Tonight's Debate Will Go Very Badly for Trump

The format tonight will not work in his favor. Biased moderators (presstitutes), townhall format.

Moderators Cooper and Raddatz still plan to let the audience of undecided voters ask half the questions. Moderator questions will be influenced by voters’ concerns voiced on social media.
What To Expect From Clinton, Trump And The Moderators In Tonight's Crucial Town-Hall Debate

Gee, I wonder what they'll focus 100% on tonight?

Will Hillary have a barrage of child actresses infiltrated in the audience?
Trump should look into the camera, tell the American people he's sorry for his words about women over the years, that it's been just that, words, apologize and say that's his last word on the matter. When the mods try to harass him, he continues looking into the camera, ignores their taunts, and speaks to the issues in front of us and his answers to those issues. Water off a duck's back...they'll look like shit and he'll reverse the damage these skunks have done to him.
The format tonight will not work in his favor. Biased moderators (presstitutes), townhall format.

Moderators Cooper and Raddatz still plan to let the audience of undecided voters ask half the questions. Moderator questions will be influenced by voters’ concerns voiced on social media.
What To Expect From Clinton, Trump And The Moderators In Tonight's Crucial Town-Hall Debate

Gee, I wonder what they'll focus 100% on tonight?

There’s nothing more ridiculous than conservatives whining about ‘moderators’ when in fact Trump has only himself to blame.

If Trump does poorly tonight it will be because he is unprepared, is a poor candidate, and wrong on the issues – having nothing whatsoever to do with ‘moderators.’
Whenever Don falls on his face it's always someome else's fault.
CNN and ABC moderators.

Your opinion would be different if the moderators were Matt Drudge and Milo (that would be GREAT!)

Not really, these "debates" are nothing but theater and pageantry, complete with superbowl type intros and post game "analysis".

These are not ‘debates,’ they’re joint press conferences.
Seems to me all he can do at this point is do a full mea culpa and try to leverage it: "Look, I'm a flawed man. I'm gruff. I'm aggressive. I can be over the top. But I love this country and I'm the best (blah, blah, blah)". That would be his best shot, but I don't think he can summon the humility to do it.
Already did that. Some of us accept this, and the far left, of course, never will

Actually not.

‘Liberals’ don’t need to ‘forgive’ Trump.

Indeed, Trump’s lewd comments have nothing to do with ‘liberals’ not voting for Trump.

They’re not voting for Trump because he’s in fact wrong on the issues, his lewd comments and behavior notwithstanding.
The format tonight will not work in his favor. Biased moderators (presstitutes), townhall format.

Moderators Cooper and Raddatz still plan to let the audience of undecided voters ask half the questions. Moderator questions will be influenced by voters’ concerns voiced on social media.
What To Expect From Clinton, Trump And The Moderators In Tonight's Crucial Town-Hall Debate

Gee, I wonder what they'll focus 100% on tonight?
The rest of his miserable life will go very badly for him.

Barron will likely change his name when he turns 18.
Trump should look into the camera, tell the American people he's sorry for his words about women over the years, that it's been just that, words, apologize and say that's his last word on the matter. When the mods try to harass him, he continues looking into the camera, ignores their taunts, and speaks to the issues in front of us and his answers to those issues. Water off a duck's back...they'll look like shit and he'll reverse the damage these skunks have done to him.
it doesn't work with apologies, the feminazi thing doesn't accept apologies from cis white alpha men, or whatever that sissy jargon goes these days you know, because in their minds because they can imagine him touching them, he's literally raping them right then and there, and so it's over for trump. even though we the normal people are fully aware that the klinton kaine kampaign is using all the news media outlets to systematically sexual harassment of the entire electorate, and they're doing it by using the image and likeness of donald trump in their creepy puppet ''reality tv'' show. if we don't play along with it, better watch out, might end up in the basket. hahaha!
it doesn't work with apologies, the feminazi thing doesn't accept apologies from cis white alpha men, or whatever that sissy jargon goes these days you know, because in their minds because they can imagine him touching them, he's literally raping them right then and there, and so it's over for trump. even though we the normal people are fully aware that the klinton kaine kampaign is using all the news media outlets to systematically sexual harassment of the entire electorate, and they're doing it by using the image and likeness of donald trump in their creepy puppet ''reality tv'' show. if we don't play along with it, better watch out, might end up in the basket. hahaha!
He is an insecure pathetic loser. Men that get a lot of pussy don't talk about it.

People that use the idiotic term, “feminazi” are insecure stupid men and old women who are pissed they got screwed in life enduring a male chauvinistic society.
I expect that the moderators will come out with claws and fangs and catapult Trump into the role of wounded puppy and Hilly Clit into the role of sadist.
The far right and alt right want to say that whatever they want to say has to be accepted by everybody else.

They are their own version of PC that the rest of American finds offensive and vulgar.

Not only that watch their Champion of Vulgar, Trump, retreat right into that cauldron of vulgarity tonight and lose the rest of decent America.
The far right and alt right want to say that whatever they want to say has to be accepted by everybody else.

Funny, that's exactly what the regressive libs are doing. I suppose it's only a problem if others do it.

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