Too funny....'black' NAACP leader outed as white

It's funny to see Asclepias tripping himself up on this one. Never the sharpest tack (even by black standards), but this has got him shitting all over himself.
I'm having fun laughing at you white male monkeys that are pissed off she went to these lengths.
The woman just wanted to take full advantage of AA.
She made sure to check female, black, white AND native American.
She was covering the bases
I'm having fun laughing at you white male monkeys that are pissed off she went to these lengths.
Trust me, the world is laughing at her. Showed her to my son because of her obvious Czech name. He thought it was hilarious. His high school will know about it Monday if they don't already'

You finally found yourself a worthy white ho. This is fun.
I'm having fun laughing at you white male monkeys that are pissed off she went to these lengths.
Trust me, the world is laughing at her. Showed her to my son because of her obvious Czech name. He thought it was hilarious. His high school will know about it Monday if they don't already'

You finally found yourself a worthy white ho. This is fun.
Doesnt matter who is laughing at her. I'm still having fun laughing at you white boys shitting yourself. I told you your white women were abandoning you little tic tac dick white boys but you didnt believe it.
Doesnt matter who is laughing at her. I'm still having fun laughing at you white boys shitting yourself. I told you your white women were abandoning you little tic tac dick white boys but you didnt believe it.
Dont be mad monkey.

Imagine a white woman so disgusted with you little dick white boys that she actually goes all out and gives up a life of ease as a white person to get away from you monkeys? This is priceless!
Good link. I've always found it hard to understand the need to be perpetual victims like Asclips, even more so in the this case. This goes far beyond the occasional need in some whites for a sense of identity.
Bad combination - being consumed by guilt, mental issues, persecution complex of some kind.

Worse, something tells me this isn't unique case. Overboard, obviously, but people clearly lose themselves in this issue. Skin color, skin color, skin color.

Doesnt matter who is laughing at her. I'm still having fun laughing at you white boys shitting yourself. I told you your white women were abandoning you little tic tac dick white boys but you didnt believe it.
Dont be mad monkey.

Imagine a white woman so disgusted with you little dick white boys that she actually goes all out and gives up a life of ease as a white person to get away from you monkeys? This is priceless![/QUOTE


having worked visiting room at a prison, for a year, and required to do strip searches as the inmate entered and departed...

Up to 100 searches a day

I can inform you, with a fair degree of authority, that race has little to do with the size of a persons dick.
White girl is down for the cause. I like that commitment and the fact that she is an AA professor.

The issue is not her right to advocate for the black community. She has every right to engage this agenda regardless of race. The plain and simple issue is her lack of honesty and inclination toward deceptive behaviors that discredits her from her leadership role. She has harmed the NAACP and made a mockery of herself. I am not sympathetic toward this woman, but it's quite possible that she deserves at least some sympathy from some if she's doing this due to being emotionally unbalanced.
You guys have yet to produce any evidence she lied though. Its not her fault people thought she was Black. Face it. You were snookered again.

The civil rights leader pretending to be black is under investigation over what she put on a job application

SEATTLE (Reuters) - A prominent leader of the African-American community in Spokane, Washington, is under investigation for identifying herself as black on a city job application, as a white couple set off a media storm by saying they are her biological parents.

Rachel Dolezal, 37, serves as chair of Spokane's independent police ombudsman commission, and identified herself as white, African-American and Native American when applying for the job, City Council President Ben Stuckart said in an interview on Friday.

Dolezal is also president of the Spokane chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), the nation's oldest and largest civil rights organization.

The city probe was opened after local media questioned Dolezal's racial identity, Stuckart said. The questions came after Dolezal filed police complaints of racial discrimination, most recently that she received hate mail.

"We are gathering facts, looking at city code, to determine if any city policies in relation to boards or commissions were violated," Stuckart said.

Spokane's Spokesman-Review newspaper reported that Dolezal's birth certificate shows her born to a white Montana couple, who say they are of European and Native American descent.

Dolezal did not immediately respond to Reuters' requests for comment. But she told Spokane's KREM2 television on Thursday: "If I was asked I would definitely say yes, I do consider myself to be black."

The civil rights leader pretending to be black is under investigation over what she put on a job application - Yahoo Finance
This realy is too funny:

Dolezal did not immediately respond to Reuters' requests for comment. But she told Spokane's KREM2 television on Thursday: "If I was asked I would definitely say yes, I do consider myself to be black."


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