Tonights Dumb Question:How Did The Russians Know Which Three States To Hack?

you guys. are you of the "trump won the popular vote" persuasion? it sure looks like it. adorable. especially in this context. awesome.

As usual, you gotz the context wrong. I'm content, actually, that he won the electoral vote.
so, what is in nevada, TOO?

Multitudes of 'backwater' illegals/dreamers whom the state gives driver's licenses to and registers them to vote outside the DMV offices with no proof of anything required, 'cept their signature. Ya' know. Harry Reid la-la land.
so, you think there was widespread voter fraud in Nevada as well as in California, perpetrated by illegals voting for Hillary. got you the first time.

Illegals had no incentive to vote in the recent election, right? (Son-of-an-idjit!)
no, they had not. thanks for showing your face, coward.
As usual, you gotz the context wrong. I'm content, actually, that he won the electoral vote.
so, what is in nevada, TOO?

Multitudes of 'backwater' illegals/dreamers whom the state gives driver's licenses to and registers them to vote outside the DMV offices with no proof of anything required, 'cept their signature. Ya' know. Harry Reid la-la land.
so, you think there was widespread voter fraud in Nevada as well as in California, perpetrated by illegals voting for Hillary. got you the first time.

Illegals had no incentive to vote in the recent election, right? (Son-of-an-idjit!)
no, they had not. thanks for showing your face, coward.

You mad, 'bro?/ or part 'beaner'?...........:lol:
See.............this is where you all get confused.................Russia didn't hack the voting machines, nor did they hack specific states. Why? It's impossible to do because ALL machines would have to be hacked in order to change the vote.

What IS being said is that Russia hacked into the DNC, and then used the information they got out of them to INFLUENCE the election by releasing all those Podesta emails and other documents that made her look bad. put it in simple terms, the Russians hacked the DNC and used the unfavorable information they found there by leaking it to the public and making her look bad. They influenced the election by influencing how people viewed her.

It was INFLUENCE, not hack.

It was not influence, it was confirmation Hillary was a lying sack, which we already knew, confirmation is just a nice thing. I guess you can sit there and say Hillary voters jumped ship and voted Trump based on Russian leaked emails, but that is as much a reach as a Stein recount.
had anyone ever noticed how Hillary always acts like she's already had three rock glasses of vodka when she campaigns?
Podesta's gmail account was hacked when he clicked on a phishing email to change his password... but no, all of a sudden it was a DNC leak? Really? The Podesta email hack was proven and reported on long ago.
really, that is how it was breached? LOL.

The phishing email that hacked the account of John Podesta
"Delevan included the Gmail link that would be used to change a user’s password, but whoever changed Podesta’s password instead clicked on the shortened URL that was in the original phishing email. This is the same technique used to hack Colin Powell’s emails and the Democratic National Committee emails, according to the website Motherboard.

All of these hacks were executed using these shortened URLs in fake emails, according to Motherboard, and those URLs “were created with a Bitly account linked to a domain under the control of Fancy Bear,” a group of Russian hackers. "

that is retarded. i am flabbergasted that this ruse works on that level.

We get phishing emails on my student email account at least once or twice a week. It's crazy.
:cow: :dunno: How come no one ever brings this up when arguing/discussing "The Russians"?, you see, According to Jill Einstein, The Russians already knew 2 months before the election that Trump was going to win(or just barely) Wisconsin,Pennsylvania and Michigan. Right? is that what Jill was getting at? The Russians only wanted to hack those states, but didn't hack the other 54 States? :dunno:
OK, then, how did the Russians figure out how to create all of those thousands of votes for Trump? :dunno:
Maybe some of us can explain this debacle?
OK, then, how did the Russians figure out how to create all of those thousands of votes for Trump? :dunno:
Maybe some of us can explain this debacle?
Well, what I think happened is that the programmer fucked up.
The programmer soros hired, inadvertently, or maybe not,
coded the software that techs installed before the election,
to favor Trump, not Clinton, in the key states.
:cow: :dunno: How come no one ever brings this up when arguing/discussing "The Russians"?, you see, According to Jill Einstein, The Russians already knew 2 months before the election that Trump was going to win(or just barely) Wisconsin,Pennsylvania and Michigan. Right? is that what Jill was getting at? The Russians only wanted to hack those states, but didn't hack the other 54 States? :dunno:
OK, then, how did the Russians figure out how to create all of those thousands of votes for Trump? :dunno:
Maybe some of us can explain this debacle?
OK, then, how did the Russians figure out how to create all of those thousands of votes for Trump? :dunno:
Maybe some of us can explain this debacle?
Well, what I think happened is that the programmer fucked up.
The programmer soros hired, inadvertently, or maybe not,
coded the software that techs installed before the election,
to favor Trump, not Clinton, in the key states.
maybe soros and Hillary assumed that all 57 states were doing the election on the internet?
:cow: :dunno: How come no one ever brings this up when arguing/discussing "The Russians"?, you see, According to Jill Einstein, The Russians already knew 2 months before the election that Trump was going to win(or just barely) Wisconsin,Pennsylvania and Michigan. Right? is that what Jill was getting at? The Russians only wanted to hack those states, but didn't hack the other 54 States? :dunno:
OK, then, how did the Russians figure out how to create all of those thousands of votes for Trump? :dunno:
Maybe some of us can explain this debacle?
OK, then, how did the Russians figure out how to create all of those thousands of votes for Trump? :dunno:
Maybe some of us can explain this debacle?
Well, what I think happened is that the programmer fucked up.
The programmer soros hired, inadvertently, or maybe not,
coded the software that techs installed before the election,
to favor Trump, not Clinton, in the key states.
maybe soros and Hillary assumed that all 57 states were doing the election on the internet?
maybe soros and Hillary assumed that all 57 states were doing the election on the internet? can't vote on the Internet
:cow: :dunno: How come no one ever brings this up when arguing/discussing "The Russians"?, you see, According to Jill Einstein, The Russians already knew 2 months before the election that Trump was going to win(or just barely) Wisconsin,Pennsylvania and Michigan. Right? is that what Jill was getting at? The Russians only wanted to hack those states, but didn't hack the other 54 States? :dunno:
OK, then, how did the Russians figure out how to create all of those thousands of votes for Trump? :dunno:
Maybe some of us can explain this debacle?
OK, then, how did the Russians figure out how to create all of those thousands of votes for Trump? :dunno:
Maybe some of us can explain this debacle?
Well, what I think happened is that the programmer fucked up.
The programmer soros hired, inadvertently, or maybe not,
coded the software that techs installed before the election,
to favor Trump, not Clinton, in the key states.
maybe soros and Hillary assumed that all 57 states were doing the election on the internet?
maybe soros and Hillary assumed that all 57 states were doing the election on the internet? can't vote on the Internet
yah, but Democrats seem to think so
:cow: :dunno: How come no one ever brings this up when arguing/discussing "The Russians"?, you see, According to Jill Einstein, The Russians already knew 2 months before the election that Trump was going to win(or just barely) Wisconsin,Pennsylvania and Michigan. Right? is that what Jill was getting at? The Russians only wanted to hack those states, but didn't hack the other 54 States? :dunno:
OK, then, how did the Russians figure out how to create all of those thousands of votes for Trump? :dunno:
Maybe some of us can explain this debacle?
That's your argument, the Russians can't count?!?! :laugh2:
That evil Trump guy must have told them...or Fox News somehow there is a vast right wing conspiracy going on here.
you mean Trump called up Vlad and told him which states to hack?

Yeah man, its some kind of scheme cooked up by those filthy dwarfs and those meddling Lake Town people. :cranky:
right, maybe it was those tiny russian dwarfs that got inside those ballot machines and changes 150,000 votes.
That evil Trump guy must have told them...or Fox News somehow there is a vast right wing conspiracy going on here.
you mean Trump called up Vlad and told him which states to hack?

Yeah man, its some kind of scheme cooked up by those filthy dwarfs and those meddling Lake Town people. :cranky:
right, maybe it was those tiny russian dwarfs that got inside those ballot machines and changes 150,000 votes.

That fucker Comey...goddamn deplorables, BOOOOOOOOOOOSH...its so unfair :crybaby: Hillary should be president :crybaby: it was her turn :crybaby: I am so fearful, I need a safe space and a blanket. :crybaby:
See.............this is where you all get confused.................Russia didn't hack the voting machines, nor did they hack specific states. Why? It's impossible to do because ALL machines would have to be hacked in order to change the vote.

What IS being said is that Russia hacked into the DNC, and then used the information they got out of them to INFLUENCE the election by releasing all those Podesta emails and other documents that made her look bad. put it in simple terms, the Russians hacked the DNC and used the unfavorable information they found there by leaking it to the public and making her look bad. They influenced the election by influencing how people viewed her.

It was INFLUENCE, not hack.

You mean they exposed the truth about hillary?
There are hundreds of smart and skilled and motivated domestic and foreign hackers every single day who try to breach every single aspect of American security. What do we make of it? Is it business as usual or do we try to make a political issue out of it by fooling the angry mob that constitutes the democrat party?
:cow: :dunno: How come no one ever brings this up when arguing/discussing "The Russians"?, you see, According to Jill Einstein, The Russians already knew 2 months before the election that Trump was going to win(or just barely) Wisconsin,Pennsylvania and Michigan. Right? is that what Jill was getting at? The Russians only wanted to hack those states, but didn't hack the other 54 States? :dunno:
OK, then, how did the Russians figure out how to create all of those thousands of votes for Trump? :dunno:
Maybe some of us can explain this debacle?

The Russians and Fox News are the snowflake boogeymen.
See.............this is where you all get confused.................Russia didn't hack the voting machines, nor did they hack specific states. Why? It's impossible to do because ALL machines would have to be hacked in order to change the vote.

What IS being said is that Russia hacked into the DNC, and then used the information they got out of them to INFLUENCE the election by releasing all those Podesta emails and other documents that made her look bad. put it in simple terms, the Russians hacked the DNC and used the unfavorable information they found there by leaking it to the public and making her look bad. They influenced the election by influencing how people viewed her.

It was INFLUENCE, not hack.

You mean they exposed the truth about hillary?

Not exposed....we did that for years.......
...agreed with.

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