Top 1% Richest Of the Country Feel That Normal Americans Have Too Much Freedom, and That Meat, Fuel, and Electricity Should Be Strictly Rationed


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Strictly rationed to you peons that is.
And you peons have way too much personal freedom.
Oh, and they give Joe an 84% approval rating. So that tells you who’s side they’re on.


America's richest 1% and Ivy Leaguers say the rest of the country has TOO much personal freedom and want to ration food and electricity, shocking poll finds
Elites want to save the planet by banning SUVs and jet plane vacations

They're much bigger fans of Joe Biden and the government than regular voters

By James Reinl, Social Affairs Correspondent, For Dailymail.Com

America's top earners have been blasted as 'wildly out of touch' after polling showed their views differ sharply from regular voters on everything from climate change to personal liberties.

A survey has found that 'top 1 percent' earners and Ivy League graduates are much keener on banning and rationing cars and air travel in pursuit of climate targets than the rest of the country.

They also expressed an authoritarian streak -- nearly six in ten members of the elite say there's too much personal freedom in the US, many times more than for ordinary voters.
Either a satire piece or fake news.

First off there is no link to the claimed survey. This almost always means there was no such survey or it was done in a way that makes them hide their methodology.

Second, nobody thinks that people making 150,000 are the "global elite" yet that was the line for who is a 1%er global elite.
Either a satire piece or fake news.

First off there is no link to the claimed survey. This almost always means there was no such survey or it was done in a way that makes them hide their methodology.

Second, nobody thinks that people making 150,000 are the "global elite" yet that was the line for who is a 1%er global elite.


"Elite thinking, as it’s termed, is under attack – and rightly so – for being out of step with the rest of the country.
Below, we highlight some of the profound attitudinal differences between elites and average Americans:

• In a time when most Americans have suffered a loss of real take-home pay, 74% of elites say they are
financially better off today than in the past versus 20% of all Americans.
• Nearly six in ten say there is too much individual freedom in America – double the rate of all Americans.
• More than two-thirds (67%) favor rationing of vital energy and food sources to combat the threat of
climate change.
• In stark contrast to the rest of America, 70% of the Elites trust the government to “do the right thing
most of the time.”
• Two-thirds (67%) say teachers and other educational professionals should decide what children are
taught rather than letting parents decide.
• Somewhere between half and two-thirds favor banning things like SUVs, gas stoves, air conditioning,
and non-essential air travel to protect the environment.
• About six of ten elites have a favorable opinion of the so-called talking professions—lawyers,
lobbyists, politicians, and journalists.
• President Joe Biden enjoys an 84% job approval rating from this group – roughly twice as high as the
general public."
I cannot wait to tell my daughter she is a member of the elite, she will get a kick out that! :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

That aside, an on-line poll that does not give the sampling methodology, the response rate or how the elite were contacted in the first place about the survey done by a person known for shit surveys with an agenda they do not even try to hide.

Yep, seems perfect for you all.

I'm pretty sure Rasmussen knows a lot more about polling than you do, bro.
I'm pretty sure Rasmussen knows a lot more about polling than you do, bro.

Doubtful, he is a history major with an EMBA, meaning he has no education in statistics, analysis or anything that would lead to a career in this field.

So, do you think that someone making 151,000 a year is in the 1% and an elite?
Either a satire piece or fake news.

First off there is no link to the claimed survey. This almost always means there was no such survey or it was done in a way that makes them hide their methodology.

Second, nobody thinks that people making 150,000 are the "global elite" yet that was the line for who is a 1%er global elite.
I could not find the poll but I did find the group that is alleged to have made the poll

But I doubt if Gator will like them very much

They are very conservative and pro capitalism

I could not find the poll but I did find the group that is alleged to have made the poll

And I doubt if Gator will like them very much

They are very conservative and pro cspitslism

Do you trust that group to come up with an unbiased poll and to give fair results?

If a group like that on the left put out a poll would you just accept the results?

Do you think someone making 151 grand a year qualifies as an elite and part of the 1% club?
Do you trust that group to come up with an unbiased poll and to give fair results?

If a group like that on the left put out a poll would you just accept the results?

Do you think someone making 151 grand a year qualifies as an elite and part of the 1% club?
I have not endorsed the poll because I could not find it

If we are talking about global elite then $150k is certainly in the top 1%
I cannot wait to tell my daughter she is a member of the elite, she will get a kick out that! :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

That aside, an on-line poll that does not give the sampling methodology, the response rate or how the elite were contacted in the first place about the survey done by a person known for shit surveys with an agenda they do not even try to hide.

Yep, seems perfect for you all.
Well then....get her a Masorati so she can actually feel the part!😎
Doubtful, he is a history major with an EMBA, meaning he has no education in statistics, analysis or anything that would lead to a career in this field.

So, do you think that someone making 151,000 a year is in the 1% and an elite?

Elitists are a social and political category, not an economic class. They are exclusionary to the common person.

Trump is rich, but he's in ways an "elitist." That's why he's so popular among the middle class.
Elitists are a social and political category, not an economic class. They are exclusionary to the common person.

Trump is rich, but he's in ways an "elitist." That's why he's so popular among the middle class.
Elitists are an economic class. Of course they are. They don't want anything g to do with regular people. All billionaires are elitist to the highest degree. There are no exceptions. They are all also part of the swamp.
Elitists are a social and political category, not an economic class. They are exclusionary to the common person.

Tell that to Rasmussen, he is the one that made the criteria for the survey.

Trump is rich, but he's in ways an "elitist." That's why he's so popular among the middle class.

Trump was the king of the elitist until he decided to run for president as a Repub. m
WEF/Democrats will bring the great reset to your community.

When rationing and shortages hit your community, make Democrats go to the back of the line.

Democrats = WEF

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