Top 10 Countries with most Refugees in the World

Top 10 Countries with most Refugees in the World
Country Name No. of Refugees
1 Turkey 1,838,973
2 Pakistan 1,541,482
3 Lebanon 1,172,842
4 Iran 980,446 ( iran have 3+ million afghan)
5 Ethiopia 702,921
6 Australia 692,845
7 Kenya 553,164
8 Uganda 428,725
9 Chad 421,437
10 Sudan 356,548

Yeah and they can stay there

Yes that is because some people assume we are a country founded on Christian principles. WRONG, and we have very few Christians.

Meh, you take them in and pay for them

We helped destroy their countries. At least take the widows and children.

We have Americans in need, they come first
Top 10 Countries with most Refugees in the World
Country Name No. of Refugees
1 Turkey 1,838,973
2 Pakistan 1,541,482
3 Lebanon 1,172,842
4 Iran 980,446 ( iran have 3+ million afghan)
5 Ethiopia 702,921
6 Australia 692,845
7 Kenya 553,164
8 Uganda 428,725
9 Chad 421,437
10 Sudan 356,548

Yeah and they can stay there
This can't be right, can it? Didn't Germany take in two million? I'm so confused.

usa and europe ?!!!!!!!!
Top 10 Countries with most Refugees in the World
Rank Country Name No. of Refugees
1 Turkey 1,838,973
2 Pakistan 1,541,482
3 Lebanon 1,172,842
4 Iran 980,446 ( iran have 3+ million afghan)
5 Ethiopia 702,921
6 Australia 692,845
7 Kenya 553,164
8 Uganda 428,725
9 Chad 421,437
10 Sudan 356,548
Those kids sure are cute, Dani.
Top 10 Countries with most Refugees in the World
Country Name No. of Refugees
1 Turkey 1,838,973
2 Pakistan 1,541,482
3 Lebanon 1,172,842
4 Iran 980,446 ( iran have 3+ million afghan)
5 Ethiopia 702,921
6 Australia 692,845
7 Kenya 553,164
8 Uganda 428,725
9 Chad 421,437
10 Sudan 356,548

Yeah and they can stay there
This can't be right, can it? Didn't Germany take in two million? I'm so confused.
Top 10 Countries with most Refugees in the World
Country Name No. of Refugees
1 Turkey 1,838,973
2 Pakistan 1,541,482
3 Lebanon 1,172,842
4 Iran 980,446 ( iran have 3+ million afghan)
5 Ethiopia 702,921
6 Australia 692,845
7 Kenya 553,164
8 Uganda 428,725
9 Chad 421,437
10 Sudan 356,548

Yeah and they can stay there
This can't be right, can it? Didn't Germany take in two million? I'm so confused.
Dani, I have heard many times that German has taken in two million refugees since the Crisis began. The top country on your list is Turkey. Do you know any details about what is being counted on your list?
Top 10 Countries with most Refugees in the World
Country Name No. of Refugees
1 Turkey 1,838,973
2 Pakistan 1,541,482
3 Lebanon 1,172,842
4 Iran 980,446 ( iran have 3+ million afghan)
5 Ethiopia 702,921
6 Australia 692,845
7 Kenya 553,164
8 Uganda 428,725
9 Chad 421,437
10 Sudan 356,548

Yeah and they can stay there

Yes that is because some people assume we are a country founded on Christian principles. WRONG, and we have very few Christians.

Meh, you take them in and pay for them

We helped destroy their countries. At least take the widows and children.

We have Americans in need, they come first
we can accept american .but just german and irish

usa and europe ?!!!!!!!!
Top 10 Countries with most Refugees in the World
Rank Country Name No. of Refugees
1 Turkey 1,838,973
2 Pakistan 1,541,482
3 Lebanon 1,172,842
4 Iran 980,446 ( iran have 3+ million afghan)
5 Ethiopia 702,921
6 Australia 692,845
7 Kenya 553,164
8 Uganda 428,725
9 Chad 421,437
10 Sudan 356,548
Nice P/C photo of happy little Muslims.

But baby sharks look cute too.

Of those top 10 on the list, the Auzzie's are the craziest in my opinion.

The others on the list are all Muslim nations.

Auzzieland is risking Muslim radicalized insurgents either now or a generation from now when these happy little Muzzie's grow up. That's what happened in San Bernardino, Calif. and elsewhere across the USA.

This whole issue is a Muslim thing, and Muslim nations should be the ones fixing it.

Conspicuously absent from the list is Egypt. That's because Egypt is not stupid.
Note the list of these countries of 'so-called' most refugees:

Top 10 Countries with most Refugees in the World
Rank Country Name No. of Refugees
1 Turkey 1,838,973
2 Pakistan 1,541,482
3 Lebanon 1,172,842
4 Iran 980,446 ( iran have 3+ million afghan)
5 Ethiopia 702,921
6 xxxxxxxxxx (Australia, an exception)
7 Kenya 553,164
8 Uganda 428,725
9 Chad 421,437
10 Sudan 356,548

What do you see? POVERTY. These are poverty-stricken nations. These countries are not 'absorbing' refugees. The refugees are being taken care of by international help organizations such as Amnesty, Red Cross, Médecins sans Frontières, etc. And who donates the most money to such organizations? Those poor countries? Oh no. It is the rich countries that donate the lion's share. And who says that we ought to 'absorb' all of those refugees into our own countries anyway? Me personally ..... I want to help them .... but I damn sure don't want to 'absorb' them. I wish them peace and prosperity - in their own country. I don't want them here biting my hand that feeds them. We'll have to foot the bill if we let them stay here. No help organization will take care of them. We've seen enough of that already. Anyway, last I heard my country takes in more refugees per capita than any other. The nerve of that bastard to claim that we are 'shirking'. He can stuff himself with pig's fat and hang for all that I care.
What I see is the scourge of Muslim brainwashing -- Auzzieland being the exception.

That's why the Auzzie's look really stupid and out of place on this list.

usa and europe ?!!!!!!!!
Top 10 Countries with most Refugees in the World
Rank Country Name No. of Refugees
1 Turkey 1,838,973
2 Pakistan 1,541,482
3 Lebanon 1,172,842
4 Iran 980,446 ( iran have 3+ million afghan)
5 Ethiopia 702,921
6 Australia 692,845
7 Kenya 553,164
8 Uganda 428,725
9 Chad 421,437
10 Sudan 356,548
The USA already has millions of refugees aka illegal aliens to contend with. Get back to us when your aforementioned countries match that shit. Then park some Syrians in Chappaqua!

usa and europe ?!!!!!!!!
Top 10 Countries with most Refugees in the World
Rank Country Name No. of Refugees
1 Turkey 1,838,973
2 Pakistan 1,541,482
3 Lebanon 1,172,842
4 Iran 980,446 ( iran have 3+ million afghan)
5 Ethiopia 702,921
6 Australia 692,845
7 Kenya 553,164
8 Uganda 428,725
9 Chad 421,437
10 Sudan 356,548

Aside from Australia looks like europeans and the us white people have been crying wolf.
Amnesty: Rich nations shirking responsibilities on refugees

Amnesty International has accused rich countries of "shirking" their responsibilities on refugees, slamming what it called the selfishness of wealthy nations.

In its annual report released on Tuesday, the London-based human rights body said just 10 countries are sheltering 56 percent of the world's refugees and they are among the poorest nations.

It lamented that countries immediately neighboring crisis zones bear the brunt of the problem of the world's 21 million refugees.

"And the richest countries in the world, who can absorb many more refugees are doing close to nothing," the report said.

Amnesty Secretary General Salil Shetty said the UK is "a rather sad example of this, that since 2011 the UK has only taken about 8,000 refugees."

The top refugee hosting countries, the report said, were Pakistan, Iran, Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon, Kenya, Ethiopia, Democratic Republic of Congo and Chad.
Fuck amnesty international.
Top 10 Countries with most Refugees in the World
Country Name No. of Refugees
1 Turkey 1,838,973
2 Pakistan 1,541,482
3 Lebanon 1,172,842
4 Iran 980,446 ( iran have 3+ million afghan)
5 Ethiopia 702,921
6 Australia 692,845
7 Kenya 553,164
8 Uganda 428,725
9 Chad 421,437
10 Sudan 356,548

Yeah and they can stay there
This can't be right, can it? Didn't Germany take in two million? I'm so confused.
Dani, I have heard many times that German has taken in two million refugees since the Crisis began. The top country on your list is Turkey. Do you know any details about what is being counted on your list?
yes . i agree. where is germany ?
This whole issue is a Muslim thing, and Muslim nations should be the ones fixing it.
It is a very precarious situation for Muslim countries, and I only partially agree with you. Jordan and Lebanon took the greatest number of Palestinians and the problems that caused was horrific. Egypt has also had cause to regret much of the help they offered Palestinians.

But it's your comment about it being "a Muslim thing" that is most upsetting. The Muslims didn't create the mess in the Middle East. Every problem there is due to Jude-Christian operations in the area.

Let's go back to the 1950's. Iran had a functioning Democracy with Moseddeq as leader, but the CIA destroyed Iran's Democracy and put the Tyrant Shah as leader. Just about everything that has happened in the Middle East stems from that first treacherous step ('Operation TP Ajax') that the US took. It's been a perpetual string of false flag and clandestine tumble of dominoes right up until today. In a word: OIL. This is not "a Muslim thing". This is "Fascist, pseudo-Democratic thing".
This whole issue is a Muslim thing, and Muslim nations should be the ones fixing it.
It is a very precarious situation for Muslim countries, and I only partially agree with you. Jordan and Lebanon took the greatest number of Palestinians and the problems that caused was horrific. Egypt has also had cause to regret much of the help they offered Palestinians.

But it's your comment about it being "a Muslim thing" that is most upsetting. The Muslims didn't create the mess in the Middle East. Every problem there is due to Jude-Christian operations in the area.

Let's go back to the 1950's. Iran had a functioning Democracy with Moseddeq as leader, but the CIA destroyed Iran's Democracy and put the Tyrant Shah as leader. Just about everything that has happened in the Middle East stems from that first treacherous step ('Operation TP Ajax') that the US took. It's been a perpetual string of false flag and clandestine tumble of dominoes right up until today. In a word: OIL. This is not "a Muslim thing". This is "Fascist, pseudo-Democratic thing".
So you are saying that you support the strongman Assad Jr in his genocide against his own people?

As far as I can tell this is all a Sunni/Shia thing, and as such TOTALLY a Muslim thing.

The Christian nations of the West should NOT get involved in Muslim things.

They should keep their noses out of it until one side or the other has exterminated the other.

Let the games begin.

usa and europe ?!!!!!!!!
Top 10 Countries with most Refugees in the World
Rank Country Name No. of Refugees
1 Turkey 1,838,973
2 Pakistan 1,541,482
3 Lebanon 1,172,842
4 Iran 980,446 ( iran have 3+ million afghan)
5 Ethiopia 702,921
6 Australia 692,845
7 Kenya 553,164
8 Uganda 428,725
9 Chad 421,437
10 Sudan 356,548
the US has taken in approx 30 million "refugees" over the years from the lower Americas and elsewhere .....thats more than all the top 10 combined....
green card ?
they arent refugees.
my friend came to usa by green card
he have 3 villa in beach and two expensive germany car in iran . he have phd

Human capital flight
usa steal him from us :badgrin::badgrin:
what im trying to say is this country has enough people coming here from other countries.....there are lots of other Moslem countries not mentioned,let them open their doors.....

usa and europe ?!!!!!!!!
Top 10 Countries with most Refugees in the World
Rank Country Name No. of Refugees
1 Turkey 1,838,973
2 Pakistan 1,541,482
3 Lebanon 1,172,842
4 Iran 980,446 ( iran have 3+ million afghan)
5 Ethiopia 702,921
6 Australia 692,845
7 Kenya 553,164
8 Uganda 428,725
9 Chad 421,437
10 Sudan 356,548
the US has taken in approx 30 million "refugees" over the years from the lower Americas and elsewhere .....thats more than all the top 10 combined....
green card ?
they arent refugees.
my friend came to usa by green card
he have 3 villa in beach and two expensive germany car in iran . he have phd

Human capital flight
usa steal him from us :badgrin::badgrin:
what im trying to say is this country has enough people coming here from other countries.....there are lots of other Moslem countries not mentioned,let them open their doors.....

Like suidi arabia

Here's the report if anyone wants to dig through it.
Most folks could care less. We, the U.S., have certainly taken in an embarrassingly small number, and Hillary's getting clobbered for wanting to take 65,000 . Compare it to what other countries are dealing with. We should be ashamed.
So you are saying that you support the strongman Assad Jr in his genocide against his own people?
I haven't had much dialogue with you before this thread. Are you in a habit of putting absurd words into other people's mouths ...... or are you just temporarily over-excited?

As far as I can tell this is all a Sunni/Shia thing, and as such TOTALLY a Muslim thing.
What? NATO (read USA) has instigated the turmoil in Syrian, in the same way they did in Irak. It's all about oil. Did you sleep through the introduction to this war? Were you having coffee when the US created ISIS?

The Christian nations of the West should NOT get involved in Muslim things. They should keep their noses out of it until one side or the other has exterminated the other.
That's a funny thing to say. These "Muslim things" (as you persist in calling it) wouldn't be a problem/issue if not for NATO ..... so I really don't know what sort of wisdom your words are suppose to issue.

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