Top 10 deadliest cities in by democrats for decades...

so the Democrats are very pro-gun??!!!
St Louis is very pro-gun
Kansas and STL = Missouri--Missouri is very pro-gun
Memphis--Tennessee 12th best state for pro-gun
LA and NYCity = anti-gun - not on list
this link below says Chicago 25th, not 10th
The 30 cities with the highest murder rates in the US
Best States for Gun Owners (2018) - Guns and Ammo
Missouri Votes to Block Enforcement of Federal Gun Laws with 2A Preservation Act
Legislation in Missouri Moves to Ban All Federal Gun Control Laws From State

What is your fixation with St. have been shown, over and over again that the reason St. Louis has such a high gun murder rate is their revolving door policy for criminals who use it is again...

Democrats in charge since 1949

Mayor of St. Louis - Wikipedia

Rise in Murders Has St. Louis Debating Why

Jennifer M. Joyce, the city’s circuit attorney, or prosecutor, an elected position, complains that in St. Louis, the illegal possession of a gun is too often “a crime without a consequence,” making it difficult to stop confrontation from turning lethal.

At the same time, deeper social roots of violence such as addiction and unemployment continue unchecked. And city officials also cite what they call a “Ferguson effect,” an increase in crime last year as police officers were diverted to control protests after a white officer shot and killed Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager in the nearby suburb on Aug. 9.


Now, an overstretched department is forced to pick one neighborhood at a time to flood with officers. Last month, Chief Dotson even asked the state highway patrol if it could lend a dozen men to help watch downtown streets; the agency declined.
When the police discover a gun in a car with several passengers, including some with felony records, but no one admits to owning the gun, criminal charges are often impossible, Mr. Rosenfeld said.

In addition, according to a 2014 study by Mr. Rosenfeld and his colleagues, a majority of those who are convicted of illegally possessing a gun but not caught using it in a crime receive probation rather than jail time. Gun laws and enforcement are stiffer in many other cities.

When democrats let violent, known, repeat gun offenders out of jail out of a need to appeal to their democrat voters.....they go out with the guns they can't buy, own or carry and shoot each other......the gun murder problem in these democrat cities isn't normal, law abiding gun owners, you is criminals who are arrested over and over again, who get light sentences even when caught with guns over and over again....
Very true
Democrats run populated areas. Those areas tend to have more violence

If Republicans can make those areas safer, why don’t they get elected?

They don't promise things just to get votes...the democrats promise and promise, fail to deliver, then the democrats keep voting for those same explain that...
This list, put together by left wing 10 deadliest cities in U.S......all run by democrats for decades with their pro-criminal, anti-police policies......

Murder map: Deadliest U.S. cities

1--St. Louis, Missouri...democrats since 1949
2. Baltimore, Maryland...except for one republican in 1963, democrats since 1947
3. New Orleans, Louisiana...Democrats since 1872
4.Detroit, Michigan...democrats since 1962
5. Cleveland, Ohio...2 republicans...1972, 1980, democrats since 1942
6. Las Vegas, Nevada...Democrats since 1975
7.Kansas City, Missouri...Republicans, 1978, 1924....democrats since 1918
8.Memphis...hard to get list of party affiliation, but democrat since 1982
9. Newark, New since 1953
10. Chicago, since 1931
11. Cincinati, controlled city council since 1951
12. Philadephia, Pennsylvania...democrats since 1952
13. Miwaukee, or socialist since 1916 except for on non-partisan in 1942

See the problem?

And on and on isn't guns in the hands of law abiding gun is pro-crime policies by the democrat party...

How many Dems here would confess they live in these cities? I confess I don't.
You are cheerleading for your party and missing the logic of life.

Throughout my experience the neighborhoods around here start White Republican, a black man moves in and the whites insert their tail between their legs and flee (it IS pragmatic from an investment standpoint knowing almost no white is going to move in again).

Demand for houses in that zip code goes down, prices go down, section 8 comes in, demand goes down, u see the pattern.

We don't rebuild neighborhoods here.

Don't forget, rich Blacks leave crime infested neighborhoods do Blacks who can get away.....and the democrats are the ones attacking the police, allowing repeat criminals out of jail over and over again, and destroying businesses with their tax and regulation policies, taking jobs out of those communities....
Hmm, and yet Canada run basically by people similar to Democrats has much lower murder rates.
The problem is clear, the South dumped their Black slaves off on the Northern states.
This list, put together by left wing 10 deadliest cities in U.S......all run by democrats for decades with their pro-criminal, anti-police policies......

Murder map: Deadliest U.S. cities

1--St. Louis, Missouri...democrats since 1949
2. Baltimore, Maryland...except for one republican in 1963, democrats since 1947
3. New Orleans, Louisiana...Democrats since 1872
4.Detroit, Michigan...democrats since 1962
5. Cleveland, Ohio...2 republicans...1972, 1980, democrats since 1942
6. Las Vegas, Nevada...Democrats since 1975
7.Kansas City, Missouri...Republicans, 1978, 1924....democrats since 1918
8.Memphis...hard to get list of party affiliation, but democrat since 1982
9. Newark, New since 1953
10. Chicago, since 1931
11. Cincinati, controlled city council since 1951
12. Philadephia, Pennsylvania...democrats since 1952
13. Miwaukee, or socialist since 1916 except for on non-partisan in 1942

See the problem?

And on and on isn't guns in the hands of law abiding gun is pro-crime policies by the democrat party...

How many Dems here would confess they live in these cities? I confess I don't.
You are cheerleading for your party and missing the logic of life.

Throughout my experience the neighborhoods around here start White Republican, a black man moves in and the whites insert their tail between their legs and flee (it IS pragmatic from an investment standpoint knowing almost no white is going to move in again).

Demand for houses in that zip code goes down, prices go down, section 8 comes in, demand goes down, u see the pattern.

We don't rebuild neighborhoods here.

All it takes is ONE black man to turn a prosperous suburb into a crime filled shithole? Wow...
Hmm, and yet Canada run basically by people similar to Democrats has much lower murder rates.
The problem is clear, the South dumped their Black slaves off on the Northern states.

FDR lured southern blacks away from living independently into living in segregated public housing, thus inner city ghettos were born.
Of course what the OP ignores is that the governors of those red states (MO, OH, etc…) won’t keep anyone in prison. I’m sure there’ll be some obscure democrat somewhere he’ll blame….
Very true
Democrats run populated areas. Those areas tend to have more violence

If Republicans can make those areas safer, why don’t they get elected?
Progressives like to shit where they eat....

Then when it goes south they move to right wing states and infect them with their BS.

See Cali and Texas, Illinois and Indiana....etc etc

Democrats should be very careful in Texas. They don’t screw around in Texas and they love there guns. Great state

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I agree ^^

Demrats scum should be very scared in Texas....what scum demrats My God! what scum !
Very true
Democrats run populated areas. Those areas tend to have more violence

If Republicans can make those areas safer, why don’t they get elected?

They don't promise things just to get votes...the democrats promise and promise, fail to deliver, then the democrats keep voting for those same explain that...
In fact, they ignore the problems in urban areas and slash funding
Very true
Democrats run populated areas. Those areas tend to have more violence

If Republicans can make those areas safer, why don’t they get elected?
Progressives like to shit where they eat....

Then when it goes south they move to right wing states and infect them with their BS.

See Cali and Texas, Illinois and Indiana....etc etc

Democrats should be very careful in Texas. They don’t screw around in Texas and they love there guns. Great state

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I agree ^^

Demrats scum should be very scared in Texas....what scum demrats My God! what scum !
Texas is turning blue
It is really not Red States and Blue States. It is Democrat controlled big city shitholes and America.
This list, put together by left wing 10 deadliest cities in U.S......all run by democrats for decades with their pro-criminal, anti-police policies......

Murder map: Deadliest U.S. cities

1--St. Louis, Missouri...democrats since 1949
2. Baltimore, Maryland...except for one republican in 1963, democrats since 1947
3. New Orleans, Louisiana...Democrats since 1872
4.Detroit, Michigan...democrats since 1962
5. Cleveland, Ohio...2 republicans...1972, 1980, democrats since 1942
6. Las Vegas, Nevada...Democrats since 1975
7.Kansas City, Missouri...Republicans, 1978, 1924....democrats since 1918
8.Memphis...hard to get list of party affiliation, but democrat since 1982
9. Newark, New since 1953
10. Chicago, since 1931
11. Cincinati, controlled city council since 1951
12. Philadephia, Pennsylvania...democrats since 1952
13. Miwaukee, or socialist since 1916 except for on non-partisan in 1942

See the problem?

And on and on isn't guns in the hands of law abiding gun is pro-crime policies by the democrat party...

How many Dems here would confess they live in these cities? I confess I don't.

I live outside Houston and my only worry is some idiot in their SUV on their Cellphone will kill me...

We have plenty of firearms around here and not a damn worry about being shot by some gang banger but some idiot with a cellphone killing us with their bad driving or having no license at all is a different story...
Very true
Democrats run populated areas. Those areas tend to have more violence

If Republicans can make those areas safer, why don’t they get elected?

Because your side love violence... Why elect someone that will not offer you free stuff paid for by the taxpayer and all the violence you want while blaming blaming white society for it...
so the Democrats are very pro-gun??!!!
St Louis is very pro-gun
Kansas and STL = Missouri--Missouri is very pro-gun
Memphis--Tennessee 12th best state for pro-gun
LA and NYCity = anti-gun - not on list
this link below says Chicago 25th, not 10th
The 30 cities with the highest murder rates in the US
Best States for Gun Owners (2018) - Guns and Ammo
Missouri Votes to Block Enforcement of Federal Gun Laws with 2A Preservation Act
Legislation in Missouri Moves to Ban All Federal Gun Control Laws From State

What is your fixation with St. have been shown, over and over again that the reason St. Louis has such a high gun murder rate is their revolving door policy for criminals who use it is again...

Democrats in charge since 1949

Mayor of St. Louis - Wikipedia

Rise in Murders Has St. Louis Debating Why

Jennifer M. Joyce, the city’s circuit attorney, or prosecutor, an elected position, complains that in St. Louis, the illegal possession of a gun is too often “a crime without a consequence,” making it difficult to stop confrontation from turning lethal.

At the same time, deeper social roots of violence such as addiction and unemployment continue unchecked. And city officials also cite what they call a “Ferguson effect,” an increase in crime last year as police officers were diverted to control protests after a white officer shot and killed Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager in the nearby suburb on Aug. 9.


Now, an overstretched department is forced to pick one neighborhood at a time to flood with officers. Last month, Chief Dotson even asked the state highway patrol if it could lend a dozen men to help watch downtown streets; the agency declined.
When the police discover a gun in a car with several passengers, including some with felony records, but no one admits to owning the gun, criminal charges are often impossible, Mr. Rosenfeld said.

In addition, according to a 2014 study by Mr. Rosenfeld and his colleagues, a majority of those who are convicted of illegally possessing a gun but not caught using it in a crime receive probation rather than jail time. Gun laws and enforcement are stiffer in many other cities.

When democrats let violent, known, repeat gun offenders out of jail out of a need to appeal to their democrat voters.....they go out with the guns they can't buy, own or carry and shoot each other......the gun murder problem in these democrat cities isn't normal, law abiding gun owners, you is criminals who are arrested over and over again, who get light sentences even when caught with guns over and over again....
hahahah---godfkn DAMN!!!!
JESUS Christ!! your arguments never make sense
1. St Louis is on YOUR list !!!! # 1--that's one of the reasons
it is very pro-gun--Missouri is very pro-gun--it has a much less dense/much less population than Chi/NYC/ and LA

2. I mention NYCity and LA also in a lot of your threads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

here is the ICING on the cake/the nail in the coffin :=
New York City population 8,600,000 --2018 = murders 289 ---a NEW LOW --very democratic
300 --Dem city--record low 2017 and LOWER 2018--in a DEM city
2017 was record-low for homicides in New York City, with NYPD logging lowest number in nearly 70 years
STL population only 320,000 - murders 186 !!!!
New York City’s Murder Rate Hit New Low in 2018
Homicides in the city of St. Louis strikes 186 in 2018

LA ALSO not on the list
DEM California strict gun laws and 28th for murder rate
Murder Rates Nationally and By State | Death Penalty Information Center
and these cities have very large and DENSE populations

at BEST, your hypothesis is UNDENIABLY nullified
so the Democrats are very pro-gun??!!!
St Louis is very pro-gun
Kansas and STL = Missouri--Missouri is very pro-gun
Memphis--Tennessee 12th best state for pro-gun
LA and NYCity = anti-gun - not on list
this link below says Chicago 25th, not 10th
The 30 cities with the highest murder rates in the US
Best States for Gun Owners (2018) - Guns and Ammo
Missouri Votes to Block Enforcement of Federal Gun Laws with 2A Preservation Act
Legislation in Missouri Moves to Ban All Federal Gun Control Laws From State

What is your fixation with St. have been shown, over and over again that the reason St. Louis has such a high gun murder rate is their revolving door policy for criminals who use it is again...

Democrats in charge since 1949

Mayor of St. Louis - Wikipedia

Rise in Murders Has St. Louis Debating Why

Jennifer M. Joyce, the city’s circuit attorney, or prosecutor, an elected position, complains that in St. Louis, the illegal possession of a gun is too often “a crime without a consequence,” making it difficult to stop confrontation from turning lethal.

At the same time, deeper social roots of violence such as addiction and unemployment continue unchecked. And city officials also cite what they call a “Ferguson effect,” an increase in crime last year as police officers were diverted to control protests after a white officer shot and killed Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager in the nearby suburb on Aug. 9.


Now, an overstretched department is forced to pick one neighborhood at a time to flood with officers. Last month, Chief Dotson even asked the state highway patrol if it could lend a dozen men to help watch downtown streets; the agency declined.
When the police discover a gun in a car with several passengers, including some with felony records, but no one admits to owning the gun, criminal charges are often impossible, Mr. Rosenfeld said.

In addition, according to a 2014 study by Mr. Rosenfeld and his colleagues, a majority of those who are convicted of illegally possessing a gun but not caught using it in a crime receive probation rather than jail time. Gun laws and enforcement are stiffer in many other cities.

When democrats let violent, known, repeat gun offenders out of jail out of a need to appeal to their democrat voters.....they go out with the guns they can't buy, own or carry and shoot each other......the gun murder problem in these democrat cities isn't normal, law abiding gun owners, you is criminals who are arrested over and over again, who get light sentences even when caught with guns over and over again....
YES--DEM ST LOUIS number 1 and it is very pro-gun
.....NYCITY --ALSO DEM---yet very strict gun laws and it's murder rate is MUCH, many times lower

your hypothesis about Dem cities does not make sense

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