Top Communist Admits: Communist Party ‘Utilizes’ the Democratic Party – a Lesson for

Writing on the People’s World website, Bachtell explains that much of the left wants to abandon the Democratic Party (as much of the “right” wants to abandon the GOP) to form a radical third party....

While the Republican Party is led by the most reactionary sections of Wall Street capital including the energy extractive sector and military industrial complex,it also consists of extreme right-wing elements including the Tea Party, white supremacists, social conservatives, right-wing evangelicals, climate deniers, anti-reproductive rights groups, etc.

I guessed you missed the above part of this gentleman's apparent wisdom that you tout.

He's saying that the Tea Party wants to ally itself with such as the white supremacists to form a rightwing third party.

Still think his insight is brilliant and that he speaks the truth?

He's a commie admitting the truth about the Democrat Party, moron. No one claimed he was "brilliant."

So he's an idiot with opinions about the

do you people really need to import that sort of nut to this forum?
He's prolly already here.

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If democrats are communists they absolutely suck at it. I see them whoring out to the plutocracy just slightly less than conservatives with very little real working class populism to be found.
Let's be real, most Democrat supporters are Entitlement douchebags and Communist Globalist wankers. Some will be joining this thread any minute now. They're easy to spot. So this guy is just being honest. The Communists/Progressives have found a home in the Democratic Party.
It's funny how the only people trying to keep the vision of the Red Menace alive are the RWnuts.
This assumes some sort of distinction between the Communist party and the shameful democratic party. I submit that no such distinction exists. The democrats seek a centrally planned and managed economy under authoritarian governance, with the party as arbiter of the fortunes of all.

You are absolutely correct in your assessment of 'communists' and dimocrap scum.

But what both are too stupid to understand is that marxist communism is the absence of government
Why yes, it just happened over night....
The FDR administration probably held more communists than the Kremlin at the time. FDR made jokes about Churchill and called Stalin "uncle Joe". Along came the democrat heir apparent and little bean counter Harry Truman and congressional democrats bowed to public pressure and created HUAC to expose communist infiltration into American government and society. Next thing you know the extremist communist ass kissing end of the democrat party comes into power and together with the liberal communist ass kissing media they blame the whole anti-communist era on a single republican senator and called it "McCarthyism".
The FDR administration probably held more communists than the Kremlin at the time. FDR made jokes about Churchill and called Stalin "uncle Joe". Along came the democrat heir apparent and little bean counter Harry Truman and congressional democrats bowed to public pressure and created HUAC to expose communist infiltration into American government and society. Next thing you know the extremist communist ass kissing end of the democrat party comes into power and together with the liberal communist ass kissing media they blame the whole anti-communist era on a single republican senator and called it "McCarthyism".

Most Democrats today are Communist/Progressive Globalists. They aren't 'Liberals' in the classic sense anymore. If they had their way, they would scrap the Constitution all-together. People should stop seeing Democrats as 'Liberals' who fight for Freedom and Civil Liberties. That's just not the case. They support absolute total Government domination.
This thread is the best comedy this forum has seen in quite a while. Communism has been completely discredited as a viable form of government and yet US right wingers are still seeing commies under every bed.
well well

Top Communist Admits: Communist Party ‘Utilizes’ the Democratic Party – a Lesson for Constitutionalists
Submitted byTrevoron January 23, 2015 – 8:38 pm EST11 Comments
Communist Party USA, Chicago manJohn Bachtell, has admitted that his Party “utilizes” the Democratic Party “to advance its agenda.”


John Bachtell

Writing on the People’s World website, Bachtell explains that much of the left wants to abandon the Democratic Party (as much of the “right” wants to abandon the GOP) to form a radical third party.

In an article entitledA radical third party? I agree!Bachtell explains:

Certainly, there’s widespread disillusionment with both the Democratic and Republican parties. That’s reflected in the latest Pew Research poll: 38 percent of voters describe themselves as independent, 32 percent as Democrats, and 25 percent as Republicans. In 1991, the three were approximately equal.

While acknowledging that both major parties are heavily influenced by Wall Street, Bachtell sees a big difference:

However, it’s not enough to make sweeping generalizations about the Democratic and Republican parties. It’s true both parties are dominated by Wall Street interests, but it’s also necessary to see how each party differs, particularly their social bases and how this affects their policies.

While the Republican Party is led by the most reactionary sections of Wall Street capital including the energy extractive sector and military industrial complex,it also consists of extreme right-wing elements including the Tea Party, white supremacists, social conservatives, right-wing evangelicals, climate deniers, anti-reproductive rights groups, etc.

Meanwhile the Democratic Party is also home to labor, African Americans, Latinos, other communities of color, women, most union members, young people, and a wide range of social and democratic movements. These constituencies exert influence on party leadership and hold positions at all levels.

Therefore, it makes sense, according to Bachtell, for the Communist Party to stick with the Democrats until a viable third party is feasible. To Bachtell, progress towards socialism is possible only after the “right” is soundly defeated.

The Communist Party’s tactics for political independence rest on several interrelated elements. First, they occur within the constraints of the two-party system. We don’t operate in a parliamentary system which allows proportional voting. Instead, winner takes all, and during the general election it usually comes down to voting for one of two candidates most likely to win.

That means candidates are backed by coalitions. Under these circumstances voting based on purity of positions is not a viable tactic. Coalition forces may disagree with a candidate on one or another issue, but find they must support candidates for strategic reasons – to advance issues and create a more favorable terrain of struggle.

Our tactics also occur within the framework of our strategic policy of building a broad coalition to defeat the extreme right, which we see as the main danger to democracy and social progress, embodied within today’s Republican Party. There are voting constituencies that presently support the GOP that have to be won over. Such an approach sees the need to actively challenge right-wing and GOP ideas that influence sections of the people, especially working-class whites, for example,through hate talk radio. This includes racism and intolerance which are key issues dividing the working class.

We see this as one of the stages in the long struggle for advanced democracy and socialism. Without decisively defeating the most reactionary sections of monopoly capital,disintegrating Republican Party support at every level, it’s hard to see winning more radical and advanced programs and policies and waging a fight against the monopoly class as a whole.

We envision a prolonged process toward political independence, with many turns, advances and defeats, utilizing many forms, resulting in a radical third party based in labor, working-class neighborhoods, communities of color, and democratic movements. Such a coalition third party must extend its reach beyond urban areas, to suburbs, exurbs, rural areas, and in “red” states and congressional districts.

Until that glorious day arrives, the Communist Party will continue to “utilize” the Democrats:

all of it here:
Trevor Loudon s New Zeal Blog Top Communist Admits Communist Party 8216 Utilizes 8217 the Democratic Party 8211 a Lesson for Constitutionalists

Just like Neo-Nazis unitize the GOP...

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