Too funny....'black' NAACP leader outed as white

That's what I said. "(which she is, by the way, a white woman)."

She needs to be evaluated for mental disease...then apologize for her charade

What charade would that be exactly? :popcorn:

It's obvious, are you stupid or playing a stupid game you can't possibly win?

So you can't articulate it.

Thanks, that's exactly what I was going for.

Let me help you out dumb ass, she is not black, never was black and never will be black. Take your "honorary" spin and deflecting BS and peddle it somewhere else.
Another dumb white racist that thinks they know what being Black is. You cant make funny stuff like this. :laugh:
That's what I said. "(which she is, by the way, a white woman)."

She needs to be evaluated for mental disease...then apologize for her charade

What charade would that be exactly? :popcorn:

It's obvious, are you stupid or playing a stupid game you can't possibly win?

So you can't articulate it.

Thanks, that's exactly what I was going for.

Let me help you out dumb ass, she is not black, never was black and never will be black. Take your "honorary" spin and deflecting BS and peddle it somewhere else.

And how does that constitute a "charade"?

Here's a guy acting all black an shit... did he need to apologize too?.


More basically why are you all hung up on skin color?
She needs to be evaluated for mental disease...then apologize for her charade

What charade would that be exactly? :popcorn:

It's obvious, are you stupid or playing a stupid game you can't possibly win?

So you can't articulate it.

Thanks, that's exactly what I was going for.

Let me help you out dumb ass, she is not black, never was black and never will be black. Take your "honorary" spin and deflecting BS and peddle it somewhere else.
Another dumb white racist that thinks they know what being Black is. You cant make funny stuff like this. :laugh:

Give it up, tool. Now you're just being ignorant. She's no more black than you are intelligent. In fact you both having something in common in that regard, you're pretending
What charade would that be exactly? :popcorn:

It's obvious, are you stupid or playing a stupid game you can't possibly win?

So you can't articulate it.

Thanks, that's exactly what I was going for.

Let me help you out dumb ass, she is not black, never was black and never will be black. Take your "honorary" spin and deflecting BS and peddle it somewhere else.
Another dumb white racist that thinks they know what being Black is. You cant make funny stuff like this. :laugh:

Give it up, tool. Now you're just being ignorant. She's no more black than you are intelligent. In fact you both having something in common in that regard, you're pretending
Youre just being white and idiotic. You white racists amuse me though.
She needs to be evaluated for mental disease...then apologize for her charade

What charade would that be exactly? :popcorn:

It's obvious, are you stupid or playing a stupid game you can't possibly win?

So you can't articulate it.

Thanks, that's exactly what I was going for.

Let me help you out dumb ass, she is not black, never was black and never will be black. Take your "honorary" spin and deflecting BS and peddle it somewhere else.

And how does that constitute a "charade"?

Here's a guy acting all black an shit... did he need to apologize too?.


More basically why are you all hung up on skin color?
How is he "acting black"? Dancing? Singing? If you dance or sing youre acting black? Is this the moronic position you are taking? I already know how you will answer, because you are predictable and stupid. Needless to say, when you give your predictable stupid answer, im going to make you look like a fool. I just thought I would make sure you knew what you were in for. Ok, proceed.
What charade would that be exactly? :popcorn:

It's obvious, are you stupid or playing a stupid game you can't possibly win?

So you can't articulate it.

Thanks, that's exactly what I was going for.

Let me help you out dumb ass, she is not black, never was black and never will be black. Take your "honorary" spin and deflecting BS and peddle it somewhere else.

And how does that constitute a "charade"?

Here's a guy acting all black an shit... did he need to apologize too?.


More basically why are you all hung up on skin color?
How is he "acting black"? Dancing? Singing? If you dance or sing youre acting black? Is this the moronic position you are taking? I already know how you will answer, because you are predictable and stupid. Needless to say, when you give your predictable stupid answer, im going to make you look like a fool. I just thought I would make sure you knew what you were in for. Ok, proceed.

Both singing and dancing actually.

I asked the poster what the "charade" was and all she could sputter out was "she is not black, never was black and never will be black".

And neither was Elvis.

Again, not that that matters to anybody who's not obsessed with skin color.
I fail to see the problem? ... :dunno:

Elizabeth lie-a-watha Warren a US Senator claims to be a Native American with zero evidence.

Bruce Jenner claims to be a woman even though he was born with a penis.

So why are people jumping on this white woman Rachel Dolezal because she claims to be black? ....... :cool:

Rachel Dolezal claimed to have always been black.

Caitlyn Jenner never claimed to have never had a penis.

I have no problem with someone who was born to Caucasian parents trying to pass themselves off as African American without denying they were born white. White rappers do that shit all the time.
It's obvious, are you stupid or playing a stupid game you can't possibly win?

So you can't articulate it.

Thanks, that's exactly what I was going for.

Let me help you out dumb ass, she is not black, never was black and never will be black. Take your "honorary" spin and deflecting BS and peddle it somewhere else.

And how does that constitute a "charade"?

Here's a guy acting all black an shit... did he need to apologize too?.


More basically why are you all hung up on skin color?
How is he "acting black"? Dancing? Singing? If you dance or sing youre acting black? Is this the moronic position you are taking? I already know how you will answer, because you are predictable and stupid. Needless to say, when you give your predictable stupid answer, im going to make you look like a fool. I just thought I would make sure you knew what you were in for. Ok, proceed.

Both singing and dancing actually.

I asked the poster what the "charade" was and all she could sputter out was "she is not black, never was black and never will be black".

And neither was Elvis.

Again, not that that matters to anybody who's not obsessed with skin color.
I predicted stupidity from you, but I couldn't have imagined that you would actually claim that "singing and dancing" is acting black. What the fuck!!!?
So you can't articulate it.

Thanks, that's exactly what I was going for.

Let me help you out dumb ass, she is not black, never was black and never will be black. Take your "honorary" spin and deflecting BS and peddle it somewhere else.

And how does that constitute a "charade"?

Here's a guy acting all black an shit... did he need to apologize too?.


More basically why are you all hung up on skin color?
How is he "acting black"? Dancing? Singing? If you dance or sing youre acting black? Is this the moronic position you are taking? I already know how you will answer, because you are predictable and stupid. Needless to say, when you give your predictable stupid answer, im going to make you look like a fool. I just thought I would make sure you knew what you were in for. Ok, proceed.

Both singing and dancing actually.

I asked the poster what the "charade" was and all she could sputter out was "she is not black, never was black and never will be black".

And neither was Elvis.

Again, not that that matters to anybody who's not obsessed with skin color.
I predicted stupidity from you, but I couldn't have imagined that you would actually claim that "singing and dancing" is acting black. What the fuck!!!?
Figures an idiot like you doesnt know Elvis got his style from Black entertainers. Damn you are a dumb little monkey! :laugh:

Emenem is a modern day Elvis.
So you can't articulate it.

Thanks, that's exactly what I was going for.

Let me help you out dumb ass, she is not black, never was black and never will be black. Take your "honorary" spin and deflecting BS and peddle it somewhere else.

And how does that constitute a "charade"?

Here's a guy acting all black an shit... did he need to apologize too?.


More basically why are you all hung up on skin color?
How is he "acting black"? Dancing? Singing? If you dance or sing youre acting black? Is this the moronic position you are taking? I already know how you will answer, because you are predictable and stupid. Needless to say, when you give your predictable stupid answer, im going to make you look like a fool. I just thought I would make sure you knew what you were in for. Ok, proceed.

Both singing and dancing actually.

I asked the poster what the "charade" was and all she could sputter out was "she is not black, never was black and never will be black".

And neither was Elvis.

Again, not that that matters to anybody who's not obsessed with skin color.
I predicted stupidity from you, but I couldn't have imagined that you would actually claim that "singing and dancing" is acting black. What the fuck!!!?

Sorry if I posted over your head. Didn't realize you know less-than-nothing about music.

Guess I shouldn't bring up Jimmie Rodgers, the "father of country music", whose 1920s work was considered "****** music".

Let alone the entire genre of blues, which as we all know was invented by Eric Clapton in 1967.

Perhaps you should go get a edumacation so you can participate here.
This is too funny.....


The white NAACP leader who misrepresented herself as black reportedly said as she organized groups during the Black Lives Matter movement that only black people should be directing and leading the protests.

In an interview with Anderson Cooper, activist and writer Marc Lamont Hill said he knew Rachel Dolezal, and heard her state that only black people should lead the movement that arose in the wake of repeated incidents of police brutality against black individuals starting late last year.

RachelDolezal Led BlackLivesMatter Protests But Said Only Blacks Should Lead Or Direct BB4SP

White privilege is so powerful now, that we can now be a black leader whenever we choose. :biggrin:
Are you guys on the left high or something ?

I would have to go back and read each post, but I don't believe there was ever a claim here that only blacks can belong to the NAACP. If there is that claim it was probably only from one poster.
Please stop insinuating that we are uneducated, or unaware of who is eligible to belong to this organization.

The "point" you are seeking, is simply that we have an official in a leadership role who is going beyond simply trying to make herself physically appear to be black, but she's also "claiming" she is black, and
serves as chair of Spokane's independent police ombudsman commission, and identified herself as white, African-American and Native American when applying for the job.
She's also filed police complaints of racial discrimination, most recently that she received hate mail.

It appears that the left simply could care less about this story. Very puzzling.

So some woman puts fantasy into her identity. Who gives a shit? John Boehner runs around with the same color; it's got nothing to do with his job. Now if she's been reporting fabricated threats, that's a problem and should be dealt with -- but again, it's got nothing to do with the color of her skin.

As for ombudsmen and applications, I still have yet to see one. I do see a lot of wags running around with assumptions like they did with the Elizabeth Warren myth; I don't see any more of an informed source than "Weasel Zippers". Nor do I see the woman in question specifically claiming to be racially African -- again, a lot of assumptions.

As for the claim that only blacks can join the NAACP, somebody here recently -- I thought it was you actually --- strongly implied that in being perceived as black, this woman "brought shame" on the NAACP. So I simply inquired how that works. Any insinuation of "uneducated" would be on your end. If they DID require hires to be black (if they could even do that), then I could see your implied case of fraud. But since they don't -- I can't. Which leaves me back where I started -- if that's not it, what's the point here?


Show me where I implied that only blacks can be NAACP members.

My, you've got a short memory. This was only a few hours ago:

She has harmed the NAACP and made a mockery of herself

-- you even responded when I specifically asked about it.

Pass that doob, pal...

Huh ? Where in that comment do I make the claim a person must be black ? Put down the bong please.

Hey, you asked where your own implication was after spacing out on your own words, so I re-quoted it. Ain't rocket surgery.

Gonna ask a third time now?

So to clarify, you are in the transracialism camp? Meaning that like gender, race is a social construct where you can identify with a race other than your birth race?

ie. be a black person in a white person's body, like a woman can be "trapped" in a man's body

It beats me why some of y'all are so hung up on skin color. It's clear to me that when she identifies as "black" it means "black - the cultural term". Again, so what? Jimmie Rodgers did that when he started the genre of "country music". So did Elvis with his physical moves and enunciations. So do (white) sports players with "high fives". On and on. It's all part of the human goulash. Native Americans were shipped off to schools to learn "whiteness" -- involuntarily. And they were hardly unique in that predicament.

Now if there were such a thing as a transracial surgery, that would be silly. But again -- if somebody were to voluntarily choose that route, it's not my business.

This thread makes about as much sense as the Bruce Jenner threads. Let people run their own lives already.

It's not that we are "hung up" on skin color, as you put it.
We are however "hung up" on honesty and character. In the future, you and others on the left should consider exploring that apparent foreign final frontier of the left.

That's ironic (again) because after at least three posters floated out the E. Warren myth, when I threw the challenge flag the only link I got was from a right-wing blog made up to look like a fake Wikipedia page -- and even that didn't make the point the poster claimed it did.

So yes, by all means tell me about this "honesty and character". :rofl:

She's in a leadership position, that makes her honesty and character very important.

As far as Warren, from other articles I've read, it appears she used family stories and lore as her guide for claims of her native blood.

So......... what's your point?

So let me get this straight. You interpreted me saying: "She has harmed the NAACP and made a mockery of herself" as meaning that I believed only persons of color could be members of the NAACP ?
Why whould a decent looking girl purposefully turn herself into a knappy-headed skank?

Dunno -- why would a human being refer to another human being as a "skank"?

One more demonstration that this forum needs a resident psychologist.
noun: skank; plural noun: skanks
  1. 1.
    North American informal
    a sleazy or unpleasant person.

Had the question in any way resembled "what does skank mean?" that might have served as an answer.
Keep it handy --- maybe somebody will actually ask that question. Someday.

While we wait for that ................. crickets.
The question is if she looks skankier black or white.
She doenst look skanky as a white person or a Black person. I think you think she looks like a skank because she embodies what keeps you up at night in cold sweats. A white woman utterly rejecting your failed culture.

More like a white woman, wanting to up her victimhood cred.
You think she looks better as a black woman than a white woman (which she is, BTW, a white woman)? Is that your point?

Uhm, she is a white woman, never ever was she or never ever will she be a black woman

That's what I said. "(which she is, by the way, a white woman)."

She needs to be evaluated for mental disease...then apologize for her charade

What charade would that be exactly? :popcorn:

It's obvious, are you stupid or playing a stupid game you can't possibly win?

His question begs whether he is simply retarded, or just here to throw manure and waste the boards bandwidth.
She needs to be evaluated for mental disease...then apologize for her charade

What charade would that be exactly? :popcorn:

It's obvious, are you stupid or playing a stupid game you can't possibly win?

So you can't articulate it.

Thanks, that's exactly what I was going for.

Let me help you out dumb ass, she is not black, never was black and never will be black. Take your "honorary" spin and deflecting BS and peddle it somewhere else.
Another dumb white racist that thinks they know what being Black is. You cant make funny stuff like this. :laugh:

Keep laughing, it only makes you the one who appears foolish.
LOL The left as went over the brink of stupid....MSNBC now asks if it's possible she really is black. Oh me achin ribs

So some woman puts fantasy into her identity. Who gives a shit? John Boehner runs around with the same color; it's got nothing to do with his job. Now if she's been reporting fabricated threats, that's a problem and should be dealt with -- but again, it's got nothing to do with the color of her skin.

As for ombudsmen and applications, I still have yet to see one. I do see a lot of wags running around with assumptions like they did with the Elizabeth Warren myth; I don't see any more of an informed source than "Weasel Zippers". Nor do I see the woman in question specifically claiming to be racially African -- again, a lot of assumptions.

As for the claim that only blacks can join the NAACP, somebody here recently -- I thought it was you actually --- strongly implied that in being perceived as black, this woman "brought shame" on the NAACP. So I simply inquired how that works. Any insinuation of "uneducated" would be on your end. If they DID require hires to be black (if they could even do that), then I could see your implied case of fraud. But since they don't -- I can't. Which leaves me back where I started -- if that's not it, what's the point here?


Show me where I implied that only blacks can be NAACP members.

My, you've got a short memory. This was only a few hours ago:

She has harmed the NAACP and made a mockery of herself

-- you even responded when I specifically asked about it.

Pass that doob, pal...

Huh ? Where in that comment do I make the claim a person must be black ? Put down the bong please.

Hey, you asked where your own implication was after spacing out on your own words, so I re-quoted it. Ain't rocket surgery.

Gonna ask a third time now?

It beats me why some of y'all are so hung up on skin color. It's clear to me that when she identifies as "black" it means "black - the cultural term". Again, so what? Jimmie Rodgers did that when he started the genre of "country music". So did Elvis with his physical moves and enunciations. So do (white) sports players with "high fives". On and on. It's all part of the human goulash. Native Americans were shipped off to schools to learn "whiteness" -- involuntarily. And they were hardly unique in that predicament.

Now if there were such a thing as a transracial surgery, that would be silly. But again -- if somebody were to voluntarily choose that route, it's not my business.

This thread makes about as much sense as the Bruce Jenner threads. Let people run their own lives already.

It's not that we are "hung up" on skin color, as you put it.
We are however "hung up" on honesty and character. In the future, you and others on the left should consider exploring that apparent foreign final frontier of the left.

That's ironic (again) because after at least three posters floated out the E. Warren myth, when I threw the challenge flag the only link I got was from a right-wing blog made up to look like a fake Wikipedia page -- and even that didn't make the point the poster claimed it did.

So yes, by all means tell me about this "honesty and character". :rofl:

She's in a leadership position, that makes her honesty and character very important.

As far as Warren, from other articles I've read, it appears she used family stories and lore as her guide for claims of her native blood.

So......... what's your point?

So let me get this straight. You interpreted me saying: "She has harmed the NAACP and made a mockery of herself" as meaning that I believed only persons of color could be members of the NAACP ?

Did you come here straight from Special class or what? For the third time, yes. That's what you wrote, and it ain't going away.
Uhm, she is a white woman, never ever was she or never ever will she be a black woman

That's what I said. "(which she is, by the way, a white woman)."

She needs to be evaluated for mental disease...then apologize for her charade

What charade would that be exactly? :popcorn:

It's obvious, are you stupid or playing a stupid game you can't possibly win?

His question begs whether he is simply retarded, or just here to throw manure and waste the boards bandwidth.

So you can't articulate it either.
That's why I inquired at the beginnning what the issue is here. Eight hundred posts later, nobody knows.
I'm not a racist. I know and deal with a lot of black people in my business. Lots of good educated hard working families. None of those craps that you deal with about blacks. I'm very surprised that they cannot find a black leaders for NAACP instead of this controversy. Are we running out of qualified blacks. Her parents both spoke to CNN that she is white what else to prove. She is white period.

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