Top 40 families own half the wealth in America:

does anybody think this is fair? We could tax all that Wealth away and it would be enough to run the federal government for six months. Of course much of the wealth is in The form of company stock like Elon musk's Tesla, Jeff basos Amazon, and brinns Google. They could simply sell their stock and hope the new owners would keep them on as management. Does anyone think this would be a good deal for America ?
then what does that tell people - work your ass off and succeed and become a villian and lose it all?

no it tell's people work your ass off inventing and selling products people want to buy more than any others in the world and liberals will claim "you didn't do that" and steal all your money at gunpoint.
Of course it's not fair, but it's the inevitable result of capitalism.
You mean the MAKING of the wealth or the SEIZING of the wealth? :p

Neither. I'm saying that within the capitalist model itself, it's inevitable for most of the money to accumulate at the very top percentile. An uneven distribution will always happen no matter what.
It's earned, not distributed. Knock off the silly wealth envy propaganda.

"Distribution" in the mathematical sense, you 'tard.
does anybody think this is fair? We could tax all that Wealth away and it would be enough to run the federal government for six months. Of course much of the wealth is in The form of company stock like Elon musk's Tesla, Jeff basos Amazon, and brinns Google. They could simply sell their stock and hope the new owners would keep them on as management. Does anyone think this would be a good deal for America ?
It's unfair they have to pay so much tax. I am a republican.
What I don't see anyone here saying is the actual "problem".
Concentration of wealth is only a problem if those who have it, got it by means of some advantage over others not related to their own output. In other words, a good part of why they are wealthy is a benefit of an advantage given to them, that others don't have.
And today that advantage is corporatism.
Pick any medium to large city in America. 50 years ago if you drove up and down the streets, drove into industrial areas...drove in retail areas...everywhere. All of the businesses and factories you came across would overwhelmingly be locally owned and operated.
Today - pick any city. Drive all over it and most of the businesses you see, and what few factories that are left - are not locally owned. And there is a good chance the owner doesn't even live in your state let alone your city. outside of the city. Drive into much smaller towns. All the land around those towns used to be farms. Farms owned by local families. Most are gone. They cannot compete with the predatory nature and overwhelming advantages of Agribusiness.

Corporatism has turned millions of small businesses into much-much larger businesses. With far-far fewer owners.
Of course it's not fair, but it's the inevitable result of capitalism.
You mean the MAKING of the wealth or the SEIZING of the wealth? :p

Neither. I'm saying that within the capitalist model itself, it's inevitable for most of the money to accumulate at the very top percentile. An uneven distribution will always happen no matter what.
It's earned, not distributed. Knock off the silly wealth envy propaganda.

"Distribution" in the mathematical sense, you 'tard.
Sure thing kid. Keep adopting the terms of the propagandists. Keep following orders from your billionaire masters.
And this is who they republicans are going to give that juicy fucking tax cut too....The same people that have fucked us over for the past 50 years with offshoring, outsourcing and cheap labor.

Republicans never learn...Trump pretty much spelled it out during the campaign for you and you were too dumb to realize that he was the snake.
The problem is YOU only think its the republicans. Its BOTH parties. There is no damn difference between the 2. Its why BOTH parties are attacking President Trump. He is NOT a loyal little republican or democrat. They hate him because he can truly shake the system up.
What I don't see anyone here saying is the actual "problem".
Concentration of wealth is only a problem if those who have it, got it by means of some advantage over others not related to their own output. In other words, a good part of why they are wealthy is a benefit of an advantage given to them, that others don't have.
And today that advantage is corporatism.
Pick any medium to large city in America. 50 years ago if you drove up and down the streets, drove into industrial areas...drove in retail areas...everywhere. All of the businesses and factories you came across would overwhelmingly be locally owned and operated.
Today - pick any city. Drive all over it and most of the businesses you see, and what few factories that are left - are not locally owned. And there is a good chance the owner doesn't even live in your state let alone your city. outside of the city. Drive into much smaller towns. All the land around those towns used to be farms. Farms owned by local families. Most are gone. They cannot compete with the predatory nature and overwhelming advantages of Agribusiness.

Corporatism has turned millions of small businesses into much-much larger businesses. With far-far fewer owners.
4 Things You Don't Know About Private Companies
What I don't see anyone here saying is the actual "problem".
Concentration of wealth is only a problem if those who have it, got it by means of some advantage over others not related to their own output. In other words, a good part of why they are wealthy is a benefit of an advantage given to them, that others don't have.
And today that advantage is corporatism.
Pick any medium to large city in America. 50 years ago if you drove up and down the streets, drove into industrial areas...drove in retail areas...everywhere. All of the businesses and factories you came across would overwhelmingly be locally owned and operated.
Today - pick any city. Drive all over it and most of the businesses you see, and what few factories that are left - are not locally owned. And there is a good chance the owner doesn't even live in your state let alone your city. outside of the city. Drive into much smaller towns. All the land around those towns used to be farms. Farms owned by local families. Most are gone. They cannot compete with the predatory nature and overwhelming advantages of Agribusiness.

Corporatism has turned millions of small businesses into much-much larger businesses. With far-far fewer owners.
4 Things You Don't Know About Private Companies

Those four things...are half-truths.
Yes of the millions of businesses, most are not corporations. But a lot of them are not "businesses" at all. You can't count one guy in his house making candles as "equal" to Apple.
And that is what that figure does. As well as many large businesses are not publicly traded. That doesn't mean they are not corporations. Corporation doesn't mean publicly owned.
does anybody think this is fair? We could tax all that Wealth away and it would be enough to run the federal government for six months. Of course much of the wealth is in The form of company stock like Elon musk's Tesla, Jeff basos Amazon, and brinns Google. They could simply sell their stock and hope the new owners would keep them on as management. Does anyone think this would be a good deal for America ?
Get a job or win the lottery. Problem solved. Whining about not being rich & envying others who are solves nothing.
whining solves nothing but leagally stealing money does
I love when RWnuts that barely have a pot to piss in defend the Rich as if they think the Rich at some point will throw them some scraps.
What I don't see anyone here saying is the actual "problem".
Concentration of wealth is only a problem if those who have it, got it by means of some advantage over others not related to their own output. In other words, a good part of why they are wealthy is a benefit of an advantage given to them, that others don't have.
And today that advantage is corporatism.
Pick any medium to large city in America. 50 years ago if you drove up and down the streets, drove into industrial areas...drove in retail areas...everywhere. All of the businesses and factories you came across would overwhelmingly be locally owned and operated.
Today - pick any city. Drive all over it and most of the businesses you see, and what few factories that are left - are not locally owned. And there is a good chance the owner doesn't even live in your state let alone your city. outside of the city. Drive into much smaller towns. All the land around those towns used to be farms. Farms owned by local families. Most are gone. They cannot compete with the predatory nature and overwhelming advantages of Agribusiness.

Corporatism has turned millions of small businesses into much-much larger businesses. With far-far fewer owners.
4 Things You Don't Know About Private Companies

Those four things...are half-truths.
Yes of the millions of businesses, most are not corporations. But a lot of them are not "businesses" at all. You can't count one guy in his house making candles as "equal" to Apple.
And that is what that figure does. As well as many large businesses are not publicly traded. That doesn't mean they are not corporations. Corporation doesn't mean publicly owned.
Ok? I posted it, because I found it interesting. Private companies are still the straw that stir the drink. I never claimed a candle maker equals Apple. That is absurd.

Private companies pull economy along
What I don't see anyone here saying is the actual "problem".
Concentration of wealth is only a problem if those who have it, got it by means of some advantage over others not related to their own output. In other words, a good part of why they are wealthy is a benefit of an advantage given to them, that others don't have.
And today that advantage is corporatism.
Pick any medium to large city in America. 50 years ago if you drove up and down the streets, drove into industrial areas...drove in retail areas...everywhere. All of the businesses and factories you came across would overwhelmingly be locally owned and operated.
Today - pick any city. Drive all over it and most of the businesses you see, and what few factories that are left - are not locally owned. And there is a good chance the owner doesn't even live in your state let alone your city. outside of the city. Drive into much smaller towns. All the land around those towns used to be farms. Farms owned by local families. Most are gone. They cannot compete with the predatory nature and overwhelming advantages of Agribusiness.

Corporatism has turned millions of small businesses into much-much larger businesses. With far-far fewer owners.

No....really.....are you serious?
I love when RWnuts that barely have a pot to piss in defend the Rich as if they think the Rich at some point will throw them some scraps.

No...that's the thing, dipstick........we aren't looking for a handout from the rich....we don't care that they are would be nice to be rich...and we know how you get work your ass off, you work hard, you work smart, you create a product or service people really want...and they will pay you and make you rich.....

We don't care that they are rich........
. There is no damn difference between the 2.
:Actually the parties are opposites. The Republican Party was formed in 1794 by Jefferson to stand for freedom or liberty from government. Modern Republicans are still identical to the extent they can get away with it given that they must compromise with Democrats, Independents, voters and the media to win elections, govern and get reelected. Libertarians are uncompromising on same principles and so never hold office. You can be sure if there were enough voters media and independents who would support the Jeffersonian freedom agenda there would be no end to Republicans who would show up to represent them if only for fame and the $200k salary!! In sum, the parties overlap only because the people overlap, not because ideas overlap.
does anybody think this is fair? We could tax all that Wealth away and it would be enough to run the federal government for six months. Of course much of the wealth is in The form of company stock like Elon musk's Tesla, Jeff basos Amazon, and brinns Google. They could simply sell their stock and hope the new owners would keep them on as management. Does anyone think this would be a good deal for America ?

:alcoholic: :bsflag:
I love when RWnuts that barely have a pot to piss in defend the Rich as if they think the Rich at some point will throw them some scraps.

No...that's the thing, dipstick........we aren't looking for a handout from the rich....we don't care that they are would be nice to be rich...and we know how you get work your ass off, you work hard, you work smart, you create a product or service people really want...and they will pay you and make you rich.....

We don't care that they are rich........

If a tiny number of families control huge percentages of the wealth of a nation,

why does that make for a great nation?
Shouldn't those 40 be paying 50% of taxes ? We all know how righties love "fair tax"!

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