Top Republican Advises Democrats To Just Chill On Trump’s Conflicts Of Interest

So you understand how hard Trump has worked running hundreds of companies, that's good.

Since he took over his fathers business I dont believe he has ever worked hard. How hard can it be delegating?

It's a lot of work to do it well. You're contradicting that you are a business owner. As someone who has owned 5 companies, it's remarkably naive to say that delegation means you're not working. Frankly I can't imagine a real business owner saying that. Well, maybe if they are explaining why their business failed.

Seriously, you claim to own a business, and you think when you delegate the task isn't your problem anymore? Wow, just wow

No its not a lot of work. People do it all the time. When I hire a plumber to come in and fix a pipe thats delegating. It only gets hard when you have a problem organizing your priorities or knowing what you need accomplished.

You were talking about delegating as a business owner and in corporate, that has nothing to do with hiring a plumber.

And again, you delegating it doesn't remove that it's still your responsibility for the task to be successfully completed. You are either lying about your background or you did what you said and been a failure and just haven't figured out that's one reason why yet.

Maybe you did it once and got lucky. But you didn't do it repeatedly as you claimed, failed to follow up as you claimed, and not been repeatedly burned by your dereliction of your responsibilities as a manager
Of course its the same thing. Its the same process. Tell me whats the difference? This should be amusing.

No one is arguing about responsibility except you. I never said I wasnt responsible for the results.

I did it for 5 years for a top IT company.

Of course you did, you said that when you said delegation is "easy." As someone senior to you if you only did this 5 years, you'd be in my office having me explain that to you when you can't answer the questions in my last post without your delegatee in the room
Since he took over his fathers business I dont believe he has ever worked hard. How hard can it be delegating?

It's a lot of work to do it well. You're contradicting that you are a business owner. As someone who has owned 5 companies, it's remarkably naive to say that delegation means you're not working. Frankly I can't imagine a real business owner saying that. Well, maybe if they are explaining why their business failed.

Seriously, you claim to own a business, and you think when you delegate the task isn't your problem anymore? Wow, just wow

No its not a lot of work. People do it all the time. When I hire a plumber to come in and fix a pipe thats delegating. It only gets hard when you have a problem organizing your priorities or knowing what you need accomplished.
Are you sure you're a business owner? Seriously, comparing hiring a plumber to assigning a foreman the job of finishing a floor on a new building while coordinating the electricians' work on the lower floors while knowing that if they don't make the deadline you get sued and lose your shirt makes me wonder.
I'm pretty sure. Someone is putting money in my business account.
Look... if you dont have a process for outsourcing your work that makes it easy on your nerves then thats your issue not mine. Sorry but delegating is pretty easy. You just have to be smart enough to pick the right people.

Actually, I'll tell you what you are talking about here.

You need to be good at picking good people for sure, but no one is perfect except you in your imaginary world you do this

No one is perfect, so you need to follow up to verify they are good people and are doing the job right and either correct or replace them when they are not

You need to make sure they clearly understand the task and objectives and are focusing on the right things and you need to keep doing this through the process

You need to make sure they are making adequate progress

You need to make sure they have the support they need from you.

All of those are work. You'd know that if you'd ever done it
Yes all of that is work. Very easy work unless you are not intelligent.
Since he took over his fathers business I dont believe he has ever worked hard. How hard can it be delegating?

It's a lot of work to do it well. You're contradicting that you are a business owner. As someone who has owned 5 companies, it's remarkably naive to say that delegation means you're not working. Frankly I can't imagine a real business owner saying that. Well, maybe if they are explaining why their business failed.

Seriously, you claim to own a business, and you think when you delegate the task isn't your problem anymore? Wow, just wow

No its not a lot of work. People do it all the time. When I hire a plumber to come in and fix a pipe thats delegating. It only gets hard when you have a problem organizing your priorities or knowing what you need accomplished.

You were talking about delegating as a business owner and in corporate, that has nothing to do with hiring a plumber.

And again, you delegating it doesn't remove that it's still your responsibility for the task to be successfully completed. You are either lying about your background or you did what you said and been a failure and just haven't figured out that's one reason why yet.

Maybe you did it once and got lucky. But you didn't do it repeatedly as you claimed, failed to follow up as you claimed, and not been repeatedly burned by your dereliction of your responsibilities as a manager
Of course its the same thing. Its the same process. Tell me whats the difference? This should be amusing.

No one is arguing about responsibility except you. I never said I wasnt responsible for the results.

I did it for 5 years for a top IT company.

Of course you did, you said that when you said delegation is "easy." As someone senior to you if you only did this 5 years, you'd be in my office having me explain that to you when you can't answer the questions in my last post without your delegatee in the room
Saying delegation is easy means I dont follow up? What kind of retarded logic is that? I wouldnt be in your office if you were my boss unless you were thanking me for handling the delegation like a professional.
You said you have your own business. Unless you have no employees, you would understand how hard it is to delegate correctly and take responsibility when you don't. You also fail to account for the businesses Trump started on his own.

I've delegated in the corporate world and it was a piece of cake. Gimme a break.
That's different. Did you ever have to delegate the right work to the right person and risk your business as a consequence of doing it wrong? Did you ever have to make decisions that you knew could put thousands of employees out of work and destroy a multi-billion dollar company? Did you ever watch your employees stream out of the office and walk off the construction site at 5:00 while you still faced 4 hours of meetings and phone calls before you could even think about leaving? Did you ever do all of that knowing that those same employees were bitching about you and didn't care what you were doing that kept them employed?

You say you own a business and work hard. Trump has owned hundreds of businesses and has also worked hard, very hard. Yet you want to denigrate what he's done, not because you actually know what he's done, but because you dislike his politics. Shameful.

Obama has never run a business, never had to meet payroll when revenues are down, never had to deal with complaining employees or customers. Yet you would never so denigrate his history because you agree with his politics. Again, shameful.
Drumpf didnt build anything from bottom up. He had his business and connections given to him. Even when he went bankrupt he was still a known commodity and had no problem getting credit to start back up. In the arena he operates in everything is pretty easy.

You clearly are lying about your background. The problem with making up things you didn't do is the risk you run into people who actually do what you claimed you do and smell your shit a mile away. Don't sweat it, it happens.

Trump sure the fuck didn't become a billionaire handing tasks off and not following up like you claim you do
If claiming I am lying makes you feel better about your own inadequacies then I will allow it.

I never claimed I didnt follow up. Youre adding little things to make you feel better about yourself.

You are lying because I know what you are claiming you did. I've been management and a management consultant since my first job out of college and no one who ever delegated successfully has ever said it's "easy." In fact the successful ones know it's work.

Seriously guy, when you said you delegate and it's easy, alarms went off in my head. If you worked for me, we'd be having this discussion in my office right now because if you think it's "easy" you aren't doing your job of following up. It's hard, you have to ask the right questions and know when you're getting the right answers
I've delegated in the corporate world and it was a piece of cake. Gimme a break.
That's different. Did you ever have to delegate the right work to the right person and risk your business as a consequence of doing it wrong? Did you ever have to make decisions that you knew could put thousands of employees out of work and destroy a multi-billion dollar company? Did you ever watch your employees stream out of the office and walk off the construction site at 5:00 while you still faced 4 hours of meetings and phone calls before you could even think about leaving? Did you ever do all of that knowing that those same employees were bitching about you and didn't care what you were doing that kept them employed?

You say you own a business and work hard. Trump has owned hundreds of businesses and has also worked hard, very hard. Yet you want to denigrate what he's done, not because you actually know what he's done, but because you dislike his politics. Shameful.

Obama has never run a business, never had to meet payroll when revenues are down, never had to deal with complaining employees or customers. Yet you would never so denigrate his history because you agree with his politics. Again, shameful.
Drumpf didnt build anything from bottom up. He had his business and connections given to him. Even when he went bankrupt he was still a known commodity and had no problem getting credit to start back up. In the arena he operates in everything is pretty easy.

You clearly are lying about your background. The problem with making up things you didn't do is the risk you run into people who actually do what you claimed you do and smell your shit a mile away. Don't sweat it, it happens.

Trump sure the fuck didn't become a billionaire handing tasks off and not following up like you claim you do
If claiming I am lying makes you feel better about your own inadequacies then I will allow it.

I never claimed I didnt follow up. Youre adding little things to make you feel better about yourself.

You are lying because I know what you are claiming you did. I've been management and a management consultant since my first job out of college and no one who ever delegated successfully has ever said it's "easy." In fact the successful ones know it's work.

Seriously guy, when you said you delegate and it's easy, alarms went off in my head. If you worked for me, we'd be having this discussion in my office right now because if you think it's "easy" you aren't doing your job of following up. It's hard, you have to ask the right questions and know when you're getting the right answers
Dont project your inadequacies onto everyone else. Obviously I am smarter than you which makes delegating a piece of cake for me and very difficult for you. I notice you still havent answered what the difference was in hiring a plumber and delegating in the corporate environment. I knew your reaction was going to be amusing. :laugh:
It's a lot of work to do it well. You're contradicting that you are a business owner. As someone who has owned 5 companies, it's remarkably naive to say that delegation means you're not working. Frankly I can't imagine a real business owner saying that. Well, maybe if they are explaining why their business failed.

Seriously, you claim to own a business, and you think when you delegate the task isn't your problem anymore? Wow, just wow

No its not a lot of work. People do it all the time. When I hire a plumber to come in and fix a pipe thats delegating. It only gets hard when you have a problem organizing your priorities or knowing what you need accomplished.
Are you sure you're a business owner? Seriously, comparing hiring a plumber to assigning a foreman the job of finishing a floor on a new building while coordinating the electricians' work on the lower floors while knowing that if they don't make the deadline you get sued and lose your shirt makes me wonder.
I'm pretty sure. Someone is putting money in my business account.
Look... if you dont have a process for outsourcing your work that makes it easy on your nerves then thats your issue not mine. Sorry but delegating is pretty easy. You just have to be smart enough to pick the right people.

Actually, I'll tell you what you are talking about here.

You need to be good at picking good people for sure, but no one is perfect except you in your imaginary world you do this

No one is perfect, so you need to follow up to verify they are good people and are doing the job right and either correct or replace them when they are not

You need to make sure they clearly understand the task and objectives and are focusing on the right things and you need to keep doing this through the process

You need to make sure they are making adequate progress

You need to make sure they have the support they need from you.

All of those are work. You'd know that if you'd ever done it
Yes all of that is work. Very easy work unless you are not intelligent.

Actually the problem is you're not being intelligent, you're treating your not knowing the questions to ask as if you intelligently asked what you need to know. You're accepting answers at face value and not probing until you are satisfied.

When I managed the IT global applications organization at GE Nuclear, I had a young project manager working for me running an Oracle ERP Finance project. I went on vacation for a week and as it was a critical project, I cleared my whole first day to get caught up.

We went into the "war room" (a conference room we'd signed out to run the project), he had every major area of the project listed across the board and in columns under that he had every issue/update he wanted to tell me. We were done in two hours, I had the rest of the day to get caught up on things.

He knew how to do that because I'd put in the effort to teach him how to keep me updated. GE Nuclear management (CEO, CFO, CIO, ...) all came to me,not him. And I sure as shit better not say to their questions I needed to call him to answer their questions.

You're full of shit, you don't know how to delegate. Straight up, guy. If you are really delegating, you need to rethink everything you are doing with your bad attitude about following up
That's different. Did you ever have to delegate the right work to the right person and risk your business as a consequence of doing it wrong? Did you ever have to make decisions that you knew could put thousands of employees out of work and destroy a multi-billion dollar company? Did you ever watch your employees stream out of the office and walk off the construction site at 5:00 while you still faced 4 hours of meetings and phone calls before you could even think about leaving? Did you ever do all of that knowing that those same employees were bitching about you and didn't care what you were doing that kept them employed?

You say you own a business and work hard. Trump has owned hundreds of businesses and has also worked hard, very hard. Yet you want to denigrate what he's done, not because you actually know what he's done, but because you dislike his politics. Shameful.

Obama has never run a business, never had to meet payroll when revenues are down, never had to deal with complaining employees or customers. Yet you would never so denigrate his history because you agree with his politics. Again, shameful.
Drumpf didnt build anything from bottom up. He had his business and connections given to him. Even when he went bankrupt he was still a known commodity and had no problem getting credit to start back up. In the arena he operates in everything is pretty easy.

You clearly are lying about your background. The problem with making up things you didn't do is the risk you run into people who actually do what you claimed you do and smell your shit a mile away. Don't sweat it, it happens.

Trump sure the fuck didn't become a billionaire handing tasks off and not following up like you claim you do
If claiming I am lying makes you feel better about your own inadequacies then I will allow it.

I never claimed I didnt follow up. Youre adding little things to make you feel better about yourself.

You are lying because I know what you are claiming you did. I've been management and a management consultant since my first job out of college and no one who ever delegated successfully has ever said it's "easy." In fact the successful ones know it's work.

Seriously guy, when you said you delegate and it's easy, alarms went off in my head. If you worked for me, we'd be having this discussion in my office right now because if you think it's "easy" you aren't doing your job of following up. It's hard, you have to ask the right questions and know when you're getting the right answers
Dont project your inadequacies onto everyone else. Obviously I am smarter than you which makes delegating a piece of cake for me and very difficult for you. I notice you still havent answered what the difference was in hiring a plumber and delegating in the corporate environment. I knew your reaction was going to be amusing. :laugh:

The difference it butt obvious. Your job is not being a plumber. Your job is being an effective manager (according to your story).

And you are proving again that you are lying. If you had the background you claimed and read what I am writing, you'd know that I really do this. You don't know that, because you're making it up as you go.

You have no experience delegating shit. Your plumber question shows that yet again
No its not a lot of work. People do it all the time. When I hire a plumber to come in and fix a pipe thats delegating. It only gets hard when you have a problem organizing your priorities or knowing what you need accomplished.
Are you sure you're a business owner? Seriously, comparing hiring a plumber to assigning a foreman the job of finishing a floor on a new building while coordinating the electricians' work on the lower floors while knowing that if they don't make the deadline you get sued and lose your shirt makes me wonder.
I'm pretty sure. Someone is putting money in my business account.
Look... if you dont have a process for outsourcing your work that makes it easy on your nerves then thats your issue not mine. Sorry but delegating is pretty easy. You just have to be smart enough to pick the right people.

Actually, I'll tell you what you are talking about here.

You need to be good at picking good people for sure, but no one is perfect except you in your imaginary world you do this

No one is perfect, so you need to follow up to verify they are good people and are doing the job right and either correct or replace them when they are not

You need to make sure they clearly understand the task and objectives and are focusing on the right things and you need to keep doing this through the process

You need to make sure they are making adequate progress

You need to make sure they have the support they need from you.

All of those are work. You'd know that if you'd ever done it
Yes all of that is work. Very easy work unless you are not intelligent.

Actually the problem is you're not being intelligent, you're treating your not knowing the questions to ask as if you intelligently asked what you need to know. You're accepting answers at face value and not probing until you are satisfied.

When I managed the IT global applications organization at GE Nuclear, I had a young project manager working for me running an Oracle ERP Finance project. I went on vacation for a week and as it was a critical project, I cleared my whole first day to get caught up.

We went into the "war room" (a conference room we'd signed out to run the project), he had every major area of the project listed across the board and in columns under that he had every issue/update he wanted to tell me. We were done in two hours, I had the rest of the day to get caught up on things.

He knew how to do that because I'd put in the effort to teach him how to keep me updated. GE Nuclear management (CEO, CFO, CIO, ...) all came to me,not him. And I sure as shit better not say to their questions I needed to call him to answer their questions.

You're full of shit, you don't know how to delegate. Straight up, guy. If you are really delegating, you need to rethink everything you are doing with your bad attitude about following up
I'm not asking the right questions and probing? Who told you that?

What bad attitude? Youre the one claiming its difficult. I have a great attitude. Its pleasant to delegate. It helps build their skills and relieves you of mundane tasks.
That's different. Did you ever have to delegate the right work to the right person and risk your business as a consequence of doing it wrong? Did you ever have to make decisions that you knew could put thousands of employees out of work and destroy a multi-billion dollar company? Did you ever watch your employees stream out of the office and walk off the construction site at 5:00 while you still faced 4 hours of meetings and phone calls before you could even think about leaving? Did you ever do all of that knowing that those same employees were bitching about you and didn't care what you were doing that kept them employed?

You say you own a business and work hard. Trump has owned hundreds of businesses and has also worked hard, very hard. Yet you want to denigrate what he's done, not because you actually know what he's done, but because you dislike his politics. Shameful.

Obama has never run a business, never had to meet payroll when revenues are down, never had to deal with complaining employees or customers. Yet you would never so denigrate his history because you agree with his politics. Again, shameful.
Drumpf didnt build anything from bottom up. He had his business and connections given to him. Even when he went bankrupt he was still a known commodity and had no problem getting credit to start back up. In the arena he operates in everything is pretty easy.

You clearly are lying about your background. The problem with making up things you didn't do is the risk you run into people who actually do what you claimed you do and smell your shit a mile away. Don't sweat it, it happens.

Trump sure the fuck didn't become a billionaire handing tasks off and not following up like you claim you do
If claiming I am lying makes you feel better about your own inadequacies then I will allow it.

I never claimed I didnt follow up. Youre adding little things to make you feel better about yourself.

You are lying because I know what you are claiming you did. I've been management and a management consultant since my first job out of college and no one who ever delegated successfully has ever said it's "easy." In fact the successful ones know it's work.

Seriously guy, when you said you delegate and it's easy, alarms went off in my head. If you worked for me, we'd be having this discussion in my office right now because if you think it's "easy" you aren't doing your job of following up. It's hard, you have to ask the right questions and know when you're getting the right answers
Dont project your inadequacies onto everyone else. Obviously I am smarter than you which makes delegating a piece of cake for me and very difficult for you. I notice you still havent answered what the difference was in hiring a plumber and delegating in the corporate environment. I knew your reaction was going to be amusing. :laugh:

I didn't say anything about "everyone else." I talked about you and your obvious dearth of experience delegating. Show where I said anything about anyone but you, dumb ass
Are you sure you're a business owner? Seriously, comparing hiring a plumber to assigning a foreman the job of finishing a floor on a new building while coordinating the electricians' work on the lower floors while knowing that if they don't make the deadline you get sued and lose your shirt makes me wonder.
I'm pretty sure. Someone is putting money in my business account.
Look... if you dont have a process for outsourcing your work that makes it easy on your nerves then thats your issue not mine. Sorry but delegating is pretty easy. You just have to be smart enough to pick the right people.

Actually, I'll tell you what you are talking about here.

You need to be good at picking good people for sure, but no one is perfect except you in your imaginary world you do this

No one is perfect, so you need to follow up to verify they are good people and are doing the job right and either correct or replace them when they are not

You need to make sure they clearly understand the task and objectives and are focusing on the right things and you need to keep doing this through the process

You need to make sure they are making adequate progress

You need to make sure they have the support they need from you.

All of those are work. You'd know that if you'd ever done it
Yes all of that is work. Very easy work unless you are not intelligent.

Actually the problem is you're not being intelligent, you're treating your not knowing the questions to ask as if you intelligently asked what you need to know. You're accepting answers at face value and not probing until you are satisfied.

When I managed the IT global applications organization at GE Nuclear, I had a young project manager working for me running an Oracle ERP Finance project. I went on vacation for a week and as it was a critical project, I cleared my whole first day to get caught up.

We went into the "war room" (a conference room we'd signed out to run the project), he had every major area of the project listed across the board and in columns under that he had every issue/update he wanted to tell me. We were done in two hours, I had the rest of the day to get caught up on things.

He knew how to do that because I'd put in the effort to teach him how to keep me updated. GE Nuclear management (CEO, CFO, CIO, ...) all came to me,not him. And I sure as shit better not say to their questions I needed to call him to answer their questions.

You're full of shit, you don't know how to delegate. Straight up, guy. If you are really delegating, you need to rethink everything you are doing with your bad attitude about following up
I'm not asking the right questions and probing? Who told you that?

What bad attitude? Youre the one claiming its difficult. I have a great attitude. Its pleasant to delegate. It helps build their skills and relieves you of mundane tasks.

I said it's work, it's not easy. I did not say "difficult." Well, it is for you because you don't know how to do it. It's work to stay on top of all the tasks that I delegate. Unlike you though I do know the questions to ask.

Note I provided the only content in this discussion about how you stay on top of a delegated task
Drumpf didnt build anything from bottom up. He had his business and connections given to him. Even when he went bankrupt he was still a known commodity and had no problem getting credit to start back up. In the arena he operates in everything is pretty easy.

You clearly are lying about your background. The problem with making up things you didn't do is the risk you run into people who actually do what you claimed you do and smell your shit a mile away. Don't sweat it, it happens.

Trump sure the fuck didn't become a billionaire handing tasks off and not following up like you claim you do
If claiming I am lying makes you feel better about your own inadequacies then I will allow it.

I never claimed I didnt follow up. Youre adding little things to make you feel better about yourself.

You are lying because I know what you are claiming you did. I've been management and a management consultant since my first job out of college and no one who ever delegated successfully has ever said it's "easy." In fact the successful ones know it's work.

Seriously guy, when you said you delegate and it's easy, alarms went off in my head. If you worked for me, we'd be having this discussion in my office right now because if you think it's "easy" you aren't doing your job of following up. It's hard, you have to ask the right questions and know when you're getting the right answers
Dont project your inadequacies onto everyone else. Obviously I am smarter than you which makes delegating a piece of cake for me and very difficult for you. I notice you still havent answered what the difference was in hiring a plumber and delegating in the corporate environment. I knew your reaction was going to be amusing. :laugh:

The difference it butt obvious. Your job is not being a plumber. Your job is being an effective manager (according to your story).

And you are proving again that you are lying. If you had the background you claimed and read what I am writing, you'd know that I really do this. You don't know that, because you're making it up as you go.

You have no experience delegating shit. Your plumber question shows that yet again
When i hire a plumber I am also being an effective manager. I am tapping someone to do a task in both cases. There is no difference.

I doubt you really are effective if you are this uptight about it. Its not hard. Your poor attitude about delegating makes it hard. You must be one of those people that dont understand its better to teach others how to do mundane task so you can manage more effectively.
Drumpf didnt build anything from bottom up. He had his business and connections given to him. Even when he went bankrupt he was still a known commodity and had no problem getting credit to start back up. In the arena he operates in everything is pretty easy.

You clearly are lying about your background. The problem with making up things you didn't do is the risk you run into people who actually do what you claimed you do and smell your shit a mile away. Don't sweat it, it happens.

Trump sure the fuck didn't become a billionaire handing tasks off and not following up like you claim you do
If claiming I am lying makes you feel better about your own inadequacies then I will allow it.

I never claimed I didnt follow up. Youre adding little things to make you feel better about yourself.

You are lying because I know what you are claiming you did. I've been management and a management consultant since my first job out of college and no one who ever delegated successfully has ever said it's "easy." In fact the successful ones know it's work.

Seriously guy, when you said you delegate and it's easy, alarms went off in my head. If you worked for me, we'd be having this discussion in my office right now because if you think it's "easy" you aren't doing your job of following up. It's hard, you have to ask the right questions and know when you're getting the right answers
Dont project your inadequacies onto everyone else. Obviously I am smarter than you which makes delegating a piece of cake for me and very difficult for you. I notice you still havent answered what the difference was in hiring a plumber and delegating in the corporate environment. I knew your reaction was going to be amusing. :laugh:

I didn't say anything about "everyone else." I talked about you and your obvious dearth of experience delegating. Show where I said anything about anyone but you, dumb ass

I didnt ask you what you said about everyone else. I told you to stop pretending your difficulties with delegating extends to everyone esle.
I'm pretty sure. Someone is putting money in my business account.
Look... if you dont have a process for outsourcing your work that makes it easy on your nerves then thats your issue not mine. Sorry but delegating is pretty easy. You just have to be smart enough to pick the right people.

Actually, I'll tell you what you are talking about here.

You need to be good at picking good people for sure, but no one is perfect except you in your imaginary world you do this

No one is perfect, so you need to follow up to verify they are good people and are doing the job right and either correct or replace them when they are not

You need to make sure they clearly understand the task and objectives and are focusing on the right things and you need to keep doing this through the process

You need to make sure they are making adequate progress

You need to make sure they have the support they need from you.

All of those are work. You'd know that if you'd ever done it
Yes all of that is work. Very easy work unless you are not intelligent.

Actually the problem is you're not being intelligent, you're treating your not knowing the questions to ask as if you intelligently asked what you need to know. You're accepting answers at face value and not probing until you are satisfied.

When I managed the IT global applications organization at GE Nuclear, I had a young project manager working for me running an Oracle ERP Finance project. I went on vacation for a week and as it was a critical project, I cleared my whole first day to get caught up.

We went into the "war room" (a conference room we'd signed out to run the project), he had every major area of the project listed across the board and in columns under that he had every issue/update he wanted to tell me. We were done in two hours, I had the rest of the day to get caught up on things.

He knew how to do that because I'd put in the effort to teach him how to keep me updated. GE Nuclear management (CEO, CFO, CIO, ...) all came to me,not him. And I sure as shit better not say to their questions I needed to call him to answer their questions.

You're full of shit, you don't know how to delegate. Straight up, guy. If you are really delegating, you need to rethink everything you are doing with your bad attitude about following up
I'm not asking the right questions and probing? Who told you that?

What bad attitude? Youre the one claiming its difficult. I have a great attitude. Its pleasant to delegate. It helps build their skills and relieves you of mundane tasks.

I said it's work, it's not easy. I did not say "difficult." Well, it is for you because you don't know how to do it. It's work to stay on top of all the tasks that I delegate. Unlike you though I do know the questions to ask.

Note I provided the only content in this discussion about how you stay on top of a delegated task
Doesnt matter what you said. It may be hard for you but its easy to me.

I dont care what you provided either. i wasnt giving a class on how to delegate. I just said its a piece of cake. I have to change that now to include the qualifier "if you know what you are doing".
You clearly are lying about your background. The problem with making up things you didn't do is the risk you run into people who actually do what you claimed you do and smell your shit a mile away. Don't sweat it, it happens.

Trump sure the fuck didn't become a billionaire handing tasks off and not following up like you claim you do
If claiming I am lying makes you feel better about your own inadequacies then I will allow it.

I never claimed I didnt follow up. Youre adding little things to make you feel better about yourself.

You are lying because I know what you are claiming you did. I've been management and a management consultant since my first job out of college and no one who ever delegated successfully has ever said it's "easy." In fact the successful ones know it's work.

Seriously guy, when you said you delegate and it's easy, alarms went off in my head. If you worked for me, we'd be having this discussion in my office right now because if you think it's "easy" you aren't doing your job of following up. It's hard, you have to ask the right questions and know when you're getting the right answers
Dont project your inadequacies onto everyone else. Obviously I am smarter than you which makes delegating a piece of cake for me and very difficult for you. I notice you still havent answered what the difference was in hiring a plumber and delegating in the corporate environment. I knew your reaction was going to be amusing. :laugh:

I didn't say anything about "everyone else." I talked about you and your obvious dearth of experience delegating. Show where I said anything about anyone but you, dumb ass

I didnt ask you what you said about everyone else. I told you to stop pretending your difficulties with delegating extends to everyone esle.

Playground! Yeah, you're a manager
Actually, I'll tell you what you are talking about here.

You need to be good at picking good people for sure, but no one is perfect except you in your imaginary world you do this

No one is perfect, so you need to follow up to verify they are good people and are doing the job right and either correct or replace them when they are not

You need to make sure they clearly understand the task and objectives and are focusing on the right things and you need to keep doing this through the process

You need to make sure they are making adequate progress

You need to make sure they have the support they need from you.

All of those are work. You'd know that if you'd ever done it
Yes all of that is work. Very easy work unless you are not intelligent.

Actually the problem is you're not being intelligent, you're treating your not knowing the questions to ask as if you intelligently asked what you need to know. You're accepting answers at face value and not probing until you are satisfied.

When I managed the IT global applications organization at GE Nuclear, I had a young project manager working for me running an Oracle ERP Finance project. I went on vacation for a week and as it was a critical project, I cleared my whole first day to get caught up.

We went into the "war room" (a conference room we'd signed out to run the project), he had every major area of the project listed across the board and in columns under that he had every issue/update he wanted to tell me. We were done in two hours, I had the rest of the day to get caught up on things.

He knew how to do that because I'd put in the effort to teach him how to keep me updated. GE Nuclear management (CEO, CFO, CIO, ...) all came to me,not him. And I sure as shit better not say to their questions I needed to call him to answer their questions.

You're full of shit, you don't know how to delegate. Straight up, guy. If you are really delegating, you need to rethink everything you are doing with your bad attitude about following up
I'm not asking the right questions and probing? Who told you that?

What bad attitude? Youre the one claiming its difficult. I have a great attitude. Its pleasant to delegate. It helps build their skills and relieves you of mundane tasks.

I said it's work, it's not easy. I did not say "difficult." Well, it is for you because you don't know how to do it. It's work to stay on top of all the tasks that I delegate. Unlike you though I do know the questions to ask.

Note I provided the only content in this discussion about how you stay on top of a delegated task
Doesnt matter what you said. It may be hard for you but its easy to me.

I dont care what you provided either. i wasnt giving a class on how to delegate. I just said its a piece of cake. I have to change that now to include the qualifier "if you know what you are doing".

Exactly, you said it's a "piece of cake." Here's homework for you. Find people who actually live your fantasy life of delegating tasks and ask them if delegation is a "piece of cake." Again, doing this for 25+ years I've never heard anyone who actually does it claim that.

And again, clearly Trump didn't become a billionaire by dumping and walking away from his work
Yes all of that is work. Very easy work unless you are not intelligent.

Actually the problem is you're not being intelligent, you're treating your not knowing the questions to ask as if you intelligently asked what you need to know. You're accepting answers at face value and not probing until you are satisfied.

When I managed the IT global applications organization at GE Nuclear, I had a young project manager working for me running an Oracle ERP Finance project. I went on vacation for a week and as it was a critical project, I cleared my whole first day to get caught up.

We went into the "war room" (a conference room we'd signed out to run the project), he had every major area of the project listed across the board and in columns under that he had every issue/update he wanted to tell me. We were done in two hours, I had the rest of the day to get caught up on things.

He knew how to do that because I'd put in the effort to teach him how to keep me updated. GE Nuclear management (CEO, CFO, CIO, ...) all came to me,not him. And I sure as shit better not say to their questions I needed to call him to answer their questions.

You're full of shit, you don't know how to delegate. Straight up, guy. If you are really delegating, you need to rethink everything you are doing with your bad attitude about following up
I'm not asking the right questions and probing? Who told you that?

What bad attitude? Youre the one claiming its difficult. I have a great attitude. Its pleasant to delegate. It helps build their skills and relieves you of mundane tasks.

I said it's work, it's not easy. I did not say "difficult." Well, it is for you because you don't know how to do it. It's work to stay on top of all the tasks that I delegate. Unlike you though I do know the questions to ask.

Note I provided the only content in this discussion about how you stay on top of a delegated task
Doesnt matter what you said. It may be hard for you but its easy to me.

I dont care what you provided either. i wasnt giving a class on how to delegate. I just said its a piece of cake. I have to change that now to include the qualifier "if you know what you are doing".

Exactly, you said it's a "piece of cake." Here's homework for you. Find people who actually live your fantasy life of delegating tasks and ask them if delegation is a "piece of cake." Again, doing this for 25+ years I've never heard anyone who actually does it claim that.

And again, clearly Trump didn't become a billionaire by dumping and walking away from his work
Why should I have to find people when I've done it myself? That doesnt even make sense. Thats like asking someone is it hard to tie their shoes. It may be hard for them but its pretty easy for me. I guess it depends on that persons ability.

Drumpf became a billionaire because his daddy fronted him money and connections.
If trump isn't involved in running his business, which he clearly said he wouldn't be, where exactly is the conflict of interest?
Actually the problem is you're not being intelligent, you're treating your not knowing the questions to ask as if you intelligently asked what you need to know. You're accepting answers at face value and not probing until you are satisfied.

When I managed the IT global applications organization at GE Nuclear, I had a young project manager working for me running an Oracle ERP Finance project. I went on vacation for a week and as it was a critical project, I cleared my whole first day to get caught up.

We went into the "war room" (a conference room we'd signed out to run the project), he had every major area of the project listed across the board and in columns under that he had every issue/update he wanted to tell me. We were done in two hours, I had the rest of the day to get caught up on things.

He knew how to do that because I'd put in the effort to teach him how to keep me updated. GE Nuclear management (CEO, CFO, CIO, ...) all came to me,not him. And I sure as shit better not say to their questions I needed to call him to answer their questions.

You're full of shit, you don't know how to delegate. Straight up, guy. If you are really delegating, you need to rethink everything you are doing with your bad attitude about following up
I'm not asking the right questions and probing? Who told you that?

What bad attitude? Youre the one claiming its difficult. I have a great attitude. Its pleasant to delegate. It helps build their skills and relieves you of mundane tasks.

I said it's work, it's not easy. I did not say "difficult." Well, it is for you because you don't know how to do it. It's work to stay on top of all the tasks that I delegate. Unlike you though I do know the questions to ask.

Note I provided the only content in this discussion about how you stay on top of a delegated task
Doesnt matter what you said. It may be hard for you but its easy to me.

I dont care what you provided either. i wasnt giving a class on how to delegate. I just said its a piece of cake. I have to change that now to include the qualifier "if you know what you are doing".

Exactly, you said it's a "piece of cake." Here's homework for you. Find people who actually live your fantasy life of delegating tasks and ask them if delegation is a "piece of cake." Again, doing this for 25+ years I've never heard anyone who actually does it claim that.

And again, clearly Trump didn't become a billionaire by dumping and walking away from his work
Why should I have to find people when I've done it myself? That doesnt even make sense. Thats like asking someone is it hard to tie their shoes. It may be hard for them but its pretty easy for me. I guess it depends on that persons ability.

Drumpf became a billionaire because his daddy fronted him money and connections.

I meant people who have done it successfully and know what they are doing
I'm not asking the right questions and probing? Who told you that?

What bad attitude? Youre the one claiming its difficult. I have a great attitude. Its pleasant to delegate. It helps build their skills and relieves you of mundane tasks.

I said it's work, it's not easy. I did not say "difficult." Well, it is for you because you don't know how to do it. It's work to stay on top of all the tasks that I delegate. Unlike you though I do know the questions to ask.

Note I provided the only content in this discussion about how you stay on top of a delegated task
Doesnt matter what you said. It may be hard for you but its easy to me.

I dont care what you provided either. i wasnt giving a class on how to delegate. I just said its a piece of cake. I have to change that now to include the qualifier "if you know what you are doing".

Exactly, you said it's a "piece of cake." Here's homework for you. Find people who actually live your fantasy life of delegating tasks and ask them if delegation is a "piece of cake." Again, doing this for 25+ years I've never heard anyone who actually does it claim that.

And again, clearly Trump didn't become a billionaire by dumping and walking away from his work
Why should I have to find people when I've done it myself? That doesnt even make sense. Thats like asking someone is it hard to tie their shoes. It may be hard for them but its pretty easy for me. I guess it depends on that persons ability.

Drumpf became a billionaire because his daddy fronted him money and connections.

I meant people who have done it successfully and know what they are doing
I've done it successfully and obviously I know what i am doing. Why would I poll people to convince me its hard when i know from experience that its easy?

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