Top 423 companies non wokesters should avoid because of their political bias and disdain for half of their customers

A couple years ago, I wrote a piece for The Wall Street Journal lamenting how companies I patronize have turned increasingly political and woke. Many speciously echoed Democratic Party claims that Georgia’s recent voting law is racist without specifying how so. Others have been woke for a long time and are becoming more political by the day. I received many dozens of messages—more than I’ve ever received about anything I’ve ever written—and the piece generated nearly 2,000 comments on the WSJ website.

Most of those who wrote me asked if I had a list of woke companies. I did not. So I started an initial list based on ads in The New York Times and the Washington Post, condemning what is really a fictitious assault on democracy and the right to vote. I wrote at the time to defend Georgia’s law and time has proven me correct as minority turnout and turnout overall surged in Georgia’s primaries. Early voting for the general election has set records, and Black voter turnout has been massive. But don’t expect any of the woke corporations or the mainstream media to apologize for their Jim Crow 2.0 slurs.

Then, as other woke companies launched totally bogus attacks on Florida’s Parental Rights in Education law, which the media DISHONESTLY calls “Don’t Say Gay” even though there’s nothing in the law about saying “gay,” my list grew. Other companies made the list for paying their employees to have abortions in other states. Then the list grew and grew as I started researching companies and my dear readers started sending me suggestions. (Keep ’em coming!) If there’s no link below, it means they made the list for protesting election integrity legislation or Florida’s parental rights in education law. There are currently 434 woke companies on my list and I update it all the time!

Aren't you the first in every thread to mock anyone that is boycotting a company for being woke?
Apparently you enjoy poor syntax as well.

Okay sling blade.
do you think you are worth perfect grammar you dick sucking whore

you spend your life here while being a 40 hr slave shop rat living here you miserable poor excuse for a gd woman.....lololol.questioning me...lolol.....................a gd miserable shop rat
Aren't you the first in every thread to mock anyone that is boycotting a company for being woke?

yep, what is your point?

The author of the Website tells people to boycott Apple...but to use Apple podcast to listen to him.

Is that not worthy of mocking?
If your going to boycott Cardinal Health it should be for flooding the country with opioids, the way they treat employees or that their CEO was Canadian ( however I think he was ousted ).
yep, what is your point?

The author of the Website tells people to boycott Apple...but to use Apple podcast to listen to him.

Is that not worthy of mocking?

That's the point, these companies have close to a monopoly, and if you do use other less well known podcast hosting platforms, then you won't be heard. You use them to destroy them, a key and important tactic the left uses every day, so why not do the same?
That's the point, these companies have close to a monopoly, and if you do use other less well known podcast hosting platforms, then you won't be heard. You use them to destroy them, a key and important tactic the left uses every day, so why not do the same?

Thanks for once again confirming there is no difference between the two sides
If your going to boycott Cardinal Health it should be for flooding the country with opioids, the way they treat employees or that their CEO was Canadian ( however I think he was ousted ).

Why do you hate Canadians?
I’m sure a lot of these companies have questionable business practices. It’s up to consumers what battle they wish to fight (if they even choose to.)
Why do you hate Canadians?
Cardinal Health is based in the USA. During the lead up and after the implementation of Obamacare they broke up divisions of the company and sent hundreds of American jobs to India,the Philippines and Mexico and laid off American workers. The CEO was Canadian. Then recently they got embroiled in a huge opioid lawsuit and had to pay out millions.
Too funny.

I used to make fun of the Left, as they kept coming out with words we were no longer allowed to say for fear of "offending" someone.

Now the Right has a big ol' list of companies that we're supposed to boycott.

The two ends of the spectrum can be so freakin' similar. What a joke.
They just had a small news spot on local Vegas news about how Modelo has replaced Bud Light as the most popular beer.....idiots don't know that they are sold by the same company. :heehee:
Cardinal Health is based in the USA. During the lead up and after the implementation of Obamacare they broke up divisions of the company and sent hundreds of American jobs to India,the Philippines and Mexico and laid off American workers. The CEO was Canadian. Then recently they got embroiled in a huge opioid lawsuit and had to pay out millions.

That does not explain why you hate Canadians
You want to boycott a company for merely hiring a Canadian. If not hate, then what?
Did I say I was boycotting them? I asked what the criteria for them being on the list was. You really are very immature with your lame attempts at “ gotcha” games.
But there is, that you refuse to see it is your problem, not mine.

yet you just gave one more example of how they are alike.

you are like the person looking in the mirror and going "you are nothing like me"

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