Tonights Debate live 6-27-24

Who won the debate tonight?

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You know what pisses me off? When my dad tells me he got a bump in SS. Why are we giving seniors who have a lot of money in the bank raises to ss? Freeze what they get. Never give them an increase. What you get now is what you get, till you die.

If ss is going broke in 10 years, stop giving COLA increases. God damn.

But they want those senior votes. Hopefully they want mine too. But Republicans in 10 years will blame Democrats.
Why are we giving seniors who have a lot of money in the bank raises to ss?
then put a cap on who gets COLA. if someone is well to do, I agree, no COLA.

I'm not well to do. nor are the majority of my relatives, most of whom are in their 70s.
I would have had a 2 minute tape of Trump saying all the horrible things he's said.

Hardly mentioned the Georgia case.

Fake electors

Rudy found guilty and owes money

Classified documents. Why did you lie to FBI Donald and not give them back?

There's plenty of evidence in the upcoming trials but Trump explained them all away last night and Biden didn't fight back. Oh well. Guess we are going to have to run more commercials to educate voters.
They didn't want to mention the corrupt lawfare practices that the Biden Adm was using to remove Trump from the race.
They wanted to make Biden look like he still had his marbles, but the media must have decided for some reason to expose Biden.

Now they plan on replacing him roughly two months before the election with somebody that no Democrat voted for. That's why they scheduled the convention so close to the election.

Jill Biden wants to stay in the White House, but I don't think the Democrats want to go along with it any longer. Biden looks so fucked up that they have to accuse Trump (and anyone who supports him) of being terrorists training in the hills of Georgia.
Liberals don't seem to get it. Joe Biden had one job last night, not look like an extra from The Walking Dead. He failed, there really is no spinning that. Continued attempts to downplay it will backfire.
I think Biden and his family realize he should not go further for his physical well being and for the good of the Country.

I think a fresh Democratic candidate would throw Trump for a loop. He already has a strategy for Kamala and will jump all over her.

A candidate like Whitmer, Moore, Newsom or Shapiro do not carry the political baggage and would offer sharp contrast to Trump

Newsome doesn't carry political baggage?

Do doctors have hope you'll come out of your coma anytime soon?
I didn't watch the debate just some of the clips.
What I saw was awful.

Not choosing a winner or a loser. The whole debate was a loser if it was anything like the patches of it I watched.

The idea of civil discourse between two capable opponents is utterly mocked by this charade.

Have some respect for America for crying out loud. Not that it matters but I can envision the various world leaders rolling on the floor in hilarity at the sight of it.

He posted that 45 minutes before the debate.
On policy Biden was better but shaky as hell in delivery and that was the total problem. People will not remember that Trump repeatedly lied like a rug and avoided or simply did not answer the questions. That will not make a difference in relation to Joe, poor/weak in voice, mumbling, losing train of thought, the aged gaping mouth, his general appearance of a very old man, that was not up to the debate, no matter how much he studied beforehand. He did not have command of his facts, vocabulary, presence, though he did not lie. He acted exactly has he has been portrayed by MAGA. I guess we have the answer to the question, which Biden will we see, Old man Joe or Jacked up Joe. He should have taken the drugs. I wish I had.
That debate was a disaster for Biden in every way. Half the time you had no idea hat he was saying. Biden’s best line of the night was when he inexplicably ended a comment with “We beat MEDICARE.”
AND I will add, in my life I have watched multiple GOP goodie two shoes take the high road and remain civil AND LOSE while nasty Democrats played no holds barred gutter politics. Trump is simply playing the game by the Democrats rules.
I didn't watch the debate just some of the clips.
What I saw was awful.

Not choosing a winner or a loser. The whole debate was a loser if it was anything like the patches of it I watched.

The idea of civil discourse between two capable opponents is utterly mocked by this charade.

Have some respect for America for crying out loud. Not that it matters but I can envision the various world leaders rolling on the floor in hilarity at the sight of it.

I'm sure it made US politics look bad.
Liberal drudge report is in full chernobyl mode.

Biden presented carefully crafted *lies.
Trump countered with his usual outrageous hyperbole and bluster.
Which is worse? Hmmmmm?

*The only way the ultra-rich would get away with paying only 8 percent tax rate is if the profits from stock holdings and other investments were considered 'realized' (sold) and the profits not reported. As it is the uber-rich actually pay about 25 percent tax rate, higher than the average middle class taxpayer.

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