Top 10 Countries with the most SLAVES


Apr 22, 2007

Fuck you America, Canada, Brazil, Latin America, Israel, Germany, Britian and the West!!! Oh wait none of these made the list?

Oh well let's ignore the countries on the list then:
(1) China - Loved by the praised, praised by many, but no one but former presidential 'candidate' Dona;d Trump talks about taking them on!
(2) India - 1.1 bil people with 1/4 of the country as a 1st world industrialized nation and the other 3/4 3rd world poor a sin filled basket case, no surprise.
(3) Pakistan - Muslim shit-hole country no surprise.
(4) Nigeria - Most populated African countrie with a 50/50 Muslim-Christian split, no surprise. If it didn't have oil, it would be like a tree falling in the forest!
(5) Ethopia - Another Africa paradise!
(6) Former Soviet States - Interesting they didn't mention which ones. I guess communism leaves lasting scars
(7) Thailand - No shocker, people go to their to bang their women and children. People have no mercy for the helpless out their!
(8) Congo - Must be the white man's fault. After over 60 yrs of independence the white man is still fucking them. Yea right!
(9) Myanmar - Military dictatorship always look better when you call them something else!
(10) Bangladesh - Another muslim shithole!
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What made you think the United States, Canada or Israel were going to make that list to begin with???

What made you think the United States, Canada or Israel were going to make that list to begin with???

I didn't, but the West gets blamed for everything and leftist seem to think the only country in the history of the world that had Slavery was America. They make it like the only countries that colonized another was from Europe.
You forgot the united states anyone on welfare is a slave to the state.

How are they a slave to the state? They don't work for the money, they are well give FREE money. It sounds like the state is a slave to them! Because they need to keep giving out freebies for their votes! The Welfare receiver is the pimp and the state is the whore!
I would have thought Sudan would have made the list. Their Muslim north raiders are known to raid the non-Muslim south and bring "abeds" up north to be enslaved on Muslim farms.

PS - if anyone wants to see the real racism against Blacks, check out the Arabic slur word (abed or abeed) which has 2 meanings > 1. the color black, 2. slave
I would have thought Sudan would have made the list. Their Muslim north raiders are known to raid the non-Muslim south and bring "abeds" up north to be enslaved on Muslim farms.

PS - if anyone wants to see the real racism against Blacks, check out the Arabic slur word (abed or abeed) which has 2 meanings > 1. the color black, 2. slave
So is the word '******' we use in America any better?? . :cool:
I would have thought Sudan would have made the list. Their Muslim north raiders are known to raid the non-Muslim south and bring "abeds" up north to be enslaved on Muslim farms.

PS - if anyone wants to see the real racism against Blacks, check out the Arabic slur word (abed or abeed) which has 2 meanings > 1. the color black, 2. slave
So is the word '******' we use in America any better?? . :cool:

Sure. At least it doesn't mean the person should be a slave (or an equivocation of the 2 words)
America's Federal Reserve System and its prison systems are morphed forms of slavery.

Debt slavery and wage slavery.
And by golly Ghook will defend these companies right to pay someone shit with all his might while complaining about slavery in the same area.

Underpayment of wages is partial slavery in the economic sense, at least. If one is paid half of what he should be, then half of his labor is UNPAID completely.
You seem to forget this is their equation to free enterprise.
The world economy and the shrinking of it has made free enterprise a synonym for forced slavery.

Less than one month ago: Angry Bangladesh garment workers protest over pay, factories shut

Garments are a vital sector for Bangladesh and its low wages and duty-free access to Western markets have helped make it the world's second-largest apparel exporter after China.

And by golly Ghook will defend these companies right to pay someone shit with all his might while complaining about slavery in the same area.

Changing him into Captain Irony
India, China, Pakistan, Nigeria on slavery's list of shame -

Fuck you America, Canada, Brazil, Latin America, Israel, Germany, Britian and the West!!! Oh wait none of these made the list?

Oh well let's ignore the countries on the list then:
(1) China - Loved by the praised, praised by many, but no one but former presidential 'candidate' Dona;d Trump talks about taking them on!
(2) India - 1.1 bil people with 1/4 of the country as a 1st world industrialized nation and the other 3/4 3rd world poor a sin filled basket case, no surprise.
(3) Pakistan - Muslim shit-hole country no surprise.
(4) Nigeria - Most populated African countrie with a 50/50 Muslim-Christian split, no surprise. If it didn't have oil, it would be like a tree falling in the forest!
(5) Ethopia - Another Africa paradise!
(6) Former Soviet States - Interesting they didn't mention which ones. I guess communism leaves lasting scars
(7) Thailand - No shocker, people go to their to bang their women and children. People have no mercy for the helpless out their!
(8) Congo - Must be the white man's fault. After over 60 yrs of independence the white man is still fucking them. Yea right!
(9) Myanmar - Military dictatorship always look better when you call them something else!
(10) Bangladesh - Another muslim shithole!

GHook you know that this all the fault of us evil yankees.:cool:
Less than one month ago: Angry Bangladesh garment workers protest over pay, factories shut

Garments are a vital sector for Bangladesh and its low wages and duty-free access to Western markets have helped make it the world's second-largest apparel exporter after China.

And by golly Ghook will defend these companies right to pay someone shit with all his might while complaining about slavery in the same area.

Changing him into Captain Irony

There is a big difference between choosing to stay and work for the wages and benefits offered and working for against one's will under the threat of physical punishment!
You forgot the united states anyone on welfare is a slave to the state.

How are they a slave to the state? They don't work for the money, they are well give FREE money. It sounds like the state is a slave to them! Because they need to keep giving out freebies for their votes! The Welfare receiver is the pimp and the state is the whore!

a taxpayer is slave to them.
not a state.

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