Tony Blair Calls Biden An Imbecile

So? He is the Ex President. This debacle is 100% on Clusterfuck Joe. Only Braindead Bidenista Cultists like you are trying to convince people this is on Trump.
So? Typical of the Neo-GOP base, when their dear leader admits to stabbing America in the back on purpose, they cheer.
Isn’t he the guy England blames for letting bush lie them into Iraq?
Bush and Blair are warmongers, they should have be trialled in Iraq. Joe is a fucking dick, by all means withdraw troops but put the fucking horse infront of the cart, evacuate people where necessary, then commit to a date and pull troops out. Joe couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery.
So? Typical of the Neo-GOP base, when their dear leader admits to stabbing America in the back on purpose, they cheer.
Your excuse for Custerfuck Joe is that he is too stupid to make any decisions on his own. That he blindly followed something Trump told him he had to do. If that was the case, why didn’t Clusterfuck Joe pull out in April? After all, that was mentioned in Trump’s plan.

Oops! Looks like Joe didn’t follow Trump’s plan.

You lose again.
He said that stuff about the withdrawal in Ohio a couple of months ago. Bragging that he stuck it to Joe, the Democrat and all of America not in tune with the "Don".

Pompeo is the same way. He's the one who signed the withdrawal terms with the Taliban.
So you don't think most of America wanted to see our time in Afghanistan come to an end?

Okay. Whatever. :icon_rolleyes:
Your excuse for Custerfuck Joe is that he is too stupid to make any decisions on his own. That he blindly followed something Trump told him he had to do. If that was the case, why didn’t Clusterfuck Joe pull out in April? After all, that was mentioned in Trump’s plan.

Oops! Looks like Joe didn’t follow Trump’s plan.

You lose again.

I understand, the Neo-GOP are proud of how Trumpybear set America up for failure when he reduced the troop level to 2500, days before the new administration took over, and mere weeks before the scheduled withdrawal. Just for the optic we see this week.
Your excuse for Custerfuck Joe is that he is too stupid to make any decisions on his own. That he blindly followed something Trump told him he had to do. If that was the case, why didn’t Clusterfuck Joe pull out in April? After all, that was mentioned in Trump’s plan.

Oops! Looks like Joe didn’t follow Trump’s plan.

You lose again.
Joe didn't follow anyone's plans! Including all the experts in the White House who strongly advised Joe
not to make this abrupt and precipitous withdrawal.
And now we see why.
Tony Blaire calls Biden an Imbecile
The UK Parliament voted to hold Biden in Contempt of Parliament
The Singapore PM pointed out VP Harris is an Imbecile
Germany has piled on
France has quietly sent SpecOps forces to rescue its citizens from the Taliban & Biden
The whole world knows this is a F*-Up of HISTORIC PROPORTIONS

The Taliban is openly mocking Biden & the US
Biden is begging the Talban for more time to get out people out...
....While our soldiers are being told NOT to try to get our people out
....While telling Americans it is up to THEM to make it to the Airport
....WHILE telling them not to try to make it to the airport now

Tony Blaire calls Biden an Imbecile
The UK Parliament voted to hold Biden in Contempt of Parliament
The Singapore PM pointed out VP Harris is an Imbecile
Germany has piled on
France has quietly sent SpecOps forces to rescue its citizens from the Taliban & Biden
The whole world knows this is a F*-Up of HISTORIC PROPORTIONS

The Taliban is openly mocking Biden & the US
Biden is begging the Talban for more time to get out people out...
....While our soldiers are being told NOT to try to get our people out
....While telling Americans it is up to THEM to make it to the Airport
....WHILE telling them not to try to make it to the airport now


The US evacuated 10,400 Sunday ...
I understand, the Neo-GOP are proud of how Trumpybear set America up for failure when he reduced the troop level to 2500, days before the new administration took over, and mere weeks before the scheduled withdrawal. Just for the optic we see this week.
Nice try! Only Stubborn Geezer Joe caused the chaotic optics we have seen the last couple of weeks.

All of Joe's advisors strongly warned him NOT to just abruptly withdraw, like a family trying to talk grandpa
into giving up the car keys before killing someone.

But he went ahead and did it anyway. Blaming Trump for Joe's imbecilic actions is pretty cowardly and
and quite a lie. But nothing is beneath you, it seems.
This is about using foreign policy to stick it to your domestic politic enemy.

I believe this will backfire on the Neo-GOP.
That's how you choose to arrange the bucket of horse shit anyway,
as you toss it up against the wall.

Rational decent people will surely disagree with your partisan idiocy.
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Yes, but that’s beside the point.
NO, you guys are asserting Blair's right in sayign we should stay forever. Neither Biden nor Trump buy that neocon bs. Instead you're lining up behind Cheney. It's suprises me because both and kaz have principals, imo. But perhaps you haven't followed Blair's "career" post govt. He makes the Bushs and John Major seem choirboys.
Nice try! Only Stubborn Geezer Joe caused the chaotic optics we have seen the last couple of weeks.

All of Joe's advisors strongly warned him NOT to just abruptly withdraw, like a family trying to talk grandpa
into giving up the car keys before killing someone.

But he went ahead and did it anyway. Blaming Trump for Joe's imbecilic actions is pretty cowardly and
and quite a lie. But nothing is beneath you, it seems.

Joe's decision was to delay the Trump withdrawal by 4 months. Nobody expected the Afghan army to fold in a matter of days. Once that happened the President and his team have risen to the challenge and will likely get everybody out and probably get several 10's of thousands of Afghan refugees, much to S. Miller and the Taliban's dismay.

"The American presence in Afghanistan peaked at about a hundred thousand troops, in August, 2010, and fell to a little less than ten thousand by the end of Obama’s Presidency. The Obama Administration’s talks with the Taliban failed, but when Donald Trump became President he revived the negotiations. In early 2020, Zalmay Khalilzad, Trump’s envoy, struck a deal with the Taliban that included a pledge to remove all U.S. troops by May 1st, 2021. Trump also ordered a reduction in U.S. forces to twenty-five hundred by the time he left office. (About seven thousand nato troops also remained.)

This was President Joe Biden’s inheritance: a decade of unsuccessful negotiations, a flawed Trump deal that increasingly advantaged the Taliban, a U.S. troop deployment too small to change the war’s stalemate, and a looming deadline to depart the country entirely or else invite renewed Taliban assaults. Biden faced no good choices, only a menu of risky options. "

I understand, the Neo-GOP are proud of how Trumpybear set America up for failure when he reduced the troop level to 2500, days before the new administration took over, and mere weeks before the scheduled withdrawal. Just for the optic we see this week.
Keep trying to blame the guy who hasn’t been in office for 8 months.
NO, you guys are asserting Blair's right in sayign we should stay forever. Neither Biden nor Trump buy that necon bs. Instead you're lining up behind Cheney. It's suprises me because both of you have principals, imo.
That's weak clownish b.s., bro.
Blair isn't and didn't suggest in any way that we should stay "forever" in Afghanistan.

Trying to save Joe Biden's incompetent presidency by invoking Dick Cheney is sheer desperation.

I want to say you're better than that. But I don't believe it.
NO, you guys are asserting Blair's right in sayign we should stay forever. Neither Biden nor Trump buy that neocon bs. Instead you're lining up behind Cheney. It's suprises me because both and kaz have principals, imo. But perhaps you haven't followed Blair's "career" post govt. He makes the Bushs and John Major seem choirboys.
What? I’m glad we’re out. Fuck Afghanistan.

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