Top cancer charity apologizes for using word 'cervix' instead of trans-friendly 'front hole'

A dude that claims to be a woman is just as insane as a dude that claims to be a cat.

You're in a cult
Anyone claiming that identify as a woman is the same as a cat is the cult of stupidity and should consider removing themselves from society for the betterment of all humanity
Experience what exactly?

How does a man experience being a woman? He's not a woman.

Biological sex is a fact right? So a person born a man can not experience what it's like to be a woman.
Bullshit a person can identify as they choose and live that experience. No two people experience life the same way. There is no one experience that a man or woman has
Guess what, Gomer Pyle, your "feelings" can't change your chromosomes or your skeletal structure.

Actual reasonable people should be laughing tapioca head loonies like you out of the room.
That’s biological sex now try and understand gender if you’re smart enough to
Bullshit a person can identify as they choose and live that experience.

Yes. You can choose to imagine that you’re a unicorn. But it doesn’t make you a unicorn.
No two people experience life the same way.
Yeah. And?
There is no one experience that a man or woman has

Oh that’s so wrong. No woman will ever experience what it feels like to be hit in the scrotum. And no man will ever feel the pain of giving birth (or the joy).
I understand.

You "identify" as being correct.

But just like the man who "identifies" as being a woman, you're both crazy.
Says the person who doesn’t understand gender. If elementary school kids are able to understand the concept of gender fluidity you should also unless you’re not smarter than a fifth grader
Yes. You can choose to imagine that you’re a unicorn. But it doesn’t make you a unicorn.

Yeah. And?

Oh that’s so wrong. No woman will ever experience what it feels like to be hit in the scrotum. And no man will ever feel the pain of giving birth (or the joy).
So are you one of those people who like a scrotum kick because it’s a sexual gratification thing or one who finds it painful and to be avoided at all cost, even men have different experiences on the example you posted

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