Top 10 Reasons Why Bernie Sanders May Actually Become President

I wonder if he would take money from the Koch Brothers if they offered it.
#2. Hillary sucks so bad, they'll vote for anyone.
Have you even taken a serious look at the guy? It'd be like me poking fun of Carli Fiorino. I don't even know what her talking points are. I just know she's probably just another right wing tool.

Now Bernie is great. I'd elect him in a heartbeat.
#2. Hillary sucks so bad, they'll vote for anyone.
Have you even taken a serious look at the guy? It'd be like me poking fun of Carli Fiorino. I don't even know what her talking points are. I just know she's probably just another right wing tool.

Now Bernie is great. I'd elect him in a heartbeat.
Why would you do that? He's liable to make you pay your taxes.
The #1 reason should have been:

#1. Voters are stupid as fuck.

Obozo got re-elected, so clearly some voters are far dumber than ordinary fuck.

Weapons Grade Stupid.
Interesting take on why Bernie actually may become the US president:

Top 10 Reasons Why Bernie Sanders May Actually Become President Campaign 2016 Speeches

A country dumb enough to elect a black socialist is dumb enough to elect a white one.

The difference is the moonbat messiah pretended to be a half white "moderate" for most of the crowd, a mostly black "brother" for other crowds, and a hard left lunatic "citizen of the world" for the elitist pig crowd.

Bernie Sanders doesn't seem to be trying to pretend to be anything more than the leftist kook that he is.

I can think of a litany of reasons not to vote for Bernie, But after the #1 reason, the rest don't matter.
1. He wants 90% of our paychecks.
Why he won't.

1. He's got little support outside of well-off white liberals, the kind who hang out on message boards and make a lot of noise. Or who are found in disproportionate numbers in New Hampshire.

2. He's got very little ground game compared to Hillary.
#2. Hillary sucks so bad, they'll vote for anyone.
Have you even taken a serious look at the guy? It'd be like me poking fun of Carli Fiorino. I don't even know what her talking points are. I just know she's probably just another right wing tool.

Now Bernie is great. I'd elect him in a heartbeat.
Why would you do that? He's liable to make you pay your taxes.

I never mind paying taxes when I'm making a lot of money. Better than not making a lot of money and not paying a lot of taxes. That's the trade off. It doesn't work both ways. Trust me. I lived through Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush and Obama
Why he won't.

1. He's got little support outside of well-off white liberals, the kind who hang out on message boards and make a lot of noise. Or who are found in disproportionate numbers in New Hampshire.

2. He's got very little ground game compared to Hillary.

But like Trump, if you hear him talk he makes a lot of sense and says a lot of things that the corrupt politicians will never say.

I didn't matter who else in the GOP wanted to be president when Reagan was leaving office. HW Bush was going to be the nominee. Hillary is our pick, unless like last time someone like Obama beats her.

This would never happen in the GOP. No young rising star is ever going to be electable because their policies are just as old and stale as the old Republicans ideas. In fact they don't have new ideas. This is why they are conservatives. They protect the status quo because the rich likes the status quo even when it's not working for the rest of us.
I can think of a litany of reasons not to vote for Bernie, But after the #1 reason, the rest don't matter.
1. He wants 90% of our paychecks.
Ha! LOL. Is that how you understand it? Then you are a phucktard.

Maybe he wants to tax income over $10 million at that rate but we all know you don't make that kind of scratch.
I can think of a litany of reasons not to vote for Bernie, But after the #1 reason, the rest don't matter.
1. He wants 90% of our paychecks.
So you're one of the wealthiest Americans?

Bernie Sanders A 90 Percent Tax Rate Isn t Too High

I haven't looked at the details but I've heard other liberals suggest taxing income above $10 million or $1 million at a higher rate. Why? To put a cap on greed. Then rich people won't sit on that money. They'll invest it or hire someone rather than pay 90%. Bernie makes a good point and he isn't the first to make this point.

Do you know how many rich Americans are millionaires but don't actually make $1 million dollars a year? So you are crying you phucking baby for a very very very small percentage of Americans.

OUR paychecks? You make over $1 million a year?

When talking about President Dwight Eisenhower's administration, Sanders said, "I think the highest marginal tax rate was something like 90 percent."

CNBC's John Harwood then said, "It was 90. When you think about 90 percent, you don't think that's obviously too high."

Sanders replied, "No. What I think we've seen, and what frightens me again, when you have the top one-tenth of 1 percent owning almost as much wealth as the bottom 90 percent. Does anybody think that that is the kind of economy this country should have? Do we think it's moral?

"We have people working one job, they're working two jobs, they're working three jobs. People scared to death about what happens tomorrow. Half the people in America have less than $10,000 in savings."

"At a time when 99 percent of all new income is going to the top 1 percent, and when the top one-tenth of the 1 percent owns almost as much wealth as the bottom 90 percent, maybe it's time for a political shakeup in this country and to go beyond establishment politics," Sanders said.

"Countries in Denmark and Norway and Sweden, they are very democratic countries. Their voter turnout is higher. Healthcare is the right of all people. College education and graduate school is free. In those countries, retirement benefits are stronger than in the United States of America."
Why he won't.

1. He's got little support outside of well-off white liberals, the kind who hang out on message boards and make a lot of noise. Or who are found in disproportionate numbers in New Hampshire.

2. He's got very little ground game compared to Hillary.

But like Trump, if you hear him talk he makes a lot of sense and says a lot of things that the corrupt politicians will never say.

I didn't matter who else in the GOP wanted to be president when Reagan was leaving office. HW Bush was going to be the nominee. Hillary is our pick, unless like last time someone like Obama beats her.

This would never happen in the GOP. No young rising star is ever going to be electable because their policies are just as old and stale as the old Republicans ideas. In fact they don't have new ideas. This is why they are conservatives. They protect the status quo because the rich likes the status quo even when it's not working for the rest of us.
You believe some weird things.
I can think of a litany of reasons not to vote for Bernie, But after the #1 reason, the rest don't matter.
1. He wants 90% of our paychecks.
Ha! LOL. Is that how you understand it? Then you are a phucktard.

Maybe he wants to tax income over $10 million at that rate but we all know you don't make that kind of scratch.

It goes like this:
Tax the 1%, 90%.
When the 1% leaves, and they will, you are now the 1%.
#2. Hillary sucks so bad, they'll vote for anyone.
Have you even taken a serious look at the guy? It'd be like me poking fun of Carli Fiorino. I don't even know what her talking points are. I just know she's probably just another right wing tool.

Now Bernie is great. I'd elect him in a heartbeat.
Why would you do that? He's liable to make you pay your taxes.

I never mind paying taxes when I'm making a lot of money. Better than not making a lot of money and not paying a lot of taxes. That's the trade off. It doesn't work both ways. Trust me. I lived through Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush and Obama
Do you report all the money you make at your marijuana business?

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