Too funny....'black' NAACP leader outed as white



Men and women's bathroom signs are bigotry?
Only black people can be in the NAACP...what's the word for that? Oh, yeah, RACIST!

That's not what "racist" means, no.

Words to you lolberals are things with no fixed meaning. But despite that if it was the "national association of white people only" there is no question about it. YOU would be the first one attempting to label it racist.

Oddly, CF would not disagree, I'm sure.

That's not what "racist" means either, with or without speculation fallacy. What you guys are flailing about trying to describe is discrimination -- the intentional selection of one group over another. Racism means the belief that one race is superior to another -- a value judgment. Two different things. You don't need the latter to justify the former.

I don't make the definitions -- I just enforce 'em.

I realize you are tragically dim witted and also an asshat propagandist.

But still, I take pity on you so I will offer you a LITTLE bit of help here, ploddo.

When an organization self limits membership to just one race, it is doing so for a reason.

It may not always be true, but often, the REASON is the belief of the superiority of the race granted such exclusive privilege.

In any event, the truth remains. If it was a group created by whites and solely for whites, there is no question that -- in your perpetual hypocrisy -- you WOULD label it "racist."

No -- that's an assumption you just inferred without evidence. And again, speculation fallacy is just that.

Discrimination can be based on racism, sexism, religious bigotry etc -- a value judgment -- but doesn't have to be.

Want an example?



Just when it seems like you couldn't be any less interesting or more full of yourself, you post that crap.

Separate bathrooms is not discrimination, either.

Hurry back with more of your nothing to say.
I know, right? I still don't get the point of this thread. :dunno:

Baloney.....this woman is the ultimate example of you prog's self-hatred. She denies she's white, denies her parents are white, and pretends she's being harassed and attacked by white "racists"....this is the end-game of leftist diversity training; little wonder you'd rather keep it hidden.

I don't know this woman, don't live anywhere near Spokane, and whatever her personal foibles are have no effect on me whatsoever. I take it she likes to play 'black'. So what?

So what indeed. Who gives a fuck. I'm more interested in watching people obsessed with skin color and running with myths they have no evidence for. That's the only reason I showed up here. I don't even know wtf a "prog" is; I just like watching the psychology. The way Gomez Adams likes to watch his trains.
That's not what "racist" means, no.

Words to you lolberals are things with no fixed meaning. But despite that if it was the "national association of white people only" there is no question about it. YOU would be the first one attempting to label it racist.

Oddly, CF would not disagree, I'm sure.

That's not what "racist" means either, with or without speculation fallacy. What you guys are flailing about trying to describe is discrimination -- the intentional selection of one group over another. Racism means the belief that one race is superior to another -- a value judgment. Two different things. You don't need the latter to justify the former.

I don't make the definitions -- I just enforce 'em.

I realize you are tragically dim witted and also an asshat propagandist.

But still, I take pity on you so I will offer you a LITTLE bit of help here, ploddo.

When an organization self limits membership to just one race, it is doing so for a reason.

It may not always be true, but often, the REASON is the belief of the superiority of the race granted such exclusive privilege.

In any event, the truth remains. If it was a group created by whites and solely for whites, there is no question that -- in your perpetual hypocrisy -- you WOULD label it "racist."

No -- that's an assumption you just inferred without evidence. And again, speculation fallacy is just that.

Discrimination can be based on racism, sexism, religious bigotry etc -- a value judgment -- but doesn't have to be.

Want an example?



Just when it seems like you couldn't be any less interesting or more full of yourself, you post that crap.

Separate bathrooms is not discrimination, either.

Hurry back with more of your nothing to say.

They're not huh?

Walk into the Ladies room next time you see one. Let me know how that works out.

The moral: "discrimination" merely means a selection. When you pick this slice of meat over that one because it suits your needs better, you discriminate between them. It places no superior/inferior value judgment on either.

Similarly, when the restroom signs shunt men this way and women that way, they segregate the sexes, but in doing so they place no value judgment on either.

I can't believe anybody needs this elementary shit actually spelled out to them. :disbelief:
I know, right? I still don't get the point of this thread. :dunno:

Baloney.....this woman is the ultimate example of you prog's self-hatred. She denies she's white, denies her parents are white, and pretends she's being harassed and attacked by white "racists"....this is the end-game of leftist diversity training; little wonder you'd rather keep it hidden.

I don't know this woman, don't live anywhere near Spokane, and whatever her personal foibles are have no effect on me whatsoever. I take it she likes to play 'black'. So what?

So what indeed. Who gives a fuck. I'm more interested in watching people obsessed with skin color and running with myths they have no evidence for. That's the only reason I showed up here. I don't even know wtf a "prog" is; I just like watching the psychology. The way Gomez Adams likes to watch his trains.

Maybe she was trying to pass herself off as Sideshow Bob? :p

Words to you lolberals are things with no fixed meaning. But despite that if it was the "national association of white people only" there is no question about it. YOU would be the first one attempting to label it racist.

Oddly, CF would not disagree, I'm sure.

That's not what "racist" means either, with or without speculation fallacy. What you guys are flailing about trying to describe is discrimination -- the intentional selection of one group over another. Racism means the belief that one race is superior to another -- a value judgment. Two different things. You don't need the latter to justify the former.

I don't make the definitions -- I just enforce 'em.

I realize you are tragically dim witted and also an asshat propagandist.

But still, I take pity on you so I will offer you a LITTLE bit of help here, ploddo.

When an organization self limits membership to just one race, it is doing so for a reason.

It may not always be true, but often, the REASON is the belief of the superiority of the race granted such exclusive privilege.

In any event, the truth remains. If it was a group created by whites and solely for whites, there is no question that -- in your perpetual hypocrisy -- you WOULD label it "racist."

No -- that's an assumption you just inferred without evidence. And again, speculation fallacy is just that.

Discrimination can be based on racism, sexism, religious bigotry etc -- a value judgment -- but doesn't have to be.

Want an example?



Just when it seems like you couldn't be any less interesting or more full of yourself, you post that crap.

Separate bathrooms is not discrimination, either.

Hurry back with more of your nothing to say.

They're not huh?

Walk into the Ladies room next time you see one. Let me know how that works out.

The moral: "discrimination" merely means a selection. When you pick this slice of meat over that one because it suits your needs better, you discriminate between them. It places no superior/inferior value judgment on either.

Similarly, when the restroom signs shunt men this way and women that way, they segregate the sexes, but in doing so they place no value judgment on either.

I can't believe anybody needs this elementary shit actually spelled out to them. :disbelief:

Your incredibly stupid rejoinder proves you are tragically stupid.

Walking into a ladies room would have consequences and that would STILL not amount to discrimination.

Go bloviate somewhere else. You are an asshat and have nothing intelligent to offer here (or anywhere, truth be told).
A prog mind is a childish mind....drug consumption over a long period of time turns the brain into child-like mush. Traditions and values are questioned because common sense has vanished into the haze. It's like talking to a 6 year old about why women and men use different bathrooms and dress according to their gender. If you don't care what people think of you or want or need employment, then what difference does it make how you look and act?

What the prog minders don't mention is that a hard mind can also be an open mind. What prog minders don't mention is that they play by the rules but talk the "whatever" game. They're not in it to change the world....far from it. They're in it for the money that comes from followers. One thing you can count on from GOPers....they mostly don't give a shit about worthless leaches on society. What you can count on from Rats is that they don't give a shit about the leaches either, they just make the leaches believe they do.
That's not what "racist" means either, with or without speculation fallacy. What you guys are flailing about trying to describe is discrimination -- the intentional selection of one group over another. Racism means the belief that one race is superior to another -- a value judgment. Two different things. You don't need the latter to justify the former.

I don't make the definitions -- I just enforce 'em.

I realize you are tragically dim witted and also an asshat propagandist.

But still, I take pity on you so I will offer you a LITTLE bit of help here, ploddo.

When an organization self limits membership to just one race, it is doing so for a reason.

It may not always be true, but often, the REASON is the belief of the superiority of the race granted such exclusive privilege.

In any event, the truth remains. If it was a group created by whites and solely for whites, there is no question that -- in your perpetual hypocrisy -- you WOULD label it "racist."

No -- that's an assumption you just inferred without evidence. And again, speculation fallacy is just that.

Discrimination can be based on racism, sexism, religious bigotry etc -- a value judgment -- but doesn't have to be.

Want an example?



Just when it seems like you couldn't be any less interesting or more full of yourself, you post that crap.

Separate bathrooms is not discrimination, either.

Hurry back with more of your nothing to say.

They're not huh?

Walk into the Ladies room next time you see one. Let me know how that works out.

The moral: "discrimination" merely means a selection. When you pick this slice of meat over that one because it suits your needs better, you discriminate between them. It places no superior/inferior value judgment on either.

Similarly, when the restroom signs shunt men this way and women that way, they segregate the sexes, but in doing so they place no value judgment on either.

I can't believe anybody needs this elementary shit actually spelled out to them. :disbelief:

Your incredibly stupid rejoinder proves you are tragically stupid.

Walking into a ladies room would have consequences and that would STILL not amount to discrimination.

Go bloviate somewhere else. You are an asshat and have nothing intelligent to offer here (or anywhere, truth be told).

Unbelievable, this level of density.

You discriminate when you first walk in there, moron. You choose your gender; i.e. you discriminate between two doors. The signs discriminate between the genders.

No shit, this is like teaching ESLM - English as a second language for morons...
LOL she is doubling down.

PHOTO EXCLUSIVE: 'I consider myself to be black and I don't give two sh*ts what you think': Defiant NAACP leader is pictured for first time since her white parents said she is pretending to be black

Read more: Rachel Dolezal pictured after white parents said she is pretending to be black Daily Mail Online
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Rachel Dolezal pictured after white parents said she is pretending to be black Daily Mail Online
Some education for the uneducated

Many are surprised at the proportion of white faces in our NAACP Branch, but the most recent US Census Bureau data indicate Watauga County is 95% white. Many of us disturbed by actions of the NC legislature these last couple years, have been inspired to action by a renewal of fusion politics through the NAACP NC's Moral Movement. The birth of this new Branch is creating new opportunities for building more diverse local relationships across groups that haven't always mixed. As NC government enacts laws harming yet more and more of the population, people are finding more common ground and more strength in coalitions.


I know, right? I still don't get the point of this thread. :dunno:

Are you guys on the left high or something ?

I would have to go back and read each post, but I don't believe there was ever a claim here that only blacks can belong to the NAACP. If there is that claim it was probably only from one poster.
Please stop insinuating that we are uneducated, or unaware of who is eligible to belong to this organization.

The "point" you are seeking, is simply that we have an official in a leadership role who is going beyond simply trying to make herself physically appear to be black, but she's also "claiming" she is black, and
serves as chair of Spokane's independent police ombudsman commission, and identified herself as white, African-American and Native American when applying for the job.
She's also filed police complaints of racial discrimination, most recently that she received hate mail.

It appears that the left simply could care less about this story. Very puzzling.
Some education for the uneducated

Many are surprised at the proportion of white faces in our NAACP Branch, but the most recent US Census Bureau data indicate Watauga County is 95% white. Many of us disturbed by actions of the NC legislature these last couple years, have been inspired to action by a renewal of fusion politics through the NAACP NC's Moral Movement. The birth of this new Branch is creating new opportunities for building more diverse local relationships across groups that haven't always mixed. As NC government enacts laws harming yet more and more of the population, people are finding more common ground and more strength in coalitions.


I know, right? I still don't get the point of this thread. :dunno:

Are you guys on the left high or something ?

I would have to go back and read each post, but I don't believe there was ever a claim here that only blacks can belong to the NAACP. If there is that claim it was probably only from one poster.
Please stop insinuating that we are uneducated, or unaware of who is eligible to belong to this organization.

The "point" you are seeking, is simply that we have an official in a leadership role who is going beyond simply trying to make herself physically appear to be black, but she's also "claiming" she is black, and
serves as chair of Spokane's independent police ombudsman commission, and identified herself as white, African-American and Native American when applying for the job.
She's also filed police complaints of racial discrimination, most recently that she received hate mail.

It appears that the left simply could care less about this story. Very puzzling.

It's another case of "if we ignore it or make pitiful excuses it will go away".
Some education for the uneducated

Many are surprised at the proportion of white faces in our NAACP Branch, but the most recent US Census Bureau data indicate Watauga County is 95% white. Many of us disturbed by actions of the NC legislature these last couple years, have been inspired to action by a renewal of fusion politics through the NAACP NC's Moral Movement. The birth of this new Branch is creating new opportunities for building more diverse local relationships across groups that haven't always mixed. As NC government enacts laws harming yet more and more of the population, people are finding more common ground and more strength in coalitions.


I know, right? I still don't get the point of this thread. :dunno:

Are you guys on the left high or something ?

I would have to go back and read each post, but I don't believe there was ever a claim here that only blacks can belong to the NAACP. If there is that claim it was probably only from one poster.
Please stop insinuating that we are uneducated, or unaware of who is eligible to belong to this organization.

The "point" you are seeking, is simply that we have an official in a leadership role who is going beyond simply trying to make herself physically appear to be black, but she's also "claiming" she is black, and
serves as chair of Spokane's independent police ombudsman commission, and identified herself as white, African-American and Native American when applying for the job.
She's also filed police complaints of racial discrimination, most recently that she received hate mail.

It appears that the left simply could care less about this story. Very puzzling.

So some woman puts fantasy into her identity. Who gives a shit? John Boehner runs around with the same color; it's got nothing to do with his job. Now if she's been reporting fabricated threats, that's a problem and should be dealt with -- but again, it's got nothing to do with the color of her skin.

As for ombudsmen and applications, I still have yet to see one. I do see a lot of wags running around with assumptions like they did with the Elizabeth Warren myth; I don't see any more of an informed source than "Weasel Zippers". Nor do I see the woman in question specifically claiming to be racially African -- again, a lot of assumptions.

As for the claim that only blacks can join the NAACP, somebody here recently -- I thought it was you actually --- strongly implied that in being perceived as black, this woman "brought shame" on the NAACP. So I simply inquired how that works. Any insinuation of "uneducated" would be on your end. If they DID require hires to be black (if they could even do that), then I could see your implied case of fraud. But since they don't -- I can't. Which leaves me back where I started -- if that's not it, what's the point here?

Last edited:
Some education for the uneducated

Many are surprised at the proportion of white faces in our NAACP Branch, but the most recent US Census Bureau data indicate Watauga County is 95% white. Many of us disturbed by actions of the NC legislature these last couple years, have been inspired to action by a renewal of fusion politics through the NAACP NC's Moral Movement. The birth of this new Branch is creating new opportunities for building more diverse local relationships across groups that haven't always mixed. As NC government enacts laws harming yet more and more of the population, people are finding more common ground and more strength in coalitions.


I know, right? I still don't get the point of this thread. :dunno:

Are you guys on the left high or something ?

I would have to go back and read each post, but I don't believe there was ever a claim here that only blacks can belong to the NAACP. If there is that claim it was probably only from one poster.
Please stop insinuating that we are uneducated, or unaware of who is eligible to belong to this organization.

The "point" you are seeking, is simply that we have an official in a leadership role who is going beyond simply trying to make herself physically appear to be black, but she's also "claiming" she is black, and
serves as chair of Spokane's independent police ombudsman commission, and identified herself as white, African-American and Native American when applying for the job.
She's also filed police complaints of racial discrimination, most recently that she received hate mail.

It appears that the left simply could care less about this story. Very puzzling.

So some woman puts fantasy into her identity. Who gives a shit? John Boehner runs around with the same color; it's got nothing to do with his job. Now if she's been reporting fabricated threats, that's a problem and should be dealt with -- but again, it's got nothing to do with the color of her skin.

As for ombudsmen and applications, I still have yet to see one. I do see a lot of wags running around with assumptions like they did with the Elizabeth Warren myth; I don't see any more of an informed source than "Weasel Zippers". Nor do I see the woman in question specifically claiming to be racially African -- again, a lot of assumptions.

As for the claim that only blacks can join the NAACP, somebody here recently -- I thought it was you actually --- strongly implied that in being perceived as black, this woman "brought shame" on the NAACP. So I simply inquired how that works. Any insinuation of "uneducated" is on your end.
Why shouldn't we give a shit? Because fabricating a false life and lying about who you are doesn't matter, or because you can identify as a race other than the one you were born with at birth(transracialism)?
Some education for the uneducated

Many are surprised at the proportion of white faces in our NAACP Branch, but the most recent US Census Bureau data indicate Watauga County is 95% white. Many of us disturbed by actions of the NC legislature these last couple years, have been inspired to action by a renewal of fusion politics through the NAACP NC's Moral Movement. The birth of this new Branch is creating new opportunities for building more diverse local relationships across groups that haven't always mixed. As NC government enacts laws harming yet more and more of the population, people are finding more common ground and more strength in coalitions.


I know, right? I still don't get the point of this thread. :dunno:

Are you guys on the left high or something ?

I would have to go back and read each post, but I don't believe there was ever a claim here that only blacks can belong to the NAACP. If there is that claim it was probably only from one poster.
Please stop insinuating that we are uneducated, or unaware of who is eligible to belong to this organization.

The "point" you are seeking, is simply that we have an official in a leadership role who is going beyond simply trying to make herself physically appear to be black, but she's also "claiming" she is black, and
serves as chair of Spokane's independent police ombudsman commission, and identified herself as white, African-American and Native American when applying for the job.
She's also filed police complaints of racial discrimination, most recently that she received hate mail.

It appears that the left simply could care less about this story. Very puzzling.

So some woman puts fantasy into her identity. Who gives a shit? John Boehner runs around with the same color; it's got nothing to do with his job. Now if she's been reporting fabricated threats, that's a problem and should be dealt with -- but again, it's got nothing to do with the color of her skin.

As for ombudsmen and applications, I still have yet to see one. I do see a lot of wags running around with assumptions like they did with the Elizabeth Warren myth; I don't see any more of an informed source than "Weasel Zippers". Nor do I see the woman in question specifically claiming to be racially African -- again, a lot of assumptions.

As for the claim that only blacks can join the NAACP, somebody here recently -- I thought it was you actually --- strongly implied that in being perceived as black, this woman "brought shame" on the NAACP. So I simply inquired how that works. Any insinuation of "uneducated" is on your end.

Why shouldn't we give a shit? Because fabricating a false life and lying about who you are doesn't matter, or because you can identify as a race other than the one you were born with at birth(transracialism)?

OK that made as much grammatical sense as a bowl of Alpha-Bits, but no, identifying with a race other than the one you were born with doesn't matter.

I mean black people have been forced to do that for centuries.
Some education for the uneducated

Many are surprised at the proportion of white faces in our NAACP Branch, but the most recent US Census Bureau data indicate Watauga County is 95% white. Many of us disturbed by actions of the NC legislature these last couple years, have been inspired to action by a renewal of fusion politics through the NAACP NC's Moral Movement. The birth of this new Branch is creating new opportunities for building more diverse local relationships across groups that haven't always mixed. As NC government enacts laws harming yet more and more of the population, people are finding more common ground and more strength in coalitions.


I know, right? I still don't get the point of this thread. :dunno:

Are you guys on the left high or something ?

I would have to go back and read each post, but I don't believe there was ever a claim here that only blacks can belong to the NAACP. If there is that claim it was probably only from one poster.
Please stop insinuating that we are uneducated, or unaware of who is eligible to belong to this organization.

The "point" you are seeking, is simply that we have an official in a leadership role who is going beyond simply trying to make herself physically appear to be black, but she's also "claiming" she is black, and
serves as chair of Spokane's independent police ombudsman commission, and identified herself as white, African-American and Native American when applying for the job.
She's also filed police complaints of racial discrimination, most recently that she received hate mail.

It appears that the left simply could care less about this story. Very puzzling.

So some woman puts fantasy into her identity. Who gives a shit? John Boehner runs around with the same color; it's got nothing to do with his job. Now if she's been reporting fabricated threats, that's a problem and should be dealt with -- but again, it's got nothing to do with the color of her skin.

As for ombudsmen and applications, I still have yet to see one. I do see a lot of wags running around with assumptions like they did with the Elizabeth Warren myth; I don't see any more of an informed source than "Weasel Zippers". Nor do I see the woman in question specifically claiming to be racially African -- again, a lot of assumptions.

As for the claim that only blacks can join the NAACP, somebody here recently -- I thought it was you actually --- strongly implied that in being perceived as black, this woman "brought shame" on the NAACP. So I simply inquired how that works. Any insinuation of "uneducated" is on your end.

Why shouldn't we give a shit? Because fabricating a false life and lying about who you are doesn't matter, or because you can identify as a race other than the one you were born with at birth(transracialism)?

OK that made as much grammatical sense as a bowl of Alpha-Bits, but no, identifying with a race other than the one you were born with doesn't matter.

I mean black people have been forced to do that for centuries.
So to clarify, you are in the transracialism camp? Meaning that like gender, race is a social construct where you can identify with a race other than your birth race?

ie. be a black person in a white person's body, like a woman can be "trapped" in a man's body
I know, right? I still don't get the point of this thread. :dunno:

Are you guys on the left high or something ?

I would have to go back and read each post, but I don't believe there was ever a claim here that only blacks can belong to the NAACP. If there is that claim it was probably only from one poster.
Please stop insinuating that we are uneducated, or unaware of who is eligible to belong to this organization.

The "point" you are seeking, is simply that we have an official in a leadership role who is going beyond simply trying to make herself physically appear to be black, but she's also "claiming" she is black, and
serves as chair of Spokane's independent police ombudsman commission, and identified herself as white, African-American and Native American when applying for the job.
She's also filed police complaints of racial discrimination, most recently that she received hate mail.

It appears that the left simply could care less about this story. Very puzzling.

So some woman puts fantasy into her identity. Who gives a shit? John Boehner runs around with the same color; it's got nothing to do with his job. Now if she's been reporting fabricated threats, that's a problem and should be dealt with -- but again, it's got nothing to do with the color of her skin.

As for ombudsmen and applications, I still have yet to see one. I do see a lot of wags running around with assumptions like they did with the Elizabeth Warren myth; I don't see any more of an informed source than "Weasel Zippers". Nor do I see the woman in question specifically claiming to be racially African -- again, a lot of assumptions.

As for the claim that only blacks can join the NAACP, somebody here recently -- I thought it was you actually --- strongly implied that in being perceived as black, this woman "brought shame" on the NAACP. So I simply inquired how that works. Any insinuation of "uneducated" is on your end.

Why shouldn't we give a shit? Because fabricating a false life and lying about who you are doesn't matter, or because you can identify as a race other than the one you were born with at birth(transracialism)?

OK that made as much grammatical sense as a bowl of Alpha-Bits, but no, identifying with a race other than the one you were born with doesn't matter.

I mean black people have been forced to do that for centuries.
So to clarify, you are in the transracialism camp? Meaning that like gender, race is a social construct where you can identify with a race other than your birth race?

ie. be a black person in a white person's body, like a woman can be "trapped" in a man's body

It beats me why some of y'all are so hung up on skin color. It's clear to me that when she identifies as "black" it means "black - the cultural term". Again, so what? Jimmie Rodgers did that when he started the genre of "country music". So did Elvis with his physical moves and enunciations. So do (white) sports players with "high fives". On and on. It's all part of the human goulash. Native Americans were shipped off to schools to learn "whiteness" -- involuntarily. And they were hardly unique in that predicament.

Now if there were such a thing as a transracial surgery, that would be silly. But again -- if somebody were to voluntarily choose that route, it's not my business.

This thread makes about as much sense as the Bruce Jenner threads. Let people run their own lives already.
Are you guys on the left high or something ?

I would have to go back and read each post, but I don't believe there was ever a claim here that only blacks can belong to the NAACP. If there is that claim it was probably only from one poster.
Please stop insinuating that we are uneducated, or unaware of who is eligible to belong to this organization.

The "point" you are seeking, is simply that we have an official in a leadership role who is going beyond simply trying to make herself physically appear to be black, but she's also "claiming" she is black, and
serves as chair of Spokane's independent police ombudsman commission, and identified herself as white, African-American and Native American when applying for the job.
She's also filed police complaints of racial discrimination, most recently that she received hate mail.

It appears that the left simply could care less about this story. Very puzzling.

So some woman puts fantasy into her identity. Who gives a shit? John Boehner runs around with the same color; it's got nothing to do with his job. Now if she's been reporting fabricated threats, that's a problem and should be dealt with -- but again, it's got nothing to do with the color of her skin.

As for ombudsmen and applications, I still have yet to see one. I do see a lot of wags running around with assumptions like they did with the Elizabeth Warren myth; I don't see any more of an informed source than "Weasel Zippers". Nor do I see the woman in question specifically claiming to be racially African -- again, a lot of assumptions.

As for the claim that only blacks can join the NAACP, somebody here recently -- I thought it was you actually --- strongly implied that in being perceived as black, this woman "brought shame" on the NAACP. So I simply inquired how that works. Any insinuation of "uneducated" is on your end.

Why shouldn't we give a shit? Because fabricating a false life and lying about who you are doesn't matter, or because you can identify as a race other than the one you were born with at birth(transracialism)?

OK that made as much grammatical sense as a bowl of Alpha-Bits, but no, identifying with a race other than the one you were born with doesn't matter.

I mean black people have been forced to do that for centuries.
So to clarify, you are in the transracialism camp? Meaning that like gender, race is a social construct where you can identify with a race other than your birth race?

ie. be a black person in a white person's body, like a woman can be "trapped" in a man's body

It beats me why some of y'all are so hung up on skin color. It's clear to me that when she identifies as "black" it means "black - the cultural term". Again, so what? Jimmie Rodgers did that when he started the genre of "country music". So did Elvis with his physical moves and enunciations. So do (white) sports players with "high fives". On and on. It's all part of the human goulash.

Now if there were such a thing as a transracial surgery, that would be silly. But again -- if somebody chose that route, it's not my business.

This thread makes about as much sense as the Bruce Jenner threads. Let people run their own lives already.
If transgenderism isn't a mental illness, is transracialism?

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