Tonights Debate live 6-27-24

Who won the debate tonight?

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55-4 here. As of right now. :dunno:Tonights Debate live 6-27-24
Trump claimed he had passed the Veterans Choice Act, allowing veterans to go to private doctors if wait times got too long. In reality, that measure passed under Obama.

Donald Trump lied about the economy on his watch, about veterans care, about crime and even about the violent participants in his Jan. 6, 2021, coup attempt ― and was able to go largely unchallenged by President Joe Biden, who managed a weak and unfocused performance from the start.
I want to call attention to several inaccuracies in a recent media “fact check” article that claimed the Trump administration is taking credit for progress made under the Obama administration.

This unfortunate piece went out of its way to misinterpret President Trump and my own words. Worse, it gets basic facts wrong in a way that could create a disincentive for Veterans to seek care at the Department of Veterans Affairs.

We should all be encouraging our Veterans to use our hospitals and clinics, but pieces such as these paint an incorrect picture of the VA that runs the risk of discouraging Veterans from using the benefits they have earned.

For example:

1. The piece criticized President Trump for saying, “we passed VA choice and VA accountability,” and for saying people have been “trying to pass these things for 45 years.” AP concluded Trump was “wrong” because “Trump is not the first president in 45 years to get Congress to pass Veterans Choice.”

The President knows what he was talking about, even if the AP doesn’t. In 2018, President Trump signed into law the MISSION Act, which gives VA the ability to implement the best practices we’ve learned in our nearly 75 years of experience offering community care. It consolidates VA’s community care efforts into a single, simple-to-use program that puts Veterans at the center of their VA health care decisions.

He wasn’t referring to the Veterans Choice Act, which became law under the Obama administration and created a narrow, temporary choice program that wasn’t seen by anyone as a final answer. Either through neglect or willful ignorance, the AP quoted the President as referring to “VA Choice,” with a capital C, as if he meant that Obama-era bill, but he was referring to the concept of choice as defined in the MISSION Act.

Also, the piece conveniently leaves out the fact that President Trump signed the VA Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act of 2017, one of the most significant changes to civil service laws since the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 was passed more than four decades ago.

2. Along the way to making that flawed argument, the AP misinterpreted a statement made by the VA’s top health official, Dr. Richard Stone, who said implementation of the MISSION Act should “almost be a non-event.” The AP took that line out of context and imagined it to mean that few Veterans will choose care outside the VA because wait times are longer in the private sector, in an apparent effort to dismiss the value of the law the President signed.

That’s news to Dr. Stone. We checked with him, and he said his “non-event” comment referred to the idea that implementation of the MISSION Act would not create any technical problems that would interrupt Veterans’ efforts to seek care at the VA. He made the comment in Senate testimony in March, after being asked whether the MISSION Act would create any drastic changes to how Veterans interact with their VA providers.

3. The piece said the “key to the Choice program’s success is an overhaul of the VA’s electronic medical records,” which will take up to 10 years. It also said I have estimated that full implementation of the “expanded Choice program” is still years away.

This is pure conjecture on the part of AP, plus it’s wrong.

The Choice program will actually cease to exist on June 6, as the MISSION Act will create a new program that consolidates all of VA’s community care programs, including Choice. The AP’s “fact checkers” seem unaware of this crucial fact.

Also, while electronic health records modernization is an important improvement, it’s not central to the success of the MISSION Act. No one from the VA has ever said implementation of the new private care option Veterans will have under the MISSION Act is “years” away because of our effort to modernize health records.

I’ll be honest. Unless the democrats are successful at replacing Biden with some one like Gavin Newsom, which is easier said than done, the only way that the Democrats win this election is if they rig it. Due to Miles Taylor’s book, we all know now that “The Doomsday Book” exists. I’m against anyone using this Doomsday Book, but for anyone in the dark on this, here’s the link:

The Doomsday Book

All surprises aside, this will be a Trump landslide. Trump deserves to win - Biden was that bad last night.
Newsome is less popular than Biden.
Newsome is less popular than Biden.
The way Biden performed last night, I would say anyone on this forum (you included) would make a better and more popular candidate for the dems.

In any event, we will see how this plays out in the polls and in the coming days. Personally, I think Biden is toast.
I want to call attention to several inaccuracies in a recent media “fact check” article that claimed the Trump administration is taking credit for progress made under the Obama administration.

This unfortunate piece went out of its way to misinterpret President Trump and my own words. Worse, it gets basic facts wrong in a way that could create a disincentive for Veterans to seek care at the Department of Veterans Affairs.

We should all be encouraging our Veterans to use our hospitals and clinics, but pieces such as these paint an incorrect picture of the VA that runs the risk of discouraging Veterans from using the benefits they have earned.

For example:

1. The piece criticized President Trump for saying, “we passed VA choice and VA accountability,” and for saying people have been “trying to pass these things for 45 years.” AP concluded Trump was “wrong” because “Trump is not the first president in 45 years to get Congress to pass Veterans Choice.”

The President knows what he was talking about, even if the AP doesn’t. In 2018, President Trump signed into law the MISSION Act, which gives VA the ability to implement the best practices we’ve learned in our nearly 75 years of experience offering community care. It consolidates VA’s community care efforts into a single, simple-to-use program that puts Veterans at the center of their VA health care decisions.

He wasn’t referring to the Veterans Choice Act, which became law under the Obama administration and created a narrow, temporary choice program that wasn’t seen by anyone as a final answer. Either through neglect or willful ignorance, the AP quoted the President as referring to “VA Choice,” with a capital C, as if he meant that Obama-era bill, but he was referring to the concept of choice as defined in the MISSION Act.

Also, the piece conveniently leaves out the fact that President Trump signed the VA Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act of 2017, one of the most significant changes to civil service laws since the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 was passed more than four decades ago.

2. Along the way to making that flawed argument, the AP misinterpreted a statement made by the VA’s top health official, Dr. Richard Stone, who said implementation of the MISSION Act should “almost be a non-event.” The AP took that line out of context and imagined it to mean that few Veterans will choose care outside the VA because wait times are longer in the private sector, in an apparent effort to dismiss the value of the law the President signed.

That’s news to Dr. Stone. We checked with him, and he said his “non-event” comment referred to the idea that implementation of the MISSION Act would not create any technical problems that would interrupt Veterans’ efforts to seek care at the VA. He made the comment in Senate testimony in March, after being asked whether the MISSION Act would create any drastic changes to how Veterans interact with their VA providers.

3. The piece said the “key to the Choice program’s success is an overhaul of the VA’s electronic medical records,” which will take up to 10 years. It also said I have estimated that full implementation of the “expanded Choice program” is still years away.

This is pure conjecture on the part of AP, plus it’s wrong.

The Choice program will actually cease to exist on June 6, as the MISSION Act will create a new program that consolidates all of VA’s community care programs, including Choice. The AP’s “fact checkers” seem unaware of this crucial fact.

Also, while electronic health records modernization is an important improvement, it’s not central to the success of the MISSION Act. No one from the VA has ever said implementation of the new private care option Veterans will have under the MISSION Act is “years” away because of our effort to modernize health records.

Just give us one example....
“He gets paid by China. He’s a Manchurian candidate.”

“He wants to raise everybody’s taxes by four times.”

“He allowed millions of people to come in here from prisons, jails and mental institutions to come into our country and destroy our country.”

“He has killed so many people at our border.”
“He’s got the largest deficit in the history of our country.”

Trump lied about former House speaker Nancy Pelosi: “She said, ‘I take full responsibility for Jan. 6th’”

He lied about Democrats, saying they “will take the life of a child in the eighth month, the ninth month and even after birth.”

He lied about his former chief of staff’s statement that he called fallen soldiers “suckers” and “losers.” Trump said Biden “made that up,” too.

He lied that immigrants who are in the country illegally are receiving Social Security and being housed in “luxury hotels.”

And he lied extravagantly about his own record. The economy was “perfect” when he left office, he’s the one who reduced insulin prices, he deserves credit for “getting us out of that covid mess,” the government was “ready to start paying down debt” during his presidency, he had “the best environmental numbers ever,” and there was “no terror at all during my administration.”

The Media is lying to Americans now. They lied a lot in the past, they will not stop lying. The media intends to manage America. It is the way the Socialists planned this all along.

Treat the Media as a political party to understand them.
The way Biden performed last night, I would say anyone on this forum (you included) would make a better and more popular candidate for the dems.

In any event, we will see how this plays out in the polls and in the coming days. Personally, I think Biden is toast.
The Dems would disapprove of 99.9% of my positions.
“He wants to raise everybody’s taxes by four times.”

“He allowed millions of people to come in here from prisons, jails and mental institutions to come into our country and destroy our country.”

“He has killed so many people at our border.”
“He’s got the largest deficit in the history of our country.”

Trump lied about former House speaker Nancy Pelosi: “She said, ‘I take full responsibility for Jan. 6th’”

He lied about Democrats, saying they “will take the life of a child in the eighth month, the ninth month and even after birth.”

He lied about his former chief of staff’s statement that he called fallen soldiers “suckers” and “losers.” Trump said Biden “made that up,” too.

He lied that immigrants who are in the country illegally are receiving Social Security and being housed in “luxury hotels.”

And he lied extravagantly about his own record. The economy was “perfect” when he left office, he’s the one who reduced insulin prices, he deserves credit for “getting us out of that covid mess,” the government was “ready to start paying down debt” during his presidency, he had “the best environmental numbers ever,” and there was “no terror at all during my administration.”
Partisan drivel.
That's a load of crap.

Sidney Powell wanted to read the data on Dominion machines to see what they did to change Trump votes to Biden votes, and they were successful in preventing her from doing any discovery.

She had to use the courts to get what she wanted because any other way would have been against the law.

States that were involved in the steal needed to do complete audits to justify legal actions, and they refused to do anything.

No complete audit has been done in any state. They've been prevented from doing them because an army of lawyers were standing in their way.
Fuck you. Now suddenly you shift from it's not Trump it's her to that she was innocently doing something ILLEGAL!!!

She tapped into voting machines in another state but in that state she did it legally. This one she broke the law. Imagine of Hunter did such a thing. Oh boy.
I want to call attention to several inaccuracies in a recent media “fact check” article that claimed the Trump administration is taking credit for progress made under the Obama administration.

This unfortunate piece went out of its way to misinterpret President Trump and my own words. Worse, it gets basic facts wrong in a way that could create a disincentive for Veterans to seek care at the Department of Veterans Affairs.

We should all be encouraging our Veterans to use our hospitals and clinics, but pieces such as these paint an incorrect picture of the VA that runs the risk of discouraging Veterans from using the benefits they have earned.

For example:

1. The piece criticized President Trump for saying, “we passed VA choice and VA accountability,” and for saying people have been “trying to pass these things for 45 years.” AP concluded Trump was “wrong” because “Trump is not the first president in 45 years to get Congress to pass Veterans Choice.”

The President knows what he was talking about, even if the AP doesn’t. In 2018, President Trump signed into law the MISSION Act, which gives VA the ability to implement the best practices we’ve learned in our nearly 75 years of experience offering community care. It consolidates VA’s community care efforts into a single, simple-to-use program that puts Veterans at the center of their VA health care decisions.

He wasn’t referring to the Veterans Choice Act, which became law under the Obama administration and created a narrow, temporary choice program that wasn’t seen by anyone as a final answer. Either through neglect or willful ignorance, the AP quoted the President as referring to “VA Choice,” with a capital C, as if he meant that Obama-era bill, but he was referring to the concept of choice as defined in the MISSION Act.

Also, the piece conveniently leaves out the fact that President Trump signed the VA Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act of 2017, one of the most significant changes to civil service laws since the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 was passed more than four decades ago.

2. Along the way to making that flawed argument, the AP misinterpreted a statement made by the VA’s top health official, Dr. Richard Stone, who said implementation of the MISSION Act should “almost be a non-event.” The AP took that line out of context and imagined it to mean that few Veterans will choose care outside the VA because wait times are longer in the private sector, in an apparent effort to dismiss the value of the law the President signed.

That’s news to Dr. Stone. We checked with him, and he said his “non-event” comment referred to the idea that implementation of the MISSION Act would not create any technical problems that would interrupt Veterans’ efforts to seek care at the VA. He made the comment in Senate testimony in March, after being asked whether the MISSION Act would create any drastic changes to how Veterans interact with their VA providers.

3. The piece said the “key to the Choice program’s success is an overhaul of the VA’s electronic medical records,” which will take up to 10 years. It also said I have estimated that full implementation of the “expanded Choice program” is still years away.

This is pure conjecture on the part of AP, plus it’s wrong.

The Choice program will actually cease to exist on June 6, as the MISSION Act will create a new program that consolidates all of VA’s community care programs, including Choice. The AP’s “fact checkers” seem unaware of this crucial fact.

Also, while electronic health records modernization is an important improvement, it’s not central to the success of the MISSION Act. No one from the VA has ever said implementation of the new private care option Veterans will have under the MISSION Act is “years” away because of our effort to modernize health records.

Too long. No one's going to read your long cut and paste full of lies.
I want to call attention to several inaccuracies in a recent media “fact check” article that claimed the Trump administration is taking credit for progress made under the Obama administration.

This unfortunate piece went out of its way to misinterpret President Trump and my own words. Worse, it gets basic facts wrong in a way that could create a disincentive for Veterans to seek care at the Department of Veterans Affairs.

We should all be encouraging our Veterans to use our hospitals and clinics, but pieces such as these paint an incorrect picture of the VA that runs the risk of discouraging Veterans from using the benefits they have earned.

For example:

1. The piece criticized President Trump for saying, “we passed VA choice and VA accountability,” and for saying people have been “trying to pass these things for 45 years.” AP concluded Trump was “wrong” because “Trump is not the first president in 45 years to get Congress to pass Veterans Choice.”

The President knows what he was talking about, even if the AP doesn’t. In 2018, President Trump signed into law the MISSION Act, which gives VA the ability to implement the best practices we’ve learned in our nearly 75 years of experience offering community care. It consolidates VA’s community care efforts into a single, simple-to-use program that puts Veterans at the center of their VA health care decisions.

He wasn’t referring to the Veterans Choice Act, which became law under the Obama administration and created a narrow, temporary choice program that wasn’t seen by anyone as a final answer. Either through neglect or willful ignorance, the AP quoted the President as referring to “VA Choice,” with a capital C, as if he meant that Obama-era bill, but he was referring to the concept of choice as defined in the MISSION Act.

Also, the piece conveniently leaves out the fact that President Trump signed the VA Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act of 2017, one of the most significant changes to civil service laws since the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 was passed more than four decades ago.

2. Along the way to making that flawed argument, the AP misinterpreted a statement made by the VA’s top health official, Dr. Richard Stone, who said implementation of the MISSION Act should “almost be a non-event.” The AP took that line out of context and imagined it to mean that few Veterans will choose care outside the VA because wait times are longer in the private sector, in an apparent effort to dismiss the value of the law the President signed.

That’s news to Dr. Stone. We checked with him, and he said his “non-event” comment referred to the idea that implementation of the MISSION Act would not create any technical problems that would interrupt Veterans’ efforts to seek care at the VA. He made the comment in Senate testimony in March, after being asked whether the MISSION Act would create any drastic changes to how Veterans interact with their VA providers.

3. The piece said the “key to the Choice program’s success is an overhaul of the VA’s electronic medical records,” which will take up to 10 years. It also said I have estimated that full implementation of the “expanded Choice program” is still years away.

This is pure conjecture on the part of AP, plus it’s wrong.

The Choice program will actually cease to exist on June 6, as the MISSION Act will create a new program that consolidates all of VA’s community care programs, including Choice. The AP’s “fact checkers” seem unaware of this crucial fact.

Also, while electronic health records modernization is an important improvement, it’s not central to the success of the MISSION Act. No one from the VA has ever said implementation of the new private care option Veterans will have under the MISSION Act is “years” away because of our effort to modernize health records.

The post-debate chatter is all about how President Joe Biden looked and sounded. That’s fair. Communication is a big part of the president’s job. Biden on Thursday night was lousy at it, and in ways that raise deeper questions about his leadership capabilities.
But enacting policy is also a big part of the president’s job. And there were two important, if barely noticed, moments Thursday night that revealed a lot about Biden’s ability to handle that responsibility ― and how it compares to former President Donald Trump’s.
One came right near the beginning, following a discussion of the economy and inflation. CNN debate co-host Jake Tapper asked Trump about his signature economic policy proposal, an across-the-board tariff on imported goods.

Tapper wondered whether the tariff would raise the prices of goods; Trump said it wouldn’t. Economists disagree. Strongly.

Biden on the other hand has a record of enacting policies that skew towards helping the people who are struggling most financially. And that was the takeaway from the second key exchange, which happened so quickly it was easy to miss.

It happened when Trump took credit for a new $35 cap on insulin payments for seniors on Medicare.
In reality, the new insulin cap took effect this year, as part of the Inflation Reduction Act, the sweeping health care and climate bill that Democrats passed and Biden signed in 2022.
“He gets paid by China. He’s a Manchurian candidate.”

“He wants to raise everybody’s taxes by four times.”

“He allowed millions of people to come in here from prisons, jails and mental institutions to come into our country and destroy our country.”

“He has killed so many people at our border.”
“He’s got the largest deficit in the history of our country.”

Trump lied about former House speaker Nancy Pelosi: “She said, ‘I take full responsibility for Jan. 6th’”

He lied about Democrats, saying they “will take the life of a child in the eighth month, the ninth month and even after birth.”

He lied about his former chief of staff’s statement that he called fallen soldiers “suckers” and “losers.” Trump said Biden “made that up,” too.

He lied that immigrants who are in the country illegally are receiving Social Security and being housed in “luxury hotels.”

And he lied extravagantly about his own record. The economy was “perfect” when he left office, he’s the one who reduced insulin prices, he deserves credit for “getting us out of that covid mess,” the government was “ready to start paying down debt” during his presidency, he had “the best environmental numbers ever,” and there was “no terror at all during my administration.”
California law says an abortion can be performed at any time for any reason.


The rest of your list is obvious lies even you know it is.
Not only has his brain stopped working, but his body is shutting down too. This man has no business being President.

Another cheap fake :abgg2q.jpg:

Democrats are begging Americans not to believe their own eyes.

Democrats gaslight Americans telling them how healthy and full of energy Joe is.
I'd love to see the two of them fight it out pro-wrestling style. That's basically the level we're at - might as well embrace it, eh?

Biden falls down enough as it is without anybody else causing him to.

The diversity-hire preformed above what was expected. So, that’s a win….

What start?

Except the Three Stooges:

View attachment 968551

Well now four.

It's nothing that we didn't already know though.

You’re dumping Biden?

Don't count on it. The democrats should be forced to keep him anyways since they've always thought that he's so terrific.

I don’t feel one little bit sorry for those assholes…

Me neither as they asked for it.

Mika in full melt down. :auiqs.jpg:

They all are. The left is in full panic mode now. :popcorn:

The people really in control have a plan to replace PedoJoe.

I'm not so sure about that.

So Biden’s disastrous performance is because he had a cold?

The left will think of anything won't they?

You must have watched a different debate.

What debate? All I saw was a bloodbath.

I think the moderators were shocked by Biden’s performance.

Yeah, but what was so shocking about it though?

I hope so

Me too.

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