Tone deaf Joy Behar does it again: "East Palestine got what they voted for".

This is called the actual reality of the situation... The Republicans screwing their base and the rest of the country for their greedy idiot mega rich masters....
Don’t lecture US about Tolerance and Unity given that your definition is for everyone to align with the views of your masters. That definition is Tyranny; something your side has embraced for the last 50 years.
Can this woman possibly get more evil? Even the other "View" hosts and audience gasp at her disgusting arrogance!

Is it any different than the comments in this thread?

Ya, so nothing. Sorry I bothered to ask. I should have and actually did know better. When exactly is Gym Jordan going to actually talk with these many nonexistent whistle-blowers?
If Jim Jordan is wasting his time how come the top guys look really uncomfortable?
They voted to keep the giveaway to the rich GOP policies going, and the refusal to tax the rich more like their fair share and invest in America and Americans again. They voted for a lot of GOP orange con man garbage you. Sorry about America being a place for asylum and immigration. Almost all the people coming across are from countries that GOP leadership has basically destroyed for daring to be socialist. Which they think is communist....
Define "their fair share" or shut the fuck up.
Is it any different than the comments in this thread?


Probably not.

every person in the world but you brainwashed functional idiots knows that inflation was caused by Putin attacking Ukraine and taking 15% of the world's oil and grain out of the equation, try reality. Every country in the world is dealing with it and Biden has dealt with it better than anyone else.
I can find links on the liberal media that say wonderful Joe Biden is not responsible for inflation.

I am also find links on conservative news outlets that say he is.

I personally like this link. …

And yet everyone wants to come here, not to your socialist utopias.
People who live outside our nation are not brainwashed by our liberal media and the Democratic Party. They can see how nice freedom is and view the United States as a land of opportunity (which it is). They don’t view themselves as victims thAt should be paid reparations and get massive federal aid.

Blacks who immigrate from Africa are a very successful group.

Pretty sure I never said he was. So when is Gym Jordan going to bring these nonexistent whistle-blowers in front of the committee?
Let's see...The mentally deranged LibTards you worship have been investigating Trump for at least 4 years and Trump's in Jail!
You LibTards can't get a guilty verdict on a non-LibTard after 4+ years and you're expecting a guilty verdict on one or more LibTards after 3 months?
You are mentally deranged.
I can find links on the liberal media that say wonderful Joe Biden is not responsible for inflation.

I am also find links on conservative news outlets that say he is.

I personally like this link. …

putin's war caused it and we are doing better than anyone else in the world, you brainwashed functional moron. LOL poor America
putin's war caused it and we are doing better than anyone else in the world, you brainwashed functional moron. LOL poor America
Well if Trump would have been re-elected Putin would have stayed out of the Ukraine. Putin didn’t make his move on the Ukraine until Biden took over. Putin sees Biden as weak and he is right.

In passing, all your insults show me that it is you that may be a “functional moron. “ Intelligent people may debate and argue but they rarely resort to insulting as a tactic. Insulting is for losers.

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