Tonights Dumb Question:How Did The Russians Know Which Three States To Hack?

See.............this is where you all get confused.................Russia didn't hack the voting machines, nor did they hack specific states. Why? It's impossible to do because ALL machines would have to be hacked in order to change the vote.

What IS being said is that Russia hacked into the DNC, and then used the information they got out of them to INFLUENCE the election by releasing all those Podesta emails and other documents that made her look bad. put it in simple terms, the Russians hacked the DNC and used the unfavorable information they found there by leaking it to the public and making her look bad. They influenced the election by influencing how people viewed her.

It was INFLUENCE, not hack.

Except that no one hacked the DNC. The emails were leaked from a Dem insider who WAS NOT RUSSIAN!!!! Do libs understand the difference between an outside hacker and a person who has access to emails deciding to make them public? I'm beginning to think they don't.

It's really not difficult to follow what happened. Try to keep up.

No one knew that the DNC was trying to ensure a Hillary nomination except those involved. One of those people who was in the loop that decided to contact WikiLeaks, not Russia. Assange was contacted by the person and leaked the emails. Then, the whistle blower was murdered in D.C. before he could get a chance to leak more emails. When you lay out just the facts it almost tells a story, doesn't it? The moral of the story is that you don't fuck with certain people if you value your life.

And from all this, the left comes up with 'the Russians did it!' Fucking incredible. It must be easier to blame the Russians than to face the truth that one of the Dem's own people turned on them after seeing the deep corruption and lost his life over it. So sad.

Also, they roped Russophobe RINO's like Graham, Rubio, and McShitstain to go along with their fantasies. These RINO swampgators were easy pickins'.
See.............this is where you all get confused.................Russia didn't hack the voting machines, nor did they hack specific states. Why? It's impossible to do because ALL machines would have to be hacked in order to change the vote.

What IS being said is that Russia hacked into the DNC, and then used the information they got out of them to INFLUENCE the election by releasing all those Podesta emails and other documents that made her look bad. put it in simple terms, the Russians hacked the DNC and used the unfavorable information they found there by leaking it to the public and making her look bad. They influenced the election by influencing how people viewed her.

It was INFLUENCE, not hack.

Except that no one hacked the DNC. The emails were leaked from a Dem insider who WAS NOT RUSSIAN!!!! Do libs understand the difference between an outside hacker and a person who has access to emails deciding to make them public? I'm beginning to think they don't.

It's really not difficult to follow what happened. Try to keep up.

No one knew that the DNC was trying to ensure a Hillary nomination except those involved. One of those people who was in the loop that decided to contact WikiLeaks, not Russia. Assange was contacted by the person and leaked the emails. Then, the whistle blower was murdered in D.C. before he could get a chance to leak more emails. When you lay out just the facts it almost tells a story, doesn't it? The moral of the story is that you don't fuck with certain people if you value your life.

And from all this, the left comes up with 'the Russians did it!' Fucking incredible. It must be easier to blame the Russians than to face the truth that one of the Dem's own people turned on them after seeing the deep corruption and lost his life over it. So sad.

Got a link to prove your point? I've got one for the DNC hack. And no, it wasn't stuff that was released by a DNC insider...............

By the way, this was written back in June..............

DNC hack: What you need to know -

Way, way back in June, right? So why didn't Obama do more as opposed to nothing?
Podesta's gmail account was hacked when he clicked on a phishing email to change his password... but no, all of a sudden it was a DNC leak? Really? The Podesta email hack was proven and reported on long ago.
And pin it on Weiner.
Grandmasters, comrade!
See.............this is where you all get confused.................Russia didn't hack the voting machines, nor did they hack specific states. Why? It's impossible to do because ALL machines would have to be hacked in order to change the vote.

What IS being said is that Russia hacked into the DNC, and then used the information they got out of them to INFLUENCE the election by releasing all those Podesta emails and other documents that made her look bad. put it in simple terms, the Russians hacked the DNC and used the unfavorable information they found there by leaking it to the public and making her look bad. They influenced the election by influencing how people viewed her.

It was INFLUENCE, not hack.

Except that no one hacked the DNC. The emails were leaked from a Dem insider who WAS NOT RUSSIAN!!!! Do libs understand the difference between an outside hacker and a person who has access to emails deciding to make them public? I'm beginning to think they don't.

It's really not difficult to follow what happened. Try to keep up.

No one knew that the DNC was trying to ensure a Hillary nomination except those involved. One of those people who was in the loop that decided to contact WikiLeaks, not Russia. Assange was contacted by the person and leaked the emails. Then, the whistle blower was murdered in D.C. before he could get a chance to leak more emails. When you lay out just the facts it almost tells a story, doesn't it? The moral of the story is that you don't fuck with certain people if you value your life.

And from all this, the left comes up with 'the Russians did it!' Fucking incredible. It must be easier to blame the Russians than to face the truth that one of the Dem's own people turned on them after seeing the deep corruption and lost his life over it. So sad.

Got a link to prove your point? I've got one for the DNC hack. And no, it wasn't stuff that was released by a DNC insider...............

By the way, this was written back in June..............

DNC hack: What you need to know -

Find a credible source other than fake media. It's CNN and MSNBC trying to push the lies about Russia.
See.............this is where you all get confused.................Russia didn't hack the voting machines, nor did they hack specific states. Why? It's impossible to do because ALL machines would have to be hacked in order to change the vote.

What IS being said is that Russia hacked into the DNC, and then used the information they got out of them to INFLUENCE the election by releasing all those Podesta emails and other documents that made her look bad. put it in simple terms, the Russians hacked the DNC and used the unfavorable information they found there by leaking it to the public and making her look bad. They influenced the election by influencing how people viewed her.

It was INFLUENCE, not hack.

Got it. So the Russians hacked the DNC, and then exposed the truth about the Hellary camp. So they influenced the election by telling the truth. That is absolutely diabolical!
See.............this is where you all get confused.................Russia didn't hack the voting machines, nor did they hack specific states. Why? It's impossible to do because ALL machines would have to be hacked in order to change the vote.

What IS being said is that Russia hacked into the DNC, and then used the information they got out of them to INFLUENCE the election by releasing all those Podesta emails and other documents that made her look bad. put it in simple terms, the Russians hacked the DNC and used the unfavorable information they found there by leaking it to the public and making her look bad. They influenced the election by influencing how people viewed her.

It was INFLUENCE, not hack.

Got it. So the Russians hacked the DNC, and then exposed the truth about the Hellary camp. So they influenced the election by telling the truth. That is absolutely diabolical!

Well, exposing the truth about Dems is the best way to hurt them. The libs aren't upset about the corruption, just the fact that everyone knows about it.

If they hadn't been so dishonest, we wouldn't be talking about this.
I want a hand count of the CA election. That is where true fraud will be revealed.

Nevada, too!
you guys. are you of the "trump won the popular vote" persuasion? it sure looks like it. adorable. especially in this context. awesome.

As usual, you gotz the context wrong. I'm content, actually, that he won the electoral vote.
so, what is in nevada, TOO?

Multitudes of 'backwater' illegals/dreamers whom the state gives driver's licenses to and registers them to vote outside the DMV offices with no proof of anything required, 'cept their signature. Ya' know. Harry Reid la-la land.
:cow: :dunno: How come no one ever brings this up when arguing/discussing "The Russians"?, you see, According to Jill Einstein, The Russians already knew 2 months before the election that Trump was going to win(or just barely) Wisconsin,Pennsylvania and Michigan. Right? is that what Jill was getting at? The Russians only wanted to hack those states, but didn't hack the other 54 States? :dunno:
OK, then, how did the Russians figure out how to create all of those thousands of votes for Trump? :dunno:
Maybe some of us can explain this debacle?

No one has said that. The point is that Russia had a lot of Hacks coming out of Wikileaks is what they're stating. An onslaught of wikileaks was going on, against DNC government databases. We have the CIA and 17 other intelligence agencies stating these hacks where coming in from high levels within the Kremlin. Purportedly Russia is also being accused of a lot of the FAKE news that spread through-out social media outlets.

That's what they're looking into. And from this New York Times article there is a Russian diplomat that states that they had contacts within the Trump campaign. If this turns out to be the case where there was collusion between Trump operatives and Russia to do a cyber attack on the United States, the congress will be forced to ask Trump to resign. If he doesn't they will seek impeachment.
I want a hand count of the CA election. That is where true fraud will be revealed.

Nevada, too!
you guys. are you of the "trump won the popular vote" persuasion? it sure looks like it. adorable. especially in this context. awesome.

As usual, you gotz the context wrong. I'm content, actually, that he won the electoral vote.
so, what is in nevada, TOO?

Multitudes of 'backwater' illegals/dreamers whom the state gives driver's licenses to and registers them to vote outside the DMV offices with no proof of anything required, 'cept their signature. Ya' know. Harry Reid la-la land.
so, you think there was widespread voter fraud in Nevada as well as in California, perpetrated by illegals voting for Hillary. got you the first time.
Nevada, too!
you guys. are you of the "trump won the popular vote" persuasion? it sure looks like it. adorable. especially in this context. awesome.

As usual, you gotz the context wrong. I'm content, actually, that he won the electoral vote.
so, what is in nevada, TOO?

Multitudes of 'backwater' illegals/dreamers whom the state gives driver's licenses to and registers them to vote outside the DMV offices with no proof of anything required, 'cept their signature. Ya' know. Harry Reid la-la land.
so, you think there was widespread voter fraud in Nevada as well as in California, perpetrated by illegals voting for Hillary. got you the first time.

Illegals had no incentive to vote in the recent election, right? (Son-of-an-idjit!)
Podesta's gmail account was hacked when he clicked on a phishing email to change his password... but no, all of a sudden it was a DNC leak? Really? The Podesta email hack was proven and reported on long ago.
really, that is how it was breached? LOL.

The phishing email that hacked the account of John Podesta
"Delevan included the Gmail link that would be used to change a user’s password, but whoever changed Podesta’s password instead clicked on the shortened URL that was in the original phishing email. This is the same technique used to hack Colin Powell’s emails and the Democratic National Committee emails, according to the website Motherboard.

All of these hacks were executed using these shortened URLs in fake emails, according to Motherboard, and those URLs “were created with a Bitly account linked to a domain under the control of Fancy Bear,” a group of Russian hackers. "

that is retarded. i am flabbergasted that this ruse works on that level.

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