Top Democrat Admits They Let Illegals Vote In NY


G'head, Sport. Since I didn't alter your quote, they'll prolly laugh at you too.
You did alter my quote and probably corrected it in time not to get suspended.
I should have waited a few hours.
These permanent non citizen residents are working on becoming citizens. You'd think these loons would get that.

And that matters why? I may be working on being a doctor but it doesn't give me the right to practice medicine before I complete my degree.
Oh, cut the crap. Noncitizens are illegal voters. Passing a law doesn't make it right.

Nope, they are not illegal voters. Illegality is dictated by laws, not by your delicate feelz. Personally, I see nothing wrong with allowing legal residents to vote on local matters which impact them directly.

Do you think legal non-citizens who are working here legally should be taxed?

Moron, saying more people voting than there were registered voters does not offer a glimpse into that claimed overage equates to illegal aliens voting.

3rd time -- explain how more votes than registered voters reveals illegal aliens voted...
You're a programmer!
I already did and you keep playing games.
The rolls are audited by validating the status of residents so the court now has a current count.

O! What's the use when I'm having a discussion with "god".
The funny thing is that Hitler would have hauled your atheist Jewish ass off to a gas chamber while you screamed, "I'm not a Jew! I'm an atheist!".
Yes, because it is full of progressive Democrats. That is kind of the point. Democrats are short-sighted and gullible, but we all knew that already.

It's true we're not backwards-thinking, knuckle-dragging, low-brow, Neanderthals like our Republican counterparts.
Oh? What lie does your deformed brain lead you to b'lieve I told?
Why would I bother going back and checking your lies?
I would be busy all day long.
You have emotional and mental issues that you are not dealing with.

You are as mentally ill as any LibTard and NeoTard I know.
Do you support noncitizens voting?

If they're here legally and they're not breaking laws and they're worked a legal job and they're paying taxes, I have no problem with them voting in local municipal elections which impact them directly. Why do you?
If they're here legally and they're not breaking laws and they're worked a legal job and they're paying taxes, I have no problem with them voting in local municipal elections which impact them directly. Why do you?
The question may be...why are they here?
Are they performing a task that requires someone with intimate knowledge of the industry in their homeland or are they here as cheap labor?
Shut up you twit, you're making a fool of yourself. I'm a Canadian and I don't fall for any of it.
Easy, Princess... easy... your blood pressure is shooting up...
I'm a Canadian and the evil fat psychopath isn't mine. Neither is the babbling idiot president.
Then don't worry about any of this $hit... treat yourself to a soda, eh?
More likely he would be wearing a bullet between his horns.
Uhhhh... yeah... sure, Sparky...
Democracy is lost already...
Then why don't you stop following and lead for once... oh, wait... you haven't got that kind of muscle... sorry...
The fascists are going to make a clean sweep.
What fascists would those be, slick?
Had America not been starting wars throughout the world it might have looked after it's interests at home.
Hell, son... somebody had to play World Policeman for a while... 'cause you clowns sure-as-hell weren't up to the challenge...
You're a programmer!
I already did and you keep playing games.
The rolls are audited by validating the status of residents so the court now has a current count.

Which doesn't prove there was even one illegal alien found on their rolls. You lose yet again because you're a loser.

O! What's the use when I'm having a discussion with "god".
The funny thing is that Hitler would have hauled your atheist Jewish ass off to a gas chamber while you screamed, "I'm not a Jew! I'm an atheist!".

Why would I do that when I am Jewish and I'm not an athiest?
Why would I bother going back and checking your lies?
I would be busy all day long.
You have emotional and mental issues that you are not dealing with.

You are as mentally ill as any LibTard and NeoTard I know.

Thanks for proving I didn't lie. I already knew that but now everyone here sees that too.

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