality. Donald Trump Rupert Murdoch GOP garbage propaganda are the worst thing that has ever happened to the United States and you especially. And never forget the Russian Iranian Chinese hateful garbage on the Internet that you love so much. it's hard to tell the difference between GOP and Russian garbage propaganda. Mainly because Trump's goal is to become a Russian oligarch with a casino in Moscow...
Well if Trump would have been re-elected Putin would have stayed out of the Ukraine. Putin didn’t make his move on the Ukraine until Biden took over. Putin sees Biden as weak and he is right.

In passing, all your insults show me that it is you that may be a “functional moron. “ Intelligent people may debate and argue but they rarely resort to insulting as a tactic. Insulting is for losers.
I am insulting your media (and your ignorance true). but I'm sure you're a fine person except for your disgraceful politics. It is 72% trump around here and it is very sad what they believe And how much hate crap is out there. There was no election steal and no conspiracy about vaccine and global warming etc etc etc etc- Wake up and smell the coffee and change the damn channel for God's sake... The uninformed silent majority has become the loud mouths misinformed majority LOL AARRGHHHHHH
Well if Trump would have been re-elected Putin would have stayed out of the Ukraine. Putin didn’t make his move on the Ukraine until Biden took over. Putin sees Biden as weak and he is right.

In passing, all your insults show me that it is you that may be a “functional moron. “ Intelligent people may debate and argue but they rarely resort to insulting as a tactic. Insulting is for losers.
trump's defense secretary Bolton said Trump wanted to leave NATO and putin could have walked in there with Trump as president Second term. Too bad you only get about 10% of the news and it is spun out of all resemblance to reality
trump's defense secretary Bolton said Trump wanted to leave NATO and putin could have walked in there with Trump as president Second term. Too bad you only get about 10% of the news and it is spun out of all resemblance to reality
So then why would a NATO leader praise Trump. Perhaps you don’t understand how Trump negotiates. Most Presidents kiss NATO ass. Trump is more aggressive. He gives NATO nations a choice, start paying more of your fair share or the United States may pull out of NATO.

President Donald Trump "is committed to NATO" and deserves credit in obtaining $100 billion more in defense spending for the alliance, Jens Stoltenberg, the secretary general of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, said Sunday.

"President Trump has been very clear: He is committed to NATO. He stated that clearly just a few days ago and also at the NATO summit in July," Stoltenberg said on "Fox News Sunday."
I do

Those who vote for relaxing Government train oversight and against investment in rail safety deserve what they get

Well, here ya go USMB…Here’s what liberal progressives want those who didn’t vote for Democrats to do…die.
If there really is such a thing as karma, Behar is the last person I would want to be. What a classless bitch.
well trump and the GOP did their usual deregulation BS for the lobbyists from these giant corporations. In this case they made it so that there only need to be two people not three on a train 2 miles long, and they stopped safety concerns with the braking systems et cetera etcetera. And of course there was the usual GOP deregulation of some rules on Wall Street et cetera so they were probably going for another deregulation corrupt bubble and bust like the Republicans do every time they get eight years. See 1929 1989 2008 and whatever trump was up to that the rich Republicans were making billions of dollars from. To me it looked like Wall Street as a whole was going to pop in another three years....
You do know that Biden looked over the data and came to the same conclusion. So time for you to bad mouth Biden.
ABC uses The View as a platform for the Democrat Party's coalition of hate.
Joy Behar is on there to represent the Democrat bigots who hate Wasps.
Goldberg is on there to represent the Democrat bigots who hate white folks.
Sunny Hostin is on there to represent the Democrat bigots who hate Anglos.
Fatgirl claimed to be Jewish. That's why she took the name "Goldberg". She is not Jewish. She needs to go on a diet for 89 years to look presentable.

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