Top Ten Fake News Stories of 2019


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
It is just pitiful, the sad state of journalism in our nation today.

Liars, narrative spinning and no fact checking if story is anti-Trump seem the norm today.

The Mainstream Media is not journalism at all, it is a leftwing agit-prop operation.

Top 10 Most Bizarre Viral Hoaxes of 2019 | Breitbart

1. Mainstream media falsely reports conservatives are “outraged” over a video of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) dancing.

2. BuzzFeed falsely reports that President Trump directed Michael Cohen to lie to Congress in his testimony.

3. Covington Catholic High School students were falsely accused of harassing a Native American man by the mainstream media, Hollywood, rookie politicians, (and more).

4. Media falsely claims Nathan Phillips served in Vietnam.

5. “This is MAGA country!”

6. Mainstream media were caught promoting the Russia collusion hoax for years.

7. Georgia state representative Erica Thomas falsely claims a “white man” told her to “go back where she came from” in a Publix grocery store.

8. Twelve-year-old student falsely claims three white boys in her class pinned her down and cut off her dreadlocks.

9. Accusers of Justice Brett Kavanaugh returned for another round of uncorroborated allegations.

10. Ukraine / impeachment hoax
  1. Ukraine meddled in the US election (Source: White House)
  2. Ukrainian reeducation camps (Source: Russian Television)
  3. Lazy and drunk Ukrainian soldiers (Source: Russian and Ukrainian sites)
  4. Greta Thurnburg hysteria (Source: Various online sites)
  5. NATO bombing and cancer in Serbia (Source: Russian ambassador, Serbian media)
  6. Pelosi slurring speech (Source: Fake Facebook account)
  7. War crimes exposed as porn (Source: Online account)
  8. Putin's universal robots (Source: Kremlin)
  9. Gays buying babies in Brussels (Source: Russian television)
  10. Estonian homosexuality (Source: Russian television)

Doctored Videos, Phony Blogs, Moral Panic: The Top 10 Fake News Stories Of 2019 (For Real)
Ukraine meddled in the US election (Source: White House)

The Ukraine did meddle by supporting Hillary Clinton, but hell, EVERYONE meddles in US elections, so whats news about that?

Ukrainian reeducation camps (Source: Russian Television)


Lazy and drunk Ukrainian soldiers (Source: Russian and Ukrainian sites)

That is just about all of them; it's tradition.

Greta Thurnburg hysteria (Source: Various online sites)

She has always been hysterical.

NATO bombing and cancer in Serbia (Source: Russian ambassador, Serbian media)

Well, NATO did bomb Serbia and I am sure they have cancer too; whats the point?

Pelosi slurring speech (Source: Fake Facebook account)

Pelosi is constantly stuttering, adjusting her dentures and clumsily hitting things.

War crimes exposed as porn (Source: Online account)

Blood porn, huh?

Putin's universal robots (Source: Kremlin)

AKA, Democrats.

Gays buying babies in Brussels (Source: Russian television)

Lol, how would gays get babies other than adoption?

Estonian homosexuality (Source: Russian television)

OMG, there are homosexuals in Estonia?

Who'd a thunk it?
The OP would better read "The Top 10 Fake News Stories in the Echo Chamber Bubble Orange Jesus Worshippers Live In" lol
The OP would better read "The Top 10 Fake News Stories in the Echo Chamber Bubble Orange Jesus Worshippers Live In" lol
So you think the Covington High School kids were all racists, eh?

I dont think you have sobered up yet from last night, dude.
“A lot of it had to do, they say, with Ukraine,” Trump said. “It’s very interesting. They have the server, right? From the DNC, Democratic National Committee. The FBI went in, and they told them, 'Get out of here, we’re not giving it to you.' They gave the server to CrowdStrike, or whatever it’s called, which is a company owned by a very wealthy Ukrainian, and I still want to see that server.​

Trump's Ukraine Server Delusion Is Spreading

CrowdStrike Holdings, Inc. is a cybersecurity technology company based in Sunnyvale, California

In July 2015, Google invested in the company's Series C funding round which was followed by Series D [27] and Series E[28] raising a total of $480 million as of May 2019.[29] Estimated annual revenue in 2017 was $100 million, and the company had a valuation of more than $1 billion.[30] In June 2018, the company said it was valued at more than $3 billion.[31] Investors include Telstra, March Capital Partners, Rackspace, Accel Partners and Warburg Pincus.[32][33]

In June 2019, the company made its successful IPO on the NASDAQ, with the stock almost doubling after IPO.​

CrowdStrike - Wikipedia

I would be willing to bet that at least 80% of Trump's worshippers think CrowdStrike is a Ukrainian company because King FakeNews said it was.

Trump's Biggest Lies of 2019

  1. Ukraine interfered in the 2016 election
  2. Biden acted corruptly to benefit his son in 2016
  3. The whistleblower made a false account
  4. Article II of the Constitution let's me do "whatever I want."
  5. We're "taxing the hell out of China" with tariffs
  6. The Mueller Report "totally exonerated" Trump
  7. Where Hurricane Dorian was expected to hit
  8. Windmills cause cancer
  9. Toilet flushes are up
  10. "We'll be going to Mars very soon."
Trump's 10 biggest false claims in 2019 — and one that finally became true
Trump's Biggest Lies of 2019

  1. Ukraine interfered in the 2016 election
  2. Biden acted corruptly to benefit his son in 2016
  3. The whistleblower made a false account
  4. Article II of the Constitution let's me do "whatever I want."
  5. We're "taxing the hell out of China" with tariffs
  6. The Mueller Report "totally exonerated" Trump
  7. Where Hurricane Dorian was expected to hit
  8. Windmills cause cancer
  9. Toilet flushes are up
  10. "We'll be going to Mars very soon."
Trump's 10 biggest false claims in 2019 — and one that finally became true
he's EVIL!! like all the MAGA people
  1. Ukraine meddled in the US election (Source: White House)
  2. Ukrainian reeducation camps (Source: Russian Television)
  3. Lazy and drunk Ukrainian soldiers (Source: Russian and Ukrainian sites)
  4. Greta Thurnburg hysteria (Source: Various online sites)
  5. NATO bombing and cancer in Serbia (Source: Russian ambassador, Serbian media)
  6. Pelosi slurring speech (Source: Fake Facebook account)
  7. War crimes exposed as porn (Source: Online account)
  8. Putin's universal robots (Source: Kremlin)
  9. Gays buying babies in Brussels (Source: Russian television)
  10. Estonian homosexuality (Source: Russian television)
Doctored Videos, Phony Blogs, Moral Panic: The Top 10 Fake News Stories Of 2019 (For Real)
Wow Russia really is In your head lol.. ya republicans actually to research lol
  1. Ukraine meddled in the US election (Source: White House)
  2. Ukrainian reeducation camps (Source: Russian Television)
  3. Lazy and drunk Ukrainian soldiers (Source: Russian and Ukrainian sites)
  4. Greta Thurnburg hysteria (Source: Various online sites)
  5. NATO bombing and cancer in Serbia (Source: Russian ambassador, Serbian media)
  6. Pelosi slurring speech (Source: Fake Facebook account)
  7. War crimes exposed as porn (Source: Online account)
  8. Putin's universal robots (Source: Kremlin)
  9. Gays buying babies in Brussels (Source: Russian television)
  10. Estonian homosexuality (Source: Russian television)
Doctored Videos, Phony Blogs, Moral Panic: The Top 10 Fake News Stories Of 2019 (For Real)
Wow Russia really is In your head lol.. ya republicans actually to research lol
Democrat medias so called “ sources” was the biggest shame. Shit Turn on cnn now lol they will tell you about a source lol

And coming in at number 8 on today's billboard top hits of 2019. It's Ford.............He did me 30 years ago at a party...........where they drugged us and did us..............but I went back to the same place again.


Coming Coming in at Number's Stormy Daniels and the left's fantasy that it will end Trump.....


Coming in at Number 5 it's Comey and all we did is make was never on purpose......


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