Top 40 families own half the wealth in America:

does anybody think this is fair? We could tax all that Wealth away and it would be enough to run the federal government for six months. Of course much of the wealth is in The form of company stock like Elon musk's Tesla, Jeff basos Amazon, and brinns Google. They could simply sell their stock and hope the new owners would keep them on as management. Does anyone think this would be a good deal for America ?

How do you tax wealth?
You send Bill Gates a bill for $50 billion and if he doesn't pay it you take them to prison at gunpoint
Voluntary compliance isn't working?
And this is who they republicans are going to give that juicy fucking tax cut too....The same people that have fucked us over for the past 50 years with offshoring, outsourcing and cheap labor.

Republicans never learn...Trump pretty much spelled it out during the campaign for you and you were too dumb to realize that he was the snake.
You know how to fix that? Do something with yourself so you can step away from working the drive thru. Nobody is keeping you there but you.
does anybody think this is fair? We could tax all that Wealth away and it would be enough to run the federal government for six months. Of course much of the wealth is in The form of company stock like Elon musk's Tesla, Jeff basos Amazon, and brinns Google. They could simply sell their stock and hope the new owners would keep them on as management. Does anyone think this would be a good deal for America ?
Since they also employ vast numbers of people......
I love when RWnuts that barely have a pot to piss in defend the Rich as if they think the Rich at some point will throw them some scraps.
we are not waiting for crippling welfare stolen at gunpoint

You want a tiny number of rich humans to enslave the masses.
That is the Democrat platform. Entitlements in exchange for votes. Especially in Democrat strongholds, they go out of their way to keep people stupid and dependent. It's really very sad.
I love when RWnuts that barely have a pot to piss in defend the Rich as if they think the Rich at some point will throw them some scraps.

No...that's the thing, dipstick........we aren't looking for a handout from the rich....we don't care that they are would be nice to be rich...and we know how you get work your ass off, you work hard, you work smart, you create a product or service people really want...and they will pay you and make you rich.....

We don't care that they are rich........
liberals care that they are rich because they want to steal the money at gun point rather than work for it. voting is far easier than working your whole life to get rich
does anybody think this is fair? We could tax all that Wealth away and it would be enough to run the federal government for six months. Of course much of the wealth is in The form of company stock like Elon musk's Tesla, Jeff basos Amazon, and brinns Google. They could simply sell their stock and hope the new owners would keep them on as management. Does anyone think this would be a good deal for America ?
Since they also employ vast numbers of people......
It appears Edward will not be happy until everyone is dependent on Government. His hatred of productive employers is embarrassing.
I love when RWnuts that barely have a pot to piss in defend the Rich as if they think the Rich at some point will throw them some scraps.
we are not waiting for crippling welfare stolen at gunpoint

You want a tiny number of rich humans to enslave the masses.
That is the Democrat platform. Entitlements in exchange for votes. Especially in Democrat strongholds, they go out of their way to keep people stupid and dependent. It's really very sad.

yes Democrats have controlled the inner cites completely for 50 years and have turned them into war zones
does anybody think this is fair? We could tax all that Wealth away and it would be enough to run the federal government for six months. Of course much of the wealth is in The form of company stock like Elon musk's Tesla, Jeff basos Amazon, and brinns Google. They could simply sell their stock and hope the new owners would keep them on as management. Does anyone think this would be a good deal for America ?

I think P.J. O'Rourke addressed this "plan" thoroughly in his epic "Eat the Rich". In essence, he said the employees of General Tire could mug the CEO, strip him of his salary and benefits and tar and feather him in the parking lot. And every employee would get the equivalent of a new set of tires every year for 4 years. BUT -- it's likely that "bargain basement" CEO replacing him with NO ownership stake in the company would trigger corporate recession and loss of confidence on Wall Street causing 5% or MORE of the employees to be laid off during that period.

I spent 20 years at start-ups in Silicon Valley. I watched these entrpreneur guys/gals 2nd and 3rd mortgage their homes, drive a junker to work whilst the top staff was out buying Porches. I once had to throw an anniversary party for my boss and his wife because they could not afford it. I babysat their kids so they could take a night out.

It's NOT as tho there was no risk or sacrifice to make those bets based on your BELIEFS in the projects and products. I took my share of useless Silicon Valley stock. At one time, I could paper my home lab walls with all of it.

Folks who think this way have NO CONCEPT of what "risk" means. Or dedication to IDEAS. Or the load on the typical CEO who oversees a 1/2 dozen companies and 10s of thousands of employees. LET THEM do that job for a week and see if they survive. And how much PROGRESS is accomplished under their vision and leadership..
does anybody think this is fair? We could tax all that Wealth away and it would be enough to run the federal government for six months. Of course much of the wealth is in The form of company stock like Elon musk's Tesla, Jeff basos Amazon, and brinns Google. They could simply sell their stock and hope the new owners would keep them on as management. Does anyone think this would be a good deal for America ?
Since they also employ vast numbers of people......
It appears Edward will not be happy until everyone is dependent on Government. His hatred of productive employers is embarrassing.
that's the end result that is desired by government.

life isn't fair, but somehow you can vote it so.
Ah, a good old fashioned HATE THE RICH thread. Other than they have more than you why do you hate them? Should anyone who has more than you be punished?
kill the rich and magically the world is fair.

key word 'magically'

These Dem rubes, the rank and file drones, Dem party leaders throw them some hate/blame the rich red meat and they attack like rabid dogs right on cue while their leaders laugh at them.
does anybody think this is fair? We could tax all that Wealth away and it would be enough to run the federal government for six months. Of course much of the wealth is in The form of company stock like Elon musk's Tesla, Jeff basos Amazon, and brinns Google. They could simply sell their stock and hope the new owners would keep them on as management. Does anyone think this would be a good deal for America ?
No it would not be fair, legally, morally or economically.

The 80-20 rule seems to apply when people are free to do as they please. As things stand right now, any couple can work and save enough money to retire early and live comfortable lives, it just takes discipline to do it.

There is no fairness in stealing the money from those who have saved to give to those who have not.

Annual income taxes, however are a totally different animal.
Ah, a good old fashioned HATE THE RICH thread. Other than they have more than you why do you hate them? Should anyone who has more than you be punished?
kill the rich and magically the world is fair.

key word 'magically'

These Dem rubes, the rank and file drones, Dem party leaders throw them some hate/blame the rich red meat and they attack like rabid dogs right on cue while their leaders laugh at them.
it's Amazing how Animal Farm sheep like they are, and don't even see it.
Also, what do the Liberals mean when they say the top 40 families own more wealth when the bottom 50% of Americans? The top 40 families are only worth about $2 trillion while there are 75 million homeowners in America whose homes are worth a total of $13 trillion. So wealth is far more widespread than liberals would have us believe.
Also, what do the Liberals mean when they say the top 40 families own more wealth when the bottom 50% of Americans? The top 40 families are only worth about $2 trillion while there are 75 million homeowners in America whose homes are worth a total of $13 trillion. So wealth is far more widespread than liberals would have us believe.
I dont think the bottom 50% owns much, as is typical of 20-80 spreads.
I love when RWnuts that barely have a pot to piss in defend the Rich as if they think the Rich at some point will throw them some scraps.

No...that's the thing, dipstick........we aren't looking for a handout from the rich....we don't care that they are would be nice to be rich...and we know how you get work your ass off, you work hard, you work smart, you create a product or service people really want...and they will pay you and make you rich.....

We don't care that they are rich........

If a tiny number of families control huge percentages of the wealth of a nation,

why does that make for a great nation?

It doesn't make it great, it doesn't make it not great. What you need are tax policies that allow everyone to keep what they earn and to pass that on to their younger family members.......that is how you move up and down the economic scale......those who start rich don't always end rich, and those who start poor won't end poor....the biggest factors in staying out of poverty is not taking money from the wealthy 40 families......the biggest factors...graduating from high school, not engaging in crime, not having children before you are married....then, throw in working smart, working hard, and you and your family have a shot at becoming rich.......screw up those things, and you will end up poor.
I love when RWnuts that barely have a pot to piss in defend the Rich as if they think the Rich at some point will throw them some scraps.
we are not waiting for crippling welfare stolen at gunpoint

You want a tiny number of rich humans to enslave the masses.

No...that is what the democrats want. That is why they want excessive taxation, why they destroy public education,and why they push out of wedlock sex......

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