Top 20% of households pay vast majority of income taxes

The top 20% of households paid 88.1% of federal income taxes, and 69.5% of total federal taxes in 2015, ATR notes, citing the most recent numbers provided by the Congressional Budget Office.


The top one percent (around 1.2 million households) paid 39.4% of federal income taxes and 26.2% of total federal taxes, at an average total tax rate of 33.3%, dropping its average income from $1.9 million to $1.2 million. Its total percent of income was 16.6% before taxes and 13.2% after taxes.

A few key numbers from the other four quintiles via the CBO's 2015 report:

  • The fourth quintile was taxed at 17.9% federal income tax and saw its average income of $108,000 drop to $91,000. Its share of income was 20% before and after taxes.
  • The middle quintile was taxed at 14% federal income tax and saw its average income drop from $71,000 to $65,000. Share of income: 13.6% before taxes, 14.7% after.
  • The second quintile paid 9.2% federal income tax but saw its average income of $44,000 increase to $47,000 from means-tested transfers. Share of income: 8.7% before transfers and taxes, 11% after.
  • The bottom quintile paid 1.5% federal income tax and saw its average income of $20,000 grow from transfers to $33,000. Share of income: $3.7 before transfers and taxes, 11% after.

So why are we thinking of taxing the rich even more? How about addressing:

-- Entitlements;
-- Illegal Immigration - each illegal costs us ~$77k per year;
-- Fraud in our welfare system ($1.1Trn welfare system)

My solutions would be:

-- Entitlement reform in terms of raising the retirement age and giving people under 30 the option to invest SS monies privately (exiting the Social program). Reform Medicare and Medicaid. Use vouchers perhaps.

-- Get rid of sanctuary cities and enforce deportations.

-- Hire more officers to enforce waste and fraud.

Here's a little 411 for you youngsters....SS retirement was just raised to 67 and full benefits at 70.... Enjoy working till you die..

Should be 72
Just make it eighty.

People are living longer now. 72 is fair
Sure even if you don't live to be 72..It's fair.
The top 20% of households paid 88.1% of federal income taxes, and 69.5% of total federal taxes in 2015, ATR notes, citing the most recent numbers provided by the Congressional Budget Office.


The top one percent (around 1.2 million households) paid 39.4% of federal income taxes and 26.2% of total federal taxes, at an average total tax rate of 33.3%, dropping its average income from $1.9 million to $1.2 million. Its total percent of income was 16.6% before taxes and 13.2% after taxes.

A few key numbers from the other four quintiles via the CBO's 2015 report:

  • The fourth quintile was taxed at 17.9% federal income tax and saw its average income of $108,000 drop to $91,000. Its share of income was 20% before and after taxes.
  • The middle quintile was taxed at 14% federal income tax and saw its average income drop from $71,000 to $65,000. Share of income: 13.6% before taxes, 14.7% after.
  • The second quintile paid 9.2% federal income tax but saw its average income of $44,000 increase to $47,000 from means-tested transfers. Share of income: 8.7% before transfers and taxes, 11% after.
  • The bottom quintile paid 1.5% federal income tax and saw its average income of $20,000 grow from transfers to $33,000. Share of income: $3.7 before transfers and taxes, 11% after.

So why are we thinking of taxing the rich even more? How about addressing:

-- Entitlements;
-- Illegal Immigration - each illegal costs us ~$77k per year;
-- Fraud in our welfare system ($1.1Trn welfare system)

My solutions would be:

-- Entitlement reform in terms of raising the retirement age and giving people under 30 the option to invest SS monies privately (exiting the Social program). Reform Medicare and Medicaid. Use vouchers perhaps.

-- Get rid of sanctuary cities and enforce deportations.

-- Hire more officers to enforce waste and fraud.

Here's a little 411 for you youngsters....SS retirement was just raised to 67 and full benefits at 70.... Enjoy working till you die..

Should be 72
Just make it eighty.

People are living longer now. 72 is fair
Sure even if you don't live to be 72..It's fair.

Take better care of yourself.
Here's a little 411 for you youngsters....SS retirement was just raised to 67 and full benefits at 70.... Enjoy working till you die..

Should be 72
Just make it eighty.

People are living longer now. 72 is fair
Sure even if you don't live to be 72..It's fair.

Take better care of yourself.
It's just that easy!
So the top 20 pays the most because they have 90 some percent of all the money. If the rest don't have any what do you expect them to pay with?
The top 20% of households paid 88.1% of federal income taxes, and 69.5% of total federal taxes in 2015, ATR notes, citing the most recent numbers provided by the Congressional Budget Office.


The top one percent (around 1.2 million households) paid 39.4% of federal income taxes and 26.2% of total federal taxes, at an average total tax rate of 33.3%, dropping its average income from $1.9 million to $1.2 million. Its total percent of income was 16.6% before taxes and 13.2% after taxes.

A few key numbers from the other four quintiles via the CBO's 2015 report:

  • The fourth quintile was taxed at 17.9% federal income tax and saw its average income of $108,000 drop to $91,000. Its share of income was 20% before and after taxes.
  • The middle quintile was taxed at 14% federal income tax and saw its average income drop from $71,000 to $65,000. Share of income: 13.6% before taxes, 14.7% after.
  • The second quintile paid 9.2% federal income tax but saw its average income of $44,000 increase to $47,000 from means-tested transfers. Share of income: 8.7% before transfers and taxes, 11% after.
  • The bottom quintile paid 1.5% federal income tax and saw its average income of $20,000 grow from transfers to $33,000. Share of income: $3.7 before transfers and taxes, 11% after.

So why are we thinking of taxing the rich even more? How about addressing:

-- Entitlements;
-- Illegal Immigration - each illegal costs us ~$77k per year;
-- Fraud in our welfare system ($1.1Trn welfare system)

My solutions would be:

-- Entitlement reform in terms of raising the retirement age and giving people under 30 the option to invest SS monies privately (exiting the Social program). Reform Medicare and Medicaid. Use vouchers perhaps.

-- Get rid of sanctuary cities and enforce deportations.

-- Hire more officers to enforce waste and fraud.

Here's a little 411 for you youngsters....SS retirement was just raised to 67 and full benefits at 70.... Enjoy working till you die..

Nobody my age (29) actually expects to get anything out of SS. Not one person I've ever spoken to does. It's just something we get to help pay for that we will never enjoy ourselves.
The top 20% of households paid 88.1% of federal income taxes, and 69.5% of total federal taxes in 2015, ATR notes, citing the most recent numbers provided by the Congressional Budget Office.


The top one percent (around 1.2 million households) paid 39.4% of federal income taxes and 26.2% of total federal taxes, at an average total tax rate of 33.3%, dropping its average income from $1.9 million to $1.2 million. Its total percent of income was 16.6% before taxes and 13.2% after taxes.

A few key numbers from the other four quintiles via the CBO's 2015 report:

  • The fourth quintile was taxed at 17.9% federal income tax and saw its average income of $108,000 drop to $91,000. Its share of income was 20% before and after taxes.
  • The middle quintile was taxed at 14% federal income tax and saw its average income drop from $71,000 to $65,000. Share of income: 13.6% before taxes, 14.7% after.
  • The second quintile paid 9.2% federal income tax but saw its average income of $44,000 increase to $47,000 from means-tested transfers. Share of income: 8.7% before transfers and taxes, 11% after.
  • The bottom quintile paid 1.5% federal income tax and saw its average income of $20,000 grow from transfers to $33,000. Share of income: $3.7 before transfers and taxes, 11% after.

So why are we thinking of taxing the rich even more? How about addressing:

-- Entitlements;
-- Illegal Immigration - each illegal costs us ~$77k per year;
-- Fraud in our welfare system ($1.1Trn welfare system)

My solutions would be:

-- Entitlement reform in terms of raising the retirement age and giving people under 30 the option to invest SS monies privately (exiting the Social program). Reform Medicare and Medicaid. Use vouchers perhaps.

-- Get rid of sanctuary cities and enforce deportations.

-- Hire more officers to enforce waste and fraud.

Here's a little 411 for you youngsters....SS retirement was just raised to 67 and full benefits at 70.... Enjoy working till you die..

Nobody my age (29) actually expects to get anything out of SS. Not one person I've ever spoken to does. It's just something we get to help pay for that we will never enjoy ourselves.
That is what they were telling us in the 1980's.
Along with: nuclear winter, oil shortages..
The top 20% of households paid 88.1% of federal income taxes, and 69.5% of total federal taxes in 2015, ATR notes, citing the most recent numbers provided by the Congressional Budget Office.


The top one percent (around 1.2 million households) paid 39.4% of federal income taxes and 26.2% of total federal taxes, at an average total tax rate of 33.3%, dropping its average income from $1.9 million to $1.2 million. Its total percent of income was 16.6% before taxes and 13.2% after taxes.

A few key numbers from the other four quintiles via the CBO's 2015 report:

  • The fourth quintile was taxed at 17.9% federal income tax and saw its average income of $108,000 drop to $91,000. Its share of income was 20% before and after taxes.
  • The middle quintile was taxed at 14% federal income tax and saw its average income drop from $71,000 to $65,000. Share of income: 13.6% before taxes, 14.7% after.
  • The second quintile paid 9.2% federal income tax but saw its average income of $44,000 increase to $47,000 from means-tested transfers. Share of income: 8.7% before transfers and taxes, 11% after.
  • The bottom quintile paid 1.5% federal income tax and saw its average income of $20,000 grow from transfers to $33,000. Share of income: $3.7 before transfers and taxes, 11% after.

So why are we thinking of taxing the rich even more? How about addressing:

-- Entitlements;
-- Illegal Immigration - each illegal costs us ~$77k per year;
-- Fraud in our welfare system ($1.1Trn welfare system)

My solutions would be:

-- Entitlement reform in terms of raising the retirement age and giving people under 30 the option to invest SS monies privately (exiting the Social program). Reform Medicare and Medicaid. Use vouchers perhaps.

-- Get rid of sanctuary cities and enforce deportations.

-- Hire more officers to enforce waste and fraud.

Here's a little 411 for you youngsters....SS retirement was just raised to 67 and full benefits at 70.... Enjoy working till you die..

Nobody my age (29) actually expects to get anything out of SS. Not one person I've ever spoken to does. It's just something we get to help pay for that we will never enjoy ourselves.
That is what they were telling us in the 1980's.
Along with: nuclear winter, oil shortages..

Maybe they were right. Still plenty of time for nuclear winter. Dunno about oil shortages. Seems like we'll be well into renewables before oil runs out.
True, but what you don't mention is that how income is defined is not always fair. The poor construction worker pays income tax on every dollar he makes. The wealthy bribe the pols to put nice "loopholes" in the tax code. Tiny Capital Gains tax rate, tax free bonds, tax shelters, offshore accounts, Swiss accounts, etc. Every dollar earned should pay the same tax bracket rate w/o loopholes.
Good luck getting the mortgage interest deduction "loophole" past the mortgage bankster and realtor lobbies.

It badly needs to happen. We need a blanket prohibition against using taxes to manipulate behavior. Sin taxes, which punish people not behaving with penalties, and their equal opposite, tax incentives, which reward people for doing as they're told - these are abuses of the constitutional power to tax. We grant government the power to tax so it can fund its legitimate functions. The taxation power was never meant to be backdoor means of controlling people.
I can't wait to see the nubers for 2017

ESPECIALLY on this front

  • The fourth quintile was taxed at 17.9% federal income tax and saw its average income of $108,000 drop to $91,000. Its share of income was 20% before and after taxes.
  • The middle quintile was taxed at 14% federal income tax and saw its average income drop from $71,000 to $65,000. Share of income: 13.6% before taxes, 14.7% after.
  • The second quintile paid 9.2% federal income tax but saw its average income of $44,000 increase to $47,000 from means-tested transfers. Share of income: 8.7% before transfers and taxes, 11% after.
  • The bottom quintile paid 1.5% federal income tax and saw its average income of $20,000 grow from transfers to $33,000. Share of income: $3.7 before transfers and taxes, 11% after.
I'd be happy to wager just about anything that those numbers are better across the board
The top 20% of households paid 88.1% of federal income taxes, and 69.5% of total federal taxes in 2015, ATR notes, citing the most recent numbers provided by the Congressional Budget Office.


The top one percent (around 1.2 million households) paid 39.4% of federal income taxes and 26.2% of total federal taxes, at an average total tax rate of 33.3%, dropping its average income from $1.9 million to $1.2 million. Its total percent of income was 16.6% before taxes and 13.2% after taxes.

A few key numbers from the other four quintiles via the CBO's 2015 report:

  • The fourth quintile was taxed at 17.9% federal income tax and saw its average income of $108,000 drop to $91,000. Its share of income was 20% before and after taxes.
  • The middle quintile was taxed at 14% federal income tax and saw its average income drop from $71,000 to $65,000. Share of income: 13.6% before taxes, 14.7% after.
  • The second quintile paid 9.2% federal income tax but saw its average income of $44,000 increase to $47,000 from means-tested transfers. Share of income: 8.7% before transfers and taxes, 11% after.
  • The bottom quintile paid 1.5% federal income tax and saw its average income of $20,000 grow from transfers to $33,000. Share of income: $3.7 before transfers and taxes, 11% after.

So why are we thinking of taxing the rich even more? How about addressing:

-- Entitlements;
-- Illegal Immigration - each illegal costs us ~$77k per year;
-- Fraud in our welfare system ($1.1Trn welfare system)

My solutions would be:

-- Entitlement reform in terms of raising the retirement age and giving people under 30 the option to invest SS monies privately (exiting the Social program). Reform Medicare and Medicaid. Use vouchers perhaps.

-- Get rid of sanctuary cities and enforce deportations.

-- Hire more officers to enforce waste and fraud.

Here's a little 411 for you youngsters....SS retirement was just raised to 67 and full benefits at 70.... Enjoy working till you die..

Nobody my age (29) actually expects to get anything out of SS. Not one person I've ever spoken to does. It's just something we get to help pay for that we will never enjoy ourselves.
Generation X people feel the same way. When social security was "fixed" in the 1980's the Congressional Budge Office estimated it would last until the mid 2070's. But that was with 4% economic growth. Someone wrote on usmessageboard it is supposed to go negative in 2037 but I read around 2029. Right now IOU's are placed into social security reserves because it is put into the general fund. IOU's are not cash. Also the formula for COLA adjustments has been changed a few times meaning that if the same formula was used as a few decades ago recipients would be collecting 33% in their checks.
Just think of the 47% of Americans that get a free ride without having to pay anything towards the trillion a year collected in income tax.

Funny thing is that most of them are the greedy little stupid Moon Bats that want the government to be even bigger than it is now so they can get more free shit.
And the capital gains tycoons pay nothing towards the trillion a year collected in payroll taxes that the 47% pay!!!!
I don't hear you HYPOCRITES bitching about the capital gains tycoons getting a free ride!
^^^^The greedy moonbat chimes in right on cue. :auiqs.jpg:

The top 20% of households paid 88.1% of federal income taxes, and 69.5% of total federal taxes in 2015, ATR notes, citing the most recent numbers provided by the Congressional Budget Office.


The top one percent (around 1.2 million households) paid 39.4% of federal income taxes and 26.2% of total federal taxes, at an average total tax rate of 33.3%, dropping its average income from $1.9 million to $1.2 million. Its total percent of income was 16.6% before taxes and 13.2% after taxes.

A few key numbers from the other four quintiles via the CBO's 2015 report:

  • The fourth quintile was taxed at 17.9% federal income tax and saw its average income of $108,000 drop to $91,000. Its share of income was 20% before and after taxes.
  • The middle quintile was taxed at 14% federal income tax and saw its average income drop from $71,000 to $65,000. Share of income: 13.6% before taxes, 14.7% after.
  • The second quintile paid 9.2% federal income tax but saw its average income of $44,000 increase to $47,000 from means-tested transfers. Share of income: 8.7% before transfers and taxes, 11% after.
  • The bottom quintile paid 1.5% federal income tax and saw its average income of $20,000 grow from transfers to $33,000. Share of income: $3.7 before transfers and taxes, 11% after.

So why are we thinking of taxing the rich even more? How about addressing:

-- Entitlements;
-- Illegal Immigration - each illegal costs us ~$77k per year;
-- Fraud in our welfare system ($1.1Trn welfare system)

My solutions would be:

-- Entitlement reform in terms of raising the retirement age and giving people under 30 the option to invest SS monies privately (exiting the Social program). Reform Medicare and Medicaid. Use vouchers perhaps.

-- Get rid of sanctuary cities and enforce deportations.

-- Hire more officers to enforce waste and fraud.

Here's a little 411 for you youngsters....SS retirement was just raised to 67 and full benefits at 70.... Enjoy working till you die..

Nobody my age (29) actually expects to get anything out of SS. Not one person I've ever spoken to does. It's just something we get to help pay for that we will never enjoy ourselves.
Generation X people feel the same way. When social security was "fixed" in the 1980's the Congressional Budge Office estimated it would last until the mid 2070's. But that was with 4% economic growth. Someone wrote on usmessageboard it is supposed to go negative in 2037 but I read around 2029. Right now IOU's are placed into social security reserves because it is put into the general fund. IOU's are not cash. Also the formula for COLA adjustments has been changed a few times meaning that if the same formula was used as a few decades ago recipients would be collecting 33% in their checks.
You can't give an IOU for a treasury note which what the SS admin buys. SS has to be delegated to being an on-budget to spend it like a budget item, which it is currently and off-budget item.
The top 20% of households paid 88.1% of federal income taxes, and 69.5% of total federal taxes in 2015, ATR notes, citing the most recent numbers provided by the Congressional Budget Office.


The top one percent (around 1.2 million households) paid 39.4% of federal income taxes and 26.2% of total federal taxes, at an average total tax rate of 33.3%, dropping its average income from $1.9 million to $1.2 million. Its total percent of income was 16.6% before taxes and 13.2% after taxes.

A few key numbers from the other four quintiles via the CBO's 2015 report:

  • The fourth quintile was taxed at 17.9% federal income tax and saw its average income of $108,000 drop to $91,000. Its share of income was 20% before and after taxes.
  • The middle quintile was taxed at 14% federal income tax and saw its average income drop from $71,000 to $65,000. Share of income: 13.6% before taxes, 14.7% after.
  • The second quintile paid 9.2% federal income tax but saw its average income of $44,000 increase to $47,000 from means-tested transfers. Share of income: 8.7% before transfers and taxes, 11% after.
  • The bottom quintile paid 1.5% federal income tax and saw its average income of $20,000 grow from transfers to $33,000. Share of income: $3.7 before transfers and taxes, 11% after.

So why are we thinking of taxing the rich even more? How about addressing:

-- Entitlements;
-- Illegal Immigration - each illegal costs us ~$77k per year;
-- Fraud in our welfare system ($1.1Trn welfare system)

My solutions would be:

-- Entitlement reform in terms of raising the retirement age and giving people under 30 the option to invest SS monies privately (exiting the Social program). Reform Medicare and Medicaid. Use vouchers perhaps.

-- Get rid of sanctuary cities and enforce deportations.

-- Hire more officers to enforce waste and fraud.

As they should. The country is no longer a capitalist country. It is all about crony capitalism. Much of the economy is run by monopolies or near monopolies. The central government is corrupt and bought. It’s purpose is to protect the profits of the monopolies and near monopolies, as long as they pay the required protection money.

As was seldom reported by the corporate government run MSM, the Ds were partying in PR with lobbyists from R.J. Reynolds, Facebook, Comcast, Amazon, PhRMA, Microsoft, Intel, Verizon, and unions such as the National Education Association. Just a small bit of information that exposes a much bigger problem and both political parties are essentiallyl crime families, akin to the Mafia.

30 Democrats in Puerto Rico with 109 lobbyists for weekend despite shutdown
Last edited:
The top 20% of households paid 88.1% of federal income taxes, and 69.5% of total federal taxes in 2015, ATR notes, citing the most recent numbers provided by the Congressional Budget Office.


The top one percent (around 1.2 million households) paid 39.4% of federal income taxes and 26.2% of total federal taxes, at an average total tax rate of 33.3%, dropping its average income from $1.9 million to $1.2 million. Its total percent of income was 16.6% before taxes and 13.2% after taxes.

A few key numbers from the other four quintiles via the CBO's 2015 report:

  • The fourth quintile was taxed at 17.9% federal income tax and saw its average income of $108,000 drop to $91,000. Its share of income was 20% before and after taxes.
  • The middle quintile was taxed at 14% federal income tax and saw its average income drop from $71,000 to $65,000. Share of income: 13.6% before taxes, 14.7% after.
  • The second quintile paid 9.2% federal income tax but saw its average income of $44,000 increase to $47,000 from means-tested transfers. Share of income: 8.7% before transfers and taxes, 11% after.
  • The bottom quintile paid 1.5% federal income tax and saw its average income of $20,000 grow from transfers to $33,000. Share of income: $3.7 before transfers and taxes, 11% after.

So why are we thinking of taxing the rich even more? How about addressing:

-- Entitlements;
-- Illegal Immigration - each illegal costs us ~$77k per year;
-- Fraud in our welfare system ($1.1Trn welfare system)

My solutions would be:

-- Entitlement reform in terms of raising the retirement age and giving people under 30 the option to invest SS monies privately (exiting the Social program). Reform Medicare and Medicaid. Use vouchers perhaps.

-- Get rid of sanctuary cities and enforce deportations.

-- Hire more officers to enforce waste and fraud.

As they should. The country is no longer a capitalist country. It is all about crony capitalism. Much of the economy is run by monopolies or near monopolies. The central government is corrupt and bought. It’s purpose to protect the profits of the monopolies and near monopolies, as long as the pay the required protection money.

As was seldom reported by the corporate government run MSM, the Ds were partying in PR with lobbyists from R.J. Reynolds, Facebook, Comcast, Amazon, PhRMA, Microsoft, Intel, Verizon, and unions such as the National Education Association. Just a small bit of information that exposes a much bigger problem and both political parties are essential crime families, akin to the Mafia.

30 Democrats in Puerto Rico with 109 lobbyists for weekend despite shutdown
A whole weekend oh my!
Congress is closed and Trump is closed.
The top 20% of households paid 88.1% of federal income taxes, and 69.5% of total federal taxes in 2015, ATR notes, citing the most recent numbers provided by the Congressional Budget Office.


The top one percent (around 1.2 million households) paid 39.4% of federal income taxes and 26.2% of total federal taxes, at an average total tax rate of 33.3%, dropping its average income from $1.9 million to $1.2 million. Its total percent of income was 16.6% before taxes and 13.2% after taxes.

A few key numbers from the other four quintiles via the CBO's 2015 report:

  • The fourth quintile was taxed at 17.9% federal income tax and saw its average income of $108,000 drop to $91,000. Its share of income was 20% before and after taxes.
  • The middle quintile was taxed at 14% federal income tax and saw its average income drop from $71,000 to $65,000. Share of income: 13.6% before taxes, 14.7% after.
  • The second quintile paid 9.2% federal income tax but saw its average income of $44,000 increase to $47,000 from means-tested transfers. Share of income: 8.7% before transfers and taxes, 11% after.
  • The bottom quintile paid 1.5% federal income tax and saw its average income of $20,000 grow from transfers to $33,000. Share of income: $3.7 before transfers and taxes, 11% after.

So why are we thinking of taxing the rich even more? How about addressing:

-- Entitlements;
-- Illegal Immigration - each illegal costs us ~$77k per year;
-- Fraud in our welfare system ($1.1Trn welfare system)

My solutions would be:

-- Entitlement reform in terms of raising the retirement age and giving people under 30 the option to invest SS monies privately (exiting the Social program). Reform Medicare and Medicaid. Use vouchers perhaps.

-- Get rid of sanctuary cities and enforce deportations.

-- Hire more officers to enforce waste and fraud.

As they should. The country is no longer a capitalist country. It is all about crony capitalism. Much of the economy is run by monopolies or near monopolies. The central government is corrupt and bought. It’s purpose to protect the profits of the monopolies and near monopolies, as long as the pay the required protection money.

As was seldom reported by the corporate government run MSM, the Ds were partying in PR with lobbyists from R.J. Reynolds, Facebook, Comcast, Amazon, PhRMA, Microsoft, Intel, Verizon, and unions such as the National Education Association. Just a small bit of information that exposes a much bigger problem and both political parties are essential crime families, akin to the Mafia.

30 Democrats in Puerto Rico with 109 lobbyists for weekend despite shutdown
A whole weekend oh my!
Congress is closed and Trump is closed.
You missed the point of my post.
The top 20% of households paid 88.1% of federal income taxes, and 69.5% of total federal taxes in 2015, ATR notes, citing the most recent numbers provided by the Congressional Budget Office.


The top one percent (around 1.2 million households) paid 39.4% of federal income taxes and 26.2% of total federal taxes, at an average total tax rate of 33.3%, dropping its average income from $1.9 million to $1.2 million. Its total percent of income was 16.6% before taxes and 13.2% after taxes.

A few key numbers from the other four quintiles via the CBO's 2015 report:

  • The fourth quintile was taxed at 17.9% federal income tax and saw its average income of $108,000 drop to $91,000. Its share of income was 20% before and after taxes.
  • The middle quintile was taxed at 14% federal income tax and saw its average income drop from $71,000 to $65,000. Share of income: 13.6% before taxes, 14.7% after.
  • The second quintile paid 9.2% federal income tax but saw its average income of $44,000 increase to $47,000 from means-tested transfers. Share of income: 8.7% before transfers and taxes, 11% after.
  • The bottom quintile paid 1.5% federal income tax and saw its average income of $20,000 grow from transfers to $33,000. Share of income: $3.7 before transfers and taxes, 11% after.

So why are we thinking of taxing the rich even more? How about addressing:

-- Entitlements;
-- Illegal Immigration - each illegal costs us ~$77k per year;
-- Fraud in our welfare system ($1.1Trn welfare system)

My solutions would be:

-- Entitlement reform in terms of raising the retirement age and giving people under 30 the option to invest SS monies privately (exiting the Social program). Reform Medicare and Medicaid. Use vouchers perhaps.

-- Get rid of sanctuary cities and enforce deportations.

-- Hire more officers to enforce waste and fraud.

As they should. The country is no longer a capitalist country. It is all about crony capitalism. Much of the economy is run by monopolies or near monopolies. The central government is corrupt and bought. It’s purpose to protect the profits of the monopolies and near monopolies, as long as the pay the required protection money.

As was seldom reported by the corporate government run MSM, the Ds were partying in PR with lobbyists from R.J. Reynolds, Facebook, Comcast, Amazon, PhRMA, Microsoft, Intel, Verizon, and unions such as the National Education Association. Just a small bit of information that exposes a much bigger problem and both political parties are essential crime families, akin to the Mafia.

30 Democrats in Puerto Rico with 109 lobbyists for weekend despite shutdown
A whole weekend oh my!
Congress is closed and Trump is closed.
You missed the point of my post.
Even the mafia goes on vacation..
The top 20% of households paid 88.1% of federal income taxes, and 69.5% of total federal taxes in 2015, ATR notes, citing the most recent numbers provided by the Congressional Budget Office.


The top one percent (around 1.2 million households) paid 39.4% of federal income taxes and 26.2% of total federal taxes, at an average total tax rate of 33.3%, dropping its average income from $1.9 million to $1.2 million. Its total percent of income was 16.6% before taxes and 13.2% after taxes.

A few key numbers from the other four quintiles via the CBO's 2015 report:

  • The fourth quintile was taxed at 17.9% federal income tax and saw its average income of $108,000 drop to $91,000. Its share of income was 20% before and after taxes.
  • The middle quintile was taxed at 14% federal income tax and saw its average income drop from $71,000 to $65,000. Share of income: 13.6% before taxes, 14.7% after.
  • The second quintile paid 9.2% federal income tax but saw its average income of $44,000 increase to $47,000 from means-tested transfers. Share of income: 8.7% before transfers and taxes, 11% after.
  • The bottom quintile paid 1.5% federal income tax and saw its average income of $20,000 grow from transfers to $33,000. Share of income: $3.7 before transfers and taxes, 11% after.

So why are we thinking of taxing the rich even more? How about addressing:

-- Entitlements;
-- Illegal Immigration - each illegal costs us ~$77k per year;
-- Fraud in our welfare system ($1.1Trn welfare system)

My solutions would be:

-- Entitlement reform in terms of raising the retirement age and giving people under 30 the option to invest SS monies privately (exiting the Social program). Reform Medicare and Medicaid. Use vouchers perhaps.

-- Get rid of sanctuary cities and enforce deportations.

-- Hire more officers to enforce waste and fraud.

As they should. The country is no longer a capitalist country. It is all about crony capitalism. Much of the economy is run by monopolies or near monopolies. The central government is corrupt and bought. It’s purpose to protect the profits of the monopolies and near monopolies, as long as the pay the required protection money.

As was seldom reported by the corporate government run MSM, the Ds were partying in PR with lobbyists from R.J. Reynolds, Facebook, Comcast, Amazon, PhRMA, Microsoft, Intel, Verizon, and unions such as the National Education Association. Just a small bit of information that exposes a much bigger problem and both political parties are essential crime families, akin to the Mafia.

30 Democrats in Puerto Rico with 109 lobbyists for weekend despite shutdown
A whole weekend oh my!
Congress is closed and Trump is closed.
You missed the point of my post.
Even the mafia goes on vacation..
Go away.

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