Too many "self appointed" experts


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016

As Liberals and Conservatives here verbally bash each other over Trump's legal issues, one things has become crystal clear: Both sides are seeing only what they want to see.

Democrats: Donald Trump may indeed be guilty of obstruction of justice, but don't look for him to face any legal consequences soon. Trump is skilled in tying his legal problems up in the courts for years, and even decades, so make your case for obstruction if you want, but don't look to the legal system to sway voters....That's your job. Stop bitching about Trump and make a solid case to the voting public as to why they should vote for you, or you're going to lose - again!

Republicans: Your golden boy is not out of the woods by a longshot. Mueller may have looked uncomfortable in his testimony before Congress, but admitted were Trump not the sitting President, he would most certainly have been indicted. Over 400 former prosecutors, both Conservative and Liberal say Trump is guilty. In addition, there are still 3 ongoing Federal investigations regarding Donald Trump, of which we know very don't start icing the champaign just yet!

Very few of you folks have law degrees, so please stop acting like you know what you're talking about...because you don't!

Former federal prosecutors: If Trump wasn't president, he would be guilty of obstruction

After Mueller: The Ongoing Investigations Surrounding Trump
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As Liberals and Conservatives here verbally bash each other over Trump's legal issues, one things has become crystal clear: Both sides are seeing only what they want to see.

Democrats: Donald Trump may indeed be guilty of obstruction of justice, but don't look for him to face any legal consequences soon. Trump is skilled in tying his legal problems up in the courts for years, and even decades, so make your case for obstruction if you want, but don't look to the legal system to sway voters....That's your job. Stop bitching about Trump and make a solid case to the voting public as to why they should vote for you, or you're going to lose - again!

Republicans: Your golden boy is not out of the woods by a longshot. Mueller may have looked uncomfortable in his testimony before Congress, but admitted were Trump not the sitting President, he would most certainly have been indicted. Over 400 former prosecutors, both Conservative and Liberal say Trump is guilty. In addition, there are still 3 ongoing Federal investigations regarding Donald Trump, of which we know very don't start icing the champaign just yet!

Very few of you folks have law degrees, so please stop acting like you know what you're talking about...because you don't!

Former federal prosecutors: If Trump wasn't president, he would be guilty of obstruction

After Mueller: The Ongoing Investigations Surrounding Trump
It's over snowflake.

As Liberals and Conservatives here verbally bash each other over Trump's legal issues, one things has become crystal clear: Both sides are seeing only what they want to see.

Democrats: Donald Trump may indeed be guilty of obstruction of justice, but don't look for him to face any legal consequences soon. Trump is skilled in tying his legal problems up in the courts for years, and even decades, so make your case for obstruction if you want, but don't look to the legal system to sway voters....That's your job. Stop bitching about Trump and make a solid case to the voting public as to why they should vote for you, or you're going to lose - again!

Republicans: Your golden boy is not out of the woods by a longshot. Mueller may have looked uncomfortable in his testimony before Congress, but admitted were Trump not the sitting President, he would most certainly have been indicted. Over 400 former prosecutors, both Conservative and Liberal say Trump is guilty. In addition, there are still 3 ongoing Federal investigations regarding Donald Trump, of which we know very don't start icing the champaign just yet!

Very few of you folks have law degrees, so please stop acting like you know what you're talking about...because you don't!

Former federal prosecutors: If Trump wasn't president, he would be guilty of obstruction

After Mueller: The Ongoing Investigations Surrounding Trump

Nobody is guilty of obstruction until they are found to be guilty of obstruction.

As for Trump, who cares. He will be gone in at most 5 years anyway. After that, there will be another crook to replace him.
so don't start icing the champaign just yet!

It's spelled champagne... and it's already open...

Very few of you folks have law degrees, so please stop acting like you know what you're talking about...because you don't!
No one needs a law degree to know,
if this nonsense is enough to charge Trump with obstruction
there was more than enough to bring, not only
obstruction charges against Bill and Hillary but criminal charges as well
Do you need a Law Degree to recognize this for what it is?


If Trump wasn't President, there wouldn't even be some stupid "Russia Collusion" investigation in the first place. Duh!

I am sure that you know as well, as everyone in America, the only reason why the Democrats want to do everything possible to impeach him, is because Hillary Clinton lost. And this is their only way to "pay back".

If they (Democrats) wanted to go after Trump about his past, they had ample time before he became President. But since he is now President, they want to do anything possible to "have him gone".

The left and Democrats cry foul when it comes to Obstruction of Justice.
So far, there has been NO EVIDENCE whatsoever, to Trump even doing so. It has all been driven by MSM.
Remember, the MSM creates the narratives (just as much as the Democrats do), and they run with it. They make it so believable that even YOU fall for it. Lol

As Liberals and Conservatives here verbally bash each other over Trump's legal issues, one things has become crystal clear: Both sides are seeing only what they want to see.

Democrats: Donald Trump may indeed be guilty of obstruction of justice, but don't look for him to face any legal consequences soon. Trump is skilled in tying his legal problems up in the courts for years, and even decades, so make your case for obstruction if you want, but don't look to the legal system to sway voters....That's your job. Stop bitching about Trump and make a solid case to the voting public as to why they should vote for you, or you're going to lose - again!

Republicans: Your golden boy is not out of the woods by a longshot. Mueller may have looked uncomfortable in his testimony before Congress, but admitted were Trump not the sitting President, he would most certainly have been indicted. Over 400 former prosecutors, both Conservative and Liberal say Trump is guilty. In addition, there are still 3 ongoing Federal investigations regarding Donald Trump, of which we know very don't start icing the champaign just yet!

Very few of you folks have law degrees, so please stop acting like you know what you're talking about...because you don't!

Former federal prosecutors: If Trump wasn't president, he would be guilty of obstruction

After Mueller: The Ongoing Investigations Surrounding Trump
Sorry snowflake it only takes common sense to see what was happening

If Trump wasn't President, there wouldn't even be some stupid "Russia Collusion" investigation in the first place. Duh!

I am sure that you know as well, as everyone in America, the only reason why the Democrats want to do everything possible to impeach him, is because Hillary Clinton lost. And this is their only way to "pay back".

If they (Democrats) wanted to go after Trump about his past, they had ample time before he became President. But since he is now President, they want to do anything possible to "have him gone".

The left and Democrats cry foul when it comes to Obstruction of Justice.
So far, there has been NO EVIDENCE whatsoever, to Trump even doing so. It has all been driven by MSM.
Remember, the MSM creates the narratives (just as much as the Democrats do), and they run with it. They make it so believable that even YOU fall for it. Lol
Whoever controls the media controls the mind

Jim Morrison
Whoever controls the media controls the mind

There's a lot more media today than in Jim's day ... and it's a lot harder to control.

The so-called mainstream media has made such a ham-fisted effort to smear The President for the last three years that even the most casual viewer can see it for what it is. This never-ending special prosecution that produced no results will turn off all but the most hyper-partisan of Presidential detractors.

Now the message is ... "You would see this as a loss for The President if only you had a law degree". How well do you think that message will go down with the the average voters? The Democrats message has been, for the past five years, "Only an uneducated idiot, fly-over stater, or deplorable * wouldn't vote for us".

How does that message seem to be working for you?

* there seems to be a concerted effort on the part of some Democrats to add 'Jew lover' to that list. I can't see that ending well for you.

As Liberals and Conservatives here verbally bash each other over Trump's legal issues, one things has become crystal clear: Both sides are seeing only what they want to see.

Democrats: Donald Trump may indeed be guilty of obstruction of justice, but don't look for him to face any legal consequences soon. Trump is skilled in tying his legal problems up in the courts for years, and even decades, so make your case for obstruction if you want, but don't look to the legal system to sway voters....That's your job. Stop bitching about Trump and make a solid case to the voting public as to why they should vote for you, or you're going to lose - again!

Republicans: Your golden boy is not out of the woods by a longshot. Mueller may have looked uncomfortable in his testimony before Congress, but admitted were Trump not the sitting President, he would most certainly have been indicted. Over 400 former prosecutors, both Conservative and Liberal say Trump is guilty. In addition, there are still 3 ongoing Federal investigations regarding Donald Trump, of which we know very don't start icing the champaign just yet!

Very few of you folks have law degrees, so please stop acting like you know what you're talking about...because you don't!

Former federal prosecutors: If Trump wasn't president, he would be guilty of obstruction

After Mueller: The Ongoing Investigations Surrounding Trump
Too many 'experts'?

opinions are like assholes.

everybody has one.
Republicans: Your golden boy is not out of the woods by a longshot. Mueller may have looked uncomfortable in his testimony before Congress, but admitted were Trump not the sitting President, he would most certainly have been indicted. ...

You obviously stopped watching before the afternoon session with the House Intelligence Committee, as Mueller specifically addressed this and rejected the notion that he didn't indict Trump because of his status as the sitting president (or perhaps you got this from a media outlet that similarly failed to watch and/or report what Mueller stated in the afternoon).

First, Mueller started the afternoon session by making a statement on the record to clarify his response to Congressman Lieu's question in the morning session, disclaiming any perception that he relied on the OLC opinion as the reason for his decision not to indict Trump for obstruction.

He clarified that even further when responding to Congressman Radcliffe's questions, which can be found at about the 28:30 mark of the afternoon session video, and I typed it out for you to make it easier:

Radcliffe: The special counsel's office is closed, and it has no continuing jurisdiction or authority, so what would be your authority or jurisdiction for adding new conclusions or determinations to the special counsel's written report?

Mueller: As to the latter, I don't know or expect changes in conclusions that we included in our report.

Radcliffe: So to that point you addressed one of the issues that I needed to, which is from your testimony this morning, which some construed as a change to the written report. You talked about the exchange you had with Congressman Lieu, I wrote it down a little bit different, I want to ask you about it so the record's perfectly clear. I recorded that he asked you, "the reason you did not indict Donald Trump is because of the OLC opinion stating you cannot indict a sitting president" to which you responded "that is correct." That response is inconsistent, I think you'll agree, with your written report. I want to be clear that it is not your intent to change your written report, it is your intent to clarify the record today?

Mueller: As I started today, this afternoon, and added either a footnote or an end note, what I wanted to clarify is the fact that we did not make any determination with regard to culpability, in any way.

So no, Muller did not "admit" that Trump would have been indicted were he not the sitting president; rather, he specifically debunked that misconception and emphasized that he had not made any determinations whatsoever on the issue of obstruction.
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