Tony Blair Calls Biden An Imbecile

Everybody in the world are calling President Potatohead an imbecile.

Except the stupid uneducated Moon Bats that are doing their normal dishonesty by blaming Potatohead's failure on Trump.
But Trump was not a bastion of competency either. Imo faulting Biden is fair. Trump set in motion the Afghan army's collapse, but surely I'm not the only one thing "wow, and the Mets won't win the WS ... whoda thunk"
Didn't the entire world say Trump was stupid with his foreign policy decisions? You cons didn't care what they said. You said what he did was best for America. Biden is getting us out. Think Trump would have done better? Maybe he shouldn't have botched Corona and lied to us and he'd still be in charge.

Stop with your dishonest TDS driven bullshit about Trump.

President Potatohead is an embarrassment to the US and he is fucking up everything he touches and you dipshit Moon Bats can't blame Trump for it.

Just be honest for a change and take responsiblity for being dumbass and supporting an incompetent piece of shit like this Potatohead clown.
So back then why didn't you agree with these Democrats?

In the end, however, Hillary crossed party lines and voted for the authorization to use military force. It would take her years to acknowledge that the decision was misguided, eventually calling it “my mistake.”

How about this? (Trump has repeatedly said he opposed the resolution, but fact-checkers have determined that he favored it at the time Clinton voted.)

I'll be honest, I don't like Hillary's reasoning for going along. But still it was Bush's decision. Funny how hard you want to put it on Senators who approved.

This is a list of U.S. senators and representatives who have taken a clear stand in opposition to the Iraq War.

NamePartyDate first in U.S. congressional officeIraq resolution[1][2]
Neil AbercrombieDemocraticSeptember 20, 1986Against
Daniel AkakaDemocraticJanuary 3, 1977Against
Tammy BaldwinDemocraticJanuary 3, 1999Against
Jeff BingamanDemocraticJanuary 3, 1983Against
Earl BlumenauerDemocraticMay 21, 1996Against
Barbara BoxerDemocraticJanuary 3, 1983Against
Sherrod BrownDemocraticJanuary 5, 1993Against
Robert ByrdDemocraticJanuary 3, 1959Against
Lois CappsDemocraticMarch 17, 1998Against
Lincoln ChafeeRepublicanNovember 2, 1999Against
Steve CohenDemocraticJanuary 4, 2007
Kent ConradDemocratic-NPLJanuary 6, 1987Against
John ConyersDemocraticJanuary 4, 1965Against
Jon CorzineDemocraticJanuary 3, 2001Against
Mark DaytonDemocratic-Farmer-LaborJanuary 3, 2001Against
Peter DeFazioDemocraticJanuary 3, 1987Against
Bill DelahuntDemocraticJanuary 3, 1997Against
Lloyd DoggettDemocraticJanuary 3, 1995Against
Jimmy DuncanRepublicanNovember 8, 1988Against
Dick DurbinDemocraticJanuary 3, 1983Against
Keith EllisonDemocratic-Farmer-LaborJanuary 4, 2007
Sam FarrDemocraticJune 8, 1993Against
Chaka FattahDemocraticJanuary 3, 1995Against
Russ FeingoldDemocraticJanuary 5, 1993Against
Barney FrankDemocraticJanuary 5, 1981Against
Bob GrahamDemocraticJanuary 3, 1987Against
Maurice HincheyDemocraticJanuary 3, 1993Against
Rush D. Holt, Jr.DemocraticJanuary 3, 1999Against
John HostettlerRepublicanJanuary 3, 1995Against
Daniel InouyeDemocraticAugust 21, 1959Against
Jim JeffordsIndependentJanuary 3, 1975Against
Eddie Bernice JohnsonDemocraticJanuary 3, 1993Against
Ted KennedyDemocraticNovember 7, 1962Against
Dennis KucinichDemocraticJanuary 3, 1997Against
Patrick LeahyDemocraticJanuary 14, 1975Against
Barbara LeeDemocraticApril 7, 1998Against
Carl LevinDemocraticJanuary 15, 1979Against
John LewisDemocraticJanuary 6, 1987Against
Jim McDermottDemocraticJanuary 3, 1989Against
Jim McGovernDemocraticJanuary 3, 1997Against
Cynthia McKinneyGreen PartyJanuary 7, 1997Against
Bob MenendezDemocraticJanuary 5, 1993Against
Jeff MerkleyDemocraticJanuary 3, 2009
Barbara MikulskiDemocraticJanuary 3, 1977Against
George MillerDemocraticJanuary 14, 1975Against
Jim MoranDemocraticJanuary 3, 1991Against
Patrick MurphyDemocraticJanuary 4, 2007
Patty MurrayDemocraticJanuary 5, 1993Against
Barack ObamaDemocraticJanuary 4, 2005
Ron PaulRepublicanJanuary 3, 1979Against
Nancy PelosiDemocraticJune 2, 1987Against
Jack ReedDemocraticJanuary 3, 1991Against
Bobby RushDemocraticJanuary 3, 1993Against
Tim RyanDemocraticJanuary 3, 2003
Bernie SandersIndependentJanuary 3, 1991Against
Paul SarbanesDemocraticJanuary 3, 1971Against
Jan SchakowskyDemocraticJanuary 6, 1999Against
José SerranoDemocraticMarch 20, 1990Against
Debbie StabenowDemocraticJanuary 7, 1997Against
Pete StarkDemocraticJanuary 3, 1973Against
Maxine WatersDemocraticJanuary 3, 1991Against
Diane WatsonDemocraticJune 5, 2001Against
Jim WebbDemocraticJanuary 3, 2007
Paul WellstoneDemocratic-Farmer-LaborJanuary 3, 1991Against
Sheldon WhitehouseDemocraticJanuary 3, 2007
Lynn WoolseyDemocraticJanuary 3, 1993Against
Ron WydenDemocraticJanuary 3, 1981Against
Cool story. See the video I posted above.
Tony Blair sure isn't letting the cat out of the bag there. I only voted for Biden because he's more in tune with his idiocy by having the openness to take advice from others.
Not Obama's fault. Bush got us into that mess. Who knows what you would have done or tried if you were Obama. Trump didn't do shit. Didn't even get us out. Biden did.
It was Obama''s fault that ISIS got all the weapons and machinery he abandoned in Iran. Biden gave the same gift to the Taliban. They are both traitors.
Stop with your dishonest TDS driven bullshit about Trump.

President Potatohead is an embarrassment to the US and he is fucking up everything he touches and you dipshit Moon Bats can't blame Trump for it.

Just be honest for a change and take responsiblity for being dumbass and supporting an incompetent piece of shit like this Potatohead clown.
He's doing a fine job. This is you making a mountain out of a molehill. Plus, when you couldn't even admit that Trump lied to us about Covid, that his call wasn't perfect and that he lost the election, I think we need to take your Biden criticism with a grain of salt.
It was Obama''s fault that ISIS got all the weapons and machinery he abandoned in Iran. Biden gave the same gift to the Taliban. They are both traitors.
Are you kidding? You know who was happier than shit when we got rid of Saddam? Iran. Please.

And besides, it's really all Reagan's fault. Watch Charlie Wilson's war. This could all have been avoided if Reagan didn't turn his backs on Afganistan like Trump did our Kurdish allies. Who knows what the fallout from that will be.

Or when Trump took out the Iranian general at that airport. WTF?
Funny that you, a nobody, knows that Trump had a "sensible" plan to withdraw from Afganistan. Is that a fact? Sounds debatable.
Funny that you, who haven't seen the plan at all, think you can judge it based purely on your hatred for
Donald Trump despite the fact the plan prioritize evacuations of Americans and then all other people and then
sensitive documents and military arms of all sorts.

Of course what plan wouldn't seem sensible next to Joe's shotgun, cluster fuck approach?
Funny that you, who haven't seen the plan at all, think you can judge it based purely on your hatred for
Donald Trump despite the fact the plan prioritize evacuations of Americans and then all other people and then
sensitive documents and military arms of all sorts.

Of course what plan wouldn't seem sensible next to Joe's shotgun, cluster fuck approach?
Joe is prioritizing American's first. You're assuming Trump would have had an orderly withdraw and the Taliban wouldn't have taken over until we were all gone. ASS YOU ME.
He's doing a fine job. This is you making a mountain out of a molehill. Plus, when you couldn't even admit that Trump lied to us about Covid, that his call wasn't perfect and that he lost the election, I think we need to take your Biden criticism with a grain of salt.
Tens of thousands stranded behind Taliban lines. Molehill?
Are you kidding? You know who was happier than shit when we got rid of Saddam? Iran. Please.

And besides, it's really all Reagan's fault. Watch Charlie Wilson's war. This could all have been avoided if Reagan didn't turn his backs on Afganistan like Trump did our Kurdish allies. Who knows what the fallout from that will be.

Or when Trump took out the Iranian general at that airport. WTF?
Yes. I get all my foreign policy information from Tom Hanks movies.

You whine about Trump turning his back on Kurds but then have no qualms at all when addlepated
Joe Biden gives Afghanis the brush.

But I guess you wouldn't hold it against Donald Trump at all, if we became embroiled in a
Turkey vs. Kurds military conflict, would you? :rolleyes:
So turning your back on allies is okay with you... if Grandpa Joe does it.
But Trump was not a bastion of competency either. Imo faulting Biden is fair. Trump set in motion the Afghan army's collapse, but surely I'm not the only one thing "wow, and the Mets won't win the WS ... whoda thunk"

Blair: Gaza's great betrayer | Avi Shlaim | The Guardian
Feb 03, 2010 · In July 2006, at the height of the savage Israeli onslaught on Lebanon, Blair opposed a security council resolution for an immediate and unconditional ceasefire: he wanted to give Israel an ...

Author: Avi Shlaim
Estimated Reading Time: 10 mins
Opinion | Israel’s Puppy, Tony Blair - The New York Times
Jun 25, 2014 · In the process, Mr. Blair helped render the Palestinian Authority more, not less, dependent on Israel. Instead of protecting the Palestinians from the Israeli settlers, Palestinian security forces...
Joe is prioritizing American's first. You're assuming Trump would have had an orderly withdraw and the Taliban wouldn't have taken over until we were all gone. ASS YOU ME.
Trump wouldn't have shut down Bagrum or sent troops home until the last thing we did was to
use air power to insure everyone or thing of value was secured.
Then we bomb Bagrum as we fly away forever from Afghanistan.

Notice a slight difference in planning and forethought between Trump's plan and Joe's ad hoc idiocy?
ASS YOU ME...out.
Trump just wants a headline. He's really quite pitiful to brag in a crisis.
He said that stuff about the withdrawal in Ohio a couple of months ago. Bragging that he stuck it to Joe, the Democrat and all of America not in tune with the "Don".

Pompeo is the same way. He's the one who signed the withdrawal terms with the Taliban.
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He said that stuff about the withdrawal in Ohio a couple of months ago. Bragging that the stuck it to Joe, the Democrat and all of America not in tune with the "Don".

Pompeo is the same way. He's the one who signed the withdrawal terms with the Taliban.

Trump's ego is so much bigger than his patriotism.

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