Too Many Republican Candidates

I agree that there are two many, however look at it this way.
the republicans run so many because they want the voters to have an actual say in who gets the nomination
the democrats as a political party realize that their voting base is pretty much without any intellectual ability to know whats best for them, so the party decides early on who will run and who will not run.
Just makes it easier for the socialists to make sure they get the candidate that will do exactly what the party tells them.

Well, actually, they are running so many because they are hoping that the historical trend of just two terms per party before a change in the winds will hold for 2016. Power allures.

1953-1961 R (8 years)
1961-1969 D (8 years)
1969-1977 R (8 years)
1977-1981 D (4 years)
1981-1993 R (12 years)
1993-2001 D (8 years)
2001-2009 R (8 years)
2009-2017 D (8 years)

The only time span in the last soon to be 64 years where it wasn't 8 and 8 was between 1977 and 1993. Instead, it was 4 and 12.

However, with the USS Hillary out at high Sea, if I were an Elephant, I would not be betting on an automatic win in 2016...
Breaking News:

Putin is defecting and announcing his candidacy for the GOP nomination.

"Glasnost is good. Elephants are better".

If Putin were to defect and run for President, he would without a doubt run on the democrat ticket.

Uhm, no. It's the repugs who are oogling over his manly muscles, not the smart people out there.
they don't think democrats have a chance at retaining the White House?

After all


Possibly Biden?

But they will retain support because the Dems have more solidarity as a Party. The Repubs like to divide up and leave the door wide open for the Dems.

Someone said there are 13 running now.

By....May.... next year, it will be down to 3-4.

And Democrats may, or may not, have Hillary to 'worry' about.
Democrats used to criticize republicans for simply running the guy who had the most seniority but now here they are doing the same shit.

If you look at the long and colorful electoral history of our great Union, you will find that it is more complicated than that.

Information is power, young Obiwan.
I'm not that young, I remember how the republicans did things, at least during my lifetime, and Hillary's candidacy looks an awful lot like past years when the party bosses decided way early who was going to get the nomination and only supported the one.
At this point it does not matter that Republicans have such a large pool of candidates

In the past, candidates would declare and quickly drop out when their polling numbers tanked and the money dried up

Todays Republican candidate benefits from the Citizens United decision and can remain in the race indefinitely if they find a rich sugar daddy. The fact that Republicans cannot empty their clown car quickly and get down to the serious candidates drains their resources and allows the fringe candidates to divert the message
13-15 is a cozy number.



Funny... but not.. it so annoying... and stupid!
Clown college has graduates..

Yes, it does.

Breaking news:

Michelle Bachmann has announced that she is willing to swallow down as many Iowa corndogs as necessary to help other candidates win - for Jesus!


Marcus Bachmann is also willing to deepthroat as many of the long, meaty things as needed to ensure victory for God or something like that.
they don't think democrats have a chance at retaining the White House?

After all


Possibly Biden?

But they will retain support because the Dems have more solidarity as a Party. The Repubs like to divide up and leave the door wide open for the Dems.

Someone said there are 13 running now.

By....May.... next year, it will be down to 3-4.

And Democrats may, or may not, have Hillary to 'worry' about.
Democrats used to criticize republicans for simply running the guy who had the most seniority but now here they are doing the same shit.

If you look at the long and colorful electoral history of our great Union, you will find that it is more complicated than that.

Information is power, young Obiwan.
I'm not that young, I remember how the republicans did things, at least during my lifetime, and Hillary's candidacy looks an awful lot like past years when the party bosses decided way early who was going to get the nomination and only supported the one.
Too bad for them boses that she is tripping every time she takes a step..But good for us...
Fifteen minutes in front of the cameras? Money? Headlines? Attention? Future plans? Testing the water? Egos?

I'm sick of this already.... I need counseling....
You'll be fine. Time goes by fast. It'll all be over with before you know it. Besides, just look at it as a game. It's played every two years, and every four years. The game never changes, just the players. In the end, some will go to Washington, and some will not. But, it really doesn't matter as far as the health and stability of this country, or whether we have a man or a woman in charge. You'll survive it.
Breaking news:

Michelle Bachmann has announced that she is willing to swallow down as many Iowa corndogs as necessary to help other candidates win - for Jesus!


Marcus Bachmann is also willing to deepthroat as many of the long, meaty things as needed to ensure victory for God or something like that.
He bites, she sucks...
At this point it does not matter that Republicans have such a large pool of candidates

In the past, candidates would declare and quickly drop out when their polling numbers tanked and the money dried up

Todays Republican candidate benefits from the Citizens United decision and can remain in the race indefinitely if they find a rich sugar daddy. The fact that Republicans cannot empty their clown car quickly and get down to the serious candidates drains their resources and allows the fringe candidates to divert the message

Yepp, and it also means that for the first time in my lifetime, the GOP may truly experience a hung convention.

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