Top Democrat Admits They Let Illegals Vote In NY

Which doesn't prove there was even one illegal alien found on their rolls. You lose yet again because you're a loser.

Why would I do that when I am Jewish and I'm not an athiest?
Which doesn't prove there was even one illegal alien found on their rolls. You lose yet again because you're a loser.
You are funny. The votes were tossed.
Hundreds of non-eligible gave names that were on the pre-audited rolls who really weren't the person on the rolls and these were citizens.
If you are correct, we need to see ID and prosecute them.

Why would I do that when I am Jewish and I'm not an athiest?
Why are you lying again.
About a month ago you said you didn't believe in God.

You are a very confused person.
Nope, they are not illegal voters. Illegality is dictated by laws, not by your delicate feelz. Personally, I see nothing wrong with allowing legal residents to vote on local matters which impact them directly.

Do you think legal non-citizens who are working here legally should be taxed?
Yes. They should be rated because they use government services. However, only citizens should be allowed to vote. Why? Because citizens are permanent. A noncitizen can leave at any time. A permanent citizen is invested.
Thanks for proving I didn't lie. I already knew that but now everyone here sees that too.
Take a poll; I bet 90% of the user here would say you're the habitual liar.
In fact, you're such a liar, hardly anybody here ever responds to you.
The question may be...why are they here?
Are they performing a task that requires someone with intimate knowledge of the industry in their homeland or are they here as cheap labor?

My company hires a lot of foreigners. They're here legally and work legally. For many of them, they have kids enrolled in schools here. Mostly, prolly because they do often work for less.
Which doesn't prove there was even one illegal alien found on their rolls. You lose yet again because you're a loser.
You are funny. The votes were tossed.
Hundreds of non-eligible gave names that were on the pre-audited rolls who really weren't the person on the rolls and these were citizens.
If you are correct, we need to see ID and prosecute them.

Why would I do that when I am Jewish and I'm not an athiest?
Why are you lying again.
About a month ago you said you didn't believe in God.

You are a very confused person.
The little tyke is confused because nothing he believes is based in reality.
My company hires a lot of foreigners. They're here legally and work legally. For many of them, they have kids enrolled in schools here. Mostly, prolly because they do often work for less.
Incompetent Hindus or Europeans who actually know their stuff?
I actually learned a lot in my early days of programming from Europeans.
My company hires a lot of foreigners. They're here legally and work legally. For many of them, they have kids enrolled in schools here. Mostly, prolly because they do often work for less.
And they can leave at any time. They're not invested.
Paranoid over a message board?

I just want to see you get screwed for a laugh.

Yeah, paranoid. Need I remind you, you actually considered reporting me? You actually think I altered your quote, then put it back as it was. :lmao:

You're truly a fucking nut.
The little tyke is confused because nothing he believes is based in reality.
Reality? Trump claimed 3-5 million illegals voted in 2016 and he didn't do anything about it. He claims that's why he didn't win the popular vote. 🤣🤣😂🤣
Yeah, paranoid. Need I remind you, you actually considered reporting me? You actually think I altered your quote, then put it back as it was. :lmao:

You're truly a fucking nut.
You are the nut, but you're too egotistical to see it.
The next time you mangle one of my posts I won't tell you.
I'm guessing about 2 weeks before you forget about this incident based on your memory capabilites.
Which doesn't prove there was even one illegal alien found on their rolls. You lose yet again because you're a loser.
You are funny. The votes were tossed.
Hundreds of non-eligible gave names that were on the pre-audited rolls who really weren't the person on the rolls and these were citizens.
If you are correct, we need to see ID and prosecute them.

You mean this....??

Why would I do that when I am Jewish and I'm not an athiest?
Why are you lying again.
About a month ago you said you didn't believe in God.

You are a very confused person.

I never once said that. Now everyone here sees, not only are you paranoid, you're delusional too.

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