Top 20% of households pay vast majority of income taxes

They are INCOME taxes

You pay more because you have a higher percentage of INCOME

Thank you for making the case for higher income earners to receive a higher percentage cut.

Why shouldn't you pay your share, Moon Bat?

You greedy little asshole Left Wingers think you are entitled to have somebody else pay your bills just because you are alive.
The top 20% of households paid 88.1% of federal income taxes, and 69.5% of total federal taxes in 2015, ATR notes, citing the most recent numbers provided by the Congressional Budget Office.


The top one percent (around 1.2 million households) paid 39.4% of federal income taxes and 26.2% of total federal taxes, at an average total tax rate of 33.3%, dropping its average income from $1.9 million to $1.2 million. Its total percent of income was 16.6% before taxes and 13.2% after taxes.

A few key numbers from the other four quintiles via the CBO's 2015 report:

  • The fourth quintile was taxed at 17.9% federal income tax and saw its average income of $108,000 drop to $91,000. Its share of income was 20% before and after taxes.
  • The middle quintile was taxed at 14% federal income tax and saw its average income drop from $71,000 to $65,000. Share of income: 13.6% before taxes, 14.7% after.
  • The second quintile paid 9.2% federal income tax but saw its average income of $44,000 increase to $47,000 from means-tested transfers. Share of income: 8.7% before transfers and taxes, 11% after.
  • The bottom quintile paid 1.5% federal income tax and saw its average income of $20,000 grow from transfers to $33,000. Share of income: $3.7 before transfers and taxes, 11% after.

So why are we thinking of taxing the rich even more? How about addressing:

-- Entitlements;
-- Illegal Immigration - each illegal costs us ~$77k per year;
-- Fraud in our welfare system ($1.1Trn welfare system)

My solutions would be:

-- Entitlement reform in terms of raising the retirement age and giving people under 30 the option to invest SS monies privately (exiting the Social program). Reform Medicare and Medicaid. Use vouchers perhaps.

-- Get rid of sanctuary cities and enforce deportations.

-- Hire more officers to enforce waste and fraud.

how much wealth do have, by comparison?
The richest use to pay higher taxes to the government, now the richest of the rich loan money to the government to pay the interest on our debt.
then making more money on the interest from the loans. the rich keep getting richer while hard working Americans are falling behind.
For some of you there will never be any understanding of what is really going on. Here is the simple fact. The wealthy are taking to big a slice of the pie. Since they don't want to pay a living wage then we have to tax them higher to provide for the ones they refuse to pay. They for a large part dump the costs of insurance onto the workers. So what we are really seeing is extreme wealth distribution from the middle class to the wealthy. What you on the right can't figure is fairness. You just don't believe in fairness of any kind. To stop this stupidity we must get some of the money that they refuse to pay their workers. Look at the drug industry ripping off the American people. Look at facebbok giving Russia everything they want. No you need to start thinking.
Flat tax works

Minimum size of government and minimum taxation works even better.

Not feasible for a country the size of the US but technically yes, that works.

Yes it is feasible to have smaller government.

Not too long ago Ron Paul came up with a budget to reduce the filthy Federal budget by a trillion a year while still maintaining a growth in defense, SS and Medicare.

Just think how much stronger this country would be economically if that trillion was returned to the taxpayers and spent in the productive economy.

We could have a great Federal government doing all the necessary things it should do for a third or fourth of what we spend now.
Flat tax works

Minimum size of government and minimum taxation works even better.

Not feasible for a country the size of the US but technically yes, that works.

Yes it is feasible to have smaller government.

Not too long ago Ron Paul came up with a budget to reduce the filthy Federal budget by a trillion a year while still maintaining a growth in defense, SS and Medicare.

Just think how much stronger this country would be economically if that trillion was returned to the taxpayers and spent in the productive economy.

We could have a great Federal government doing all the necessary things it should do for a third or fourth of what we spend now.

By a trillion possibly if we can cut entitlements, which take up what 67% of the budget? Military is another big one. I agree that we should leave many inoucuous issues to the states or make them private. FINRA for example is private. EPA should be privately run IMO.
Flat tax works

Minimum size of government and minimum taxation works even better.

Not feasible for a country the size of the US but technically yes, that works.

Yes it is feasible to have smaller government.

Not too long ago Ron Paul came up with a budget to reduce the filthy Federal budget by a trillion a year while still maintaining a growth in defense, SS and Medicare.

Just think how much stronger this country would be economically if that trillion was returned to the taxpayers and spent in the productive economy.

We could have a great Federal government doing all the necessary things it should do for a third or fourth of what we spend now.

By a trillion possibly if we can cut entitlements, which take up what 67% of the budget? Military is another big one. I agree that we should leave many inoucuous issues to the states or make them private. FINRA for example is private. EPA should be privately run IMO.

How would a privately run EPA work?

Do you think that companies going to pay another company to come and fine them for dumping chemicals into the water supply or pumping out toxic gasses? Why would they?
Flat tax works

Minimum size of government and minimum taxation works even better.

Not feasible for a country the size of the US but technically yes, that works.

Yes it is feasible to have smaller government.

Not too long ago Ron Paul came up with a budget to reduce the filthy Federal budget by a trillion a year while still maintaining a growth in defense, SS and Medicare.

Just think how much stronger this country would be economically if that trillion was returned to the taxpayers and spent in the productive economy.

We could have a great Federal government doing all the necessary things it should do for a third or fourth of what we spend now.

By a trillion possibly if we can cut entitlements, which take up what 67% of the budget? Military is another big one. I agree that we should leave many inoucuous issues to the states or make them private. FINRA for example is private. EPA should be privately run IMO.

How would a privately run EPA work?

Do you think that companies going to pay another company to come and fine them for dumping chemicals into the water supply or pumping out toxic gasses? Why would they?

Same way FINRA works. In order to get financing from a bank you have to show you're clean. They'll hire the EPA to prove that. The EPA will want to do a good job because competitors could come in and do a better one. It will fire all the hamster employees and become a lot more efficient. Boeing and Lockheed are private but have many government contracts. The EPA can do the same thing.
Flat tax works

Minimum size of government and minimum taxation works even better.

Not feasible for a country the size of the US but technically yes, that works.

Yes it is feasible to have smaller government.

Not too long ago Ron Paul came up with a budget to reduce the filthy Federal budget by a trillion a year while still maintaining a growth in defense, SS and Medicare.

Just think how much stronger this country would be economically if that trillion was returned to the taxpayers and spent in the productive economy.

We could have a great Federal government doing all the necessary things it should do for a third or fourth of what we spend now.

By a trillion possibly if we can cut entitlements, which take up what 67% of the budget? Military is another big one. I agree that we should leave many inoucuous issues to the states or make them private. FINRA for example is private. EPA should be privately run IMO.

All our Federal government really needs to do is provide for defense, courts, state department, border security and a few other things. It does not have to be this big bloated monstrosity that it is now. We sure as hell don't need entitlements, welfare, subsidies, bailouts or grants. We don't need departments like Energy, Education, Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development and all that other wasteful horseshit.

We could have a great Federal government for about $1.5 trillion a year, which is greater than the GDP of most countries on the face of the earth.
Minimum size of government and minimum taxation works even better.

Not feasible for a country the size of the US but technically yes, that works.

Yes it is feasible to have smaller government.

Not too long ago Ron Paul came up with a budget to reduce the filthy Federal budget by a trillion a year while still maintaining a growth in defense, SS and Medicare.

Just think how much stronger this country would be economically if that trillion was returned to the taxpayers and spent in the productive economy.

We could have a great Federal government doing all the necessary things it should do for a third or fourth of what we spend now.

By a trillion possibly if we can cut entitlements, which take up what 67% of the budget? Military is another big one. I agree that we should leave many inoucuous issues to the states or make them private. FINRA for example is private. EPA should be privately run IMO.

How would a privately run EPA work?

Do you think that companies going to pay another company to come and fine them for dumping chemicals into the water supply or pumping out toxic gasses? Why would they?

Same way FINRA works. In order to get financing from a bank you have to show you're clean. They'll hire the EPA to prove that. The EPA will want to do a good job because competitors could come in and do a better one. It will fire all the hamster employees and become a lot more efficient. Boeing and Lockheed are private but have many government contracts. The EPA can do the same thing.

Why would a bank care if they are polluting or not?

Boeing and Lockheed do not exist without the government money, neither is self sustaining without defense contracts. Neither are exceptionally efficient, I live near a large Boeing plant and know more than a few of the people there (they do like to hire Vets after all). They really do not need to worry about efficiency as they have a never ending flow of cash coming from the government.
Not feasible for a country the size of the US but technically yes, that works.

Yes it is feasible to have smaller government.

Not too long ago Ron Paul came up with a budget to reduce the filthy Federal budget by a trillion a year while still maintaining a growth in defense, SS and Medicare.

Just think how much stronger this country would be economically if that trillion was returned to the taxpayers and spent in the productive economy.

We could have a great Federal government doing all the necessary things it should do for a third or fourth of what we spend now.

By a trillion possibly if we can cut entitlements, which take up what 67% of the budget? Military is another big one. I agree that we should leave many inoucuous issues to the states or make them private. FINRA for example is private. EPA should be privately run IMO.

How would a privately run EPA work?

Do you think that companies going to pay another company to come and fine them for dumping chemicals into the water supply or pumping out toxic gasses? Why would they?

Same way FINRA works. In order to get financing from a bank you have to show you're clean. They'll hire the EPA to prove that. The EPA will want to do a good job because competitors could come in and do a better one. It will fire all the hamster employees and become a lot more efficient. Boeing and Lockheed are private but have many government contracts. The EPA can do the same thing.

Why would a bank care if they are polluting or not?

Boeing and Lockheed do not exist without the government money, neither is self sustaining without defense contracts. Neither are exceptionally efficient, I live near a large Boeing plant and know more than a few of the people there (they do like to hire Vets after all). They really do not need to worry about efficiency as they have a never ending flow of cash coming from the government.

Because pollution can lead to lawsuits and cause the Company to default. Boeing and Lockheed have shareholders to answer to. I want The EPA to have the same thing.
Flat tax works

Minimum size of government and minimum taxation works even better.

Not feasible for a country the size of the US but technically yes, that works.

Yes it is feasible to have smaller government.

Not too long ago Ron Paul came up with a budget to reduce the filthy Federal budget by a trillion a year while still maintaining a growth in defense, SS and Medicare.

Just think how much stronger this country would be economically if that trillion was returned to the taxpayers and spent in the productive economy.

We could have a great Federal government doing all the necessary things it should do for a third or fourth of what we spend now.

By a trillion possibly if we can cut entitlements, which take up what 67% of the budget? Military is another big one. I agree that we should leave many inoucuous issues to the states or make them private. FINRA for example is private. EPA should be privately run IMO.

All our Federal government really needs to do is provide for defense, courts, state department, border security and a few other things. It does not have to be this big bloated monstrosity that it is now. We sure as hell don't need entitlements, welfare, subsidies, bailouts or grants. We don't need departments like Energy, Education, Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development and all that other wasteful horseshit.

We could have a great Federal government for about $1.5 trillion a year, which is greater than the GDP of most countries on the face of the earth.

Logically you are correct but the cat is out of the bag and unwinding all this is impossible

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