Tonights Debate live 6-27-24

Who won the debate tonight?

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They didn't want to mention the corrupt lawfare practices that the Biden Adm was using to remove Trump from the race.
They wanted to make Biden look like he still had his marbles, but the media must have decided for some reason to expose Biden.

Now they plan on replacing him roughly two months before the election with somebody that no Democrat voted for. That's why they scheduled the convention so close to the election.

Jill Biden wants to stay in the White House, but I don't think the Democrats want to go along with it any longer. Biden looks so fucked up that they have to accuse Trump (and anyone who supports him) of being terrorists training in the hills of Georgia.
What you are saying is nonsense but Biden did a horrible job explaining that.

Trial one. Why not charge him for that crime? If we are going to charge him for the other crimes, charge him for this one too. My only problem is why this one first? And why is this the only one before the election. Do you remember what he and his team did in Georgia? Sidney Powell his attorney already plead guilty and is going to testify against Trump. What, she didn't do that for Trump? He's not the ring leader in those RACKETEERING charges?

The FBI documents. What was he refusing to turn in? What was he hiding from the FBI? Why not turn EVERYTHING in when asked? Why lie to the FBI? He did. That's why he got charged.

Mitch should have convicted Trump for Jan 6 but said he was no longer POTUS so it's up to the courts. He forced us to charge Trump you dummy. Plus, Trump tried to steal an election. That should bother you.
Is that why Xi visited Newsom?
Trump is the Xi buddy, yet you keep trying to flip it.
You see how easy it is to be objective about a candidate you support? I have no problem criticizing Biden when it warrants it. You idiots with the emotional maturity and intellect of 8th graders can’t possibly criticize your orange kool aid cult leader for anything meaningful.
More Biden lies:

Biden: Unemployment was 15% when I took office.
Truth: Unemployment was 6.4% when he took office.

Biden: Trump wants to eliminate social security.
Truth: Trump does not want to eliminate social security.
Democrats can't bring themselves to actually look at Biden's performance so they throw their hands up and claim "the whole debate was a loser". It's hard to reason with TDS.
Newsome doesn't carry political baggage?

Do doctors have hope you'll come out of your coma anytime soon?

The Debate From Hell: Stumbling Biden Slow To Counter Trump's Barrage Of Lies​

Trump lied nearly nonstop, on everything from tariffs to the VA Choice Act to his role on Jan. 6 — and got away with it thanks to a tired and fumbling performance by Biden.
A couple of years ago president Biden was asked how he responds to allegations that he was declining mentally and he gave a puzzling answer with his creepy grin "watch me". Well, we watched him last night and he was so feeble that even the NYT is calling for him to drop out.

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