Too funny....'black' NAACP leader outed as white

What makes you think that?

The fact that you even ask that says trust is not something you deem very important or necessary.
The fact that you assume to define what is deemed trustworthy for someone else is amusing.

You embody the insaneess of liberalism.
You illustrate the illiteracy of conservatism.

And you are a total waste of my time and this boards bandwidth.

To the rest of the board I ask, how on earth do you argue with complete insanity.
My advise to you would be not to waste your time attempting to define for others what is trustworthy and what is not. Your opinion is pretty insignificant to anyone but you.

Youre insane for arguing with yourself. I would suggest you dont do that.
Pretty cool she is that committed. White people were some of the first members of the NAACP. The first president was a white dude.
Everybody knows Jews form some of the leadership of the Communist NAACP,. This bitch was trying to pass as a black. Trans-racial no doubt?
You shouldnt let your anger be exposed so easily. :laugh:

Black people pass as white all the time.
In your opinion what is their reaction going to be?
I really don't know. I would like to think they would at least say she did a good job (if she did). I would hate to think they would be outraged by her being white.
As I said before the Black community is not monolithic. Some will indeed be outraged at the dishonesty. Some will overlook the lie and others simply wont care because she is working to better things for Black Americans.

No one is saying a member of the NAACP must be black, but I would assume other members and supporters would insist on a leader being trustworthy.

Is Rachel Dolezal head of Spokane NAACP white -

"The NAACP issued a statement Friday on Rachel Dolezal's "enduring a legal issue with her family," saying, "We respect her privacy in this matter."

"One's racial identity is not a qualifying criteria or disqualifying standard for NAACP leadership," the group said. "The NAACP Alaska-Oregon-Washington State Conference stands behind Ms. Dolezal's advocacy record."

Again, I'm not suggesting she isn't "qualified" due to her race or record, I'm suggesting she's not qualified because she's a big fat liar.
Your suggestion is noted and duly dismissed. You got anything else you want to say?
Her commitment is under the guise of mental illness. Anything she does or stands for now must be taken into question, and in fact her blatant violation of trust deems her unfit for her position and standing.

Seems to me it enhances her resume as a democrook apparachik. The sleezier you are,the higher you go.
No one is saying a member of the NAACP must be black, but I would assume other members and supporters would insist on a leader being trustworthy.

You're talking about the sort of people who voted for obozo twice and will likely vote for the hildabeast if they vote at all.

Honesty, integrity and character are cuss words to moonbats.

Like Elizabeth Warren faking being a Native American?

.... Link?
Seriously? Were you marooned on an island or something?

Nnnnnnnope. But those who carry myths around and don't even blink when they're exposed as such... well they might have their own island. I suspect it sits right in the middle of DeNial River.

My apologies. I was incorrect about you being marooned on an island. You clearly have had your head up your ass instead. Funny you mention denial as you are engaging in it.
He's a race baiting Ivy League hustler who preyed on the blacks as a community organizer. Now, as CO in chief, he has made the economy and culture even worse for blacks than before he was President.

Not exactly the Hopenchange he promised.
Obama put in good work as a community organizer. As the most powerful man on the planet he cleaned up the mess Bush left and almost tripled my networth. Sounds like your opinion is even more erroneous than I originally thought.

Keep drinking the Kool-Aid bub.

Now, back to the topic.

I recommend that Smart Asian High School Students become Wrongskin and self-identify as black or hispanic. That way, they won't be handicapped when applying to high prestige universities.
Keep proving how illiterate you are. First you said the POTUS wasnt descended from the enslaved. I made you look quite the fool on that one.

No one cares what you recommend. You dont have any influence or power.

*cough* Privileged Prep School and Ivy League education.

He's as authentic as OJ Simpson was during his trial. IOW, a big phony.

But as you wish to continue the theme that people who think they are white have a tiny fraction of black slave ancestry, then EVERYONE should qualify for AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PROGRAMS.

I'll also note the Incredible Irony of you applying the "one drop rule" that was used to justify segregation to associate Obama with a slave on his White genetic line.

One-drop rule - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
You should get your money back then. :itsok:

I told you before your opinion is just that. I want proof.

Everyone but white males qualify for AA. White women benefit the most from it.

I dont have a problem with the one drop rule. Whats so ironic about it? Typically if you have Black in you I consider you Black.

So you agree with White Segregationists who put Jim Crow Laws in place. Congratulations for the self-awareness, surprising though it may be.

If Obama's mama is black because she had a slave ancestor, then pretty much any white person should be able to claim they are black as well and take advantage of Affirmative Action Benefits.
The fact that you even ask that says trust is not something you deem very important or necessary.
The fact that you assume to define what is deemed trustworthy for someone else is amusing.

You embody the insaneess of liberalism.
You illustrate the illiteracy of conservatism.

And you are a total waste of my time and this boards bandwidth.

To the rest of the board I ask, how on earth do you argue with complete insanity.
My advise to you would be not to waste your time attempting to define for others what is trustworthy and what is not. Your opinion is pretty insignificant to anyone but you.

Youre insane for arguing with yourself. I would suggest you dont do that.

I made the mistake of believing everyone would care about a persons basic building block of character, and that character and trust would be important to them. Especially when it involves the character of a community leader.
Like Elizabeth Warren faking being a Native American?

.... Link?
Seriously? Were you marooned on an island or something?

Nnnnnnnope. But those who carry myths around and don't even blink when they're exposed as such... well they might have their own island. I suspect it sits right in the middle of DeNial River.

My apologies. I was incorrect about you being marooned on an island. You clearly have had your head up your ass instead. Funny you mention denial as you are engaging in it.

Hey, I simply know the difference between a fact and a myth. Facts can be documeted; myths -- well, you saw what happened. Messy. That's why I don't go there.
My apologies. I was incorrect about you being marooned on an island. You clearly have had your head up your ass instead. Funny you mention denial as you are engaging in it.

I don't know how you can even read that idiot's posts... but I respect your effort to educate him.

Got to wonder if the OP has ever done the 23andMe genetic profiling for herself and her lily white skin.

23andMe - Genetic kit for ancestry DNA Service

Because she might learn something about herself in the process.

Mrs Te is probably one of the whitest persons you will ever meet but she actually has African genes.

Appearances can be deceptive.

I don't need to take a test to know that I am a typical American melting pot mutt. American being the Germane Attribute.

So you would rather not know the truth about your own ancestry while you deride others whose ancestry you don't know either?

This thread isn't about me, bub. It's about WRONGSKIN and Transracial people who deserve Affirmative Action Benefits.

I know plenty about my family history, and don't have to justify or post personal information just because you are fixated on skin color.
Obama put in good work as a community organizer. As the most powerful man on the planet he cleaned up the mess Bush left and almost tripled my networth. Sounds like your opinion is even more erroneous than I originally thought.

Keep drinking the Kool-Aid bub.

Now, back to the topic.

I recommend that Smart Asian High School Students become Wrongskin and self-identify as black or hispanic. That way, they won't be handicapped when applying to high prestige universities.
Keep proving how illiterate you are. First you said the POTUS wasnt descended from the enslaved. I made you look quite the fool on that one.

No one cares what you recommend. You dont have any influence or power.

*cough* Privileged Prep School and Ivy League education.

He's as authentic as OJ Simpson was during his trial. IOW, a big phony.

But as you wish to continue the theme that people who think they are white have a tiny fraction of black slave ancestry, then EVERYONE should qualify for AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PROGRAMS.

I'll also note the Incredible Irony of you applying the "one drop rule" that was used to justify segregation to associate Obama with a slave on his White genetic line.

One-drop rule - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
You should get your money back then. :itsok:

I told you before your opinion is just that. I want proof.

Everyone but white males qualify for AA. White women benefit the most from it.

I dont have a problem with the one drop rule. Whats so ironic about it? Typically if you have Black in you I consider you Black.

So you agree with White Segregationists who put Jim Crow Laws in place. Congratulations for the self-awareness, surprising though it may be.

If Obama's mama is black because she had a slave ancestor, then pretty much any white person should be able to claim they are black as well and take advantage of Affirmative Action Benefits.
Yes I agree with them on that point at least. Thanks

I didnt say Obamas mom was Black. I said she was descended from someone that was enslaved. All whites are descended from Black people. That doesnt make them Black. They just went through a mutation that changed their skin color.
I made the mistake of believing everyone would care about a persons basic building block of character, and that character and trust would be important to them. Especially when it involves the character of a community leader.

When it comes to democrooks I expect a lack of character, integrity or honesty. Those are virtues to criminally insane authoritarian sociopaths.


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