Top 1% to own 66% of the world's wealth.

The landlord is benefiting from a tax break subsidized by the renter's higher tax rate.

At the same time, the landlord's property cost more because of the MID, and therefore rent is higher.
Sounds like maybe a wash but I still think encouraging home ownership is in society's interest, much more so than buying a bigger and more expensive car.
Let's see if BluesLegend is dumb enought to call Devin Nunes a libtard liar blah blah blah...

Here is Nunes explaining that every credit, deduction, and exemption is paid for by raising tax rates on everyone: No tax reform without border adjustment tax, Rep. Nunes says

"If people wanted to drop the corporate rate from 35 to say 33, 32, maybe 30, we could probably do it. But if you go back to several years that we looked at doing just that, the goal was to get to 25 percent, and by the time every lobbyist, every special interest group in town, representing every major corporation in this country, the tax rate was automatically all the way back above 30 by the time you put everybody's special loophole in."

Read that a hundred times if that is how much it takes for you to comprehend it.

Nunes sits on the House Ways and Means Committee. That's the committee responsible for taxation.

Nunes clearly states that every deduction, exemption, and credit is paid for by raising tax rates on everyone. That's why I call them government gifts, because they are. They are theft from someone else's pocket.

Nunes plainly stated the only way to RESPONSIBLY lower the corporate tax rate was to take away all those government gifts in the tax code. Take away all that theft.

But every time Nunes tried to do that, the special interest lobbyists would get the Congressmen they owned to put them back in, WHICH CAUSED THE TAX RATE TO BE INCREASED AGAIN.

So there you have it. What I have been telling you for years. There is a direct correlation between high tax rates and tax expenditures.

Eliminate all that theft, and we can lower tax rates for EVERYONE.

But your propagandists, who are owned by special interests, have you actually DEFENDING this theft from your own pockets!
Donald Trump and the Republican Congress just gave a $1.5 trillion gift to the special interests

You liberal filth are such liars. No Trump did not give a gift to anyone, let alone special interests you lying hack. I challenge you to make an argument that's isn't a big fat lie, I doubt you can.
The corporate tax rate was as high as it was because of the government gifts in the corporate tax code. I have provided the evidence of this countless times.

The right way to lower the tax rate is to take out the government gifts which drove it so high to begin with.

But Trump and the GOP Congress didn't do that. They left the gifts there, and lowered the tax rate, thus producing a $1.5 trillion deficit which our kids will be saddled with. And it is being paid for by money borrowed, in part, from our enemies.

This is a fact.

Another fact is that Trump has made you into an uber-Keynesian!

Look dummy a gift is you take MY money and gift it to some loser liberal mooching deadbeat. Allowing people and companies to keep THEIR OWN MONEY they earned is not a gift so stop lying. Here have a batch of these :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:
See? The rube herd has been taught to parrot the lie "I get to keep my own money!"

Well trained monkeys.

HELLO I earned the money you people are not entitled to MY money. Go back to communist China you sympathizer.
The landlord is benefiting from a tax break subsidized by the renter's higher tax rate.

At the same time, the landlord's property cost more because of the MID, and therefore rent is higher.
Sounds like maybe a wash but I still think encouraging home ownership is in society's interest, much more so than buying a bigger and more expensive car.
So you believe the government should engage in behavioral modification control programs?

No self-respecting conservative would ever be caught dead defending such a thing.

The elimination of tax expenditures is a core libertarian/conservative value. The poor pseudocons have been led so far off the reservation by their propagandists, they have actually become uber-Keynesians.
Donald Trump and the Republican Congress just gave a $1.5 trillion gift to the special interests

You liberal filth are such liars. No Trump did not give a gift to anyone, let alone special interests you lying hack. I challenge you to make an argument that's isn't a big fat lie, I doubt you can.
The corporate tax rate was as high as it was because of the government gifts in the corporate tax code. I have provided the evidence of this countless times.

The right way to lower the tax rate is to take out the government gifts which drove it so high to begin with.

But Trump and the GOP Congress didn't do that. They left the gifts there, and lowered the tax rate, thus producing a $1.5 trillion deficit which our kids will be saddled with. And it is being paid for by money borrowed, in part, from our enemies.

This is a fact.

Another fact is that Trump has made you into an uber-Keynesian!

Look dummy a gift is you take MY money and gift it to some loser liberal mooching deadbeat. Allowing people and companies to keep THEIR OWN MONEY they earned is not a gift so stop lying. Here have a batch of these :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:
See? The rube herd has been taught to parrot the lie "I get to keep my own money!"

Well trained monkeys.

HELLO I earned the money you people are not entitled to MY money. Go back to communist China you sympathizer.
Yes. You earned your money. Which is why the high tax rates caused by tax expenditures which redistribute wealth are theft, and why tax expenditures should be eliminated.


Now read post 102 over and over until you get it.
It still amazes me every time to see a pseudocon support himself being robbed.

You liberal filth are such liars. No Trump did not give a gift to anyone, let alone special interests you lying hack. I challenge you to make an argument that's isn't a big fat lie, I doubt you can.
The corporate tax rate was as high as it was because of the government gifts in the corporate tax code. I have provided the evidence of this countless times.

The right way to lower the tax rate is to take out the government gifts which drove it so high to begin with.

But Trump and the GOP Congress didn't do that. They left the gifts there, and lowered the tax rate, thus producing a $1.5 trillion deficit which our kids will be saddled with. And it is being paid for by money borrowed, in part, from our enemies.

This is a fact.

Another fact is that Trump has made you into an uber-Keynesian!

Look dummy a gift is you take MY money and gift it to some loser liberal mooching deadbeat. Allowing people and companies to keep THEIR OWN MONEY they earned is not a gift so stop lying. Here have a batch of these :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:
See? The rube herd has been taught to parrot the lie "I get to keep my own money!"

Well trained monkeys.

HELLO I earned the money you people are not entitled to MY money. Go back to communist China you sympathizer.
Yes. You earned your money. Which is why the high tax rates caused by tax expenditures which redistribute wealth are theft, and why tax expenditures should be eliminated.


Now read post 102 over and over until you get it.

I'll waste no more time on your lies and spun fake news. Individuals and companies which earned the money get to keep more of it, its already theirs, that's not a gift FACT. If government is overspending and refuses to cut spending and live within its means that's a whole different issue.
The corporate tax rate was as high as it was because of the government gifts in the corporate tax code. I have provided the evidence of this countless times.

The right way to lower the tax rate is to take out the government gifts which drove it so high to begin with.

But Trump and the GOP Congress didn't do that. They left the gifts there, and lowered the tax rate, thus producing a $1.5 trillion deficit which our kids will be saddled with. And it is being paid for by money borrowed, in part, from our enemies.

This is a fact.

Another fact is that Trump has made you into an uber-Keynesian!

Look dummy a gift is you take MY money and gift it to some loser liberal mooching deadbeat. Allowing people and companies to keep THEIR OWN MONEY they earned is not a gift so stop lying. Here have a batch of these :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:
See? The rube herd has been taught to parrot the lie "I get to keep my own money!"

Well trained monkeys.

HELLO I earned the money you people are not entitled to MY money. Go back to communist China you sympathizer.
Yes. You earned your money. Which is why the high tax rates caused by tax expenditures which redistribute wealth are theft, and why tax expenditures should be eliminated.


Now read post 102 over and over until you get it.

I'll waste no more time on your lies and spun fake news. Individuals and companies which earned the money get to keep more of it, its already theirs, that's not a gift FACT. If government is overspending and refuses to cut spending and live within its means that's a whole different issue.
Yes, you are a willfully blind monkey, so of course you won't read anything which impinges on your delusions.

That has never changed, and probably never will. Which is exactly the way your propagandists want you to be.

The landlord is benefiting from a tax break subsidized by the renter's higher tax rate.

At the same time, the landlord's property cost more because of the MID, and therefore rent is higher.
Sounds like maybe a wash but I still think encouraging home ownership is in society's interest, much more so than buying a bigger and more expensive car.
So you believe the government should engage in behavioral modification control programs?

No self-respecting conservative would ever be caught dead defending such a thing.

The elimination of tax expenditures is a core libertarian/conservative value. The poor pseudocons have been led so far off the reservation by their propagandists, they have actually become uber-Keynesians.
I think the gov't has no choice. Unfortunately we don't generally act responsibly.

I have a friend who has a retirement benefits company. He provides 401Ks to small businesses, the kind where the company matches a portion of your salary. When he first started out contributions were optional. It turned out that most people didn't sign up and essentially refused the free money from the company. Now participation is mandatory.

Social Security likewise shouldn't be needed but it is and is often the only retirement people get. It limits our freedom but it is better than having a lot of destitute seniors.
Tax expenditures ARE spending.

That's why they are called tax EXPENDITURES.

It adds up to $1.4 trillion of spending each year.

$1.4 trillion of wealth redistribution which has increased our tax rates and our borrowing more than anything else.

And the propagandists keeping the monkeys in the dark have them thinking our debt problem is because of food stamps! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!
Last edited:
The landlord is benefiting from a tax break subsidized by the renter's higher tax rate.

At the same time, the landlord's property cost more because of the MID, and therefore rent is higher.
Sounds like maybe a wash but I still think encouraging home ownership is in society's interest, much more so than buying a bigger and more expensive car.
So you believe the government should engage in behavioral modification control programs?

No self-respecting conservative would ever be caught dead defending such a thing.

The elimination of tax expenditures is a core libertarian/conservative value. The poor pseudocons have been led so far off the reservation by their propagandists, they have actually become uber-Keynesians.
I think the gov't has no choice. Unfortunately we don't generally act responsibly.

I have a friend who has a retirement benefits company. He provides 401Ks to small businesses, the kind where the company matches a portion of your salary. When he first started out contributions were optional. It turned out that most people didn't sign up and essentially refused the free money from the company. Now participation is mandatory.

Social Security likewise shouldn't be needed but it is and is often the only retirement people get. It limits our freedom but it is better than having a lot of destitute seniors.
The only problem I have with Social Security is that it does not index the eligibility age to life expectancy. That's what is crushing it.

We are living DECADES longer than our ancestors did. We should therefore be working longer. That's just plain, common sense.

Only 5.4% of the American population were over the age of 65 when Social Security was enacted. The majority of Americans were not intended to collect SS. It was insurance for those who beat the odds.

In 1965, when Medicare was added, 9% of the population were over 65.

Today, we are approaching 15% of the population.

This is an unsustainable trend. We should immediately raise the eligibility age to 70, and index it to 9% of the population going forward.

This would make Social Security self-sustaining forever.
Only a handful of the richest Dem's have a combined wealth over half a TRILLION dollars, why haven't they voluntarily redistributed their wealth to the government to be doled out to the masses? When Deminazi's start practicing what they preach call me.
Dems have voted to increase the tax burden on the richest AAmericans

Republicans give them a free ride

Democrats have voted to increase the tax burden on those Americans who are in the process of getting rich. Damn them upstarts, they think they are just as good as we are.
We have more people over the age of 65 than the entire population of Canada.

Way more.
Donald Trump and the Republican Congress just gave a $1.5 trillion gift to the special interests

You liberal filth are such liars. No Trump did not give a gift to anyone, let alone special interests you lying hack. I challenge you to make an argument that's isn't a big fat lie, I doubt you can.
The corporate tax rate was as high as it was because of the government gifts in the corporate tax code. I have provided the evidence of this countless times.

The right way to lower the tax rate is to take out the government gifts which drove it so high to begin with.

But Trump and the GOP Congress didn't do that. They left the gifts there, and lowered the tax rate, thus producing a $1.5 trillion deficit which our kids will be saddled with. And it is being paid for by money borrowed, in part, from our enemies.

This is a fact.

Another fact is that Trump has made you into an uber-Keynesian!

Look dummy a gift is you take MY money and gift it to some loser liberal mooching deadbeat. Allowing people and companies to keep THEIR OWN MONEY they earned is not a gift so stop lying. Here have a batch of these :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:
See? The rube herd has been taught to parrot the lie "I get to keep my own money!"

Well trained monkeys.

HELLO I earned the money you people are not entitled to MY money. Go back to communist China you sympathizer.
Thanks to Trump you borrowed more this year to fund the cuts:

If you're not in the top 1%, for every dollar of increased deficit you have to pay back in the future you get to keep less than 7 cents now. Maybe less if you're not even in the top 20%.
Tax expenditures ARE spending.

That's why they are called tax EXPENDITURES.

It adds up to $1.4 trillion of spending each year.

$1.4 trillion of wealth redistribution which has increased our tax rates and our borrowing more than anything else.

And the propagandists keeping the monkeys in the dark have them thinking our debt problem is because of food stamps! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

If it didn't belong to the government in the first place, then the government is giving away nothing.
Only a handful of the richest Dem's have a combined wealth over half a TRILLION dollars, why haven't they voluntarily redistributed their wealth to the government to be doled out to the masses? When Deminazi's start practicing what they preach call me.
Dems have voted to increase the tax burden on the richest AAmericans

Republicans give them a free ride

Democrats have voted to increase the tax burden on those Americans who are in the process of getting rich. Damn them upstarts, they think they are just as good as we are.
This blaming of Democrats for everything vs. blaming Republicans for everything bullshit has to stop.

We are being divided and conquered.
Tax expenditures ARE spending.

That's why they are called tax EXPENDITURES.

It adds up to $1.4 trillion of spending each year.

$1.4 trillion of wealth redistribution which has increased our tax rates and our borrowing more than anything else.

And the propagandists keeping the monkeys in the dark have them thinking our debt problem is because of food stamps! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

If it didn't belong to the government in the first place, then the government is giving away nothing.
The government is taking and redistributing via tax expenditures. This is what you do not grasp.

Every deduction, credit, and exemption is paid for by taxing everyone at higher rates.

Read that last sentence as many times as it takes for you to get it.

Tax expenditures are wealth redistribution. You are taxed more so someone else can be taxed less.
Bill Gates destroyed the careers of over 3,000,000 Americans and non-Indian Business Visas and virtually destroyed the technology industry.
This is news to me. Got more info?
Simply Google Bill Gates and H1-Bs.
Of course, prior to the 2008 crash very few people could afford a server and so any attempts by ordinary people, such as myself, or the thousands of Americans laid off from MS and hundreds of other companies, went unannounced.
Every attempt to make this known to the public was deleted from corporate owned servers.
The first time I saw any sites that had this info was after 2008 when no one was buying servers and they plummeted in price.

After Gates laid off his American workforce, MS came to a dead halt.
The stock price would go up based on one factor...cutting costs.

Watch any MS Keynote speech and the only people in the audience are Indian.

To this day, Gates states in every interview that the only educational systems that work are in Africa and India.
The man is a greedy scumbag.
Sounds personal. Were you replaced by an H1-B?
Many times.
When I finished a system I was let go about 20 times.
By 2004 GW eliminated the law requiring interviewing Americans specifically for IT related positions.
Sounds personal?
Gates has been trying for over 10 years to do this with the accounting and legal professions.
Gates does not want to pay his lawyers 300K/year.
You have no idea what’s earmarked in DACA.
It would be an employment bloodbath for 1.6 million Americans every year.

Gates also owns pharmaceutical companies in Africa that experiment on humans.

A fine human being.
If you do not buy a house, you are punished with more taxes than someone who does.

If you do not buy the right kind of refrigerator, you are punished with more taxes than someone who did.

If you do not breed, you are punished with more taxes than someone who did!

This is a massive government behavioral control program.

No conservative in his right mind would ever defend this practice. Only a retard who thinks he is gaining something from the government would.
Time for the working class (and mostly right wing) suck ass lickspittles of the rich to pile on with "they work harder than you do" and "start up your own business instead of being jealous...." etc. Never occurs to these poor slobs that the wealthy buy the politicians that make the rules that have enabled the transferring of most of the gains in productivity in America to the ownership class for decades. We as a nation have just recently become deeper in debt to the tune of a trillion and a half so that this transfer can continue. Of course, there was a small 'trickle down' given to the working class on this last giveaway. Not much, and not to all the working class either. Time to get money out of politics or we will continue down the path on becoming a third world country. This endless 'republican good, democrat bad' crap is a total waste of time folks.

Gains in productivity are not created by labor working harder or smarter. They are created by investment and innovation. In many instances, by replacing labor with machines.

The only thing that you, or any other employee, is entitled to is the pay and benefits you agreed to when you took the job.

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