Top Socialist Economist Says He’s Been Working With Democrats & Obama For A Long Time

Capital, Thomas Piketty's title is not much different than this book written by a Marxist/Liberal

Socialist and democrats one and the same


Have you ever wondered why the Obama Administration’s plans for improving the U.S. economy always seem to fall flat? It just might have something to do with the fact that the Obama Administration has been working with someone who doesn’t like capitalism.

According to an article on, a well known economist who isn’t fond of capitalism, but promotes Socialism, has been working with the Democrats and the Obama Administration “for a long time”:

In his latest book, French economist Thomas Piketty warns that modern-day capitalism leads to unsustainable levels of inequality. While he is often linked to France’s Socialist Party, his writings have made him unusually popular in the US.

Top Socialist Economist Says He?s Been Working With Democrats & Obama ?For A Long Time? | The Gateway Pundit

You might want to get a grip. Piketty is generally regarded as one of the top three macroeconomists in the world, the leading expert in income inequality, the top prospect for the next Nobel, and has the most significant book in macro theory out in the last decade. Picketty is a damned good economist and there is not a "conservative" economist today who even rises to the status of mediocre. A & A? R & R? Economic conservatism is so intellectually bankrupt and has fallen so far into disrepute that the only jobs they can get now is as paid political shills.

Perhaps you wish to be the first to actually answer my challenge, with no takers for the last three months:

Now that the leading conservative economists like Feldstein have changed sides, who is the spokesperson for conservative economics? And what are their ideas?

No one seems to know. It's not often that the world gets to watch an entire hundred year old intellectual tradition with a robust and distinguished past disappear without a trace; but it's happening before your eyes and you don't even know it.

But by all means, attack Picketty. After all, he is the future and you are only the soon-to-be forgotten nightmares of the past. Maybe you should not have been so eager throw Milton Friedman and your respectable past under the bus in the rush to curry favor with the scions of patrimonial capitalism.

If you are not familiar with the last term, you really have no business attacking Picketty. But then, no one ever thought you could read economics. If you could, you wouldn't be pasting drivel.

Three or four years ago, on "tax day", the local tea party was sponsoring an event on the street to show their colors. That is, a bunch of tp members and some respected officials making speeches. Sounded interesting. And it was free. So, I and my laptop stopped by.
There were a number of small groups or 2 to 4 with placards. Most all protested taxes, and/or called obama a socialist. Just to prove total ignorance, a few called obama a fascist as sell as a socialist. That morning, by the way, the local papers published a story about the fact that for any wage category, taxes were lower than since the early 1950's
So, I tried to ask each group of folks a question or two. First, I asked several for their definition of socialism. NONE COULD COME OUT WITH THE ANSWER. But all were sure they had it. I tried to make a bet with some of the groups, got one to take the bait, and proved that they were wrong and I was right. Like all of them, however, when they had to admit they did not know, they became very angry. Pissed, I believe, was the technical term. And funny. None, by the way, knew what fascism is. Nor could they come to grips with how Obama could be a fascist socialist. They simply believed he was.
Then the whole issue of the lowest tax rate since the early 50's. That was simple for them to deal with. They simply pronounced that the newspaper had it wrong. They did not know where they heard that taxes had increased under obama, but all, without exception, knew they had.
The net was that it was, without exception, the most ignorant group of nice old folks I had ever talked to. The experts provided speeches about the need to eliminate the taxes on corporations altogether. Then there was a speech about the subject matter of Atlas Shrugged, with efforts to discuss a local showing. And of course the general wonders of libertarianism. I asked the speaker toward the end which libertarian economy he could point to as being successful. He looked like he had just swallowed a turd, and walked off saying that no, it was NOT somalia.

Tax day is the one constant for the local tea party. It is when they would have meets open to the public. But interestingly, they ran out of places to meet that could be seen from a well traveled street. Property owners seemed not to want them around. The first tax day probably had over 150 attendees, the next less than half that many, and the third perhaps 20, in a well isolated parking lot of a KMart that was in the process of closing. Then, last year, nothing. Gone.
Net is that while you are trying to make a cogent argument based on factual data, these conservative folks have no understanding. They are saying words, like socialist, but have no clue of what it means. Makes having a discussion pretty much impossible. But they do like to gather and get a free cookie. Any idea how to provide cookies on the web? But if you think they have an idea of what patrimonial capitalism is, good luck with that. Most can not actually define capitalism. Very few will understand patrimonial. And putting the two together is beyond their ability to deal with logic.
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Socialist and democrats one and the same


Have you ever wondered why the Obama Administration’s plans for improving the U.S. economy always seem to fall flat? It just might have something to do with the fact that the Obama Administration has been working with someone who doesn’t like capitalism.

According to an article on, a well known economist who isn’t fond of capitalism, but promotes Socialism, has been working with the Democrats and the Obama Administration “for a long time”:

In his latest book, French economist Thomas Piketty warns that modern-day capitalism leads to unsustainable levels of inequality. While he is often linked to France’s Socialist Party, his writings have made him unusually popular in the US.

Top Socialist Economist Says He?s Been Working With Democrats & Obama ?For A Long Time? | The Gateway Pundit

You might want to get a grip. Piketty is generally regarded as one of the top three macroeconomists in the world, the leading expert in income inequality, the top prospect for the next Nobel, and has the most significant book in macro theory out in the last decade. Picketty is a damned good economist and there is not a "conservative" economist today who even rises to the status of mediocre. A & A? R & R? Economic conservatism is so intellectually bankrupt and has fallen so far into disrepute that the only jobs they can get now is as paid political shills.

Perhaps you wish to be the first to actually answer my challenge, with no takers for the last three months:

Now that the leading conservative economists like Feldstein have changed sides, who is the spokesperson for conservative economics? And what are their ideas?

No one seems to know. It's not often that the world gets to watch an entire hundred year old intellectual tradition with a robust and distinguished past disappear without a trace; but it's happening before your eyes and you don't even know it.

But by all means, attack Picketty. After all, he is the future and you are only the soon-to-be forgotten nightmares of the past. Maybe you should not have been so eager throw Milton Friedman and your respectable past under the bus in the rush to curry favor with the scions of patrimonial capitalism.

If you are not familiar with the last term, you really have no business attacking Picketty. But then, no one ever thought you could read economics. If you could, you wouldn't be pasting drivel.

Who's you? Big government, cronyism is the problem. Liberals and pseudoconservatives have tainted the free market capitalist system. True capitalism has pulled more people out of poverty than any other system in the history of the world. those European socialist intellectuals are full of crap.:cuckoo:
What's a "Socialist Economist"?
It's somebody who figures out ways to steal from people who work for a living.

Like a burglar or an armed robber?

Oh these right wingers. They believe anyone can become anything. And often do. Is it lack of medication or too much? I don't know. We should promote a study.

You might want to get a grip. Piketty is generally regarded as one of the top three macroeconomists in the world, the leading expert in income inequality, the top prospect for the next Nobel, and has the most significant book in macro theory out in the last decade. Picketty is a damned good economist and there is not a "conservative" economist today who even rises to the status of mediocre. A & A? R & R? Economic conservatism is so intellectually bankrupt and has fallen so far into disrepute that the only jobs they can get now is as paid political shills.

Perhaps you wish to be the first to actually answer my challenge, with no takers for the last three months:

Now that the leading conservative economists like Feldstein have changed sides, who is the spokesperson for conservative economics? And what are their ideas?

No one seems to know. It's not often that the world gets to watch an entire hundred year old intellectual tradition with a robust and distinguished past disappear without a trace; but it's happening before your eyes and you don't even know it.

But by all means, attack Picketty. After all, he is the future and you are only the soon-to-be forgotten nightmares of the past. Maybe you should not have been so eager throw Milton Friedman and your respectable past under the bus in the rush to curry favor with the scions of patrimonial capitalism.

If you are not familiar with the last term, you really have no business attacking Picketty. But then, no one ever thought you could read economics. If you could, you wouldn't be pasting drivel.

Who's you? Big government, cronyism is the problem. Liberals and pseudoconservatives have tainted the free market capitalist system. True capitalism has pulled more people out of poverty than any other system in the history of the world. those European socialist intellectuals are full of crap.:cuckoo:
Here is a newsflash, me boy. There are these things called economics classes. In institutions called colleges. Take a class. Get a clue.
What is funny is how cons keep calling Obama a marxist
My favorite is when people call him "Dictator"

An elected president with a term limit that has had problems pushing a lot of his agenda and appointments thru past the legislative branch, is a dictator? Boggles the mind.
But if you think they have an idea of what patrimonial capitalism is, good luck with that. Most can not actually define capitalism. Very few will understand patrimonial. And putting the two together is beyond their ability to deal with logic.

Yep. I don't expect much. The two dead giveaways are the use of terms such as "socialism" for anything the speaker dislikes, with no understanding of any more specific meaning. The other is the inability to actually link to or discuss the actual sources of information such as statistical reports and using secondary sources instead.
You might want to get a grip. Piketty is generally regarded as one of the top three macroeconomists in the world, the leading expert in income inequality, the top prospect for the next Nobel, and has the most significant book in macro theory out in the last decade. Picketty is a damned good economist and there is not a "conservative" economist today who even rises to the status of mediocre. A & A? R & R? Economic conservatism is so intellectually bankrupt and has fallen so far into disrepute that the only jobs they can get now is as paid political shills.

Perhaps you wish to be the first to actually answer my challenge, with no takers for the last three months:

Now that the leading conservative economists like Feldstein have changed sides, who is the spokesperson for conservative economics? And what are their ideas?

No one seems to know. It's not often that the world gets to watch an entire hundred year old intellectual tradition with a robust and distinguished past disappear without a trace; but it's happening before your eyes and you don't even know it.

But by all means, attack Picketty. After all, he is the future and you are only the soon-to-be forgotten nightmares of the past. Maybe you should not have been so eager throw Milton Friedman and your respectable past under the bus in the rush to curry favor with the scions of patrimonial capitalism.

If you are not familiar with the last term, you really have no business attacking Picketty. But then, no one ever thought you could read economics. If you could, you wouldn't be pasting drivel.

Who's you? Big government, cronyism is the problem. Liberals and pseudoconservatives have tainted the free market capitalist system. True capitalism has pulled more people out of poverty than any other system in the history of the world. those European socialist intellectuals are full of crap.:cuckoo:
Here is a newsflash, me boy. There are these things called economics classes. In institutions called colleges. Take a class. Get a clue.

Right wingers don't want their pristine brains messed up with "too many facts". They call it "over edjamication".
Big government, cronyism is the problem. Liberals and pseudoconservatives have tainted the free market capitalist system. True capitalism has pulled more people out of poverty than any other system in the history of the world. those European socialist intellectuals are full of crap.:cuckoo:

It appears that you cannot read. I am one of this boards most vocal critics of corporate apologists and an opponent of crony capitalism. I am also one of the most forceful advocates of market mechanisms. I regard all concentrations of power as destructive to liberty and injurious to society.

From your posts, you appear to be so muddled no one can figure out what you believe. I'm not sure how much of that is because you can't write coherently and how much is because you never learned to think. Please try to not sputter so much when you post. It dribbles down your chin and makes it look like you drool.
You might want to get a grip. Piketty is generally regarded as one of the top three macroeconomists in the world, the leading expert in income inequality, the top prospect for the next Nobel, and has the most significant book in macro theory out in the last decade. Picketty is a damned good economist and there is not a "conservative" economist today who even rises to the status of mediocre. A & A? R & R? Economic conservatism is so intellectually bankrupt and has fallen so far into disrepute that the only jobs they can get now is as paid political shills.

Perhaps you wish to be the first to actually answer my challenge, with no takers for the last three months:

Now that the leading conservative economists like Feldstein have changed sides, who is the spokesperson for conservative economics? And what are their ideas?

No one seems to know. It's not often that the world gets to watch an entire hundred year old intellectual tradition with a robust and distinguished past disappear without a trace; but it's happening before your eyes and you don't even know it.

But by all means, attack Picketty. After all, he is the future and you are only the soon-to-be forgotten nightmares of the past. Maybe you should not have been so eager throw Milton Friedman and your respectable past under the bus in the rush to curry favor with the scions of patrimonial capitalism.

If you are not familiar with the last term, you really have no business attacking Picketty. But then, no one ever thought you could read economics. If you could, you wouldn't be pasting drivel.

Who's you? Big government, cronyism is the problem. Liberals and pseudoconservatives have tainted the free market capitalist system. True capitalism has pulled more people out of poverty than any other system in the history of the world. those European socialist intellectuals are full of crap.:cuckoo:
Here is a newsflash, me boy. There are these things called economics classes. In institutions called colleges. Take a class. Get a clue.

:doubt:..Liberty boy ..."get a clue"

Big government, cronyism is the problem. Liberals and pseudoconservatives have tainted the free market capitalist system. True capitalism has pulled more people out of poverty than any other system in the history of the world. those European socialist intellectuals are full of crap.:cuckoo:

It appears that you cannot read. I am one of this boards most vocal critics of corporate apologists and an opponent of crony capitalism. I am also one of the most forceful advocates of market mechanisms. I regard all concentrations of power as destructive to liberty and injurious to society.

From your posts, you appear to be so muddled no one can figure out what you believe. I'm not sure how much of that is because you can't write coherently and how much is because you never learned to think. Please try to not sputter so much when you post. It dribbles down your chin and makes it look like you drool.

If You help to promote socialist economic principles you're a brainwashed idiot .How's that? I'm not familiar with all the self proscribed geniuses on the board, so pardon me if I'm not familiar with you.... Genus.:doubt:
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Big government, cronyism is the problem. Liberals and pseudoconservatives have tainted the free market capitalist system. True capitalism has pulled more people out of poverty than any other system in the history of the world. those European socialist intellectuals are full of crap.:cuckoo:

It appears that you cannot read. I am one of this boards most vocal critics of corporate apologists and an opponent of crony capitalism. I am also one of the most forceful advocates of market mechanisms. I regard all concentrations of power as destructive to liberty and injurious to society.

From your posts, you appear to be so muddled no one can figure out what you believe. I'm not sure how much of that is because you can't write coherently and how much is because you never learned to think. Please try to not sputter so much when you post. It dribbles down your chin and makes it look like you drool.

If You help to promote socialist economic principles you're a brainwashed idiot .How's that? I'm not familiar with all the self proscribed geniuses on the boar, so pardon me if I'm not familiar with you.... Genus.:doubt:


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I\'ll slow it down for the old people



You also need to learn how to use a spell check program.

By the way ,you appear to be too dumb to realize you just lost in this forum. The first to neg is always considered the automatic loser here.
Socialist and democrats one and the same


Have you ever wondered why the Obama Administration’s plans for improving the U.S. economy always seem to fall flat? It just might have something to do with the fact that the Obama Administration has been working with someone who doesn’t like capitalism.

According to an article on, a well known economist who isn’t fond of capitalism, but promotes Socialism, has been working with the Democrats and the Obama Administration “for a long time”:

In his latest book, French economist Thomas Piketty warns that modern-day capitalism leads to unsustainable levels of inequality. While he is often linked to France’s Socialist Party, his writings have made him unusually popular in the US.

Top Socialist Economist Says He?s Been Working With Democrats & Obama ?For A Long Time? | The Gateway Pundit

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