Top 40 families own half the wealth in America:

Shouldn't those 40 be paying 50% of taxes ? We all know how righties love "fair tax"!

No....they should pay 15% of what they earn.....with a 40,000 dollar starting point......that way everyone pays the same tax rate with 40,000 dollars free of taxes....everyone wins...the rich pay more, the poor pay less.....
Shouldn't those 40 be paying 50% of taxes ? We all know how righties love "fair tax"!

No....they should pay 15% of what they earn.....with a 40,000 dollar starting point......that way everyone pays the same tax rate with 40,000 dollars free of taxes....everyone wins...the rich pay more, the poor pay less.....

The Constitution says everyone pays the same tax just like they pay the same price for a can of soup at a supermarket.
does anybody think this is fair? We could tax all that Wealth away and it would be enough to run the federal government for six months. Of course much of the wealth is in The form of company stock like Elon musk's Tesla, Jeff basos Amazon, and brinns Google. They could simply sell their stock and hope the new owners would keep them on as management. Does anyone think this would be a good deal for America ?

How do you tax wealth?
You send Bill Gates a bill for $50 billion and if he doesn't pay it you take them to prison at gunpoint
Voluntary compliance isn't working?

The plan is to tax us all to prosperity because the government is so good with finances: SS, medicare, debt, deficit, and etcetera.
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does anybody think this is fair? We could tax all that Wealth away and it would be enough to run the federal government for six months. Of course much of the wealth is in The form of company stock like Elon musk's Tesla, Jeff basos Amazon, and brinns Google. They could simply sell their stock and hope the new owners would keep them on as management. Does anyone think this would be a good deal for America ?

How do you tax wealth?
You send Bill Gates a bill for $50 billion and if he doesn't pay it you take them to prison at gunpoint
Voluntary compliance isn't working?

I highly doubt Eddy B. sends in a donation with his taxes.

However, he plans to tax us all to prosperity because the government is so good with finances: SS, medicare, debt, deficit, and etcetera.
Shut up Jimmy. The Government knows what it is doing. The standard they set is horrific.
does anybody think this is fair? We could tax all that Wealth away and it would be enough to run the federal government for six months. Of course much of the wealth is in The form of company stock like Elon musk's Tesla, Jeff basos Amazon, and brinns Google. They could simply sell their stock and hope the new owners would keep them on as management. Does anyone think this would be a good deal for America ?

How do you tax wealth?
You send Bill Gates a bill for $50 billion and if he doesn't pay it you take them to prison at gunpoint
Voluntary compliance isn't working?

I highly doubt Eddy B. sends in a donation with his taxes.

However, he plans to tax us all to prosperity because the government is so good with finances: SS, medicare, debt, deficit, and etcetera.
Shut up Jimmy. The Government knows what it is doing. The standard they set is horrific.

Give them more and this time it will be different?
How do you tax wealth?
You send Bill Gates a bill for $50 billion and if he doesn't pay it you take them to prison at gunpoint
Voluntary compliance isn't working?

I highly doubt Eddy B. sends in a donation with his taxes.

However, he plans to tax us all to prosperity because the government is so good with finances: SS, medicare, debt, deficit, and etcetera.
Shut up Jimmy. The Government knows what it is doing. The standard they set is horrific.

Give them more and this time it will be different?
If the rich can be treated differently and thus unconstitutionally as regards taxes why not everything?
Jimmy... Yep. It's all going to be wonderful. The sarcasm part of my previous post was lost in translation. No one believes the government knows what it is doing.
You send Bill Gates a bill for $50 billion and if he doesn't pay it you take them to prison at gunpoint
Voluntary compliance isn't working?

I highly doubt Eddy B. sends in a donation with his taxes.

However, he plans to tax us all to prosperity because the government is so good with finances: SS, medicare, debt, deficit, and etcetera.
Shut up Jimmy. The Government knows what it is doing. The standard they set is horrific.

Give them more and this time it will be different?
If the rich can be treated differently and thus unconstitutionally as regards taxes why not everything?

Examples please?
Jimmy... Yep. It's all going to be wonderful. The sarcasm part of my previous post was lost in translation. No one believes the government knows what it is doing.
Well certainly our founders tried to limit the size and scope of government because they were positive that government had been the source of the evil in human history but modern liberals think government is wonderful and magical and knows what it is doing about everything
Voluntary compliance isn't working?

I highly doubt Eddy B. sends in a donation with his taxes.

However, he plans to tax us all to prosperity because the government is so good with finances: SS, medicare, debt, deficit, and etcetera.
Shut up Jimmy. The Government knows what it is doing. The standard they set is horrific.

Give them more and this time it will be different?
If the rich can be treated differently and thus unconstitutionally as regards taxes why not everything?

Examples please?
Well if the rich can be taxed more why not greater criminal penalties for them too?and, why not make them pay more for food so they have a pork and Payless or why not make him serve in the military and exempt the others
I would suggest a national boycott of their stuff that they sell. That is the only way you will stop the capitalist system which means you and the rest of the complainers are going to have to live in a carboard box. Wait...cardboard box maker is number 39 so maybe you should just make a crap hut just like they do in africa.
What I don't see anyone here saying is the actual "problem".
Concentration of wealth is only a problem if those who have it, got it by means of some advantage over others not related to their own output. In other words, a good part of why they are wealthy is a benefit of an advantage given to them, that others don't have.
And today that advantage is corporatism.
Pick any medium to large city in America. 50 years ago if you drove up and down the streets, drove into industrial areas...drove in retail areas...everywhere. All of the businesses and factories you came across would overwhelmingly be locally owned and operated.
Today - pick any city. Drive all over it and most of the businesses you see, and what few factories that are left - are not locally owned. And there is a good chance the owner doesn't even live in your state let alone your city. outside of the city. Drive into much smaller towns. All the land around those towns used to be farms. Farms owned by local families. Most are gone. They cannot compete with the predatory nature and overwhelming advantages of Agribusiness.

Corporatism has turned millions of small businesses into much-much larger businesses. With far-far fewer owners.

No....really.....are you serious?

Please describe what part of that you do not thing is true? Specifically.

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