Tony Blair Calls Biden An Imbecile

This is about using foreign policy to stick it to your domestic politic enemy.

I believe this will backfire on the Neo-GOP.
I dunno. Biden's raison d'etre (-: is he managed to get shots in our arms and the econ open. I don't think people will blame him for "nuts" not getting vaccinated, but this was not good. I doubt the Taliban want to encourage us to stay, and if we do have to, it's not going to be a good day for them. So long as they let us evacuate our people it may work out ok for them and us. And as for the Afghanis .... if they didn't like the Taliban they had the opportunity. Hopefully the Saudis and other sunnis will "push" them to allowing medical care for women.

It may still come down to whether Biden can get an infrstructure deal that 50 dems in the senate and the House can live with. And I'm still guessing that inflation will not be affected much. Food prices are going up, but that's because of supply ..... and heat.
This was President Joe Biden’s inheritance: a decade of unsuccessful negotiations, a flawed Trump deal that increasingly advantaged the Taliban, a U.S. troop deployment too small to change the war’s stalemate, and a looming deadline to depart the country entirely or else invite renewed Taliban assaults. Biden faced no good choices, only a menu of risky options. "
Which Joe Biden completely blew up by shutting down Bagrum air base in the middle of the night signaling
the Taliban it was time to squeeze Joe's balls that the himself put in a vise.

You keep trying to remove or downplay Joe Biden's actions in all this as if he is just a helpless onlooker.
That will never wash.

The New Yorker should stick to Broadway show reviews and leave the geo-political world to the experts.
Meanwhile, Britain's left-wing newspaper "The Telegraph", has changed its tune on the wonder of The Return of Sanity through the "election" of The Alzheimer's Poster Boy:

(quoted material in blue)

The Washington elite have turned on Biden. Watch out for the Harris presidency

The media outlets which sold the wars, and sold Biden’s candidacy too, are now whispering that he’s past it.

Joe Biden’s extended honeymoon with the US media is over. Amid the fiasco of the Afghanistan withdrawal, the fact-checkers have turned on him. There will be no turning back.
While Harris plays it cool, Biden is getting the heat for Afghanistan. There’s time yet, but the media’s turn against Biden has started the countdown towards that eventuality that no one apart from the Second Husband, the Blob, and the Veep herself are looking forward to: Kamala Harris’s shot at the presidency.

Yes, boys and girls (no responsible adult could have voted for Xiden/Xarris), get ready to live under the "S"-word.

No, not "Socialism". Serfrom.
That's weak clownish b.s., bro.
Blair isn't and didn't suggest in any way that we should stay "forever" in Afghanistan.

Trying to save Joe Biden's incompetent presidency by invoking Dick Cheney is sheer desperation.

I want to say you're better than that. But I don't believe it.
OH really!

Bush said so as early as April 2002, in a speech at the Virginia Military Institute. He said that “We know that true peace will only be achieved when we give the Afghan people the means to achieve their own aspirations. Peace will be achieved by helping Afghanistan develop its own stable government.” In his memoir, one chapter of which is devoted to Afghanistan, Bush writes that “Afghanistan was the ultimate nation building mission. We had liberated the country from a primitive dictatorship, and we had a moral obligation to leave behind something better. We also had a strategic interest in helping the Afghan people build a free society,” because “a democratic Afghanistan would be a hopeful alternative to the vision of the extremists.”

Let me know if Blair ever disavowed his W connection, and at least W hasn't made a fortune from it (his Dad made a second one on iraq). Oh wait, Blair was for it before W was for it.
OH really!

Bush said so as early as April 2002, in a speech at the Virginia Military Institute. He said that “We know that true peace will only be achieved when we give the Afghan people the means to achieve their own aspirations. Peace will be achieved by helping Afghanistan develop its own stable government.” In his memoir, one chapter of which is devoted to Afghanistan, Bush writes that “Afghanistan was the ultimate nation building mission. We had liberated the country from a primitive dictatorship, and we had a moral obligation to leave behind something better. We also had a strategic interest in helping the Afghan people build a free society,” because “a democratic Afghanistan would be a hopeful alternative to the vision of the extremists.”

Let me know if Blair ever disavowed his W connection, and at least W hasn't made a fortune from it (his Dad made a second one on iraq). Oh wait, Blair was for it before W was for it.
We got two major wars . One in foreign affairs and one domestically with Prog Socialists.
Bush and Blair are warmongers, they should have be trialled in Iraq. Joe is a fucking dick, by all means withdraw troops but put the fucking horse infront of the cart, evacuate people where necessary, then commit to a date and pull troops out. Joe couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery.

We asked the same questions about Bush during the Iraq war

Was this about bad intelligence? Or was it about an administration that didn’t place enough emphasis on the worst-case outcomes and plan accordingly? Or somewhere in between? It’s popular to dismiss the so-called political “blame game,” but figuring out where things broke down is hugely important.

If I'm not mistaken Bush lied us into Iraq. Let's say he didn't lie and it was just the biggest mistake in US military history. You guys did re elect him in 2004 right?

Biden 2024!

“We will get everyone out” — especially U.S. citizens

How many Americans are left?​

Another reflection of the confusion that surrounds all of this: Different estimates of the number of people whom we need to evacuate. We got two different answers Tuesday when it comes to how many Americans remain in Afghanistan — both of them uncertain.

Early Tuesday, Kirby said there were believed to be between 5,000 and 10,000 Americansleft “near Kabul.” By Tuesday afternoon, Psaki said there were about 11,000 “self-identified” Americans in Afghanistan, but that others might not have identified themselves yet.

It’s possible the difference reflects the region — Kirby was talking about the Kabul region while Psaki emphasized “around the country” — but Kirby acknowledged that there was no specific number available. And some have suggested that the number could be significantly higher than even Psaki’s qualified estimate.
This is relevant for a couple reasons. First, it reinforces the apparently haphazard nature of the withdrawal planning (one would expect that we’d have a greater handle on this kind of thing in advance). And two, it matters greatly when it comes to the difficulty of the evacuation task that lies ahead.

Which Joe Biden completely blew up by shutting down Bagrum air base in the middle of the night
We didn't have enough troops to secure that base, the Embassy, and the airport in Kabul. As I said, nobody expected the Afghan Army to fold in a matter of days. That's our failure. That includes GW, Obama and to a lesser extent Trump.

I say we should give up Nation Building unless Congress has the balls to declare War on a country.
Bush's Poodle, and it ended his career and New Labour's mandate to rule.

The irony here is that Tony seems to be pushing W's vision of an occupation without end. A Marshall Plan for Afghan. Even before W and the Poodle's embrace of elective war in Iraq, that should have given everyone pause. It did me, but then I still recall Nixon trying to kill me. LOL
It didn't really end his career.
In a perfect illustration of the Oxbridge born to rule class system in politics and a final "f-you" to the Arab world he was appointed as envoy to the Middle East even though nobody took him seriously any more.
There hasn't been less appropriate appointment since Jeffrey Dahmer was given a job in charge of the kitchen at a YMCA.
Imo the kurd angle is fair game. Trump fucked em. But ..... they weren't Americans, and their goals were not ours. But sure, even on the board we're seeing the Trumpistas going "oh the poor Afghans."
As an Biden helping the Kurds now?
The US evacuated 10,400 Sunday ...
How many Americans...specifically...with link.

The 1st day we evacuated 2,000 on the 1st flight - 1700 of those were Afghans.
Biden told Americans NOT to try to come to the Airport a day or 2 ago. So who is being evacuated? There are reportedly THOUSANDS of Afghanis who made it to / rushed the airport the 1st day.

'10,400' doesn't Impress me - how many Americans?
How many Americans...specifically...with link.

The 1st day we evacuated 2,000 on the 1st flight - 1700 of those were Afghans.
Biden told Americans NOT to try to come to the Airport a day or 2 ago. So who is being evacuated? There are reportedly THOUSANDS of Afghanis who made it to / rushed the airport the 1st day.

'10,400' doesn't Impress me - how many Americans?
Just heard on the radio it is less than 10% Americans.
I don’t know why the leftists are getting their panties in a wad over Tony’s comments, he just agreeing with Obama.

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