Too funny....'black' NAACP leader outed as white

Show me where I implied that only blacks can be NAACP members.

My, you've got a short memory. This was only a few hours ago:

She has harmed the NAACP and made a mockery of herself

-- you even responded when I specifically asked about it.

Pass that doob, pal...

Huh ? Where in that comment do I make the claim a person must be black ? Put down the bong please.

Hey, you asked where your own implication was after spacing out on your own words, so I re-quoted it. Ain't rocket surgery.

Gonna ask a third time now?

It's not that we are "hung up" on skin color, as you put it.
We are however "hung up" on honesty and character. In the future, you and others on the left should consider exploring that apparent foreign final frontier of the left.

That's ironic (again) because after at least three posters floated out the E. Warren myth, when I threw the challenge flag the only link I got was from a right-wing blog made up to look like a fake Wikipedia page -- and even that didn't make the point the poster claimed it did.

So yes, by all means tell me about this "honesty and character". :rofl:

She's in a leadership position, that makes her honesty and character very important.

As far as Warren, from other articles I've read, it appears she used family stories and lore as her guide for claims of her native blood.

So......... what's your point?

So let me get this straight. You interpreted me saying: "She has harmed the NAACP and made a mockery of herself" as meaning that I believed only persons of color could be members of the NAACP ?

Did you come here straight from Special class or what? For the third time, yes. That's what you wrote, and it ain't going away.

Well, then I'm sorry that you've errored in your interpretation.

If you'd like, you can always go further back in this thread and read where I was aware that there was no requirement to be a person of color to belong to the NAACP.

Sooooooooooooo, just for the record, since you seem to need to hear something repeatedly before it sinks in.

I DigitalDrifter, a conservative of the USMB hereby declare, that for many MANY years, have been aware that being a person of color is NOT a requirement to be a member of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
That's what I said. "(which she is, by the way, a white woman)."

She needs to be evaluated for mental disease...then apologize for her charade

What charade would that be exactly? :popcorn:

It's obvious, are you stupid or playing a stupid game you can't possibly win?

His question begs whether he is simply retarded, or just here to throw manure and waste the boards bandwidth.

So you can't articulate it either.
That's why I inquired at the beginnning what the issue is here. Eight hundred posts later, nobody knows.

Why oh why, did I ever begin reading this lunatics posts ?!!!

Why is it when people of the political left get caught lying, their street cred goes up with the progressive community? It is almost a rite of passage or something. Denying it after getting caught makes it even better for their reputation.


Let me help you out dumb ass, she is not black, never was black and never will be black. Take your "honorary" spin and deflecting BS and peddle it somewhere else.

And how does that constitute a "charade"?

Here's a guy acting all black an shit... did he need to apologize too?.


More basically why are you all hung up on skin color?
How is he "acting black"? Dancing? Singing? If you dance or sing youre acting black? Is this the moronic position you are taking? I already know how you will answer, because you are predictable and stupid. Needless to say, when you give your predictable stupid answer, im going to make you look like a fool. I just thought I would make sure you knew what you were in for. Ok, proceed.

Both singing and dancing actually.

I asked the poster what the "charade" was and all she could sputter out was "she is not black, never was black and never will be black".

And neither was Elvis.

Again, not that that matters to anybody who's not obsessed with skin color.
I predicted stupidity from you, but I couldn't have imagined that you would actually claim that "singing and dancing" is acting black. What the fuck!!!?

Sorry if I posted over your head. Didn't realize you know less-than-nothing about music.

Guess I shouldn't bring up Jimmie Rodgers, the "father of country music", whose 1920s work was considered "****** music".

Let alone the entire genre of blues, which as we all know was invented by Eric Clapton in 1967.

Perhaps you should go get a edumacation so you can participate here.
THERE we go. THAT is what I was waiting for. Predictable and stupid, just as I said.

OK, so if Elvis singing the blues is him acting black (because black people invented the blues), then any black person driving a car is acting white, because a white person invented it. Black pilot? Hes pretending to be white. Black basketball players? A white man invented basketball, so they are pretending to be white.

Look at BB King pretending to be white. The electric guitar was invented by a white person. Hes pretending to be white.


Do you see how fucking stupid your position is now? Youve got to be a legendary retard to compare what Elvis did, to what Rachel Dolezal did.
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Why is it when people of the political left get caught lying, their street cred goes up with the progressive community? It is almost a rite of passage or something. Denying it after getting caught makes it even better for their reputation.



And just wait, once it's all said and done I won't be the least bit surprised that in this 'up is down' America of today, this woman will end up being portrayed as the victim, and her parents and anyone else who "outed" or who has directed criticism towards her, will be the evil monsters who must be shamed, silenced and driven out of our society altogether.
She's cancelled the Monday meeting.

Spokane NAACP leader cancels meeting amid furor

SPOKANE, Wash. (AP) — The leader of the Spokane NAACP, Rachel Dolezal, has canceled a chapter meeting Monday where she was expected to speak about the furor sparked over her racial identity.

Her parents have said the 37-year-old activist has falsely portrayed herself as black for years.

Dolezal sent out an email Sunday canceling the monthly membership meeting "due to the need to continue discussion with regional and national NAACP leaders."

Shortly after her announcement, the head of the chapter's executive committee, Lawrence Burnley, questioned whether Dolezal had the right to arbitrarily cancel the meeting, KREM-TV in Spokane (NAACP leader Dolezal cancels chapter meeting ) reported, quoting an email thread mailed to NAACP members.

"I don't see any language in the by-laws that empowers you, or any one member, to arbitrarily cancel/postpone tomorrow's meeting," Burnley wrote in his email Sunday.

Some are planning a demonstration Monday night calling for Dolezal to step down.

Kitara Johnson, a member of the chapter, organized an online petition calling for Dolezal to take a leave of absence.

"It's not about race, it's about integrity," she said. "If you're a leader, you have to have integrity. She clearly lacks integrity. The other piece is credibility."

Johnson said she and others plan to peacefully protest outside Monday's membership meeting, but they will not attend the meeting.

Attempts to reach Dolezal by telephone were unsuccessful Sunday.

Dolezal was elected president of the local NAACP chapter about six months ago, The Spokesman-Review reported.

The NAACP issued a statement Friday supporting Dolezal, who has been a longtime figure in Spokane's human-rights community and teaches African studies to college students.

Ruthanne Dolezal said the family's ancestry is Czech, Swedish and German, with a trace of Native American heritage. She produced a copy of her daughter's Montana birth certificate listing herself and Larry Dolezal as Rachel's parents.

The city of Spokane is investigating whether Dolezal lied about her ethnicity when she applied to be on the police board. Police on Friday said they were suspending investigations into racial-harassment complaints filed by Dolezal, including one from earlier this year in which she said she received hate mail at her office.

Dolezal had said in a statement Friday that she would address the controversy at Monday's meeting.

Spokane NAACP leader cancels meeting amid furor - Yahoo News
What charade would that be exactly? :popcorn:

It's obvious, are you stupid or playing a stupid game you can't possibly win?

So you can't articulate it.

Thanks, that's exactly what I was going for.

Let me help you out dumb ass, she is not black, never was black and never will be black. Take your "honorary" spin and deflecting BS and peddle it somewhere else.
Another dumb white racist that thinks they know what being Black is. You cant make funny stuff like this. :laugh:

Keep laughing, it only makes you the one who appears foolish.
Oh I will keep laughing. If I look foolish to you then I know I am on the right track. Thanks.
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And how does that constitute a "charade"?

Here's a guy acting all black an shit... did he need to apologize too?.


More basically why are you all hung up on skin color?
How is he "acting black"? Dancing? Singing? If you dance or sing youre acting black? Is this the moronic position you are taking? I already know how you will answer, because you are predictable and stupid. Needless to say, when you give your predictable stupid answer, im going to make you look like a fool. I just thought I would make sure you knew what you were in for. Ok, proceed.

Both singing and dancing actually.

I asked the poster what the "charade" was and all she could sputter out was "she is not black, never was black and never will be black".

And neither was Elvis.

Again, not that that matters to anybody who's not obsessed with skin color.
I predicted stupidity from you, but I couldn't have imagined that you would actually claim that "singing and dancing" is acting black. What the fuck!!!?

Sorry if I posted over your head. Didn't realize you know less-than-nothing about music.

Guess I shouldn't bring up Jimmie Rodgers, the "father of country music", whose 1920s work was considered "****** music".

Let alone the entire genre of blues, which as we all know was invented by Eric Clapton in 1967.

Perhaps you should go get a edumacation so you can participate here.
THERE we go. THAT is what I was waiting for. Predictable and stupid, just as I said.

OK, so if Elvis singing the blues is him acting black (because black people invented the blues), then any black person driving a car is acting white, because a white person invented it. Black pilot? Hes pretending to be white. Black basketball players? A white man invented basketball, so they are pretending to be white.

Look at BB King pretending to be white. The electric guitar was invented by a white person. Hes pretending to be white.


Do you see how fucking stupid your position is now? Youve got to be a legendary retard to compare what Elvis did, to what Rachel Dolezal did.

My, you've got a short memory. This was only a few hours ago:

-- you even responded when I specifically asked about it.

Pass that doob, pal...

Huh ? Where in that comment do I make the claim a person must be black ? Put down the bong please.

Hey, you asked where your own implication was after spacing out on your own words, so I re-quoted it. Ain't rocket surgery.

Gonna ask a third time now?

That's ironic (again) because after at least three posters floated out the E. Warren myth, when I threw the challenge flag the only link I got was from a right-wing blog made up to look like a fake Wikipedia page -- and even that didn't make the point the poster claimed it did.

So yes, by all means tell me about this "honesty and character". :rofl:

She's in a leadership position, that makes her honesty and character very important.

As far as Warren, from other articles I've read, it appears she used family stories and lore as her guide for claims of her native blood.

So......... what's your point?

So let me get this straight. You interpreted me saying: "She has harmed the NAACP and made a mockery of herself" as meaning that I believed only persons of color could be members of the NAACP ?

Did you come here straight from Special class or what? For the third time, yes. That's what you wrote, and it ain't going away.

Well, then I'm sorry that you've errored in your interpretation.

If you'd like, you can always go further back in this thread and read where I was aware that there was no requirement to be a person of color to belong to the NAACP.

Sooooooooooooo, just for the record, since you seem to need to hear something repeatedly before it sinks in.

I DigitalDrifter, a conservative of the USMB hereby declare, that for many MANY years, have been aware that being a person of color is NOT a requirement to be a member of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

You said that the first time. Why do you keep bringing it back up? Trying to convince yourself?
She needs to be evaluated for mental disease...then apologize for her charade

What charade would that be exactly? :popcorn:

It's obvious, are you stupid or playing a stupid game you can't possibly win?

His question begs whether he is simply retarded, or just here to throw manure and waste the boards bandwidth.

So you can't articulate it either.
That's why I inquired at the beginnning what the issue is here. Eight hundred posts later, nobody knows.

Why oh why, did I ever begin reading this lunatics posts ?!!!

It matters because when you can't articulate your point, it's a pretty good indication that you don't have one. Which you've also confirmed several times. Enough, we get it. I could see that when this thread opened.
How is he "acting black"? Dancing? Singing? If you dance or sing youre acting black? Is this the moronic position you are taking? I already know how you will answer, because you are predictable and stupid. Needless to say, when you give your predictable stupid answer, im going to make you look like a fool. I just thought I would make sure you knew what you were in for. Ok, proceed.

Both singing and dancing actually.

I asked the poster what the "charade" was and all she could sputter out was "she is not black, never was black and never will be black".

And neither was Elvis.

Again, not that that matters to anybody who's not obsessed with skin color.
I predicted stupidity from you, but I couldn't have imagined that you would actually claim that "singing and dancing" is acting black. What the fuck!!!?

Sorry if I posted over your head. Didn't realize you know less-than-nothing about music.

Guess I shouldn't bring up Jimmie Rodgers, the "father of country music", whose 1920s work was considered "****** music".

Let alone the entire genre of blues, which as we all know was invented by Eric Clapton in 1967.

Perhaps you should go get a edumacation so you can participate here.
THERE we go. THAT is what I was waiting for. Predictable and stupid, just as I said.

OK, so if Elvis singing the blues is him acting black (because black people invented the blues), then any black person driving a car is acting white, because a white person invented it. Black pilot? Hes pretending to be white. Black basketball players? A white man invented basketball, so they are pretending to be white.

Look at BB King pretending to be white. The electric guitar was invented by a white person. Hes pretending to be white.


Do you see how fucking stupid your position is now? Youve got to be a legendary retard to compare what Elvis did, to what Rachel Dolezal did.

An emoticon is the best defense you could muster after looking like a fucking idiot?
What charade would that be exactly? :popcorn:

It's obvious, are you stupid or playing a stupid game you can't possibly win?

His question begs whether he is simply retarded, or just here to throw manure and waste the boards bandwidth.

So you can't articulate it either.
That's why I inquired at the beginnning what the issue is here. Eight hundred posts later, nobody knows.

Why oh why, did I ever begin reading this lunatics posts ?!!!

It matters because when you can't articulate your point, it's a pretty good indication that you don't have one. Which you've also confirmed several times. Enough, we get it. I could see that when this thread opened.

You lack the character and class to admit your mistake.
I'm done wasting my time with your trollish behavior.

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