Too Many Republican Candidates

Yup. She was Secretary of State and showed just what a great SOS she was.

Benghazi anyone??

Oh wait. I forgot. "What difference does it make." Never mind.
I agree that there are two many, however look at it this way.
the republicans run so many because they want the voters to have an actual say in who gets the nomination
the democrats as a political party realize that their voting base is pretty much without any intellectual ability to know whats best for them, so the party decides early on who will run and who will not run.
Just makes it easier for the socialists to make sure they get the candidate that will do exactly what the party tells them.

Well, actually, they are running so many because they are hoping that the historical trend of just two terms per party before a change in the winds will hold for 2016. Power allures.

1953-1961 R (8 years)
1961-1969 D (8 years)
1969-1977 R (8 years)
1977-1981 D (4 years)
1981-1993 R (12 years)
1993-2001 D (8 years)
2001-2009 R (8 years)
2009-2017 D (8 years)

The only time span in the last soon to be 64 years where it wasn't 8 and 8 was between 1977 and 1993. Instead, it was 4 and 12.

However, with the USS Hillary out at high Sea, if I were an Elephant, I would not be betting on an automatic win in 2016...

What breaks the trend of 4 or 8 year party holds on the White House is a major political catastrophy

The Depression under Hoover led to 20 years of Democratic rule
Iran Hostage and Inflation led to 12 years of Republican rule

Will the Bush wars and economic collapse lead to extended Democratic rule?

Normally a presidential win would allow the other party reflect and discover a middle ground where they can win back the independents... The GOP haven't done that, there usual smart cohesive strategy is in a bit of an array.

Democrats strategy is simple. They have Hillary, she has done great ground work. The right wingers hate her which is expected. She is very popular and there best horse in the race.

Betting at the moment:
Hillary Clinton
Jeb Bush
Marco Rubio
Scott Walker
Rand Paul
Bernie Sanders

Winning Party
Breaking News:

Putin is defecting and announcing his candidacy for the GOP nomination.

"Glasnost is good. Elephants are better".

If Putin were to defect and run for President, he would without a doubt run on the democrat ticket.

Uhm, no. It's the repugs who are oogling over his manly muscles, not the smart people out there.
Thats just because the U.S has no leadership right now, all we have is a Anti American homosexual prick that is more concerned with his golf game than he is the well being of the citizens.

The problem at the moment is they have too many pr*cks like you... This usual rant about Obama..

The RWers here would have put boots on the ground in Yemen, Syria, Iraq (again) and Iran... 100s of thousands of troops and trillions of dollars... Full blown idiots....

And then they complain why the President isn't an idiot like you.
Yup. She was Secretary of State and showed just what a great SOS she was.

Benghazi anyone??

Oh wait. I forgot. "What difference does it make." Never mind.

I really enjoy when Republicans still think that Benghazi is their best chance of beating Hillary
Why are there so many Presidential candidates that flood the Republican pool?

Yet another person has thrown their hat in the ring, but, that doesn't seem to happen in the Democratic party.


The GOP is the party of the rich. Nothing enriches you more than the ability to ask for money with a megaphone under the guise of your being a serious candidate for President.

Some pizza maker lied about catering a few months back and GOP/Conservative whackjobs handed over to them about a million bucks.

A fool and his money are soon parted. In the average GOP voter, there is a huge supply of fools.
In all seriousness, such a bevy of candidates raises the danger that some stupid stuff will be said at the MANY GOP debates.

And unless a couple of them run into major massive mega serious money problems, I bet that they all stay in the race until at least the mid-March Florida/Ohio/Missouri primary date.

I got a feeling Christie won't run.
In all seriousness, such a bevy of candidates raises the danger that some stupid stuff will be said at the MANY GOP debates.

And unless a couple of them run into major massive mega serious money problems, I bet that they all stay in the race until at least the mid-March Florida/Ohio/Missouri primary date.

I got a feeling Christie won't run.
I liked how Mitt brought a dog act to the circus clown show. We need one of these guys to have a stupid pet story.
Democrats are gonna use the republican old white man story as the way to get votes.
Yup. She was Secretary of State and showed just what a great SOS she was.

Benghazi anyone??

Oh wait. I forgot. "What difference does it make." Never mind.

I really enjoy when Republicans still think that Benghazi is their best chance of beating Hillary

I really enjoy when leftwing loons think the needless deaths of Americans is a snoozer.
Remember this:


But please keep on bringing up Benghazi,
Republican-led report debunks Benghazi accusations -

Honestly is this the GOP best shot at Hillary... This is going to be embarrassing...
Everytime an idiot RW brings this up it looks like GOP are using dead Americans for political points.
In all seriousness, such a bevy of candidates raises the danger that some stupid stuff will be said at the MANY GOP debates.

And unless a couple of them run into major massive mega serious money problems, I bet that they all stay in the race until at least the mid-March Florida/Ohio/Missouri primary date.

I got a feeling Christie won't run.

Christies time to run was 2012 when they were begging him to run. While he couldn't have beaten Obama, he could have beaten Romney and gotten the GOP nomination
He thought his chances would be better in 2016...he was wrong
In all seriousness, such a bevy of candidates raises the danger that some stupid stuff will be said at the MANY GOP debates.

And unless a couple of them run into major massive mega serious money problems, I bet that they all stay in the race until at least the mid-March Florida/Ohio/Missouri primary date.

I got a feeling Christie won't run.

Christies time to run was 2012 when they were begging him to run. While he couldn't have beaten Obama, he could have beaten Romney and gotten the GOP nomination
He thought his chances would be better in 2016...he was wrong
Yeah. That was a massive (-: miscalculation. And then he did the man hug with the muslim Kenyan Marxist racist.

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