Top Socialist Economist Says He’s Been Working With Democrats & Obama For A Long Time

Big government, cronyism is the problem. Liberals and pseudoconservatives have tainted the free market capitalist system. True capitalism has pulled more people out of poverty than any other system in the history of the world. those European socialist intellectuals are full of crap.:cuckoo:

It appears that you cannot read. I am one of this boards most vocal critics of corporate apologists and an opponent of crony capitalism. I am also one of the most forceful advocates of market mechanisms. I regard all concentrations of power as destructive to liberty and injurious to society.

From your posts, you appear to be so muddled no one can figure out what you believe. I'm not sure how much of that is because you can't write coherently and how much is because you never learned to think. Please try to not sputter so much when you post. It dribbles down your chin and makes it look like you drool.

If You help to promote socialist economic principles you're a brainwashed idiot .How's that? I'm not familiar with all the self proscribed geniuses on the board, so pardon me if I'm not familiar with you.... Genus.:doubt:
Thank YOU. It has been months and months since we had anyone as totally irrelevant as you posting in this forum. Always kind of good to have a congenital idiot posting, and we have had few for some time. But you are consistent. And yes, me boy, I know that many of those posting look like geniuses to you. Because, of course, you set such an extremely low bar.
Now, about those economics classes. Give one a try. You probably will not understand, but try.

Oh, and you may want to wipe the dribble off of your chin. It is a dead giveaway.
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Socialist ideology helps the middle class prosper.

Why can't there be a mix of socialist and capitalist ideas instead of just one or the other? Social security helped millions of people and not too many want it ended, especially those approaching old age. Government funding of schools could be considered socialist but America became what it was with government schools. But the word socialist brings out visions of chairman Mao and Stalin and gulags.
It appears that you cannot read. I am one of this boards most vocal critics of corporate apologists and an opponent of crony capitalism. I am also one of the most forceful advocates of market mechanisms. I regard all concentrations of power as destructive to liberty and injurious to society.

From your posts, you appear to be so muddled no one can figure out what you believe. I'm not sure how much of that is because you can't write coherently and how much is because you never learned to think. Please try to not sputter so much when you post. It dribbles down your chin and makes it look like you drool.

If You help to promote socialist economic principles you're a brainwashed idiot .How's that? I'm not familiar with all the self proscribed geniuses on the board, so pardon me if I'm not familiar with you.... Genus.:doubt:
Thank YOU. It has been months and months since we had anyone as totally irrelevant as you posting in this forum. Always kind of good to have a congenital idiot posting, and we have had few for some time. But you are consistent. And yes, me boy, I know that many of those posting look like geniuses to you. Because, of course, you set such an extremely low bar.
Now, about those economics classes. Give one a try. You probably will not understand, but try.

Oh, and you may want to wipe the dribble off of your chin. It is a dead giveaway.

I was considering taking an economics 101 again. I did decades ago when I took an accounting class. Would have been nice to have calculators and computers like we do today.
It appears that you cannot read. I am one of this boards most vocal critics of corporate apologists and an opponent of crony capitalism. I am also one of the most forceful advocates of market mechanisms. I regard all concentrations of power as destructive to liberty and injurious to society.

From your posts, you appear to be so muddled no one can figure out what you believe. I'm not sure how much of that is because you can't write coherently and how much is because you never learned to think. Please try to not sputter so much when you post. It dribbles down your chin and makes it look like you drool.

If You help to promote socialist economic principles you're a brainwashed idiot .How's that? I'm not familiar with all the self proscribed geniuses on the board, so pardon me if I'm not familiar with you.... Genus.:doubt:
Thank YOU. It has been months and months since we had anyone as totally irrelevant as you posting in this forum. Always kind of good to have a congenital idiot posting, and we have had few for some time. But you are consistent. And yes, me boy, I know that many of those posting look like geniuses to you. Because, of course, you set such an extremely low bar.
Now, about those economics classes. Give one a try. You probably will not understand, but try.

Oh, and you may want to wipe the dribble off of your chin. It is a dead giveaway.

All that posting and not saying anything? Congratulations, you might at least want to point to your perfect, functioning, socialist, economic system.:eusa_whistle:
Socialist ideology helps the middle class prosper.

Why can't there be a mix of socialist and capitalist ideas instead of just one or the other? Social security helped millions of people and not too many want it ended, especially those approaching old age. Government funding of schools could be considered socialist but America became what it was with government schools. But the word socialist brings out visions of chairman Mao and Stalin and gulags.
Yup. Cons generally do not understand that most economies, including our own, are mixed. They tend to follow extremist concepts believing that the capitalist countries are actually to the very, very far right. That is, essentially they are libertarian in nature. Problem is, there actually are no libertarian economies. Just mixed economies with more or less capitalist or socialist components.
But what is REALLY odd, and pretty funny, is that the cons on this board have very little faith in capitalism. Because if they see someone looking at socialist concepts, they fear for the survival of capitalism. Really they do not understand.
If You help to promote socialist economic principles you're a brainwashed idiot .How's that? I'm not familiar with all the self proscribed geniuses on the board, so pardon me if I'm not familiar with you.... Genus.:doubt:
Thank YOU. It has been months and months since we had anyone as totally irrelevant as you posting in this forum. Always kind of good to have a congenital idiot posting, and we have had few for some time. But you are consistent. And yes, me boy, I know that many of those posting look like geniuses to you. Because, of course, you set such an extremely low bar.
Now, about those economics classes. Give one a try. You probably will not understand, but try.

Oh, and you may want to wipe the dribble off of your chin. It is a dead giveaway.

All that posting and not saying anything? Congratulations, you might at least want to point to your perfect, functioning, socialist, economic system.:eusa_whistle:
It's OK, Jroc. You are simply confused. You see, me boy, I NEVER suggested that there was a pure socialist economy. Because, you see, I know something of economics and economic history. Really, you could use that econ class, me boy. Just to give you a modicum of knowledge.
Thank YOU. It has been months and months since we had anyone as totally irrelevant as you posting in this forum. Always kind of good to have a congenital idiot posting, and we have had few for some time. But you are consistent. And yes, me boy, I know that many of those posting look like geniuses to you. Because, of course, you set such an extremely low bar.
Now, about those economics classes. Give one a try. You probably will not understand, but try.

Oh, and you may want to wipe the dribble off of your chin. It is a dead giveaway.

All that posting and not saying anything? Congratulations, you might at least want to point to your perfect, functioning, socialist, economic system.:eusa_whistle:
It's OK, Jroc. You are simply confused. You see, me boy, I NEVER suggested that there was a pure socialist economy. Because, you see, I know something of economics and economic history. Really, you could use that econ class, me boy. Just to give you a modicum of knowledge.

Like i said not much there with you, just empty headed rhetoric..Keep it simple for you boy individual liberty not socialism... works every time

All that posting and not saying anything? Congratulations, you might at least want to point to your perfect, functioning, socialist, economic system.:eusa_whistle:
It's OK, Jroc. You are simply confused. You see, me boy, I NEVER suggested that there was a pure socialist economy. Because, you see, I know something of economics and economic history. Really, you could use that econ class, me boy. Just to give you a modicum of knowledge.

Like i said not much there with you, just empty headed rhetoric..Keep it simple for you boy individual liberty not socialism... works every time

Wow. Thomas Sowell, the libertarian professor of economics who is close friends with the Koch Brothers talking on FOX. Jesus, could you find more right wing drivel anywhere??? You could try. But you would probably fail.
It's OK, Jroc. You are simply confused. You see, me boy, I NEVER suggested that there was a pure socialist economy. Because, you see, I know something of economics and economic history. Really, you could use that econ class, me boy. Just to give you a modicum of knowledge.

Like i said not much there with you, just empty headed rhetoric..Keep it simple for you boy individual liberty not socialism... works every time

Wow. Thomas Sowell, the libertarian professor of economics who is close friends with the Koch Brothers talking on FOX. Jesus, could you find more right wing drivel anywhere??? You could try. But you would probably fail.

Not quit up to your intellect:lol: you're a joke "Koch brothers" stupid talking points...Your brilliance is obvious.:lol:
So ... like ... the Democrats have a plan to fix this problem;



The Polarized Partisan Geography of Inequality - Michael Zuckerman - The Atlantic

Flattening the curve flattens Democrats.

Only a moron would believe that proposition.

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Socialist and democrats one and the same


Have you ever wondered why the Obama Administration’s plans for improving the U.S. economy always seem to fall flat? It just might have something to do with the fact that the Obama Administration has been working with someone who doesn’t like capitalism.

According to an article on, a well known economist who isn’t fond of capitalism, but promotes Socialism, has been working with the Democrats and the Obama Administration “for a long time”:

In his latest book, French economist Thomas Piketty warns that modern-day capitalism leads to unsustainable levels of inequality. While he is often linked to France’s Socialist Party, his writings have made him unusually popular in the US.
Top Socialist Economist Says He?s Been Working With Democrats & Obama ?For A Long Time? | The Gateway Pundit
Gee, what a surprise, NOT, the Right sinks to name calling, Socialist, Marxist, Communist, Fascist, rather than refute his historical facts.
Capitalism can be summed up very simply.

You have to buy what you can't get, with money that you haven't got.
Then you have to turn around and sell what you never had, for more than it was ever worth.

That's American Exceptionalism in a nutshell.
Socialist and democrats one and the same


Have you ever wondered why the Obama Administration’s plans for improving the U.S. economy always seem to fall flat? It just might have something to do with the fact that the Obama Administration has been working with someone who doesn’t like capitalism.

According to an article on, a well known economist who isn’t fond of capitalism, but promotes Socialism, has been working with the Democrats and the Obama Administration “for a long time”:

In his latest book, French economist Thomas Piketty warns that modern-day capitalism leads to unsustainable levels of inequality. While he is often linked to France’s Socialist Party, his writings have made him unusually popular in the US.
Top Socialist Economist Says He?s Been Working With Democrats & Obama ?For A Long Time? | The Gateway Pundit
Gee, what a surprise, NOT, the Right sinks to name calling, Socialist, Marxist, Communist, Fascist, rather than refute his historical facts.

The historical facts are we in 200 years the United States as become the dominant economic power in the world and Europe? other than Germany is a joke really. that's the fact boy. You can thank the United States for a reunified Germany as well.
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So ... like ... the Democrats have a plan to fix this problem;



The Polarized Partisan Geography of Inequality - Michael Zuckerman - The Atlantic

Flattening the curve flattens Democrats.

Only a moron would believe that proposition.

No chance that there is a viable plan. repubs run the house. Repubs have veto power in the senate. Repubs love redistribution to the wealthy. So,, nothing is going to happen. Game, set, match.

So your premise is that Republicans love Democrat congressional districts?

Some of them are kind of loopy, but not that loopy.

Big government, cronyism is the problem. Liberals and pseudoconservatives have tainted the free market capitalist system. True capitalism has pulled more people out of poverty than any other system in the history of the world. those European socialist intellectuals are full of crap.:cuckoo:

It appears that you cannot read. I am one of this boards most vocal critics of corporate apologists and an opponent of crony capitalism. I am also one of the most forceful advocates of market mechanisms. I regard all concentrations of power as destructive to liberty and injurious to society.

From your posts, you appear to be so muddled no one can figure out what you believe. I'm not sure how much of that is because you can't write coherently and how much is because you never learned to think. Please try to not sputter so much when you post. It dribbles down your chin and makes it look like you drool.

If You help to promote socialist economic principles you're a brainwashed idiot .How's that? I'm not familiar with all the self proscribed geniuses on the board, so pardon me if I'm not familiar with you.... Genus.:doubt:

And you are too lazy to look up a person's posts before launching an ad hominem. I laid out my basic position as a courtesy to you. But keep on turning other posters into straw men. It just proves you neither have the intellectuals resources or discipline to participate in public discussion.

Now specifically which of my positions referenced above do you consider "brainwashing"? Are you defending concentrations of power, or perhaps just opposing use of market mechanisms?
Gee, what a surprise, NOT, the Right sinks to name calling, Socialist, Marxist, Communist, Fascist, rather than refute his historical facts.

The historical facts are we in 200 years the United States as become the dominant economic power in the world and Europe? other than Germany is a joke really. that's the fact boy. You can thank the United States for a reunified Germany as well.
Please, Jroc. Go get someone to help you write. Your post, above, makes no sense. Are you from another country?? Another planet??
So ... like ... the Democrats have a plan to fix this problem;



The Polarized Partisan Geography of Inequality - Michael Zuckerman - The Atlantic

Flattening the curve flattens Democrats.

Only a moron would believe that proposition.


You might want to give some thought to the implications of that graphic. Districts with the most inequality (i.e. largest gaps between rich and poor) tend to vote Democratic. Poor people tend to vote Democratic. Rich people tend to vote Republican. Each vote counts once. Ergo districts with high inequality and lots of poor people lean Democratic.
What's surprising about that?
You might want to give some thought to the implications of that graphic. Districts with the most inequality (i.e. largest gaps between rich and poor) tend to vote Democratic. Poor people tend to vote Democratic. Rich people tend to vote Republican. Each vote counts once. Ergo districts with high inequality and lots of poor people lean Democratic.
What's surprising about that?

Rich people tend to vote for, and donate money to, Democrats. It is a guilt complex thing. Deal with it.

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Gee, what a surprise, NOT, the Right sinks to name calling, Socialist, Marxist, Communist, Fascist, rather than refute his historical facts.

The historical facts are we in 200 years the United States as become the dominant economic power in the world and Europe? other than Germany is a joke really. that's the fact boy. You can thank the United States for a reunified Germany as well.
Please, Jroc. Go get someone to help you write. Your post, above, makes no sense. Are you from another country?? Another planet??

You got the point. I usually i post in a hurry, on the way out. All this response means is you don't have one.

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