Tonights Debate live 6-27-24

Who won the debate tonight?

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Not only has his brain stopped working, but his body is shutting down too. This man has no business being President.

only MAGAts do. the rest of the world sees donny as a threat.

actually donny sees himself like that - look at those NFTs he sells & y'all just suck it up.
I look at rulings like Dodd, Chevron, and Fischer, and determine my vote. All the silliness you are on about is inconsequential.
Not only has his brain stopped working, but his body is shutting down too. This man has no business being President.

All of Joe's immediate family members and his inner circle need to be prosecuted for elder abuse.
“He gets paid by China. He’s a Manchurian candidate.”

“He wants to raise everybody’s taxes by four times.”

“He allowed millions of people to come in here from prisons, jails and mental institutions to come into our country and destroy our country.”

“He has killed so many people at our border.”
“He’s got the largest deficit in the history of our country.”

Trump lied about former House speaker Nancy Pelosi: “She said, ‘I take full responsibility for Jan. 6th’”

He lied about Democrats, saying they “will take the life of a child in the eighth month, the ninth month and even after birth.”

He lied about his former chief of staff’s statement that he called fallen soldiers “suckers” and “losers.” Trump said Biden “made that up,” too.

He lied that immigrants who are in the country illegally are receiving Social Security and being housed in “luxury hotels.”

And he lied extravagantly about his own record. The economy was “perfect” when he left office, he’s the one who reduced insulin prices, he deserves credit for “getting us out of that covid mess,” the government was “ready to start paying down debt” during his presidency, he had “the best environmental numbers ever,” and there was “no terror at all during my administration.”
The Biden family has made millions from China business... and we don't know what they did to earn it....

If Biden does what he promised he will cancel Trump's tax cut and everyone's taxes will go up....

Biden has caused death at the border... we will never know how many have died trying to get here after Biden invited them....

The deficit is at a record high...

Look it up Pelosi said the capitol police works for her she was the sergeant of arms... I'm glad she finally admitted it...

Blue states do not want any time restraints on abortion... you can't lie about it because we have all heard it....

A general who disliked Trump lied about that statement... and Trump fired him because of it... 19 other witnesses said the general lied... even folks who hate Trump....

In some states illegals get welfare Medicare and SSN money... as well as a drivers license...

And Trump's economy was the best economy of my life... the middle class was saving money the working poor was getting out of poverty... you can't lie about what we all lived through....
CNN was so in the tank for Trump it was sickening.

Interrupting Biden, asking Trump easy questions, totally expect it from Fake News Network.
Before this you could not have convinced me that the DNC had plans to dump Biden but after this I'm not so sure.
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I didn't watch the debate just some of the clips.
What I saw was awful.

Not choosing a winner or a loser. The whole debate was a loser if it was anything like the patches of it I watched.

The idea of civil discourse between two capable opponents is utterly mocked by this charade.

Have some respect for America for crying out loud. Not that it matters but I can envision the various world leaders rolling on the floor in hilarity at the sight of it.

I described the debate to my wife as a civil food fight.

"It's your turn", throw

"My turn", throw

"It's your turn", throw

"My turn", throw

"It's your turn", throw

"My turn", throw

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