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Top military/police trainer, Lt Col Grossman: This (shootings) is just the beginning

You are apparently not capable of advanced discussion on innate human rights and our Founding principles.

You make a better follower.

Ok, YOU start it then.

Did that killer have a right to own an AR15? Did his mom? Yes on both. Did she have an innate responsibility to keep those guns from her crazy ass fucking coward of a son? YES.

Did she do that? No.

Ok. Now we have 26 dead innocent people.

YOU tell me: How do we deal with this?

IS YOUR ANSWER simply "We dont, its part of being free"?

You bring up a very interesting point. Of course we don't know anything about the mother. We don't know if she was like a lot of mothers who refused to accept her son's insanity. Did she fight to keep him in ordinary classes like a lot of mothers do? Did she reject all incidents of treating him differently? Were his formative years spent in a drug induced haze rather than treat him differently.

There is no way to totally end evil people or evil acts. If we didn't have a NON judgmental society we might be able to mitigate the damage.

Oh of course we'll never end evil. The devil is alive and well. We can only find new way sto fight it.

I heard his mother was trying..but she can only do so much without some help. Now..as for the guns, she should have had those secured far away from her whackjob son. Shes dead now, she wont have to answer for that.

As for all you morons who are only answering with cliche' bumber sticker comments and freedoms and comparing it to sodas and birth control and.....just seriously fuck off. Whose freedom was more precious? That dipshit shooters right to own that AR15, or those kids right to not be murdered in 1st grade?
We have already slashed mental health funding.

The free market allows every drug on the planet to be pushed by the medical community for simple human emotions, and our bodies aren't meant for all those chemicals to float around in. The free market allows for violent video games and gun sales. Fine.

The public wont tolerate funding to put 2-3 armed, trained cops at every school in America....because 99.99% of those schools will never see this type of violence, and thus, the people will see those guards as "waste".

The solution includes very hard answers.

Train and arm the teachers, problem solved.
Very mature. You obviously wont be part of the solution.

May I respectfully ask you this question? What IS the solution? What I mean is is that the article you referenced is absolutely true. Of that I have no doubt. However, here's my question: Let's assume, for example, that every privately owned firearm in the United States has been removed. Gone. None to had anywhere in this country - except for a police force and an Army who can do what they want, when they want, at will. But for purposes of this discussion, they are all gone.

Now that the "law" precludes a game developer from including images of the "evil gun" the video game developers (in the effort to circumvent the law) have began writing code for games that include stabbings, killing with axes and baseball bats and rocks and, let us not forget, chainsaws and running people over with automobiles and drowning their victims in buckets of water.

What happens when these kids, many of whom sit in front of a video game for hours on end, begin to emulate that? I, and my Wife have (literally) screamed at our kids to get our grand kids off those damned games that they seem to be forever on. Much like a crack addict. Video games are not to blame. However they serve as a desensitizing agent that glorifies mayhem. Television shows, movies, video games have ventured into areas that wouldn't have lasted one minute a mere 20 years ago. "Network censors" used to pull a show that said "damn" on it. Puritanical? possibly. But once Pandora's box has been opened, it can not be closed.

When I was a child, there was a horrific murder that took place. As a matter of fact, there was a poem that became somewhat of an urban legend about the murder:

Lizzy Borden took an axe
and gave her mother 40 whacks
and when she saw what she had done
she gave her father 41

That poem lived in folklore for years. A child with an axe.

I'm sorry, but the idea of murder simply disappearing because, out of our fear, we lose one of the most fundamental rights in this country; A RIGHT that made this country the envy of the world, is ridiculous and is a knee-jerk reaction by those who wish to "fundamentally transform" the United States from a country of freedom to a country armed by only those who "supposedly" set our laws and the definitions of such, which they regularly change to suit their "needs" and, if you get in the way, will make damn sure that you are silenced.

The only reason that ANY president (whether he be republican or democrat) has been held in check is the fear of reprisal by an armed citizenry. And, for evidence, I would invite you to look at events in Syria.
The number of victims has most certainly gone up. Oh, and the first was in the 1700s. List of school shootings in the United States

After Columbine, School Shootings Proliferate

The massacre at Virginia Tech may be the largest single shooting spree at a school in the nation's history, but it is far from the first. In fact, the number, frequency, and death toll for shootings at schools has increased dramatically since the attack at Colorado's Columbine High School eight years ago this Friday.

The list of school shootings is a grim yardstick to measure the violence that has spared neither the ivory tower nor the elementary schoolyard.

You can view an ad for an AR 47 rifle in the fucking newspaper next to an article about the CT shooting, but try to get help for a mental health issue in this country...especially if you are without health insurance.
I dont know what an AR-47 is. And I sell guns for a living.

This is clearly all George W Bush's fault. Free mental health for everyone!

That's your response? You can't come up with an actual response so you hit me on an parapraxis?

No, free mental health to those that need it and cannot afford it. Of course, even to them it isn't "free"...we could ALL pay for it through taxes. Last I heard we were one of the wealthiest nations in the country.

I like the idea of a "gun tax" that would help pay for mental health.

My response is appropriate to the idiocy you posted. It is easier to buy a gun than join the US Army. It is easier to buy a gun than become a priest. It is easier to buy a gun than become a shop steward in a union shop.
So what? What does one have to do with the other?
Yet another call from the Left for free shit. That's what got Obambo re-elected. Your solution to everything: another gov't handout.
We cant ban guns. Its not practical. I've never called for that. Not only do I believe in that right, but the cops and military simply would not follow an order to ban them.
Liberal logic.....guns caused the cuts in mental problems treatment funding....insanity runs deep in liberals.......damn them guns.
Liberal logic.....guns caused the cuts in mental problems treatment funding....insanity runs deep in liberals.......damn them guns.

Oh my God are you far right wingers fucking retarded? No one ever suggested guns caused a funding cut in mental health!!!???

Funds for mental health have been getting slashed for decades, by both parties and the states. Its just reality. ER's are the new mental hospitals. They get them, stabilize them overnight, and release them with a bottle of pills.
Uh...you're the idiot talking guns this and that, mental health funding is cut, etc.

I do think we should be able to lock more people up for mental problems, that will remove possibly millions of liberals from society so they can't ever vote again.:clap2:

Liberal logic.....guns caused the cuts in mental problems treatment funding....insanity runs deep in liberals.......damn them guns.

Oh my God are you far right wingers fucking retarded? No one ever suggested guns caused a funding cut in mental health!!!???

Funds for mental health have been getting slashed for decades, by both parties and the states. Its just reality. ER's are the new mental hospitals. They get them, stabilize them overnight, and release them with a bottle of pills.
Uh...you're the idiot talking guns this and that, mental health funding is cut, etc.

I do think we should be able to lock more people up for mental problems, that will remove possibly millions of liberals from society so they can't ever vote again.:clap2:

Liberal logic.....guns caused the cuts in mental problems treatment funding....insanity runs deep in liberals.......damn them guns.

Oh my God are you far right wingers fucking retarded? No one ever suggested guns caused a funding cut in mental health!!!???

Funds for mental health have been getting slashed for decades, by both parties and the states. Its just reality. ER's are the new mental hospitals. They get them, stabilize them overnight, and release them with a bottle of pills.

Wow. The partisanship never takes a day off, huh?

No wonder America found the GOP to be unfit to govern last month.
Uh....scum like you in the liberal media, the Democraps, etc have pounced on this incident talking up taking the guns away from Red State America.

It wasn't a conservative that shot up that school, try a deranged liberal like you. Conservatives believe in law and order, only harming people doing this kind of shit....not turning a gun on innocent people like liberals do 24/7 around this country.

Uh...you're the idiot talking guns this and that, mental health funding is cut, etc.

I do think we should be able to lock more people up for mental problems, that will remove possibly millions of liberals from society so they can't ever vote again.:clap2:

Oh my God are you far right wingers fucking retarded? No one ever suggested guns caused a funding cut in mental health!!!???

Funds for mental health have been getting slashed for decades, by both parties and the states. Its just reality. ER's are the new mental hospitals. They get them, stabilize them overnight, and release them with a bottle of pills.

Wow. The partisanship never takes a day off, huh?

No wonder America found the GOP to be unfit to govern last month.
Uh....scum like you in the liberal media, the Democraps, etc have pounced on this incident talking up taking the guns away from Red State America.

It wasn't a conservative that shot up that school, try a deranged liberal like you. Conservatives believe in law and order, only harming people doing this kind of shit....not turning a gun on innocent people like liberals do 24/7 around this country.

Uh...you're the idiot talking guns this and that, mental health funding is cut, etc.

I do think we should be able to lock more people up for mental problems, that will remove possibly millions of liberals from society so they can't ever vote again.:clap2:

Wow. The partisanship never takes a day off, huh?

No wonder America found the GOP to be unfit to govern last month.

Not even worth discussing with you.
Get back to your donuts, sellout asswipe.

Uh....scum like you in the liberal media, the Democraps, etc have pounced on this incident talking up taking the guns away from Red State America.

It wasn't a conservative that shot up that school, try a deranged liberal like you. Conservatives believe in law and order, only harming people doing this kind of shit....not turning a gun on innocent people like liberals do 24/7 around this country.

Wow. The partisanship never takes a day off, huh?

No wonder America found the GOP to be unfit to govern last month.

Not even worth discussing with you.
Cant say Im shocked, but the responses of the far right wingers today has saddened me. Our country is so fucked.
Cant say Im shocked, but the responses of the far right wingers today has saddened me. Our country is so fucked.

One generally gets the response that he/she is looking for. I would invite you to read #63 and then engage in reasoned and thoughtful debate. I am one of those "right wingers" you despise so much and yes, our country is f----.

However, ruination is always a matter of perception. Your perception is that of backwards redneck, toothless, uneducated fools who want to maintain the Constitution as it is and don't bother to look at "social justice" as a means to a better society and are intellectually "lacking" in the ways of a "progressive" world.

Conservatives (such as myself) see your side as a bunch of "pseudo-intellectuals" who despise this country, believe they know what is best for everyone (except themselves) and seek to transform this country into some sort of quasi "Communist-Socialist" state where our every "need" is taken care of from cradle to grave.

But my dear old dad told me, many years ago that opinions are like a&*holes. Everyone has one and they all stink.
Cant say Im shocked, but the responses of the far right wingers today has saddened me. Our country is so fucked.

One generally gets the response that he/she is looking for. I would invite you to read #63 and then engage in reasoned and thoughtful debate. I am one of those "right wingers" you despise so much and yes, our country is f----.

However, ruination is always a matter of perception. Your perception is that of backwards redneck, toothless, uneducated fools who want to maintain the Constitution as it is and don't bother to look at "social justice" as a means to a better society and are intellectually "lacking" in the ways of a "progressive" world.

Conservatives (such as myself) see your side as a bunch of "pseudo-intellectuals" who despise this country, believe they know what is best for everyone (except themselves) and seek to transform this country into some sort of quasi "Communist-Socialist" state where our every "need" is taken care of from cradle to grave.

But my dear old dad told me, many years ago that opinions are like a&*holes. Everyone has one and they all stink.

Im not referring to you. Im referring to the "far" right. And it's not "my side", I didnt and dont plan to vote Democrat. I sat it out. Both sides are full of idiots, and we as a country cant solve shit now as a result.

Nothing is ever as good or bad as it seems. There is always a middle ground. Our politicis are far away that in this country.
We rarely have access to mental health hospitals anymore.


"We" do?

Are you having trouble finding a psychologist?

APA's Center for Workforce Studies estimates that there are 93,000 practicing psychologists in the United States. Licensed psychologists totaled approximately 85,000 in 2004. Graduations average 4,000-5,000 per year and approximately 2,700 of those are in health service provider fields, resulting in an additional 8,100 practicing psychologists.

Maybe you're not looking hard enough.

Google "psychologist" wherever you are.
Cant say Im shocked, but the responses of the far right wingers today has saddened me. Our country is so fucked.

One generally gets the response that he/she is looking for. I would invite you to read #63 and then engage in reasoned and thoughtful debate. I am one of those "right wingers" you despise so much and yes, our country is f----.

However, ruination is always a matter of perception. Your perception is that of backwards redneck, toothless, uneducated fools who want to maintain the Constitution as it is and don't bother to look at "social justice" as a means to a better society and are intellectually "lacking" in the ways of a "progressive" world.

Conservatives (such as myself) see your side as a bunch of "pseudo-intellectuals" who despise this country, believe they know what is best for everyone (except themselves) and seek to transform this country into some sort of quasi "Communist-Socialist" state where our every "need" is taken care of from cradle to grave.

But my dear old dad told me, many years ago that opinions are like a&*holes. Everyone has one and they all stink.

Im not referring to you. Im referring to the "far" right. And it's not "my side", I didnt and dont plan to vote Democrat. I sat it out. Both sides are full of idiots, and we as a country cant solve shit now as a result.

Nothing is ever as good or bad as it seems. There is always a middle ground. Our politicis are far away that in this country.

I understand. However, your statement: "I sat it out. Both sides are full of idiots, and we as a country cant solve shit(sic) now as a result" speaks volumes about where we are as a country - divided.

I always ask myself, "what makes someone far right or far left"? I can't answer that question completely, but I suppose that it starts with one group or ideology "digging in" their heels and refusing to "budge", if you will.

Take this horrible tragedy for example. I am a Vietnam veteran. I have done things and seen things that no person (18 to 20) should EVER have to see. Yet when news of ths terrible tragedy hit the news, I sat in my chair and cried like a baby. I simply could not believe that ANYTHING but a monster, could have done something like this to babies. I STILL feel this way. Only someone with pure, unadulterated EVIL, could do this.

All that anger (in me)aside, the guns that this vile human being carried into that school were nothing but tools. The Chinese man who attacked 22 school children used a knife. Same motives, different tools. You see, it's not the tools, it's the persons intentions. A person, who, for whatever reason, is hell-bent on killing will find a "tool".

Now, as members of divergent "groups", those on the left DEMAND something be done, and many of them will use this horrible tragedy as a means to push their political agenda for the "unarming" of America. Those on the right feel they have done everything possible (with the exception of confiscation) to accommodate the wishes of the "doves" who, coincidently, feel that the government should bear the responsibility for our safety - Do YOU want to entrust the safety of both you and your loved ones to a police department tht MIGHT show up in 15-20 minutes AFTER something has happened to you? I didn't think so.

So, there you have it. Both sides will, no doubt, dig in their heels and prepare for the coming "tug-of-war" and while those on the left see this as an opportunity to "take away" and declare a "victory" for America, The right will see this as nothing more than an attempt to destroy the Constitution and put us all at the mercy of a government who, through their actions, have shown to care more about "relieving Americans of their God given rights"
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