Top Republican Advises Democrats To Just Chill On Trump’s Conflicts Of Interest

so what was his REAL job?....did he ever work in an environment were he actually had to take a shower when he was done for the day because he got sweaty and dirty?....just wonderin...
You think real jobs only involve manual labor?
so what was his REAL job?....did he ever work in an environment were he actually had to take a shower when he was done for the day because he got sweaty and dirty?....just wonderin...
He was the boss, the guy with all the headaches, the 70 hour weeks, who had to deal with complaining employees and make deals with other cut throat businessmen. That was his job, and a darn hard one it is.
Trump is nothing likes us on the Board. I am probably in the top 3% or higher in the Board in terms of material success, much less emotional or spiritual. But the fact is I am guppy compared to the Gala Whale of the Universe that is Trump in material terms.

Hold Trump accountable for his errors.

He must separate his business and his presidential office.

He can resign one or the other, but he cannot have both.
Compare and contrast the differences liberals:

A. In addition to ethics, Cooked Clinton was instructed not to mix personal interests with her position as sec. of state. She did it anyway, and we KNOW there was pay for play. This is why her foundation has lost so much funding since she lost the election. 2+2=4 liberals, even when 4 blows a liberal cranial artery.

B. Trump hasn't even take the fucking job yet, and there is no evidence of pay for play.

Look dummies, we know you're butt hurt, because you express ass pain in every way imaginable. Look at yourselves, Trump is already a failure and hasn't even taken office. You're putrid and have the brass of a spoiled fish eyes. Time to man-up, at least to the extent of a normal woman. Put some pants on.
Trump is nothing likes us on the Board. I am probably in the top 3% or higher in the Board in terms of material success, much less emotional or spiritual. But the fact is I am guppy compared to the Gala Whale of the Universe that is Trump.

Hold Trump accountable for his errors.

He must separate his business and his presidential office.

He can resign one or the other, but he cannot have both.
I am surprised that Hillary was so glaringly incompetent that she never even brought it up. She could have clobbered him with it. Remember all the angst when Dick Cheney divested himself from his company? That was only one.
Trump is nothing likes us on the Board. I am probably in the top 3% or higher in the Board in terms of material success, much less emotional or spiritual. But the fact is I am guppy compared to the Gala Whale of the Universe that is Trump.

Hold Trump accountable for his errors.

He must separate his business and his presidential office.

He can resign one or the other, but he cannot have both.
I am surprised that Hillary was so glaringly incompetent that she never even brought it up. She could have clobbered him with it. Remember all the angst when Dick Cheney divested himself from his company? That was only one.
Hilary under estimated her lack of appeal and focused too much on taking the high road.
so what was his REAL job?....did he ever work in an environment were he actually had to take a shower when he was done for the day because he got sweaty and dirty?....just wonderin...
You think real jobs only involve manual labor?
it depends.....i delivered enough mail to people who sat behind a desk all day and heard some of their stupid comments about the "outside" workers to know that THOSE ones anyway,dont know what it is to actually work....and many of those they were laughing at made twice as much as they did....
Say OP, here's one for tomorrow, I'm just helping the cause. Trump hired a black person to help maintain the White House. Slavery or maid?
Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy says all these investigations lately have been a “bad thing.”

WASHINGTON ― House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) declined to express an opinion Tuesday about whether President-elect Donald Trump’s talks with world leaders about his business interests violate the Constitution.

But McCarthy did have some advice for Democrats, telling reporters they should back off calls for Congress to investigate how Trump and his transition team are separating the president-elect’s business interests from the demands of the nation.

More: Top Republican Advises Democrats To Just Chill On Trump's Conflicts Of Interest

Gee, what a surprise! All of a sudden the GOP wants to "chill" on investigations. Blatantly partisan - and sadly funny...

In other related news:

Congressman Chaffetz Has Suddenly Lost Interest in Investigating the President

“It’s a target-rich environment,” Chaffetz said. “Even before we get to Day One, we’ve got two years’ worth of material already lined up. She has four years of history at the State Department, and it ain’t good.”

Even after the election, Chaffetz said he had a “duty and obligation” to continue investigating the former secretary of State. However, he claimed his committee would investigate President-elect Trump with equal fervor.

...It’s unclear why Chaffetz thinks the candidate who refused Chaffetz’s call to release his tax returns will be more responsive as president, but so far the Utah congressman isn’t even asking for a response.

Amid staggering evidence of Trump’s conflicts of interest — from letting the manager of his blind trust sit in on meetings with foreign dignitaries to allowing his D.C. hotel to court foreign diplomats — Chaffetz has ignored calls to launch an investigation into the president-elect.

A lot of people feel demoralized in the wake of Trump’s upset, but if Chaffetz has lost his passion for conducting endless investigations, that would truly be sad!
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Trump doesn't have a real job? Are you fucking serious? This place is utterly insane

"In case the left didn't notice, Trump is the first president in modern history to have had a real job."

That was the trigger. An ignorant claim of monumental proportions Cletus.
No, the trigger was the cliam by some dumbfuck that Trump didn't have a real job.

Yeah, I gave it to ya:

"In case the left didn't notice, Trump is the first president in modern history to have had a real job."

An ignorant claim of monumental proportions Cletus.
Trump is nothing likes us on the Board. I am probably in the top 3% or higher in the Board in terms of material success, much less emotional or spiritual. But the fact is I am guppy compared to the Gala Whale of the Universe that is Trump.

Hold Trump accountable for his errors.

He must separate his business and his presidential office.

He can resign one or the other, but he cannot have both.
I am surprised that Hillary was so glaringly incompetent that she never even brought it up. She could have clobbered him with it. Remember all the angst when Dick Cheney divested himself from his company? That was only one.
Hilary under estimated her lack of appeal and focused too much on taking the high road.
High road, that's hilarious.
Trump is the first president in modern history to have had a real job.


My thoughts exactly. Trump's fucking silver spoon was inserted in his mouth while he was still in the womb.
Ever tried to make it big in NY real estate?

It was handed off to him, c'mon, and how many bankruptcies again? The madness of this society allows a shallow suit like Trump to float on fantasy, bombast, celebrity and illusion.
Handed off to him? Have you ever turned a lot of money into a whole lot of money? He's run hundreds of companies and had what, 4 file for bankruptcy? Perfectly normal in that business at the level.

4 you say? Normal? Then normal is corrupt, I agree, our entire version of "capitalism" is corrupt.
In case the left didn't notice, Trump is the first president in modern history to have had a real job. That's why the republican establishment turned their backs on him and the left hates him. Every other successful presidential candidate has been a political (yawn) drone or a Military hero. The Klintons claimed to have been broke when they left the White House and today they are worth billions. What happened? The Klintons were crooks and Trump is an honest capitalist who worked within the system and today he gets to change the system to make it easier for Americans to get rich. He doesn't need to create crooked "foundations" tied to his government service or pardon corporate crooks who donate to his "library". Rest easy lefties, you can bet your ass(ets) that angry vindictive George Soros (among others) will use the (tax exempt) Media Matters to monitor every aspect of Trump's private enterprises for a juicy story..

I agree and he's turning the running of his company over to three of his kids. No conflict of interest at all.

These lefty loons are dumber than that box of rocks. The rocks are smarter.

My thoughts exactly. Trump's fucking silver spoon was inserted in his mouth while he was still in the womb.
Ever tried to make it big in NY real estate?

It was handed off to him, c'mon, and how many bankruptcies again? The madness of this society allows a shallow suit like Trump to float on fantasy, bombast, celebrity and illusion.
Handed off to him? Have you ever turned a lot of money into a whole lot of money? He's run hundreds of companies and had what, 4 file for bankruptcy? Perfectly normal in that business at the level.

4 you say? Normal? Then normal is corrupt, I agree, our entire version of "capitalism" is corrupt.
It's perfectly legal, if that's what you're worried about. You do know that most businesses fail, right?
so what was his REAL job?....did he ever work in an environment were he actually had to take a shower when he was done for the day because he got sweaty and dirty?....just wonderin...
You think real jobs only involve manual labor?

You honestly think Drumpf has ever had anything resembling a real job?
Define "real job". That would help.
One where he was hired by an employer not related to him and required to work for a paycheck.
so what was his REAL job?....did he ever work in an environment were he actually had to take a shower when he was done for the day because he got sweaty and dirty?....just wonderin...
You think real jobs only involve manual labor?

You honestly think Drumpf has ever had anything resembling a real job?
Define "real job". That would help.
One where he was hired by an employer not related to him and required to work for a paycheck.
That excludes those who start their own businesses and bust their butts to survive, thrive and pay others to work for them. Basically, what you're doing with that definition is trying to imply that business owners don't work. On the one hand, though, it is correct. A business owner does not "work a job". What he does requires far more than a job.
so what was his REAL job?....did he ever work in an environment were he actually had to take a shower when he was done for the day because he got sweaty and dirty?....just wonderin...
You think real jobs only involve manual labor?

You honestly think Drumpf has ever had anything resembling a real job?
Define "real job". That would help.
One where he was hired by an employer not related to him and required to work for a paycheck.
That excludes those who start their own businesses and bust their butts to survive, thrive and pay others to work for them. Basically, what you're doing with that definition is trying to imply that business owners don't work. On the one hand, though, it is correct. A business owner does not "work a job". What he does requires far more than a job.
I didnt ask what it excluded. I said a real job. It doesn't imply anything of the sort. I have my own business and I work harder at it than I have ever worked s job. However its a joy to do so. Having someone tell you when you can be sick or take vacation is part of having a job.

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