Too Funny - After 4 Years of Lies & Failed Coup Attempts Biden Claims GOP Foul Play For Exposed Biden Family Scandal

Are you really still talking about Hunter Biden?! Newsflash... NOBODY GIVES A SHIT. Get a life

We don't give a shit about Hunted either. Yeah, he was fucking his dead brother's widow before the body was cold and smoking crack naked with the dead brother's 14-year old daughter.... but that kind of lowlife shit has it's own karma and will probably catch up to him eventually...

What the productive half of America DOES care about is "Pop gets half" and "the big guy gets 10%" and "unlike pop I won't make you give me half my salary". That's influence peddling, extortion, money laundering and racketeering and it involves an "elected" official, namely Plugs Xiden. It will be investigated and we don't give a fuck whether you approve or not.
That’s not what they are investigating now is it?
Are you really still talking about Hunter Biden?! Newsflash... NOBODY GIVES A SHIT. Get a life

We don't give a shit about Hunted either. Yeah, he was fucking his dead brother's widow before the body was cold and smoking crack naked with the dead brother's 14-year old daughter.... but that kind of lowlife shit has it's own karma and will probably catch up to him eventually...

What the productive half of America DOES care about is "Pop gets half" and "the big guy gets 10%" and "unlike pop I won't make you give me half my salary". That's influence peddling, extortion, money laundering and racketeering and it involves an "elected" official, namely Plugs Xiden. It will be investigated and we don't give a fuck whether you approve or not.
That’s not what they are investigating now is it?
Depends on how the Senate runoffs go.... <snicker>
Are you really still talking about Hunter Biden?! Newsflash... NOBODY GIVES A SHIT. Get a life

We don't give a shit about Hunted either. Yeah, he was fucking his dead brother's widow before the body was cold and smoking crack naked with the dead brother's 14-year old daughter.... but that kind of lowlife shit has it's own karma and will probably catch up to him eventually...

What the productive half of America DOES care about is "Pop gets half" and "the big guy gets 10%" and "unlike pop I won't make you give me half my salary". That's influence peddling, extortion, money laundering and racketeering and it involves an "elected" official, namely Plugs Xiden. It will be investigated and we don't give a fuck whether you approve or not.

Joe Biden said today Hunter is the smartest man he knows....

This praise of one lawyer near the bottom of his class to another lawyer finishing near the bottom of his class... :p.

Hunter Biden is a crack-head who was booted from the USN, screwed his dead brother's wife, made porno home movies involving his under-aged family member, was screwing pole dancers, was collecting literally BILLIONS from foreign criminals and enemies, laundered millions for Russian Oligarchs, and was a deadbeat dad...

Joe Biden likes to sniff and fondle kids, but he refuses to acknowledge Hunter's illegitimate kid as part of the family...

The entire family is a bunch of criminal, despicable, racist, worthless, compromised, treasonous pieces of fecal matter.
Are you really still talking about Hunter Biden?! Newsflash... NOBODY GIVES A SHIT. Get a life

We don't give a shit about Hunted either. Yeah, he was fucking his dead brother's widow before the body was cold and smoking crack naked with the dead brother's 14-year old daughter.... but that kind of lowlife shit has it's own karma and will probably catch up to him eventually...

What the productive half of America DOES care about is "Pop gets half" and "the big guy gets 10%" and "unlike pop I won't make you give me half my salary". That's influence peddling, extortion, money laundering and racketeering and it involves an "elected" official, namely Plugs Xiden. It will be investigated and we don't give a fuck whether you approve or not.
That’s not what they are investigating now is it?
Depends on how the Senate runoffs go.... <snicker>
Yeah it always depends... wait and see... yawn
Are you really still talking about Hunter Biden?! Newsflash... NOBODY GIVES A SHIT. Get a life

We don't give a shit about Hunted either. Yeah, he was fucking his dead brother's widow before the body was cold and smoking crack naked with the dead brother's 14-year old daughter.... but that kind of lowlife shit has it's own karma and will probably catch up to him eventually...

What the productive half of America DOES care about is "Pop gets half" and "the big guy gets 10%" and "unlike pop I won't make you give me half my salary". That's influence peddling, extortion, money laundering and racketeering and it involves an "elected" official, namely Plugs Xiden. It will be investigated and we don't give a fuck whether you approve or not.
That’s not what they are investigating now is it?
Actually the entire Biden family is being exposed for financial and other crimes...

Money laundering, extortion, influence peddling, tax evasion, perjury, national security threatening conflicts of interest, operating as an unregistered agent of the CCP....

Son Hunter
Brother Jack

There is so much overwhelming criminal evidence against them that if Joe was just an 'average joe' he, Hunter, & Jack would all be in jail right now...
Are you really still talking about Hunter Biden?! Newsflash... NOBODY GIVES A SHIT. Get a life

We don't give a shit about Hunted either. Yeah, he was fucking his dead brother's widow before the body was cold and smoking crack naked with the dead brother's 14-year old daughter.... but that kind of lowlife shit has it's own karma and will probably catch up to him eventually...

What the productive half of America DOES care about is "Pop gets half" and "the big guy gets 10%" and "unlike pop I won't make you give me half my salary". That's influence peddling, extortion, money laundering and racketeering and it involves an "elected" official, namely Plugs Xiden. It will be investigated and we don't give a fuck whether you approve or not.

Joe Biden said today Hunter is the smartest man he knows....

This praise of one lawyer near the bottom of his class to another lawyer finishing near the bottom of his class... :p.

Hunter Biden is a crack-head who was booted from the USN, screwed his dead brother's wife, made porno home movies involving his under-aged family member, was screwing pole dancers, was collecting literally BILLIONS from foreign criminals and enemies, laundered millions for Russian Oligarchs, and was a deadbeat dad...

Joe Biden likes to sniff and fondle kids, but he refuses to acknowledge Hunter's illegitimate kid as part of the family...

The entire family is a bunch of criminal, despicable, racist, worthless, compromised, treasonous pieces of fecal matter.
Man, you sound like quite the authority on Hunter Biden. How well do you know him. Have you met him in person?
Man, you sound like quite the authority on Hunter Biden. How well do you know him. Have you met him in person?

I am repeating the proven facts as reported / recorded. All this is common public knowledge, snowflake, except for the uneducated or partisan liars / yourself.

Need a tissue? Maybe you need to run out into the street and scream at the sky again...
Man, you sound like quite the authority on Hunter Biden. How well do you know him. Have you met him in person?

I am repeating the proven facts as reported / recorded. All this is common public knowledge, snowflake, except for the uneducated or partisan liars / yourself.

Need a tissue? Maybe you need to run out into the street and scream at the sky again...
Yes tissue please
And what the he'll does, in regards to Hunter, "As long as HE ISs good WE are good" mean?

I guess Joe is claiming the US FBI, DHS, & Treasury Departments publicly declaring they have irrefutable physical evidence of Biden family - Hunter, Jack, & Joe - financial crimes - to include money laundering for Russians, influence peddling, & taking literally BILLIONS from the CCP - is somehow 'GOP Foul Play'...

NO, proven / confirmed criminal evidence straight from the DHS' & Treasury Department's mouths, you traitor-supporting sheep.
More BDS!
And what the he'll does, in regards to Hunter, "As long as HE ISs good WE are good" mean?

I guess Joe is claiming the US FBI, DHS, & Treasury Departments publicly declaring they have irrefutable physical evidence of Biden family - Hunter, Jack, & Joe - financial crimes - to include money laundering for Russians, influence peddling, & taking literally BILLIONS from the CCP - is somehow 'GOP Foul Play'...

People who oppose him, namely republicans, caught him and exposed him.
That right there is “foul play” to politicians.
Are you really still talking about Hunter Biden?! Newsflash... NOBODY GIVES A SHIT. Get a life

We don't give a shit about Hunted either. Yeah, he was fucking his dead brother's widow before the body was cold and smoking crack naked with the dead brother's 14-year old daughter.... but that kind of lowlife shit has it's own karma and will probably catch up to him eventually...

What the productive half of America DOES care about is "Pop gets half" and "the big guy gets 10%" and "unlike pop I won't make you give me half my salary". That's influence peddling, extortion, money laundering and racketeering and it involves an "elected" official, namely Plugs Xiden. It will be investigated and we don't give a fuck whether you approve or not.
These “no one cares about hunter” responses, as if they refute something, expose the people saying them as either willing idiots, ignorant lemmings, or liars.
It’s been explained time and time again that no one cares about hunter, not even the people posting these stories. The point was “the big guys” corruption that has been exposed by hunter, circumstantially in his dealings/hiring/happenings, and in his own words/emails. That is what we care about.
This deflection of “no one cares about hunter” is either the musings of a small mind or the diversions of a liar.
You guys are hurting for news to attack Biden. By now in the Trump campaign we had Stormie Daniels, grab them by the p****y, Russia are you listening, Trump U lawsuit, charity abuse, and Russian moles working with Trump

You fuckers have: some guy somewhere says something about wanting to meet Biden. Bwhahaha. You. Are. Crackheads.
You guys are hurting for news to attack Biden.

No one is 'hurting for news to attack Biden'. Irrefutable evidence of the Biden Family Crime syndicate's financial scandals and crimes have existed since BEFORE the Democrat's historic politically partisan Impeachment coup attempt.

Released de-classified FBI documents show the FBI was withholding evidence of Biden's illegal acts in Ukraine. It is now known through reporting the DHS and Treasury Departments have been investigating the Bidens for quite a while and have had physical, criminal financial document evidence against Hunter and James Biden BEFORE Hunter's whistle blower partners' testimony under oath proving Joe's direct connection.

Snowflakes are attempting to echo / parrot Joe's continuous lies that the exposure of the Biden Family's crimes and treason are somehow the fault of manufactured GOP false accusations...again, a massive proven act of criminal projection by Leftists.

The source of the propaganda used in Barry's coup attempt against President Trump was the Russian Intelligence Service, passed along by a Trump-hating foreign ex-spy working for the Russians, Hillary, and the FBI.

The source of the criminal evidence against the Bidens are the FBI, DHS, and Treasury Departments, Hunter's own laptop, and hunter's own business partners.

No one is 'hurting' for news of crimes committed by the Bidens - it has been all over the place since the Democrats failed Impeachment ploy...its just that the Democrats, Deep State, liberal media, Big Tech 3, and snowflakes have been lying, denying, blacking out, censoring, and refusing to report anything about it until their 'Manchurian' dementia-suffering candidate had been carried across the 'finish line'.

The Democrats, Deep State, liberal media, Big Tech 3, and snowflakes KNOWING about yet hiding the known scandal and crimes committed by the family and helping put him in the WH is the equivalent of Nancy Pelosi KNOWING (according to her) about Stalwell's participation and facilitation of CCP espionage FIVE (5) YEARS AGO yet STILL allowing him to remain on the House Intel Committee.
You guys are hurting for news to attack Biden.

No one is 'hurting for news to attack Biden'. Irrefutable evidence of the Biden Family Crime syndicate's financial scandals and crimes have existed since BEFORE the Democrat's historic politically partisan Impeachment coup attempt.

Released de-classified FBI documents show the FBI was withholding evidence of Biden's illegal acts in Ukraine. It is now known through reporting the DHS and Treasury Departments have been investigating the Bidens for quite a while and have had physical, criminal financial document evidence against Hunter and James Biden BEFORE Hunter's whistle blower partners' testimony under oath proving Joe's direct connection.

Snowflakes are attempting to echo / parrot Joe's continuous lies that the exposure of the Biden Family's crimes and treason are somehow the fault of manufactured GOP false accusations...again, a massive proven act of criminal projection by Leftists.

The source of the propaganda used in Barry's coup attempt against President Trump was the Russian Intelligence Service, passed along by a Trump-hating foreign ex-spy working for the Russians, Hillary, and the FBI.

The source of the criminal evidence against the Bidens are the FBI, DHS, and Treasury Departments, Hunter's own laptop, and hunter's own business partners.

No one is 'hurting' for news of crimes committed by the Bidens - it has been all over the place since the Democrats failed Impeachment ploy...its just that the Democrats, Deep State, liberal media, Big Tech 3, and snowflakes have been lying, denying, blacking out, censoring, and refusing to report anything about it until their 'Manchurian' dementia-suffering candidate had been carried across the 'finish line'.

The Democrats, Deep State, liberal media, Big Tech 3, and snowflakes KNOWING about yet hiding the known scandal and crimes committed by the family and helping put him in the WH is the equivalent of Nancy Pelosi KNOWING (according to her) about Stalwell's participation and facilitation of CCP espionage FIVE (5) YEARS AGO yet STILL allowing him to remain on the House Intel Committee.
I can almost hear his asshole getting stretched out from here as you crammed that right up there.
You guys are hurting for news to attack Biden.

No one is 'hurting for news to attack Biden'. Irrefutable evidence of the Biden Family Crime syndicate's financial scandals and crimes have existed since BEFORE the Democrat's historic politically partisan Impeachment coup attempt.

Released de-classified FBI documents show the FBI was withholding evidence of Biden's illegal acts in Ukraine. It is now known through reporting the DHS and Treasury Departments have been investigating the Bidens for quite a while and have had physical, criminal financial document evidence against Hunter and James Biden BEFORE Hunter's whistle blower partners' testimony under oath proving Joe's direct connection.

Snowflakes are attempting to echo / parrot Joe's continuous lies that the exposure of the Biden Family's crimes and treason are somehow the fault of manufactured GOP false accusations...again, a massive proven act of criminal projection by Leftists.

The source of the propaganda used in Barry's coup attempt against President Trump was the Russian Intelligence Service, passed along by a Trump-hating foreign ex-spy working for the Russians, Hillary, and the FBI.

The source of the criminal evidence against the Bidens are the FBI, DHS, and Treasury Departments, Hunter's own laptop, and hunter's own business partners.

No one is 'hurting' for news of crimes committed by the Bidens - it has been all over the place since the Democrats failed Impeachment ploy...its just that the Democrats, Deep State, liberal media, Big Tech 3, and snowflakes have been lying, denying, blacking out, censoring, and refusing to report anything about it until their 'Manchurian' dementia-suffering candidate had been carried across the 'finish line'.

The Democrats, Deep State, liberal media, Big Tech 3, and snowflakes KNOWING about yet hiding the known scandal and crimes committed by the family and helping put him in the WH is the equivalent of Nancy Pelosi KNOWING (according to her) about Stalwell's participation and facilitation of CCP espionage FIVE (5) YEARS AGO yet STILL allowing him to remain on the House Intel Committee.
I noticed you A) mention nothing about JOE Biden and B) you didn’t link jack shit in your fantasy jerkoff of what you think you know. Since you’re obviously embedded into the FBI’s secret knowledge circle I’m sure you’re not at liberty to tell us. Or are you just playing dress up internet soldier? Do Walmart greeters like you actually know this info?
And what the he'll does, in regards to Hunter, "As long as HE ISs good WE are good" mean?

I guess Joe is claiming the US FBI, DHS, & Treasury Departments publicly declaring they have irrefutable physical evidence of Biden family - Hunter, Jack, & Joe - financial crimes - to include money laundering for Russians, influence peddling, & taking literally BILLIONS from the CCP - is somehow 'GOP Foul Play'...

Are you really still talking about Hunter Biden?! Newsflash... NOBODY GIVES A SHIT. Get a life
yet you sure give a shit about trumps kids or anything negative you can lob their way. when it comes back to you, suddenly your own actions, when someone else does them, is stupid.

grow up.
And what the he'll does, in regards to Hunter, "As long as HE ISs good WE are good" mean?

I guess Joe is claiming the US FBI, DHS, & Treasury Departments publicly declaring they have irrefutable physical evidence of Biden family - Hunter, Jack, & Joe - financial crimes - to include money laundering for Russians, influence peddling, & taking literally BILLIONS from the CCP - is somehow 'GOP Foul Play'...

Are you really still talking about Hunter Biden?! Newsflash... NOBODY GIVES A SHIT. Get a life
We know. That's the fucking problem!!!
Why is that the problem?
It's not a problem if nobody gives a shit about political corruption?


Get the fuck it of my state!!!
Political corruption? Isn’t he being investigated for tax stuff?
so was trump - yet it was political for 4+ years.

again - you're so hypocritical rocks cry out in pain.
And what the he'll does, in regards to Hunter, "As long as HE ISs good WE are good" mean?

I guess Joe is claiming the US FBI, DHS, & Treasury Departments publicly declaring they have irrefutable physical evidence of Biden family - Hunter, Jack, & Joe - financial crimes - to include money laundering for Russians, influence peddling, & taking literally BILLIONS from the CCP - is somehow 'GOP Foul Play'...

Brian Kilmeade ripped Biden a new one this morning. Joe Biden's denials are laughable. Hunter is under investigation in 3 state. Two of his business partners are in jail. Evidence that most all the Biden family has been involved and Joe laughs and denies.

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