Top 20% of households pay vast majority of income taxes

Minimum size of government and minimum taxation works even better.

Not feasible for a country the size of the US but technically yes, that works.

Yes it is feasible to have smaller government.

Not too long ago Ron Paul came up with a budget to reduce the filthy Federal budget by a trillion a year while still maintaining a growth in defense, SS and Medicare.

Just think how much stronger this country would be economically if that trillion was returned to the taxpayers and spent in the productive economy.

We could have a great Federal government doing all the necessary things it should do for a third or fourth of what we spend now.

By a trillion possibly if we can cut entitlements, which take up what 67% of the budget? Military is another big one. I agree that we should leave many inoucuous issues to the states or make them private. FINRA for example is private. EPA should be privately run IMO.

All our Federal government really needs to do is provide for defense, courts, state department, border security and a few other things. It does not have to be this big bloated monstrosity that it is now. We sure as hell don't need entitlements, welfare, subsidies, bailouts or grants. We don't need departments like Energy, Education, Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development and all that other wasteful horseshit.

We could have a great Federal government for about $1.5 trillion a year, which is greater than the GDP of most countries on the face of the earth.

Logically you are correct but the cat is out of the bag and unwinding all this is impossible

You are of course correct.

Of course I would say it another way.

We have let the filthy ass Liberals have robbed us of our Liberty and and our wealth and have allowed them to make slaves of us.

We voted ourselves into slavery to the damn state and we are suffering the consequences.
African Americans in inner cities have certainly become dependent on the Democrats. Cannot argue that point.
Flat tax works

Minimum size of government and minimum taxation works even better.

Not feasible for a country the size of the US but technically yes, that works.

Yes it is feasible to have smaller government.

Not too long ago Ron Paul came up with a budget to reduce the filthy Federal budget by a trillion a year while still maintaining a growth in defense, SS and Medicare.

Just think how much stronger this country would be economically if that trillion was returned to the taxpayers and spent in the productive economy.

We could have a great Federal government doing all the necessary things it should do for a third or fourth of what we spend now.

Or you can limit investor returns to 10% of net profit and raise the federal minimum wage to $15.00/hr.
Flat tax works

Minimum size of government and minimum taxation works even better.

Not feasible for a country the size of the US but technically yes, that works.

Yes it is feasible to have smaller government.

Not too long ago Ron Paul came up with a budget to reduce the filthy Federal budget by a trillion a year while still maintaining a growth in defense, SS and Medicare.

Just think how much stronger this country would be economically if that trillion was returned to the taxpayers and spent in the productive economy.

We could have a great Federal government doing all the necessary things it should do for a third or fourth of what we spend now.

Or you can limit investor returns to 10% of net profit and raise the federal minimum wage to $15.00/hr.

Better yet keep the filthy ass government out of controlling our lives by restricting anything.

I don't need the fucking government telling me how much money I can make or telling my employer how much they have to pay me.
Flat tax works
If your goal is to lower taxes for the rich even more and force those who can't afford it to should more of the burden

Do the rich pay more or less for gas tax?

Much less.

The same. Gas pumps don’t ask for your W2

Most rich/wealthy funnel their income through a corporation so State taxes are fully deductible thus reducing federal tax liability saving on bottom line.
Flat tax works

Minimum size of government and minimum taxation works even better.

Not feasible for a country the size of the US but technically yes, that works.

Yes it is feasible to have smaller government.

Not too long ago Ron Paul came up with a budget to reduce the filthy Federal budget by a trillion a year while still maintaining a growth in defense, SS and Medicare.

Just think how much stronger this country would be economically if that trillion was returned to the taxpayers and spent in the productive economy.

We could have a great Federal government doing all the necessary things it should do for a third or fourth of what we spend now.

Or you can limit investor returns to 10% of net profit and raise the federal minimum wage to $15.00/hr.

Better yet keep the filthy ass government out of controlling our lives by restricting anything.

I don't need the fucking government telling me how much money I can make or telling my employer how much they have to pay me.

Unless your pay rate is at or more than $50K per year, you're an indentured slave.
Flat tax works
If your goal is to lower taxes for the rich even more and force those who can't afford it to should more of the burden

Do the rich pay more or less for gas tax?

Much less.

The same. Gas pumps don’t ask for your W2

Most rich/wealthy funnel their income through a corporation so State taxes are fully deductible thus reducing federal tax liability saving on bottom line.

When you pump gas you pay the same as Jeff Bezos. Yes or no? Or is it cheaper for him?
Minimum size of government and minimum taxation works even better.

Not feasible for a country the size of the US but technically yes, that works.

Yes it is feasible to have smaller government.

Not too long ago Ron Paul came up with a budget to reduce the filthy Federal budget by a trillion a year while still maintaining a growth in defense, SS and Medicare.

Just think how much stronger this country would be economically if that trillion was returned to the taxpayers and spent in the productive economy.

We could have a great Federal government doing all the necessary things it should do for a third or fourth of what we spend now.

Or you can limit investor returns to 10% of net profit and raise the federal minimum wage to $15.00/hr.

Better yet keep the filthy ass government out of controlling our lives by restricting anything.

I don't need the fucking government telling me how much money I can make or telling my employer how much they have to pay me.

Unless your pay rate is at or more than $50K per year, you're an indentured slave.

Or a part time employee?
The top percentiles should pay most of the taxes, they have most of the wealth. The Budget can balance if the top rate goes up 7% from 2016 rates, and they add a 3% Federal sales tax. Otherwise, the Debt and interest on the Debt kills the Federal Budget by 2027.

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Always wanting to tax the productive so the meaningless can have something.
Minimum size of government and minimum taxation works even better.

Not feasible for a country the size of the US but technically yes, that works.

Yes it is feasible to have smaller government.

Not too long ago Ron Paul came up with a budget to reduce the filthy Federal budget by a trillion a year while still maintaining a growth in defense, SS and Medicare.

Just think how much stronger this country would be economically if that trillion was returned to the taxpayers and spent in the productive economy.

We could have a great Federal government doing all the necessary things it should do for a third or fourth of what we spend now.

Or you can limit investor returns to 10% of net profit and raise the federal minimum wage to $15.00/hr.

Better yet keep the filthy ass government out of controlling our lives by restricting anything.

I don't need the fucking government telling me how much money I can make or telling my employer how much they have to pay me.

Unless your pay rate is at or more than $50K per year, you're an indentured slave.

The cost of government is usually the largest yearly expenditure of any family, regardless of income. Even if you don't pay income tax the other direct and indirect taxes are oppressive.

We are all slaves to this bloated out of control debt ridden oppressive government.
Not feasible for a country the size of the US but technically yes, that works.

Yes it is feasible to have smaller government.

Not too long ago Ron Paul came up with a budget to reduce the filthy Federal budget by a trillion a year while still maintaining a growth in defense, SS and Medicare.

Just think how much stronger this country would be economically if that trillion was returned to the taxpayers and spent in the productive economy.

We could have a great Federal government doing all the necessary things it should do for a third or fourth of what we spend now.

Or you can limit investor returns to 10% of net profit and raise the federal minimum wage to $15.00/hr.

Better yet keep the filthy ass government out of controlling our lives by restricting anything.

I don't need the fucking government telling me how much money I can make or telling my employer how much they have to pay me.

Unless your pay rate is at or more than $50K per year, you're an indentured slave.

The cost of government is usually the largest yearly expenditure of any family, regardless of income. Even if you don't pay income tax the other direct and indirect taxes are oppressive.

We are all slaves to this bloated out of control debt ridden oppressive government.

I agree and I would be supportive in taxing wealth vs income. Tax 30% of wealth...would cause the hoarders of wealth to spend and move the economy along...

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